Thursday, January 30, 2014


Acceptance brand: Those peddlers and merchants who wished to do business with the Tuchuks, wore on his forearm a tiny brand. This brand was in the form of spreading bosk horns. This guaranteed his passage, at certain seasons, across the plains of the Wagon Peoples. 

Administrator: Most Gorean cities are ruled by an Administrator and High Council. The Administrator is a civil position, who is either elected or appointed by the High Council for a specified period of time. The position of Administrator is usually occupied by one of the High Castes. Although, there is an example of a Low Caste person rising to the position, it is thought, by many, it would bring about the destruction of the city.

Ahn: A Gorean hour. The Gorean day is divided into 20 ahn.

Ale: Ale is one of the favorite drinks of the north, particularly Torvaldsland. There are very few references to the drink on the books and no description. Generally, you will see it described as a "honey lager."

Al-Ka: First letter in the Gorean alphabet.

Alphabet, Gorean: These are the seventeen known letters of the Gorean alphabet: Al-Ka, Altron, Ar, Ba-Ta, Delka, Eta, Homan, Ina, Kwah, Kef, Omnion, Nu, Shu, Sidge, Tau, Tun, and Val.

Altron: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.

Amomona: "Baby" or "doll" in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens.

Ar: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.

Barbarian: The Goreans consider anyone "barbarian" that does not speak The Language. In practice, this term is generally used to indicate those slaves brought to Gor from Earth on the Voyages of Acquisition.

Barbarian Brand: The barbarian brand is not really a brand. It is the vaccination mark found on the left upper arm of most Earth-born people.

Ba-Ta: The second letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Bath girl: Slave in one of the public baths. Nude save for her collar, with short hair for ease in swimming. She bathes and pleases the patrons of the bath. Bath slaves are excellent swimmers.

Beaded Collar: A collar of leather and beads about an inch and a half in height, used by the Red Savages of the Barrens. The beading pattern designates the owner of the slave. The knot that holds it to the neck is a signature knot, one that can only be tied by the owner.

Below-deck Girl:These are the girls that are shipped in the hold of a ship. They are shaved to control lice. Usually the most beautiful, desirable slaves are kept on deck. To be a below-deck girl is a derogatory statement.

Birds: Finch, Fisher, Fleer, Gant, Gim, Gort, Grub Borer, Gull, Herlit, Hermit, Hurlit, Jard, Kites, Lit, Mindar, Parrot, Tanager, Tarn, Tibit, Tindel, Tumit, Umbrella bird, Vulo, Waders, Warbler, Woodpecker, Zad, Zadit

Biscuit: The biscuit was flat and round. One type was made from Sa-tarna flour. Sometimes biscuits were carried in packs while traveling.

Black wine: This is simply coffee of Earth, although much more bitter. The beans were long ago introduced on Gor and the black wine bean is grown only on the slopes of Thentis, thus rendering this an extremely expensive luxury. This drink traditionally is served with sugar (yellow and white) and milk, and in small cups.

Bondage strings of the Innuit: Leather thongs or strings tied about the neck of the Innuit slave.

