Friday, January 24, 2014

Scribe Course Description and Syllabus


I have prepared a syllabus for a self-study course for apprentice scribes and scribe slaves. It is NOT a series of classes. One does not learn a caste or guild skills from sitting in a lecture. This course is desinged to challenge you to study on your own- research, learn, and practice what you have learned. Think of this in much the same way that a graduate course is handled in a university or college setting on Earth.

There are ten segments to this course. Each has an outline of topics, resources, and targeted subject areas The early segments deal with basics that EVERY scribe needs to know. The latter segments deal with more involvement in areas that are unique to the subcastes.

Each segment will be "passed" by an oral defense of your learning in that area before you may engage in undertaking the next section or segment.

Upon completion of the the tenth segment and its defense, there will be a general defense of all your learning through direct disseration, Q&A and providing examples of your work outside in the RP environment to substantiate your qualifications to become a scribe or scribe slave. An apprentice completing the course will then become a journeyman, and will begin practicing in a particular sub-caste of the blue- those areas being accounting, law, teaching, cartography, chronicling, literary creation and so on.

scribe slaves upon completion will be fully scribe slaves, limited to assisting in the tasks of scribes but not taking full authority for their assigned tasks as will be given by senior scribes or their master's on their behalf.

For those interested in achieving the level of Senior and then Elder Scribe, the path is long and arduous- time consuming and based upon subjective merit of the Elders of the caste. This is the tradition of the scribes. Be aware that scrhibes adhere to the love of knowledge- seeking function over form, efficiency over aesthetics, and work ethics over indulgence and decadence. It is a hard life but has its own intrinsic and intangible rewards.

If you have this love for knowledge, then I encourage you to inquire about this course.

** Syllabus Follows **

Syllabus and assignments for scribe training


We will go through several exercises and assignments to provide you with the basics of what you need to become a scirbe or scribe-slave. To begin, we’ll present you with a dissertation of sorts from the books of John Norman, regarding Gorean customs and principles that involve languages. Please study it because it is important for a scribe to have a high level of familiarity with the ways of communicating on Gor.

Gorean Language

Gorean Dialects
Gorean speech is no less complex than that of any of the great natural language communities of the Earth nor are its speakers any the less diverse. It is, incidentally, a beautiful language; it can be as subtle as Greek; as direct as Latin; as expressive as Russian; as rich as English; as forceful as German. To the Goreans it is always, simply, The Language, as though there were no others, and those who do not speak it are regarded immediately as barbarians. This sweet, fierce, liquid speech is the common bond that tends to hold together the Gorean world. It is the common property of the Administrator of Ar, a herdsman beside the Vosk, a peasant from Tor, a scribe from Thentis a metalworker from Tharna, a physician from Cos, a pirate from Port Kar, a warrior from Ko-ro-ba.
{Priest-Kings of Gor ~ 52}

There are several barbarian languages spoken on Gor, usually in more remote areas. Also, some of the dialects of Gorean itself are almost unintelligible. On the other hand, Gorean, in its varieties, serves as the lingua franca of civilized Gor. There are few Goreans who cannot speak it, though with some it is almost a second language. Gorean tends to be rendered more uniform through the minglings and transactions of the great fairs. Too, at certain of these fairs, the caste of scribes, accepted as the arbiters of such matters, stipulate that certain pronounciations and grammatical, formations, and such are to be preferred over others. The Fairs, in their diverse ways, tend to standardize the language, which might otherwise disintegrate into regional variations which, over centuries, might become mutually unintelligible linguistic modalities, in effect and practice, unfortunately, separate languages. The Fairs, and, I think, the will of Priest-Kings, prevents this.
{Beasts of Gor ~ 154}

There are, of course, many languages spoken on Gor, but that language I have called Gorean, in its various dialects, is the lingua franca of the planet. It is spoken most everywhere, except in remote areas. One of these remote areas, of course, is the equatorial interior.
{Explorers of Gor ~ 100}

“Tal,” I said to the man, lifting my arm in the common Gorean greeting.
{Outlaw of Gor ~ 70}

In the halls we passed many individuals, who would normally, in Gorean fashion, lift the right hand, palm inward, saying “Tal,” which greeting, in turn, we returned.
{Assassin of Gor ~ 392}

“Tal, Kajirae!” cried one of the men, waving.
{Captive of Gor ~ 87}

Greetings, Ute,” said I, smiling. “Tal, El-in-or,” smiled Ute.
{Captive of Gor ~ 245}

“Greetings Captain,” said Thurnock.
{Hunters of Gor ~ 62}

“The Forkbeard greets you!” shouted Ivar. I blinked. The hall was light. I had not understood it to be so large. At the tables, lifting ale and knives to the Forkbeard were more than a thousand men.
{Mauraders of Gor ~ 194}

