Antibiotic Serum:
This further enhances healing speed. It costs 1 silver per vial. This is used mostly in cities.
This is an antibody capable of destroying microorganisms including viruses and bacteria. Though most disease has disappeared on Gor, there are still bacteria and viruses that may cause infection or illness. They are usually given by injection and most often available in cities. Some say that dar-kosis is curable and that the Initiates know it and withhold it as a form of population control.
Though it does not mention their existence, Gorean medicine is advanced enough to create them. Antivenins are counteragents to animal poisons, such as Cosian wingfish and the ost.
Breeding Wine:
A sweet liquid given to slaves to make them fertile again. It counteracts slave wine. The active ingredient in this medicine is teslik. Also known as second wine.
Capture Scent:
An anesthetic, similar to chloroform, widely employed to render its victims unconscious. It is inhaled or injected by dart.
Coagulant Serum:
This enhances the coagulating function of the body. It costs 1 silver per vial. Used mostly in cities.
Usually in powder form, it is mixed with water or other drink. Its effects cause diarrhea or vomiting, depending on the dosage. This is used to control slaves. Also known as laxatives.
A sedative injection. It was often used during Voyages of Acquisition to render a captured barbarian unconscious.
A drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes. In combination with sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague. It is not infectious.
Healing Salve:
Ointment used to promote healing that is quickly absorbed. The salves made by the Priest-Kings are the most effective, then that made by the Caste of Physicians next. Herbal healing salves may have varying potencies depending on how they are made.
Use of medications to control the stomach and bowels of slaves. Also known as emetics.
A drug that causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body. In combination with gieron, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague. It is a non-infectious condition. See Gieron.
Second Wine:
A sweet liquid given to slaves to make them fertile again. It counteracts slave wine. The active ingredient in this formula is teslik.
Slave Wine:
A black and bitter liquid given to slaves for birth control. There are different opinions as to the time that this medicine is effective. For us, it is given on a four-hand (monthly) cycle.
Sleeping Powder:
An amber powder that turns dark blue when it is mixed and shaken with water. There is no other mention of this, so it is not clear whether it is a drug or herbal.
Sleeping Serum:
This is used in surgery instead of kanda. It is used mostly in the cities. The cost per vial is 2 silver.
Stabilization Serum:
A serum that retards aging and maintains health in the human body. It is given in four injections in the area of the small of the back and hip, one injection for four days. There are two formulas of this serum: the original was created by the Priest-Kings for use in their humans. The second was developed by the Caste of Physicians after many centuries of research. The Priest-King formula is highly effective. That of the Caste of Physicians has varying degrees of effect.
Tassa Powder:
A reddish powder that renders a person unconscious. It is mixed with kalana. There is no other mention of this powder and so it is not known if it is a drug or herbal.
The Caste of Physicians have developed several formulas of tranquilizer but they are not specified. They are known to be quick acting and of long duration. Also known as a sedative.
Antiseptic Ointment: A remedy in a base of fat that is smoothed onto a condition, such as a wound or rash. There are a number of blends that can be used, such as peppermint/white sage.