Bondmaid: Term for kajirae (female slave) in Torvaldsland.
Bondmaid brand: The brand found frequently in the north consists of a half circle, with, at its right tip, a steep diagonal line. The slave is often referred to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.
Bondmaid gruel: Slave gruel was typically made Sa-tarna meal and water. No seasoning, sweetening was added. It was simply a thick paste that the slave ate from the hand of the Owner or from a bowl on the floor. In the north, the bondmaid gruel usually had raw fish added to it.
Bosk: The bosk is an ill-tempered, shaggy, long-haired, long-horned ruminant, similar to the wild ox of earth. They are primarily found on the plains of Gor, but farmers and peasants raise them domestically, It has a thick humped, neck, wide head, two small red eyes and long, wicked horns that curve forward into fearful points.
Brand, barbarian: The barbarian brand is not really a brand. It is the vaccination mark found on the left upper arm of most Earth-born people.
Brand, acceptance: Those peddlers and merchants who wished to do business with the Tuchuks, wore on his forearm a tiny brand. This brand was in the form of spreading bosk horns. This guaranteed his passage, at certain seasons, across the plains of the Wagon Peoples.
Brand, bondmaid: The brand found frequently in the north consists of a half circle, with, at its right tip, a steep diagonal line. The slave is often referred to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.
Brand, chain and claw: The chain and claw brand is used in the lairs of the Kurii agents on Earth. The chain-and-claw brand signifies slavery and subjection within the compass of the Kur yoke. This brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Brand, chemical: This chemical brand was mentioned as a way of identifying a slave to the agents of the Kurii in Cos. It is a brand that is placed on the skin, that will only be visible with the addition of another chemical.
Brand, City of Treve: The mark or brand of Treve is the first letter, in cursive script, of the name of the city of Treve. It is not actually described, but the assumption can be made that it is the letter T.
Brand, common: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Brand, Dina: The dina is a small, lovely, multi-petaled flower, short-stemmed, blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor. It somewhat resembles a rose. It is also known as the slave flower. The dina brand is a small circular flower about an inch and a half in diameter, very lovely and delicate.
Brand, kajira: The kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Brand, kajirus: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Brand, Kassar: The standard of the Kassars is that of a scarlet, three-weighted bola, which hangs from a lance; the symbolic representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines, is used to mark their bosk and slaves.
Brand, Kataii: The standard of the Kataii is a yellow bow, bound across a black lance; their brand is also that of a bow, facing to the left.
Brand, kef: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Brand, kurii: The chain and claw brand is used in the lairs of the Kurii agents on Earth. The chain-and-claw brand signifies slavery and subjection within the compass of the Kur yoke. This brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Brand, moons and collar: The moons and collar brand is used by the Priest-Kings in their headquarters on Earth. It is a locked collar and, ascending diagonally above it, extending to the right, three quarter moons. This brand indicates the girl is subject to Gorean disciplines. The brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Brand, Palm: There is only one reference to the Palm brand. Unfortunately, there is no description or information on it's use.
Brand, Paravaci: The Paravaci standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk; the Paravaci brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle.
Brand, penalty: The penalty brands are used for punishment. There are three such brands mentioned in the books: marking as a liar, thief and traitor/traitoress. There is not a clear description of the brand, but it would appear they are a small letter, designating each offense.
Brand, Port Kar: The mark or brand of Port Kar is mentioned, but no description is given. It appears to be a city brand, possibly used for slaves owned by the Citizens if Port Kar.
Brand, Priest-Kings: The moons and collar brand is used by the Priest-Kings in their headquarters on Earth. It is a locked collar and, ascending diagonally above it, extending to the right, three quarter moons. This brand indicates the girl is subject to Gorean disciplines. The brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Brand, sa-fora: Another common expression for a female slave, incidentally, the initial of which, in cursive script, is sometimes used to mark a girl, is Sa-Fora.
Brand, staff and frond: Another name for the Kef or common Gorean kajiri brand.
Brand, Tahari: The initial printed letter of 'kajira' rather than the cursive letter, as generally, issued as the common brand of women in the Tahari. Both the cursive letter in common Gorean and the printed letter in Taharic are rather lovely, both being somewhat floral in appearance.
Brand, thief's: A tiny, three-pronged brand burned into the face over the right cheekbone of those of the Caste of Thieves in Port Kar.
Brand, Treve: The mark or brand of Treve is the first letter, in cursive script, of the name of the city of Treve. It is not actually described, but the assumption can be made that it is the letter T.
Brand, Tuchuk: The Tuchuk standard is that of the Four Bosk Horns. The brand of the four bosk horns, set in such a manner as to somewhat resemble the letter "H," is only about an inch high.
Brand of the Kassar: The standard of the Kassars is that of a scarlet, three-weighted bola, which hangs from a lance; the symbolic representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines, is used to mark their bosk and slaves.
Brand of the Kataii: The standard of the Kataii is a yellow bow, bound across a black lance; their brand is also that of a bow, facing to the left.
Brand of the Paravaci: The Paravaci standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk; the Paravaci brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle.
Brand of the Priest-Kings: The moons and collar brand is used by the Priest-Kings in their headquarters on Earth. It is a locked collar and, ascending diagonally above it, extending to the right, three quarter moons. This brand indicates the girl is subject to Gorean disciplines. The brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Bread: Bread made from the staple of the Gorean economy, Sa-tarna grain. The loaves are flat, round and usually scored into six parts. Although, smaller loves of four pieces and larger loaves of eight pieces are also found. There is no mention of yeast in Gor and with the loaves being flat, it can be speculated the bread is unleavened.
Bread, Sa-tarna: Bread made from the staple of the Gorean economy, Sa-tarna grain. The loaves are flat, round and usually scored into six parts. Although, smaller loves of four pieces and larger loaves of eight pieces are also found. There is no mention of yeast in Gor and with the loaves being flat, it can be speculated the bread is unleavened.
Brush urt: A tiny rodent, possibly mouse-size, that is found in the bushes and brush of the forest.
Builders, Caste of: The Caste of Builders is a diverse caste group which includes architects, engineers, draftsmen, stonemasons, inventors and technicians, as well as many others, which concern themselves with the building of cities and the creation of the physical and engineering marvels of Gor. They are third of the High Castes. The Caste color is yellow.
Camisk: The common camisk is the favored piece of slave clothing in most Gorean cities. It is a single piece of rectangle cloth, about eighteen inches wide, with a hole in the center. It is pulled over the girls head, like a poncho, then belted with cord, chain or leather. Camisks are typically made of cheap fabric, usually brown in color, but depending on the Owner's preference, it can be of any color.
Camp slave: Camp slave's are owned by authorized merchants, who hold contracts for certain seasons or campaigns. The girls are kept within the military camp and travel with it. The girls are rented out to the soldiers at nominal fees.
Canal urt: A giant rodent that lives in the canal system in many cities. The giant canal urt feeds on the garbage floating in the waterway as well as the displeasing slave girl thrown in from time to time.
Capture collar: Any collar applied to a slave that is captured.
Caste of Builders: The Caste of Builders is a diverse caste group which includes architects, engineers, draftsmen, stonemasons, inventors and technicians, as well as many others, which concern themselves with the building of cities and the creation of the physical and engineering marvels of Gor. They are third of the High Castes. The Caste color is yellow.
Caste of Initiates: The Caste of Initiates represent themselves as the intermediaries and interpreters of the will of the Priest-Kings. They regard themselves as the highest caste of all castes. They shave their heads and dress in robes of white which is the color of their Caste.
