Friday, January 31, 2014

Slave Health

Slave Health
When a slave is acquired, she is examined to determine health and physical state. This examination is thorough and a report is given to the owner.
Once it is determined what a slave might need in the way of medications, they are administered. If the slave has not been treated with stabilization serum, it is given, unless the slave is the offspring of many generations of serum use. If there are any conditions that come to the healer’s attention, medicines are given to treat those conditions. Slave wine is also given as a matter of course.
Keep girls can be treated with slave wine by the first girl or a healer. Fayeen Keep practices treatment of slave wine on a four-hand basis. All medicines given are reported.
Physical State
Included in the report to the owner is what physical state the slave is in. Most often, the owner already knows it by asking the previous owner or slave or examining that one.
It is the responsibility of the owner to keep a slave groomed.
A medical kit is kept at the branding rack to treat a branded slave. When the slave is freed from the rack, soothe the burned flesh with a numbing salve, one that relieves pain. On the next day, apply more salve. The redness should be gone by then.
An owner may choose to pierce a slave. Provide a basin of salty water. Clean the piercing with the water and a cloth. Apply a small amount of healing salve. Do not remove or scratch away scabbing; it is a natural part of healing and protects the piercing against infection.

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