Responsibilities of the First Girl
The first girl is the closest friend/sister a girl of a camp would wish for
The first can and does punish without the order of a Free present (that is a standing order)
The first girl, may cage, switch, or whatever she sees fitting for the behavior of a slave in her chain or camp
The first girl oversees the trainers and takes direct orders from the Ubara or Kajira Coordinator on said duties for the trainers.
The first girl oversees the chore board and takes the responsibility to see that all girls of the camp are completing the minimum required chores (3 per week)
If the first girl has a second girl she will decide where she needs to and in the absence of the first girl the second girl would step in assuming the duties of her sister.
The first girl is responsible for welcoming and directing new slaves this does not always mean a newly kolared slave but also means the slaves of the new Frees within the camp
The first and second girl within camp are responsible for the behavior of all the girls in camp. If punishment is called for on a slave of the camp the first and second girl will accept the punishment. ((being they where lacking in their duties if another was to step out of line))
The first or second girl may cage an uncolored slave for misbehavior within her home and wait for the decision of the caged girls fate.
It is proper and expected to call the first girl “mistress” in a formal setting of training or slave meeting or periods where a Free is not present.
Quotes on First Girls
“I, too, wish you well, Mistress,” I said. I addressed her as a mistress, for she was the first girl. ~pg 245 Slave Girl of GOR~
“A switch was put in the hands of Eta. She stood over me. I put down my head. She did not strike me. I looked up at her. I realized then that she was first girl in the camp, and that I must obey her, that she had been empowered to set me tasks and duties. Suddenly I feared her. Now I realized I must, without question, take slave instructions from her and discharge swiftly and well whatever menial duties she might place upon me. I had little doubt she would use the switch, and richly, upon me, did I not work well. She could command me. She held the switch. I would obey. She was first girl ~
pg 66 Slave Girl of GOR~
“When more than one slave girl stands in a relationship of slave girls, as when they serve in the same shop or house, or adorn the same rich man’s pleasure gardens, it is common for the Master, or Masters, to appoint a “first girl.” Her authority is then to the other girls as is that of the Master. This tends to reduce squabbling. The first girl is usually, though not always, the favorite of the Master. There is usually much competition to be first girl. First girls can be cruel and petty but commonly, they attempt to govern with intelligence and justice. They know that another girl, at the Master’s whim, may become first girl, and that they themselves may then be under the almost absolute power
~pg 77 Explores of GOR~
“in a group of female slaves, for example, in a pleasure gardens, a fortress or a tavern, there will usually be a girl appointed First Girl. Indeed, if there is a large number of slaves, there are sometimes hierarchies of “first girls,” lower-lever first girls reporting to higher-level first girls, and so on. The lower-level slaves will commonly address their first girl as “Mistress.” Thus, in some situations, the same girl may be first girl to certain girls and be subordinated herself to another, on a higher level, whom she will address as “Mistress.” Sometimes in hierarchy is formed in which girls are ranked in such a manner that each must address the girls above her as “Mistress.” More commonly, it is only the lowest slave, usually the newest slave, who must do this with all the others, whereas the others will address only their first girl as “Mistress,” and , of course, any Free Woman whom they might , to their risk, or peril, encounter.
~pg 123 Magicians of GOR~
“the suspension of brush-and-comb privileges is also used, upon occasion, by the first girls as a disciplinary measure, within the coffle. Other disciplinary measures practiced among girls themselves involve such things as bonds, the control of rations and switching. Girls, thus, under the control of first girls, reporting to the Masters, commonly keep a good order among themselves. All, of course, including the first girls, are in all things subject, ultimately, to the total authority of the Master.
~pg 231 Savages of GOR~
“You are first girl, “ I told Constance. “Yes Master” she said. “Constance is first girl,” I told her who had been the Lady Tina of Lydius. “Yes Master”, said she who had been the Lady Tina of Lydius. “Address her as Mistress,” I told the former free girl, “Mistress,” said she who had been the former Lady Tina of Lydius, frightened, to Constance. “Slave,” responded Constance to her, confirming the former free woman as second girl.”
~pg 135 Beast of GOR~
This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
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Friday, January 31, 2014
First Girl
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