Caste of Physicians: This is the Caste of those who concern themselves with the healing arts. Surgeons, medical researchers and health practitioners, are all member of this Caste. Universally they are recognized as non-combatants during time of war. Their Caste Color is Green.
Caste of Scribes: The Scribes, second in rank of the five High Castes, are the scholars, the clerks, the writers and the historians, the geographers and cartographers, and the attorneys, as well as many other subdivisions within the caste. In their scrolls are the accounting, records keeping, and writings on Gor. They tend to be studious and serious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Their Caste color is blue.
Caste of Warriors: The Gorean Warrior is placed fifth among the High Castes. The Caste of Warrior, whose color is scarlet, includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen. They have the strictest set of Caste Codes on Gor. Members of this Caste comprise the military branch of Gorean Government, up to an including a Ubar, although not the City Administrator.
Chain daughter: Kajira is perhaps the most common expression for a female slave. Another frequently heard expression is Sa-Fora, a compound word, meaning, rather literally, Chain Daughter, or Daughter of the Chain.
Chain and claw brand: The chain and claw brand is used in the lairs of the Kurii agents on Earth. The chain-and-claw brand signifies slavery and subjection within the compass of the Kur yoke. This brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Chamber Slave: those slaves kept by the Priest-Kings in stone 'cells', to service the ones who actually find their way to the Nest. Since there are no doors to the cells, scanners implanted in the portals recognize the brain patterns of the slaves and prevent their escape by delivering punishment to any who dare to try to cross the portal.
Chemical brand: This chemical brand was mentioned as a way of identifying a slave to the agents of the Kurii in Cos. It is a brand that is placed on the skin, that will only be visible with the addition of another chemical.
City of Treve brand: The mark or brand of Treve is the first letter, in cursive script, of the name of the city of Treve. It is not actually described, but the assumption can be made that it is the letter T.
Coin girl: The coin girl is considered one of the lowliest slaves on Gor. She is sent to the street, with a coin box around her neck, in order to solicit men on the street.
Collar: It is recommended by Gorean Merchant Law, that all slaves be branded and wear a collar. A collar is anything that encircles the neck that marks the individual as a slave. The collar typically indicates the owner as well as the given name. Collars can be made of steel, leather, string, rope or anything else easily at hand.
Collar, beaded: A collar of leather and beads about an inch and a half in height, used by the Red Savages of the Barrens. The beading pattern designates the owner of the slave. The knot that holds it to the neck is a signature knot, one that can only be tied by the owner.
Collar, bondage strings: Leather thongs or strings tied about the neck of the Innuit slave.
Collar, capture: Any collar applied to a slave that is captured.
Common brand: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the Gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Crayfish: In the brine pits of Klima, the dark, salty waters are not without life. One of these is small, blind, white crayfish. The crayfish feeds upon various flatworms and tiny segmented creatures such as isopods.
Cuwignaka: "Woman's dress" or "white woman's dress" in the language of the Kaiila tribe of the Barrens.
Dancer: Of course, any girl can dance for her Master. But by gorean standards, this does not make her a "dancer." The Gorean Slave Dancer was trained intensively, to dance.
Daughter of the chain: Kajira is perhaps the most common expression for a female slave. Another frequently heard expression is Sa-Fora, a compound word, meaning, rather literally, Chain Daughter, or Daughter of the Chain.
Deck-cage girl: The slaves found most beautiful and desirable are kept on the decks of ships instead of in the hold with the rest of the cargo.
Delka: Fourth letter of the Gorean alphabet.
Dina brand: The dina is a small, lovely, multi-petaled flower, short-stemmed, blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor. It somewhat resembles a rose. It is also known as the slave flower. The dina brand is a small circular flower about an inch and a half in diameter, very lovely and delicate.
Display slave: Slave used to display wealth, beauty, etc. Usually very beautiful, or perhaps used to be a Lady of high standing.
Draft slave: Slaves used to pull carts and carry the free on palanquins.
Ehn: An ehn is a Gorean minute. There are forty ehn in each ahn, or Gorean hour. The ehn is equivalent to eighty earth seconds.
Errand Capsule: A capped leather tube, tied about a slaves neck or collar. In this tube the slave carries money, messages or notes.
Errand sack: A sack tied about a slaves neck or collar. In this tube, the slave carries money, messages or notes.
Eta: A letter of the Gorean alphabet.
Exotic slave: Exotic slaves are rare. They are specifically bred to perpetuate a trait, physical feature or behavior.
Feast slave: Specially trained slaves, rented to serve at banquets and special occasions.
Field slave: Slaves used to work in the fields, cultivating the soil.
Fighting slave: Fighting Slaves were trained to be body guards or fighting in the arena for the pleasure of the Free.
Finch: The finch is found in the Ua jungle. It lives in both the canopy and ground zones. There are many varieties of this bird, including the insectivorous whistling finch.
First girl: When multiple girls are on one chain, the owner will sometimes appoint a girl to be in charge. This way, the owner does not need to deal with the petty squabbles of the slaves.
Fisher: The feathers of the fisher, a long-legged, wading bird found in the jungles of Ushindi, are used in the making of the elaborate headdress of the Ubar Bila Huruma.
Fleer: The fleer can be found in the forests of Gor, the Ua jungles as well as the barrens. In the forests, the fleer is hook-billed, hunting the nocturnal forest urt. In the jungles, it is found in the emergent zones, that area above the canopy and is described as having a long-bill. The fleer of the barrens, also called the Corn Bird or Maize Bird, is large and yellow, with a long, sharp bill.
Flute girl: Flute girls are able to play the single or double flute. Aside for her musical talents, she is often rented out for feasts or parties, and will provide music as well as sexual favors to the guests.
Forest urt: A nocturnal rodent found in the forests of Gor. It is rather large, the size of a cat or small dog.
Free Companionship: On Gor, a Free Man and a Free Woman (or the family of either) may, for any number of reasons, decide to legally bind their lives together. This is the institution of Free Companionship.
Free Man: This is any male that is not enslaved. The Gorean Male embodies the essence of Gor, that which is the backbone of the culture, philosophies and ideals. That essence is summed up in four words; "Be True to Nature." The natural order is that of male dominance.
Free Woman:
Fruit tindel: See tindel
Gant: The marsh gant is a web-footed, aquatic bird, broad-billed and broad-winged. They are found primarily in the waters of the Vosk delta. Their piping whistles is simulated by the rencers as a signal system. The arctic gant is found primarily in the northern lands of Gor. They are migratory and nest in the Hrimgar mountains as well as the rocky outcroppings of the tundra. The eggs are allowed to freeze and are eaten like apples.
Gim: The horned gim, is a small, owl-like bird most commonly found in the northern lands. It has quite a loud, throaty warble. This is a migratory bird who moves to the southern regions late in the spring. Although this bird is common to the northern lands, a variety is also found in the jungles of Ua.
Gliding urt: A rodent found in the canopy level of the Schendi jungle. This rodent appears to be different then the leaf urt, also found in this level of the jungle.
Gorean alphabet: These are the seventeen known letters of the Gorean alphabet: Al-Ka, Altron, Ar, Ba-Ta, Delka, Eta, Homan, Ina, Kwah, Kef, Omnion, Nu, Shu, Sidge, Tau, Tun, and Val.
Gort: The gort is a flighted bird with a hooked bill, living in the ground zone of the Ua jungle. If feeds mainly on rodents, such as ground urts.
Grain, Sa-tarna: Sa-tarna, or Life-Daughter, is a yellow grain, most probably wheat or wheatlike. Sa-Tarna is grown in most areas of Gor and is the staple of the Gorean diet. It is ground into flour or meal and used in baking, gruels or porridges. It is also used as the basis for one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Gor, Pagar Sa-tarna (paga).
Grub borer: The grub borer is a flight-less bird which feeds on larvae and grubs (larvae of beetles).
Gruel, bondmaid: Slave gruel was typically made Sa-tarna meal and water. No seasoning, sweetening was added. It was simply a thick paste that the slave ate from the hand of the Owner or from a bowl on the floor. In the north, the bondmaid gruel usually had raw fish added to it.

