Friday, January 24, 2014

Apprentice Magistrate

Tal, Scribes

As the population of the city is increasing in number, it has become necessary to institute a tool of apprenticeship for the Scribe subcaste of Magistrates. I have taken the liberty to compile what I believe to be a viable apprenticeship tool for a Magistrate. The instructions are as follows:
a) The apprentice will seek out the High Magistrate for conversation and debate for two hours every week, for ten weeks. This is the longest it should take. Subjects for debate for each week are itemized below.
b) The apprentice will also seek out the Chief Scribe (or delegates, if on holiday) to discuss the Code of the Scribes for one hour each week for ten weeks.
c) Once the ten weeks of debate and enlightenment are complete, we appoint the new magistrate with honor and pride.
Suggestions for improvements are always welcome, for I do enjoy a sound debate!
Of course, as the City laws are updated and revised from time to time, this tool will have to be kept up to date, naturally, which I will do.
1) Common Laws - 06.03.09 􀀛 Discuss the spirit of each article, as well as the word of each article.
2) Rules for FW 􀀚 Discuss the spirit of each article, as well as the word of each article.
3) Rules for slaves 􀀜 Discuss the spirit of each article, as well as the word of each article.
4) Continent Wide Laws 7/10/09 􀀝 Discuss the spirit of each article, as well as the word of each article.
5) Discuss Merchant law: where it derives from, how it is observed, and the difference between City Civil law and Gorean Merchant Law.
6) Compare your knowledge, then, of City Civil law with two lawbooks from other cities -- cities of your choice. (Must be cities, civilized cities with law.)
7) Discuss punishments of Gor. What punishments are suitable for what crimes? What are legitimate Gorean punishments? When is leniency ever permitted? How can you roleplay effecting a punishment?
8) Discuss the jurisdiction of the Warrior Caste in upholding peace and the jurisdiction of the Scribe Caste in upholding justice. Where do Mercenaries fit in? Where does the law suggest a line be drawn?
9) Discuss the limitations of the City lawbook as it stands now. What improvements would you recommend? Use all your knowledge from the past 8 weeks in making these determinations and recommendations.
10) Cite seven different Gor books by John Norman that illustrate justice being performed by a Magistrate. The citation must include quotation and chapter number. Here are 12 books to choose from, if you haven't already got your own sources.
Books 01, 02, 03, 05, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, & 25

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