Friday, January 31, 2014

Medical Kit

Medical Kit
The medical kit is 18”x9”x9” (roughly the size of an Earth tackle box or toolbox). It has a handle or a strap for carrying. Within, there is a tray that lifts out holding the smaller pieces, such as tweezers, pliers, and needles. The tray covers only 2/3 of the interior room and has a depth of 2”. It is separated into three divided sections to help hold the contents in place. The 1/3 space, which is located on the left side of the kit, is taken up with tall items, such as larger bottles. Beneath the tray are bandages, jars, and items that would not fit in the tray. The lid is hinged in such a way that the tray may be rested on it while the kit is being used.
1 bottle distilled water
1 bottle sterile paga for antiseptic
1 jar green herbal powder for antiseptic
1 jar blue short grass salve for pain
1 bottle valerian syrup for severe pain
1 jar healing salve for heavy healing (Physicians)
1 jar white sage/peppermint salve for light healing
1 vial each antitoxin for poison (8 doses)
1 vial each antivenin for bites/stings (8 doses)
6 syringes
2 large straight bone needles
2 smaller straight bone needles
2 large curved bone needles 2 smaller curved bone needles
1 spool of gut for surface stitches
1 spool of dissolving gut for inner stitches
1 small spool of silk thread for surface stitches (Ladies)
5 folded sterile cloths
5 rolled sterile bandages
4 large non-sterile cloths (clean-up only)
6 various size clamps
6 various size forceps
2 scalpels (larger)
2 scalpels (smaller)
1 pair tweezers
1 pair scissors
1 pair pliers
1 cauterizing iron
1 Trocar for punctured lung (like an ice pick)
1 Set tubing for chest tube or tracheotomy

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