Gruel, slave: Slave gruel was typically made Sa-tarna meal and water. No seasoning, sweetening was added. It was simply a thick paste that the slave ate from the hand of the Owner or from a bowl on the floor. In the north, the bondmaid gruel usually had raw fish added to it.
Gull: Gulls are a common bird found near and around the rivers and sea coasts of Gor. There are different varieties of gulls, mainly associated with the area in which they are found. The gulls mentioned are the Vosk gull, Torvaldsland gull, Schendi gulls, harbor gulls, coasting gull and broad-winged gull.
Harbor gull: See gull
Herlit: The herlit, or Sun Striker, is a large, broad-winged, carnivorous bird found primarily in the barrens. It is called the Sun Striker presumably from its habit of making descent and attack with the sun above and behind it. The adult herlit is four feet in height with a wingspan of seven to eight feet. The feathers, yellow and black-tipped, are sought after for use in the headdresses of the Red Savages.
Hermit: This yellow-breasted bird with a sharp beak is found in the forests of Gor. It uses the sharp beak to remove larvae from the bark of trees. The hermit bird is known for it's rapid, staccato sound as it hunts for larvae.
High-farm girl: A disparaging term used by southern slave girls to refer to their counterparts in the north. Southern slaves tend to think of bond-maids as bumpkins who perform menial farm chores as opposed to the highly trained and refined pleasures silk slaves provide their masters.
Homan: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Hopa: A word meaning "pretty" or "attractive," in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens.
Horned Gim: The horned gim, is a small, owl-like bird most commonly found in the northern lands. It has quite a loud, throaty warble. This is a migratory bird who moves to the southern regions late in the spring. Although this bird is common to the northern lands, a variety is also found in the jungles of Ua.
Hou: A greeting in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens.
House slave: The "tower" slave and the "house" slave perform basically the same tasks. The work in the houses or towers of Gor. They are primarily domestic servants.
Hurlit: The hurlit is a migratory bird of the forest. This migration takes place late in the spring.
Hut urt: A rodent found in the canopy level of the Schendi jungle. This rodent appears to be different then the leaf urt, also found in this level of the jungle.
Ieska: A word, in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the barrens, meaning "one who speaks well." Less literally, it is used to mean "interpreter."
Ina: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Initiates, Caste of: The Caste of Initiates represent themselves as the intermediaries and interpreters of the will of the Priest-Kings. They regard themselves as the highest caste of all castes. They shave their heads and dress in robes of white which is the color of their Caste.
Isopod: On earth, the isopod is one of the diverse orders of crustaceans. The isopod is found in the brine pits of Klima, the salt mines of Gor. It is described as a tiny, segmented creature which serves as food for the lelt, crayfish and salamanders.
Itancanka: A word meaning "Master" in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens. "Wicayuhe" also means "Master."
Jard: The jard is a small, scavenger bird found in just about every region of Gor. It flies in flocks, moving like a swarm of flies. A group of these birds can strip the meat from a tabuk in minutes.
Kailiauk: The kailiauk is a stocky, four-legged, awkward ruminant. They are tawny in color, with red and brown bars on their haunches. The distinguishing feature of the animal is the trident of horns that graces the head of the male.
Kajira: Kajira is perhaps the most common expression for a female slave.
Kajira brand: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Kajirae: Plural of the term "kajira", meaning more than one female slave.
Kajiri: The plural for slaves considered together, both male and female, or for more than one male slave.
Kajirus: Kajirus is the common expression for a male slave.
Kajirus brand: The Kajirus brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.

