Friday, January 31, 2014


In Tarsk Head we will try not to over burden those who have been on Gor with to much training. If you say you know Gor you will be given some things to do to prove you deserve to be considered a "trained" slave of Gor. For those new to Gor whom need abit more help we will also have something to help you understand Gor and your slavery. The Training will be broken down and most of it can be found on Tarsk Head pages now or in the future. {since they are still being worked on}. Please bare in mind these training schedules are based on your words about what you know of Gor. So don't come in saying you are fully trained. Because if you can't pass the training. You will have to start all over and do all the training like a new slave to Gor would do.
Beginning Training {yellow}
General Knowledge
1. Name all 5 High Caste, their Caste Colors.
2. What does the Gorean word tef mean?
3. What is the Gorean word for week?
4. How many days are in a Gorean week?
5. How many inches in a hort?
6. What 3 kinds of money is used on Gor?
7. Name 3 kinds of money?
8. What does the word GOR mean?
9. Name 3 trees or shrubs?
1. Name one kind of Gorean Bread.
2. Name 3 Dairy products.
3. Name 3 kinds of Gorean Desserts.
4. Name 3 Gorean Spices.
1. What is the purpose of a collar?
2. Explain the difference between a white silk and a red silk.
3. What is a branding rack?
4. Name 2 places on a body where the brand may be located.
5. What is the typical food of slaves?
6. What service may you offer to an observer?
7. What does your collar mean to you? at least 150 words
8. Name and describe 5 types of collars.
9. Name and describe 5 types of brands.
10. When a slave is identifies as a barbarian what does it mean?
Description: List 5 words or phrases for the following
1. the animal pens
2. the sunlight
3. the moonlight
4. a smile
5. your feet in the sand
6. how it feels to kneel in nadu before a free
Positions. perform in room be descriptive
1. bara
2. leasha
3. sula
4. nestle
5. slave lips
Beginning Training {white}
Slave Rules
1. What are the last two words a slave uses?
2. What are your rights as a slave?
3. Can a slave PM a Free?
4. Can a slave use a knife?
5. State the rule upon leaving the Home.
6. Can you travel?
General Knowledge
1. Name 2 Gorean Cities.
2. Name 3 flowers and describe.
3. What is the difference between a blackwine served first or second slave?
4. Name 3 drinks and what vessels and how they can be served.
5. Name 3 fruits.
6. Name 3 vegetables.
7. Name 3 meats.
8. name 3 types of seafood.
9. Name a Gorean Mountain Range.
10. Name 2 Land animals and describe.
11. name 3 birds and describe.
12. What is the Greeting Order in the Home?
13. What is the gorean words for a minute, a second and an hour?
14. If you wear the Village collar, who is your Owner and is it your responsibility to see to Their every need?
Describe the following: {using 5 words or phrases}
1. your hair
2. your eyes
3. your body
4. your lips
5. your surroundings
Positions {perform in the room}
1. Tower
2. Collaring
3. Whipping
4. Heel
5. Hair
Advance Training
For those slaves more advanced in their knowledge of Gor. This should not take that long to do. But, remember. Once you are considered a "trained" slave of Tarsk Head. You must continue to work and be found pleasing to those of the Home.
1. Descriptions:
List 5 words to describe the following words.
a. hair
b. eyes
c. body movement
d. lips
e. the sound of slave bells
f. scent of perfume.
List 5 words, phrases, or sentences to describe the following.
a. animal pens
b. sunlight
c. moonlight.
d. the feel of silk on your skin
e. the chill room/pit/cavern
f. the touch of a free
g. the feel of whip on your flesh
2. List 20 descriptive words, phrases that might describe a dancer or a dance.
3. Can a trainer cage and whip you if you are not behaving as a proper slave should? please answer fully not just a yes or no. explain your answer.
4. Positions.
be descriptive remember you are a fully trained slave
a. Obeisance
b. she-sleen
c. gorean bow
d. blanket
e. display
f. nadu
g. heel
h. bara
i. belly
j. whipping
k. sula
l. lesha
m. bracelets.
5. What is Kaissa?
6. What is the Cities of Dust?
7. Medical
a. name 10 items found in the med kit
b. what might be the first thing you do if you are needed to give first aid to a conscious Warrior vs. an unconscious Warrior that is in shock?
c. What is slave wine?
d. what is breeding wine?
e. how do you treat an ost bite?
f. what is teslik?
g. what is the effect produced by chewing brak bush leaves?
h. name two types of poinsons most Free Women would use on the tips of knives or on the hair pins.
8. You will be assigned one of the following to perform in the Home. Please describe in detail what you would do for the injury you are given.
a. the injured has a sword slice to the left leg. depth and such is up to the one giving the test.
b. a simple, pile arrow embedded in the left shoulder.
c. Tuchuk arrow embedded in the right leg.
d. a sprained ankle.
9. To be done in the room. At any time. When it is done place them in your training folder.
a. Heated serve
b. Serve to a Mistress
c. Serve to a Master
10. You must perform at least 1 dance in the room before a Free. Also post to your folder and the comments of the Free so we know it was done before said Free.

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