Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Coming Home

I have been in the Village of Abydos for a few weeks now and it feels as if I have come home. It has been a long journey to find a new home with Rarn distroyed and father gone to the City of Dust. I miss him as do I miss my older brother who went traveling after the loss of his free companion and their child and has never returned. Though I will think of them often I believe that I have finally found a place I am able to call home and I am glad.

There is a lot that I would like to gather in one place and many things I hope to write about as time permits that are not to be forgotten. Notes from classes and other things gathered about this world, all worth saving and remembering.

Right now they are building the library and our living quarters. I look forward to the time when these will be finished. It has been said that our living quarters will look out to the sea and this I look forward to for I do enjoy the look of the vast expanse of the water stretching out before me.

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