Kassar brand: The standard of the Kassars is that of a scarlet, three-weighted bola, which hangs from a lance; the symbolic representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines, is used to mark their bosk and slaves.
Kataii brand: The standard of the Kataii is a yellow bow, bound across a black lance; their brand is also that of a bow, facing to the left.
Kef: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Kef brand: The Kajira brand is also commonly referred to as the Kef brand. The kef is the first letter of the gorean word for slave, kajira or kajirus. It is the most common brand found in Gor, both on the male and female slave.
Kettle girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties.
Kettle-and-mat girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties. If one of their duties was also sexual service, the girl would be referred to as a "mat" girl as well.
Kite: A migratory meadow bird of the plains of Gor. It migrates earlier in the spring then many other birds.
Kurii brand: The chain and claw brand is used in the lairs of the Kurii agents on Earth. The chain-and-claw brand signifies slavery and subjection within the compass of the Kur yoke. This brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Kwah: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Last girl: A term used to denote either the newest girl on a chain, or the least of all the girls.
Leaf urt: A tiny rodent found in the trees of the Schendi jungles.
Life-Daughter: Life-Daughter or Sa-tarna, is a yellow grain, most probably wheat or wheat-like. Sa-Tarna is grown in most areas of Gor and is the staple of the Gorean diet. It is ground into flour or meal and used in baking, gruels or porridges. It is also used as the basis for one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Gor, Pagar Sa-tarna (paga).
Lit: The lit is a bird of the Ua jungles. It lives primarily in the emergent and canopy jungle zones. The feathers of this bird are used in the creation of cloak, made only for the Ubar.
Love slave: It is said, that for every slave girl there is a Love Master, rendering her, as his love slave, completely and helplessly abject in her slavery. A love slave is expected to perform perfectly in all tasks and duties. With no slave must a Master be more firm and strict than with his love slave.
Luck slave: Acts as a sort of mascot on a ship, usually reserved for its captain but can be shared with the crew, sometimes as a disciplinary measure.
Lure girl: The "lure girl" is a decoy, a distracter. Tavern owners use them to bring men into their establishment. Boat captains use them to lure men and shanghai them as crew.
Magaksicaagliwi: "The Moon of the Returning Gant" in the languages the Red Savages of the Barrens. Magaksicaagliwi occurs in the spring, just after the vernal equinox.
Maize bird: See Fleer
Mark of Port Kar: The mark or brand of Port Kar is mentioned, but no description is given. It appears to be a city brand, possibly used for slaves owned by the Citizens if Port Kar.
Mark of Treve: The mark or brand of Treve is the first letter, in cursive script, of the name of the city of Treve. It is not actually described, but the assumption can be made that it is the letter T.
Men below the Mountains: A term used by the Priest-kings, the guardians of the planet, to refer to the humans, or mortals, living on Gor.
Message girl: A message slave is used to send secret messages. The girl's head is first shaved and then a message is tattooed on her head. The girl is commonly illiterate. Her hair is allowed to grow back. She will then be sent to the person who is to receive the message. She is also usually given to the recipient to keep as well. Later, her head will be shaved again and the message read.
Mill girl: A slave that is owned by a mill. These slaves are generally considered lower then even the kettle and mat girls.
Mindar: The mindar is a short-winged, sharp-billed, brightly plumaged bird found in the Ua jungles. It is adapted for short, rapid flights, almost spurts, its wings beating in sudden flurries from brand to branch, burrowing for larvae and grubs.
Moons and collar brand: The moons and collar brand is used by the Priest-Kings in their headquarters on Earth. It is a locked collar and, ascending diagonally above it, extending to the right, three quarter moons. This brand indicates the girl is subject to Gorean disciplines. The brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Mul: A Mul is a Priest-King term for a human slave.
Northern brand: The brand found frequently in the north consists of a half circle, with, at its right tip, a steep diagonal line. The slave is often referred to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.
Nitoske: "Woman's dress" in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barren.
Nu: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Omnion: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Paga slave: A slave owned by a Tavern who serves the customers drinks and pleasure as they wish. Her sexual use comes with the price of the cup. Also known as a tavern slave.
Palm brand: There is only one reference to the Palm brand. Unfortunately, there is no description or information on it's use.
Paravaci brand: The Paravaci standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk; the Paravaci brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle.
Parrot: Parrots are found in the Ua jungles. They live in the top to levels of the jungle, the emgergent and canopy zones.
Pasang: A unit of measurement equal to 0.7 earth miles.
Passion slave: Passion slaves are slaves bred specifically for their beauty and passion. They are bred in the slave houses and kennels of Gor.
Penalty brand: The penalty brands are used for punishment. There are three such brands mentioned in the books: marking as a liar, thief and traitor/traitoress. There is not a clear description of the brand, but it would appear they are a small letter, designating each offense.
Personal serving slave: A personal serving slave is a slave assigned or owned by the person she obeys. Her duties may include running errands, general cleaning, or caring for personal belongings.
Physicians, Caste of: This is the Caste of those who concern themselves with the healing arts. Surgeons, medical researchers and health practitioners, are all member of this Caste. Universally they are recognized as non-combatants during time of war. Their Caste Color is Green.
Pierced-ear girl: Piercing the ears of slaves is a common Turian custom which became popular after the fall of Turia to the Wagon Peoples; such a girl is permanently marked as the most abject of slaves.
Pleasure slave: The "pleasure slave" is extensively trained in the arts of pleasing the Master. Walking, speaking, sexual arts, all of these things including the general mundane tasks of household duties. The trained "pleasure slave" typically goes thru a credentialing process or "certification" by a slaver house.
Pot girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties. If one of their duties was also sexual service, the girl would be referred to as a "mat" girl as well.
Port Kar brand: The mark or brand of Port Kar is mentioned, but no description is given. It appears to be a city brand, possibly used for slaves owned by the Citizens if Port Kar.
