Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Handful of Bread for the Singer's Song

“A handful of bread for a song” he cried,
“Oh let me sing for you.
Oh let me sing the sweetest song
Of the glorious days gone by
When heroes fought for Homestone
In the victorious battles passed by.”

“A handful of bread for a song” he cried,
“Oh let me stand and give verse.
Of loves that have withstood the test of time
And those joyous days of old
With ceremonies, processions, and great tournaments
That all do need to be told.”

“A handful of bread for a song” he cried,
“Oh let me sing you a song.
Of the great cities across this grand world
And the history of our land.
So with another do raise your voice
And hear the sweet melody of the band.”

“A handful of bread for a song” he cried,
“Oh let me tell of my heart.
With the deepest of emotions I pour out for you
Of things that now must be heard,
So to in later years you may recall what this day has been said
And these true songs continue on to the little ones be spread.”

“Oh please, oh please just a handful of bread” he cried.

By Lady Kati Evans
App Scribe of Fina
May 30, 2010
This is the result of an assignment to write about a particular caste and I drew the task of coming up with information about the caste of entertainers, singers and poets. This is my report and was posted in the paper of the city at that time. I include it here because it was meanful to me.

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