Friday, January 24, 2014


Notes regarding of the meeting with the Leader of the Kur on June 17, 2011 in Kati Evans' personal journal.

Started with mouse following me into the city. I let her back out and then went to my office. I heard a noise and got concerned so I went to check on Mouse. What I found was four Kurii had a woman and were about to take her into the cave. Not feeling right leaving her there I asked for the "girl" even though she was a free woman. They gave her to me since I was asking. I met a Kur once before with one of the warriors and it seemed that that Kur may have been one of them. One of the Kurii seemed to remembered me from when we were both small and played together in the forrest, which is where we learned to understand each other. He knew that I was now the Magistrate of the city.

As a result of this and further discussions regarding the issue regarding this lady and how things would be handled between the two groups are as follows and are needed to be discussed with my father.

I was also given the priviledge of entering their cave and talked at a table (seated with the Kurii) for some time. Followed by a tour of the cave. Spent most of the day with the Kurii. It appears without intending to I have earned a trusted place and have become an ambassador between the Kurii and the citizens of Rarn.

These are the proposed items (in no particular order):
* Little mouse is the Kurii's pet and should not be harmed even if found inside the city. (she will nip if cornered)
* The Kurii will not hurt anyone wearing the Rarn tag.
* The Rarn citizen's will not hurt those of the Kurii who are wearing the 6Claws tag.
* The general population of Rarn should leave the Kurii alone, though the Kurii would like a bit more interaction with us. Part of why they are talking to me.
* The Kurii messenger that is allowed safe passage into the city is a Kur and is my friend.
* The Kurii will defend the city from attack and we will, if possible, assist them should they be attacked. Details of this will have to be worked out.
* The Kurii have a right to defend their home even if that should be from Rarn citizen's. (This is not to be well known. The thought is if someone wants to down a kur they will respond with the same action. Also if anyone tries to knock the door down to there cave, the kurii will let them in alive but they will not allow them to leave alive.)
* The Head Physician should meet Leader of 6Claws. I am to bring him/her for a visit to the Kurii cave. There is some health benefits that they are extending to those of us from the city should we need them. Example of injuries from a raid.
* A "Copper Management" group (possible title; or other appropriate name) that would include some of both the leaders of the Kurii and Rarn, of which I would be included. Also to be included are the trusted heads of the two groups; the Rarn citizens and the Kurii. For communication between the two groups. The Leader of the Kurii and I would maintain the names and be owners of the group. This will need more discussion about to work out function and the details regarding.
* The Kurii have allowed me access to their cave again and their library. This should be informative.
* My friend can now officially and will continue to teach me more or their ways. (I can understand what they say. This is not to be well known.)

There is a lot of work needed in various areas for this is in no way something ready for the public and I am sure more will have to be ironed out. But for now this is a start.

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