Port urt: A rodent that haunts the ship docks. Special shields are put on the mooring ropes to keep the rodents from climbing up and into the ship.
Prairie urt: Scavenger rodents of the prairies and plains of Gor. (see Urt)
Priest-Kings brand: The moons and collar brand is used by the Priest-Kings in their headquarters on Earth. It is a locked collar and, ascending diagonally above it, extending to the right, three quarter moons. This brand indicates the girl is subject to Gorean disciplines. The brand is rarely seen on Gor.
Punish with iron: The penalty brands are used for punishment. There are three such brands mentioned in the books: marking as a liar, thief and traitor/traitoress. There is not a clear description of the brand, but it would appear they are a small letter, designating each offense.
Red silk slave: The "red silk" slave is one that has no longer a virgin. They can be trained or untrained, barbarian or gorean.
Rent slave: These are slaves that are rented to anyone for any purpose.
River urt: An extract from a gland of this Cartius river rodent is used to make a very expensive perfume.
Sa-fora: Kajira is perhaps the most common expression for a female slave. Another frequently heard expression is Sa-Fora, a compound word, meaning, rather literally, Chain Daughter, or Daughter of the Chain.
Sa-fora brand: Another common expression for a female slave, incidentally, the initial of which, in cursive script, is sometimes used to mark a girl, is Sa-Fora.
Sames: A group of slaves living in small agricultural communities in the Barrens. These slaves are collectively owned by the tribes of the land. The Sames live under the central tenet that men and women are the same. The tribal word for this group is Waniyanpi.
Sa-tarna bread: Bread made from the staple of the Gorean economy, Sa-tarna grain. The loaves are flat, round and usually scored into six parts. Although, smaller loves of four pieces and larger loaves of eight pieces are also found. There is no mention of yeast in Gor and with the loaves being flat, it can be speculated the bread is unleavened.
Sa-tarna grain: Sa-tarna, or Life-Daughter, is a yellow grain, most probably wheat or wheat-like. Sa-Tarna is grown in most areas of Gor and is the staple of the Gorean diet. It is ground into flour or meal and used in baking, gruels or porridges. It is also used as the basis for one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Gor, Pagar Sa-tarna (paga).
Schendi gull: see gull.
Scribes, Caste of: The Scribes, second in rank of the five High Castes, are the scholars, the clerks, the writers and the historians, the geographers and cartographers, and the attorneys, as well as many other subdivisions within the caste. In their scrolls are the accounting, records keeping, and writings on Gor. They tend to be studious and serious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Their Caste color is blue.
Secret slave: The slave Goreans feel is inside every woman, whether she realizes it or not.
Seduction slave: A slave that is used to lure free women into compromising situations so that the women can be made slaves by the couching laws. There are also female seduction slaves.
Self-contract slave: A Free Woman contracts to be an experimental slave for a period of time ranging from one night to a year. Her documents will contain a specified termination date.
Ship urt: A long-haired version of the common rodent, found on the ships of Gor. They sometimes torment the slaves caged for shipping in the holds of the ship.
Shu: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Side block girl: Side-Block girl is a slave girl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auction house, instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly.
Sidge: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Silk girl: A silk girl is a term used by those of Torvaldsland to denote a slave girl from the southern cities; often used disparagingly.
Silk slave: The male "pleasure slave" or silk slave, is usually a extremely handsome, well-formed male slave, that is specially trained to serve the sexual appetites of a Free Woman.
Slave, barbarian: The Goreans consider anyone "barbarian" that does not speak The Language. In practice, this term is generally used to indicate those slaves brought to Gor from Earth on the Voyages of Acquisition.
Slave, bath girl: Slave in one of the public baths. Nude save for her collar, with short hair for ease in swimming. She bathes and pleases the patrons of the bath. Bath slaves are excellent swimmers.
Slave, below-deck girl: These are the girls that are shipped in the hold of a ship. They are shaved to control lice. Usually the most beautiful, desirable slaves are kept on deck. To be a below-deck girl is a derogatory statement.
Slave, bondmaid: Term for kajirae of Torvaldslanders.
Slave, camp: Camp slave's are owned by authorized merchants, who hold contracts for certain seasons or campaigns. The girls are kept within the military camp and travel with it. The girls are rented out to the soldiers at nominal fees.
Slave, chamber: those slaves kept by the Priest-Kings in stone 'cells', to service the ones who actually find their way to the Nest. Since there are no doors to the cells, scanners implanted in the portals recognize the brain patterns of the slaves and prevent their escape by delivering punishment to any who dare to try to cross the portal.
Slave, coin girl: The coin girl is considered one of the lowliest slaves on Gor. She is sent to the street, with a coin box around her neck, in order to solicit men on the street.
Slave, dancer: Of course, any girl can dance for her Master. But by gorean standards, this does not make her a "dancer." The Gorean Slave Dancer was trained intensively, to dance.
Slave, deck-cage girl: The slaves found most beautiful and desirable are kept on the decks of ships instead of in the hold with the rest of the cargo.
Slave, display: Slave used to display wealth, beauty, etc. Usually very beautiful, or perhaps used to be a Lady of high standing.
Slave, draft: Slaves used to pull carts and carry the free on palanquins.
Slave, exotic: Exotic slaves are rare. They are specifically bred to perpetuate a trait, physical feature or behavior.
Slave, feast: Specially trained slaves, rented to serve at banquets and special occasions.
Slave, field: Slaves used to work in the fields, cultivating the soil.
Slave, fighting: Fighting Slaves were trained to be body guards or fighting in the arena for the pleasure of the Free.
Slave, first girl: When multiple girls are on one chain, the owner will sometimes appoint a girl to be in charge. This way, the owner does not need to deal with the petty squabbles of the slaves.
Slave, flute girl: Flute girls are able to play the single or double flute. Aside for her musical talents, she is often rented out for feasts or parties, and will provide music as well as sexual favors to the guests.
Slave gruel: Slave gruel was typically made Sa-tarna meal and water. No seasoning, sweetening was added. It was simply a thick paste that the slave ate from the hand of the Owner or from a bowl on the floor. In the north, the bondmaid gruel usually had raw fish added to it.