Arro as a tea, it is useful for fever. It is also used as a tincture. The aerial parts of the plant are used.Bergament: Used as a salve, it is good for itching and rashes.Black Pepper: Sprinkled on in powder form, it is used to stop external bleeding. Can be used in a tea to treat internal bleeding. It is very painful when used externally. Also known as stinging spice.Blue Short Grass: This plant grows under the water of waterfalls. When dried and crushed into powder it has numbing qualities and reduces pain. Works well as a salve or ointment.Brak Bush: A shrub whose leaves have a purgatory (laxative) effect when chewed. In higher doses it can induce vomiting. It may also be used as a powder.Breeding Wine: A sweet liquid given to slave girls to make them fertile again. It counteracts slave wine, the active ingredient being teslik. Also known as second wine.Calendula: As a salve it is an antibiotic. It can also be used as a tea. Also known as marigold.Cayenne Pepper: This herb levels out blood pressure. When made as a tea, it helps to stop internal bleeding. When applied as a paste, it stops external bleeding. Also known as stinging spice.Chamomile: As a tea, it aids with sleep especially during pregnancy. The dried flower is used in a tea for stomach upset and pain. Emetics: This can be used in herbal or drug forms as a laxative or to induce vomiting.Green Herbal Powder: There is no detail as to what the ingredients of this powder is. It may vary according to what is available, since it is obviously an herbal medicine. This is a strong antiseptic and antibiotic. As a powder, it can be sprinkled directly onto a wound or mixed with water to cleanse. It can also be used as a tea. Healing Salve: A salve or ointment used to promote fast healing. It is quickly absorbed. There is mention in the Scrolls of different kinds of healing salve with different effective rates. The healing salve of the Caste of Physicians may be more effective than that of outlying settlements and camps. The healing salve of the Priest-Kings is the most effective being very quickly absorbed and very fast to heal with no scarring.Honey: Applied to a wound, it helps promote healing. On burns, it takes away pain, promotes healing, and minimizes scarring. In a tea, it works to fight congestion, settle upset stomach, and decreases pain.Kur Fat: This fat is prized for its antibiotic properties. Often desired for the making of salves and ointments and is also used as a treatment for the skin of newborn infants.Lavenia: The flowers are used as a tea to treat pain.Laxatives: There are herbal and drug forms of this. They are used to control the stomach and bowels of slaves. Vomiting may also be induced with this as a treatment for poisoning.Lyptus: The leaves are used in a tea. It can also be made into a tincture. For relief of congestion or soothing of breathing passages, the oil can be used with boiling water and breathed.Matchweed: This herb works as an anti-coagulant, keeping the blood from clotting or thinning it out when too thick.Mud Packs: Placed about a sprained ankle or other area, it helps to decrease swelling and pain.Natal Cream: A salve that contains glycerin for softening newborn skin, chamomile and lavender for calming and soothing, green herbal powder for cleansing, and bergament for rash prevention.Numbing Salve: Any salve or ointment that contains ingredients that give a numbing effect. Blue short grass is one.Paga: When further distilled, it is used as a strong cleanser. It can be applied alone for quick cleansing. It is a strong antiseptic. Often called sterile paga.Peppermint: As an oil, it can be used as a local anesthetic for small scrapes and burns. In a tea with zingiber (ginger), it fights off infections and settles nausea.Sip Root: A bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine. Red Savages make their slaves chew it as a means of birth control.Slave Wine: A liquid that is bitter and black and given to slaves for birth control. The effects are immediate and last until counteracted with breeding wine.Sleeping Powder: An amber powder that turns blue when mixed with water. It is a strong sleep inducer (There is no description that says it is herbal, but it is included here anyway).Sunflower: The leaves are burned in copper burners. It helps with a cold and congestion. The seeds are smoked in a pipe for the same effect.Tassa Powder: A reddish powder that is mixed with kalana. It renders a person unconscious (There is no description to say that this is an herbal, so it is included here).Teslik: This is a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine.Thyme: The leaves and flowering tops are used either as a tea or a tincture. It works as an astringent or cleanser.Tubers: These grow in waterfalls and are used make poultices to stop external bleeding. They are dried, crushed and mixed with water.Valerian: This is used as a very strong pain reliever. It can be used as a tea or tincture. It can be used as a sedative and antispasmodic when infused as a tea. In a powder, it can be used for causing sleep. Be careful of dosage. In higher dosages, it can be poisonous.White Sage: As a tea or salve, this is good in fighting infection. The leaves can be used as a poultice to draw out infection.Yellow Powder: This is the powder form of the brak brush. It is concentrated in this form and used as a laxative. It will cause diarrhea in strong doses.Zingiber: This is used in tea to lessen nausea and stomach upset. Also known as ginger.
This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Drugs / Herbal Remedies
Drugs/Herbal Remedies
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