Friday, January 31, 2014


Arctic Flowers:
Description of the far North flora speaks of many hundreds of species.
Brak Bush:
Branches of this plant are nailed over doors during the Waiting Hand to discourage bad luck from entering the house in the New Year. The leaves of the brak bush are said to have a purgative effect.
Carpet Plant:
Found in the rainforests of Schendi. The name may indicate a variety of creeping, ground-covering plants rather than one particular plant. In the only reference to a carpet plant throughout the books, the tendrils are mentioned as used for binding, which would indicate rather strong, pliable, vine stems. The leaves may be used as bandaging for a wound.
Clover, Green:
Low, leguminous herbs having trifoliate leaves and flowers in dense heads; includes many that are valuable for forage and attractive to bees.
Cocoa Tree:
Said to have been brought from Earth in early voyages of acquisition and grown in the southern tropical areas of Gor.
Colored Grass:
On his tour of the gardens of the palace of Saphrar, Tarl Cabot mentions colored grass. He does not give a color reference for this grass, though, given the splendor and beauty of all that is described, it is fairly safe to say it is likely that this was an unusual sight for him, and that green would not be the only color seen.
Small, many-petaled flower of the northern regions akin to the Earth rose. It is sometimes referred to as the slave flower and its print is commonly used as a brand.
Are mentioned in Nomads of Gor on Tarl's tour of the gardens of Saphrar.
A shrub found in the marshes of the Vosk Delta. No specific description is given.
Flahdah Tree:
A flat-topped umbrella-like tree with lanceolate leaves, mentioned as one of the trees found in Tahari desert oases.
A five-petaled scarlet flower.
Flower Tree:
A curved-branched tree that is described as having clusters of flowers on linear, hanging stems.
Though we are not given a description of what the Gorean version of the hemp plant may look like, its use is mentioned in the making of bowstrings.
Hogarthe Tree:
A tall, poplar-type of tree, found in the Barrens along rivers and streams, named after one of the first explorers to the Barrens.
Ka-la-na Tree:
A golden colored tree, its reddish fruit supplies Gor with its prime source of wine, the famed ka-la-na. Ka-la-na wood is described as supple and strong. Goreans use it in building ships among other things. The long bow of peasants is also made from a ka-la-na branch.
A shrub of the Gorean deserts whose roots hold a lethal poison. Kanda leaves have a strong, addictive narcotic effect that may make this plant a cousin of the Earth coca plant. An extremely potent poison is extracted from the roots of the kanda plant and used to coat the tips of various weapons> It is mentioned on numerous occasions, be it on the tip of the pins free women sometimes hide in their hair, on the tips of arrows, hidden in various items of jewelry or literally dropped by the barrel in water reservoirs, as is seen in Tarnsman of Gor, during the siege of Ar. The effect of kanda is said to be extremely rapid.
A shrub of the desert lands. Its blue roots are said to be salty and used in the preparation of sullage, a type of soup.
Leech Plant:
A plant which draws its name from the fact that it feeds on blood. The leech plant has fanglike hollow thorns that pierce through the skin of its victims. This bite induces a chemical response of bladderlike pods, which results in a sucking action, drawing the victim's blood into the leech plant's pods to feed it. It is estimated to have the ability to draw as much as a gill (one fourth of a pint) of blood in a matter of seconds.
Liana Vine:
A creeping vine of the rainforests used as a source of drinking water.
Flowers which resemble lotus are mentioned in Tarl's description of the many flowers within the garden of the palace of Saphrar, Merchant of Turia.
Corn fields are seen in the Barrens, the land of the Red Savages.
Needle Tree:
A pinelike evergreen of the northern forest used in the building of ships. The oil of its needles is also used in the making of perfumes.
Palm Tree:
Said to be present in some 1500 varieties in the Schendi Jungles alone. The fan palm, described in Explorers of Gor, was used as a source of drinking water.
Orchards of pomegranate are found growing at the Oasis of Red Rock.
A long-stalked plant of the marshes that fills the Delta of the Vosk, rence is used for food, fuel, cloth, and the making of paper that is sold to merchants of Port Kar.
Possibly Gor's version of cotton, the rep plant is cultivated for the fiber found in its pods, from which cloth is woven.
A staple crop of Gor, sa-tarna is the Gorean word for "Life Daughter." Its grains are used in the making of sa-tarna bread, usually yellow though not exclusively, as the Taharians are said to have a browner version of it adapted to growth in the desert lands. Sa-tarna is also used in the brewing of sa-paga or pagar-sa-tarna (Pleasure of Life Daughter), a well known alcoholic beverage of Gor.
Sip Root:
A plant that is not described as much as it is mentioned for its use in the making of slave wine, Gor's mode of contraception. The extremely bitter root of the plant is what Goreans extract to produce the permanent effect of slave wine. In the Barrens, slaves of the Red Savages are simply made to chew the root of the plant itself.
A delicate flower of bright yellow that is the symbol of beauty and passion.
A plant of the Tahari. Itsroots are mashed and mixed with water to provide a red dye.
Tem Tree:
A dark wood tree used in building of ships, among other things.
A shrub found in the marshes of the Vosk Delta. No specific description is given.
Teslik is mentioned in passing as being the active ingredient in breeding wine, which is the antidote to slave wine and given to slaves when it is decided that they will be bred.
A bright white or yellow flowering shrub found among places in the marshes of the Vosk Delta. The word, tor, is the Gorean word for “light”.
Tospit Bush:
A shrub that grows in patches in the western Cartius Valleys. Its fruit, small, peachlike, bitter, is usually candied and is a popular garnish to many Gorean drinks and foods.
A redwood tree used in the building of ships, among other things. Its branches host the tur-pah, a vinelike parasitic plant with edible leaves. The city of Turia is said to have been named after this tree.
A vinelike, parasitic plant with edible leaves. It is found in the branches of the tur tree.
A kind of bluish wildflower commonly found on the lower slopes of the Thentis range, although said to be common to both the northern and the southern hemispheres of Gor. A purplish variety of it is found on the edge of the Tahari, it is called the desert veminium.
Verr Grass:
A brownish grass that stubbornly grows in shaded spots of the Tahari.

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