Slave, high-farm girl: A disparaging term used by southern slave girls to refer to their counterparts in the north. Southern slaves tend to think of bond-maids as bumpkins who perform menial farm chores as opposed to the highly trained and refined pleasures silk slaves provide their masters.
Slave, house: The "tower" slave and the "house" slave perform basically the same tasks. The work in the houses or towers of Gor. They are primarily domestic servants.
Slave, kettle girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties.
Slave, kettle-and-mat girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties. If one of their duties was also sexual service, the girl would be referred to as a "mat" girl as well.
Slave, last girl: A term used to denote either the newest girl on a chain, or the least of all the girls.
Slave, love: It is said, that for every slave girl there is a Love Master, rendering her, as his love slave, completely and helplessly abject in her slavery. A love slave is expected to perform perfectly in all tasks and duties. With no slave must a Master be more firm and strict than with his love slave.
Slave, luck: Acts as a sort of mascot on a ship, usually reserved for its captain but can be shared with the crew, sometimes as a disciplinary measure.
Slave, lure girl: The "lure girl" is a decoy, a distracter. Tavern owners use them to bring men into their establishment. Boat captains use the to lure men and shanghai them as crew.
Slave, message girl: A message slave is used to send secret messages. The girl's head is first shaved and then a message is tattooed on her head. The girl is commonly illiterate. Her hair is allowed to grow back. She will then be sent to the person who is to receive the message. She is also usually given to the recipient to keep as well. Later, her head will be shaved again and the message read.
Slave, mill girl: A slave that is owned by a mill. These slaves are generally considered lower then even the kettle and mat girls.
Slave, mul: A Mul is a Priest-King term for a human slave.
Slave, paga: A slave owned by a Tavern who serves the customers drinks and pleasure as they wish. Her sexual use comes with the price of the cup. Also known as a tavern slave.
Slave, passion: Passion slaves are slaves bred specifically for their beauty and passion. They are bred in the slave houses and kennels of Gor.
Slave, personal serving: A personal serving slave is a slave assigned or owned by the person she obeys. Her duties may include running errands, general cleaning, or caring for personal belongings.
Slave, pierced-ear girl: Piercing the ears of slaves is a common Turian custom which became popular after the fall of Turia to the Wagon Peoples; such a girl is permanently marked as the most abject of slaves.
Slave, pleasure: The "pleasure slave" is extensively trained in the arts of pleasing the Master. Walking, speaking, sexual arts, all of these things including the general mundane tasks of household duties. The trained "pleasure slave" typically goes thru a credentialing process or "certification" by a slaver house.
Slave, pot girl: The "kettle" girl or "pot" girl is one that was used for domestic services, primarily in serving food and kitchen duties. If one of their duties was also sexual service, the girl would be referred to as a "mat" girl as well.
Slave, red silk: The "red silk" slave is one that has no longer a virgin. They can be trained or untrained, barbarian or gorean.
Slave, rent: These are slaves that are rented to anyone for any purpose.
Slave, secret: The slave Goreans feel is inside every woman, whether she realizes it or not.
Slave, seduction: A slave that is used to lure free women into compromising situations so that the women can be made slaves by the couching laws. There are also female seduction slaves.
Slave, self-contract: A Free Woman contracts to be an experimental slave for a period of time ranging from one night to a year. Her documents will contain a specified termination date.
Slave, side-block girl: Side-Block girl is a slave girl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auction house, instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly.
Slave, silk girl: A silk girl is a term used by those of Torvaldsland to denote a slave girl from the southern cities; often used disparagingly.
Slave, silk: The male "pleasure slave" or silk slave, is usually a extremely handsome, well-formed male slave, that is specially trained to serve the sexual appetites of a Free Woman.
Slave, stable: Slave who works in the stables. The female stable slaves are occasionally shorn to sell the hair/keep discipline. Used for farm labor.
Slave, state: A state slave girl is in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic.
Slave, tavern: A slave owned by a Tavern who serves the customers drinks and pleasure as they wish. Her sexual use comes with the price of the cup. Also known as a paga slave.
Slave, thrall: Term for the male slave in Torvaldsland
Slave, tower: The "tower" slave and the "house" slave perform basically the same tasks. The work in the houses or towers of Gor. They are primarily domestic servants.
Slave, whip: A slave with "whip permissions" over other slaves. Usually used to make sure slaves perform and as disciplinarian.
Slave, white silk: A "white silk" girl is one that still is a virgin, in otherwise, has not had sex. They can be trained or untrained, gorean or barbarian.
Slave, work: The work slave is a category of slaves consisting of field slaves, stable slaves, etc.
Stable slave: Slave who works in the stables. The female stable slaves are occasionally shorn to sell the hair/keep discipline. Used for farm labor.
Staff and Frond brand: Another name for the Kef or common kajira brand.
State slave: A state slave girl is in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic.
Sun Striker: See herlit
Tahari brand: The initial printed letter of 'Kajira', rather than the cursive letter, as generally, issued as the common brand of women in the Tahari. Both the cursive letter in common Gorean and the printed letter in Taharic are rather lovely, both being somewhat floral in appearance.
Tanager: The tanager of Gor is found in the canopy level of the Ua jungles. The tanager of earth is a red songbird.
Tarn: The tarn is a large, crested bird, similar in looks of that of both a hawk and jay of Earth, although hundreds of times larger. These birds are raised, bred for both colors of plumage, as well as intelligence and strength, and trained to be ridden. It is one of the most common mounts found on Gor. Depending upon the variety of tarn, they are used among the military, in the hauling of goods, and in racing. A powerful bird, the musculature developed for quick take-offs from its perch, rather than a running start as most large birds, the tarn is known amongst its riders, known as tarnsmen, as Brothers of the Wind due most likely to the kindred bond man and beast develop. The tarn is neither a pet, nor a beast to contend with if you are not a tarnsman, replete with the necessary implement to remain in control of your mount, the tarn-goad.
