Friday, January 31, 2014


Ant: There is a particular variety of ants that inhabits the rainforests near Schendi. They are referred to as the “marchers.” Essentially, this is a huge mass of black ants that move through the jungles. The ants usually form a column that is about a yard wide but that could be pasangs in length. The column widens only when food is found. It may then spread up to five hundred feet wide. To cross small streams, the ants will make a bridge of themselves. During a rain, they will separate and seek shelter, reforming after the rains stop. A knowledgeable individual could guide the marchers on a specific path. The bite of these ants is extremely painful but not poisonous. Termites are referred to as white ants on a few occasions.
Bee: Honeybees are domestically raised for their honey. Though the books only depicted an instance of such breeding in Torvaldsland, the wide availability of honey throughout Gor seems to support beekeeping in many other regions. Beetle: Mentioned as one of the insects that frevets are used to control. Fly: There are many types on Gor including sand flies, arctic flies, and sting flies. Sand flies live in the Tahari and appear after the rains. The flies in the arctic are black and long-winged. Sting flies, also known as needle flies in the southern regions, usually live in deltas and similar wet areas. They generally lay their eggs on the stems of rence plants. They tend to be attracted to eyes and cause a painful sting. Several stings can cause nausea and a swelling that will go away after a few ahn. In great numbers, they can kill. The hatching time is the most dangerous period and lasts for four to five days. Luckily, that season is predictable so can be easily avoided. Gitch: These are insects that cause a painful bite. Some can grow quite large. Grasshopper: In the rainforests, there is a red grasshopper that weighs about four ounces. Hinti: This is a small, flea-like insect though it is not a parasite. Leech: The salt leech is one type of known leech and the marsh leech is another. The marsh leech is about four inches long and half an inch thick. If a leech is stuck on you, burning it or placing salt on it will cause it to let go. Lice: This insect varies in size from very tiny to the size of marbles. The larger variety infests tarns, so tarnsmen must remove them. When they remove them, they might feed them to the tarn. Lice can be dangerous because they transmit the pox. Rennel: This is a crablike desert insect with a poisonous bite, though it is not lethal. They leave little red bites. Roach: This is commonly an oblong, flat-bodied black creature about half a hort long. It has long feelers and is basically harmless. Scorpion: No description was found. It is most likely similar to the Earth species. Termite: The termite is extremely important to the ecology of the forest. In feeding, it breaks down and destroys the branches and trunks of fallen trees. The termite "dust," by the action of bacteria, is reduced to humus, and the humus to nitrogen and mineral materials. It is also referred as a white ant. Vint: This is a tiny, sand-colored insect of the Tahari seen feeding on rotting fruit. Worm, Silk: No description was found. It is most likely similar to the Earth variety. Zarlit Fly: This is a large, harmless, purple insect about two feet long with four translucent wings spanning a yard across. It is insectivorous. It hums over water and alights on the water with its pad-like feet daintily walking across the surface. It is reminiscent of the prehistoric giant dragonflies of Earth.

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