“Tal Master,” they said to me.
“Tal Slave Girls,” I said to them.
{Tribesmen of Gor ~ 345}

“Greetings,” said the captain to him.
“Greetings,” said Hurtha. Hurtha was a friendly Alar.
{Mercenaries of Gor ~ 444}

“Greetings Citizen,” said the first of my master’s men.
“Greetings,” said the fellow, before whom I knelt.
{Dancer of Gor ~ 309}

“Hail, Teibar!” called another.
From the latter manner of greeting, I gathered this Teibar might be excellent with the staff, or sword. Such greetings are usually reserved for recognized experts, or champions, at one thing or another. For example, a skilled Kaissa player is sometimes greeted in such a manner. I studied Teibar. I would have suspected his expertise to be with the sword.
{Magicians of Gor ~ 52}

“Then I wish you prosperity,” I laughed, “and will be on my way.”
{Outlaw of Gor ~ 29}

The Gorean phrase of farewell came silently to my lips. “I wish you well.”
{Outlaw of Gor ~ 170}

There was Gorean applause in the room, the striking of the right palm on the left shoulder.
{Rogue of Gor ~ 13}

Applause of Warriors
There was some polite striking of the left shoulder with the right hand in the room, which is a common Gorean applause, though not of the warriors, who clash weapons.
{Raiders of Gor ~ 177}

Blowing a kiss
I blew her a kiss in the Gorean fashion, kissing and gesturing, my fingers at the right side of my mouth, almost vertical, then, with the kiss, brushing gently toward her.
{Marauders of Gor ~ 134}

Salute of a Warrior
Murmillius lifted his blade to me. It was the salute of a Warrior. A Warrior, I thought to myself, he is of the Warriors. I returned the salute.
{Assassin of Gor ~ 349}

Speaking in Third Person
“Who betrayed Ute?” she demanded. I shook my head. Ute's fists were excruciating in my hair.
“Who?” she demanded. I could not speak, so terrified I was. She shook my head viciously.
“Who?” she demanded. “I did,” I cried. “I did!” “Speak as a slave!” demanded Ute.
“El-in-or betrayed Ute!” I cried. “El-in-or betrayed Ute!”
“Worthless slave,” I heard a voice behind me say. I turned, as well as I could, and saw, to my dismay, Rask of Treve. I closed my eyes, sobbing.
{Captive of Gor ~ 287}

Gorean, I might note, is somewhat similar, and though I speak Gorean fluently,
I find it very difficult to write, largely because of the even-numbered lines which, from my point of view, must be written backwards. Torm, my friend of the Caste of Scribes, never forgave me this and to this day, if he lives, he undoubtedly considers me partly illiterate. As he said, I would never make a Scribe.
“It is simple,” he said. “You just write it forward but in the other direction.”
{Priest Kings of Gor ~ 100}

Archaic Gorean
Initiates do not eat meat, or beans. They are trained in the mysteries of mathematics. They converse among themselves in Archaic Gorean, which is no longer spoken among the people. Their services, too, are conducted in this language. Portions of the services, however, are translated into contemporary Gorean.
{Marauders of Gor ~ 26}

On the other hand, I suspect that they fear too broad a dissemination of the Caste knowledge. Physicians, interestingly, perhaps for a similar reason, tend to keep records in archaic Gorean, which is incomprehensible to most Goreans.
{Magicians of Gor ~ }

Inability to Read
Occasionally heralds, or criers, would pass by, calling out news or announcements. Many on this world, you see, cannot read. Thus the importance of the heralds, the criers, and such. Many things are advertised, too, in such a way, by calling out bargains, the fruits in season, the markets, the cost of cloth, and such. Too, one may hear men, or often boys, for it costs less to hire them, calling out the pleasures of various taverns, and the delights that may be found in within.
{Witness of Gor ~ 37}

This is your first reading and comprehension assignment. Following a little
Validation quiz that will be an “oral” exam of sorts, we will then dealve into the following ten topical assignements::

Assignment 1: The Gorean Alphabet and Writing in Gorean Style and Method
Assignment 2: The Castes, Colors and Caste Laws of Gor
Assignment 3: First and Second Knowledge
Assignment 4: The values and tendencies of scribes
Assignment 5: Sub Castes of the High Castes
Assignment 6: Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society
Assignment 7: Gorean Languages other than Kassar
Assignment 8: Tools of the scribe- what they are and how used
Assignment 9:The specialty areas of a scribe
Assignment 10: Research- discerning what you need to know versus what you can find when needed.
A list of url’s will be provided for most lessons to make your research easier.

Each of these assignments will have written work to do, as well as a small oral quiz before moving on to the next lesson.
Please remember that this specialty education is a privilege and is not meant to take away from your first duties as a kajira or from your red-silk training. Those are your priority concerns. You have as much time as you need to complete this training. Do not rush it please.
Welcome to the path to becoming a scribe-slave.

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