Tarn-goad: The tarn-goad is a rodlike instrument, about twenty inches long. It has a switch in the handle, much like an ordinary flashlight. When the goad is switched to the on-position and it strikes an object, it emits a violent shock and scatters a shower of yellow sparks. It is used for controlling tarns, the gigantic hawklike saddlebirds of Gor.
Tau: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Tavern slave: A slave owned by a Tavern who serves the customers drinks and pleasure as they wish. Her sexual use comes with the price of the cup. Also known as a paga slave.
Tharlarion: "Tharlarion" is not a specific animal. It is a general term for a group of reptilian creatures found on Gor. Some likened the Tharlarions to lizards are even the dinosaurs of Earth.
Thief's brand: A tiny, three-pronged brand burned into the face over the right cheekbone of those of the Caste of Thieves in Port Kar.
Thrall: Term for the male slave in Torvaldsland
Tibit: The tibit is a coastal bird, found along the shores of the temperate shores of the Thassa. The bird is small, with stick-leg legs and feeds on the tiny mollusks found in the sands.
Tindel: The fruit tindel is a brightly plumaged bird of the Ua jungle. It lives in the canopy zone of the trees. The feathers of the tindel are used in the making of a cloak worn by the Ubar.
Torvaldsland gull: See gull
Tower slave: The "tower" slave and the "house" slave perform basically the same tasks. The work in the houses or towers of Gor. They are primarily domestic servants.
Tree urt: Another species of the Gorean rodent found in and around the ground zones of the Schendi jungles.
Tuchuk brand: The Tuchuk standard is that of the Four Bosk Horns. The brand of the four bosk horns, set in such a manner as to somewhat resemble the letter "H," is only about an inch high.
Tumit: The tumit is a large, carnivorous, flightless bird found on the plains of Gor. The bird has a large, hooked beak, nearly the length of a man's arm. The bird is hunted by the Wagon People using the bola.
Tun: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Umbrella bird: The umbrella bird of Gor is found in the lower canopy levels of the Ua Jungle. The umbrella bird of earth is a large bird with a very prominent crest and wattle.
Urt: The urt of Gor is a rodent, as common as the rat on earth! Some urts are small, horned rodents small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Others are giant, the size of wolves or ponies, sleek and white with three rows of needlelike teeth, tusks and two horns protruding from over the eyes.
Urt, brush: A tiny rodent, possibly mouse-size, that is found in the bushes and brush of the forest.
Urt, canal: A giant rodent that lives in the canal system in many cities. The giant canal urt feeds on the garbage floating in the waterway as well as the displeasing slave girl thrown in from time to time.
Urt, forest: A nocturnal rodent found in the forests of Gor. It is rather large, the size of a cat or small dog.
Urt, gliding: A rodent found in the canopy level of the Schendi jungle. This rodent appears to be different then the leaf urt, also found in this level of the jungle.
Urt, hut: A rodent of the Schendi jungle that can be found and amongst the jungle huts.
Urt, leaf: A tiny rodent found in the trees of the Schendi jungles.
Urt, port: A rodent that haunts the ship docks. Special shields are put on the mooring ropes to keep the rodents from climbing up and into the ship.
Urt, prairie: Scavenger rodents of the prairies and plains of Gor. (see Urt)
Urt, river: An extract from a gland of this Cartius river rodent is used to make a very expensive perfume.
Urt, ship: A long-haired version of the common rodent, found on the ships of Gor. They sometimes torment the slaves caged for shipping in the holds of the ship.
Urt, tree: Another species of the Gorean rodent found in and around the ground zones of the Schendi jungles.
Use-Master: A Master that has been given temporary use of a slave. During this time, she must be as his own slave.
Val: A letter in the Gorean alphabet.
Vosk gull: See gull
Vulo: The vulo is a pigeon-like bird found in just about every region of Gor. The domesticated bird is raised for it's meat as well as it's eggs. The vulo can be either tawny or white in color. The vulo can be roasted, fried or made into soups and stews, just like the chicken of earth.
Waders: Found along the rivers of the Ushindi jungles, the wader is described as "ring-necked and yellow-legged."
Wanicokanwi: "The Mid-Winter Moon" in the languages of the Red Savages of the Barrens.
Waniyanpi: Waniyanpi literally means "tame cattle" in the language of both the Dust Legs and Kaiila tribes of the Barrens. The waniyanpi are slaves in small agricultural communities owned collectively by the tribes of those lands.
Waniyetuwi: "The Winter Moon" in the language of the Red Savages of the Barrens
Warbler: The warbler bird lives in the second zone, or the canopy level of the Ua jungles.
Warriors, Caste of: The Gorean Warrior is placed fifth among the High Castes. The Caste of Warrior, whose color is scarlet, includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen. They have the strictest set of Caste Codes on Gor. Members of this Caste comprise the military branch of Gorean Government, up to an including a Ubar, although not the City Administrator.
Wasnapohdi: "Pimples" in the language of both the Dust Legs and Kaiila tribes of the Barrens.
Whip slave: A slave with "whip permissions" over other slaves. Usually used to make sure slaves perform and as disciplinarian.
Whistling Finch: The finch is found in the Ua jungle. It lives in both the canopy and ground zones. There are many varieties of this bird, including the insectivorous whistling finch.
White silk slave: A "white silk" girl is one that still is a virgin, in other words, has not had sex. They can be trained or untrained, Gorean or barbarian.
Wicayuhe: One of the words meaning "Master" in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens. The other is "Itancanka."
Wicincala: 'Girl' in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens.
Wihinpaspa: "Lodge-pin" or "tent-pin" in the language of the Dust Legs tribe of the Barrens.
Woman whose belly lies beneath the sword: The brand found frequently in the north consists of a half circle, with, at its right tip, a steep diagonal line. The slave is often referred to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.
Woodpecker: The woodpecker is described as having an ivory bill and found in the lower canopy region of the Ua Jungle.
Wopeton: A word meaning "trader" or "merchant," in the language of both the Dust Legs and Kaiila tribes of the Barrens.
Work slave: The work slave is a category of slaves consisting of field slaves, stable slaves, etc.
Zad: The Gorean zad is a scavenger bird, found in both the Tahari desert and the jungles of Schendi. The zad is broad-winged, black and white with a long, slightly hooked yellowish beak. They are well known for tearing out the eyes of a weakened victim, thereby guaranteeing the victim will die.
Zadit: The zadit is a small, brownish-feathered, sharp-billed bird of the Tahari. The zadit is particularly fond of the flies and flying insects of the desert. They will follow the swarms of flies, which tend to infest animals, clearing the insects from the hides of the beasts.


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