Friday, January 31, 2014


Ale: Made from grains and hops that were brought to Gor during the acquisition voyages. Gorean ale is closer to a honey lager than to an Earth ale or beer. Its color is deep and golden. Traditionally kept in a cask or a keg and served in a tankard. Bazi Tea: An herbal tea that comes in all varieties like tea on Earth. There is no specific reference, but the tea seems to be common, enjoyed by all castes. It is commonly served hot and heavily sugared. Black Wine: Made from beans brought back to Gor during the early acquisition voyages and grown in the mountains of Thentis, black wine is Gor's equivalent of Earth's coffee. It’s described as very strong which would come close to earth espresso. It is served hot in a clay bowl or cup. It may be served with creams or sugars. When served with cream or sugar, it is called first slave and, when served with none, it is second slave. Chocolate: Brought back from one of the early acquisition voyages, this is the same as the chocolate of Earth. It is brewed from cocoa beans grown in the tropics. The powdered beans are warmed along with milk, sugars and cream and served in cups. If wanted cold, serve in goblets. Falarian Wine: A supposedly secret, rare wine that is rumored among collectors to exist. It is so rare and precious that its cots might purchase a city. Fermented Milk Curds: A Tuchuk drink made from bosk milk and very potent. It would be served in a bowl. Flavored Ice: Similar to snow cone ice or Slurpee ice in consistency. Fruit Juice: Prepared from Gorean fruits, such as tospit, larma, including those similar to Earth fruits. Juices are generally served in a goblet freshly prepared, or from a pitcher or bottle that is kept chilled. Ka-la-na: Made from the fruit of the ka-la-na tree, this is a sweet, strong, red wine and symbol of romantic love. It has various levels of quality, the best being said to come from Ar. Ka-la-na is poured from bottles which might bear the wax seal of the city it came from and served hot, cold, or warm in a goblet. Warmed ka-la-na is also seen served in the Gorean enameled trimmed clay bowl called a krater. It is known to have an aphrodisiac effect on females. Although the ka-la-na tree is described as yellow or golden, the wine itself is always red. Ka-la-na, Mulled: Ka-la-na is heated with mulling spices. Usually garnished with a piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit, it is served in a goblet. Kal-da: It is a cheap ka-la-na wine mixed with citrus juices, such as tospit and larma, and spices (cinnamon and nutmeg). Heated in a brewing pot over a fire, kal-da is served hot, almost scalding, in a heavy mug, such as clay. Liana Vine: A rain forest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water. One makes the first cut high, over one's head, to keep the water from being withdrawn by contraction and surface adhesion up the vine. The second cut, made a foot or so from the ground, gives a vine tube which, drained, yields in the neighborhood of a liter of water. Mead: Made in Torvaldsland from fermented honey and water, often with spices, it is a dark amber drink, thick and sweet. Served traditionally warmed and in a drinking horn. Stored in bottles. Milk: Fresh milk can be of bosk, verr, and occasionally kaiila. Bosk milk is rich and sweet while verr milk has a strong flavor. Kaiila milk is reddish with a strong salty taste, having high iron content. All milk is normally served in a goblet as desired. Paga: Same as Pagar-Sa-Tarna. Pagar-Sa-Tarna: Pagar-Sa-Tarna means "pleasure of the life-daughter". Paga, a corruption of the name, is the symbol of physical love. It is an amber-colored, alcoholic beverage made from the golden sa-tarna grain. Its taste is often described as hot and fiery and similar to whiskey. It’s normally stored in vats, verr skin botas or bottles. It’s often also drunk directly from the bota or poured into goblets, pots, cups, glasses or kantharos (footed bowls), but most often, it is bota, footed bowl or goblet. Paga can be served chilled, warmed or at room temperature. Palm Wine: A major export of Schendi with a delicious flavor. Rence Beer: A drink that is steeped, boiled and fermented from the crushed seeds and the whitish pith of the rence plant. It is the drink of the rence growers. Usually kept in gourd flagons. Sa-Paga: Same as Pagar-Sa-Tarna Sul Paga: Made from the golden vine-borne vegetable called "sul" (similar to a potato), sul-paga is a distilled, clear alcoholic beverage like vodka, though the sul itself is yellow in color. Typically drunk by peasants and seldom available outside their villages, it would be a rarity in a paga tavern to find it available. It is served at room temperature in a footed bowl. Ta Wine: A sweet, dry wine made from the ta-grapes grown primarily on the terraces of the Isle of Cos. The color of this wine is not stated in the books. It’s served chilled or room temperature and in a goblet. Turian Liqueur: The liqueurs of Turia are regarded as the best on Gor. Turian wines are sweet, syrupy, flavored and sugared heavily. Served in small glasses. Turian Wine: A thick syrupy wine so sweet and thick that it is said one can see a thumbprint on its surface. The wine may commonly be cut with water. This occurs often when wine is drunk at homes at meals, at certain parties and in some taverns. A wine krater, a mixing bowl, is used to mix the wine and water. "Krater" is an ancient Greek term that means "mixing bowl." If the wine is not cut, it might also be served in very small amounts. At more raucous parties or taverns, the wine is rarely cut or only in a slight amount. Served at room temperature or chilled in a goblet, when cut with water, and in tiny liqueur glasses when not cut. Water: Drinking water is obtained in many ways; from a spring, wells, buckets filled at the river shore or river depending on the area. Another useful source of water is the liana vine. White Wine: Light in color and taste. This is not necessarily ka-la-na wine.

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