Friday, January 31, 2014

Animals of Gor ****

Ants, Marcher
  • Known in the jungles of Schendi as " The Marchers " these are very aggressive carnivorous insects. Each is about 2 inches long, with a shiny black exoskeleton and two antennae. Their name is derived from their apparently seasonal marches through the jungle in a single column, yards wide and pasangs in length. They may number in the millions, their path widening to as much as 500 feet when they overtake, swarm over, and devour all flesh, living or dead, in their path. Their bite is extremely painful but not poisonous. Their victims die from being weakened from relentless attack, being overcome until they are still. (Explorers of Gor, page 400)

  • More than six varieties inhabit the rainforests of Schendi. The great spined anteater grows to 20 ft in length and feeds on white ants or termites by breaking apart their towering nests of toughened clay with mighty claws, then darting it's 4 foot saliva coated tongue, drawing thousands into it's narrow tubelike mouth. (Explorers of Gor, page 293)

Arctic Gant

Armored Gatch

Baleen Whale
  • These are presumed to be honey bees much like one would find on earth. (Marauders of Gor, page 81)

Beetle, Golden
  • An insect roughly the size of a rhinoceros which lives in the caverns below the Nest of the Priest-Kings in the Sardar Mountains; its prey is the Priest-Kings themselves. It releases an aroma which is so compelling to a Priest-King that to die by that method is referred to as succumbing to the " Pleasures of the Golden Beetle ". (Priest-Kings of Gor, page 180)
  • A fanged, carnivorous, freshwater marsh eel which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi; a large school of bints can strip a large carcass of all flesh in minutes. (Explorers of Gor, page 267)

Bepedilian Tharlarion


Black Larl

Black Sea Sleen

Black Squirrels

Blue Grunt

Borer Grub
  • A huge shaggy animal with a thick humped neck, wide head, and tiny red eyes. It wields long curved and sharp horns. Called the "Mother of the Wagon People," whom it nourishes with meat, milk, cheese, and butter, every part of a bosk is used to provide for the People: hides for shelter and clothing, shields are covered with the thick leather of the hump, the dung is used for fuel, it's hooves for glue. Killing a bosk without reason is punishable by death, usually by turning the herd and running over the offender, who is staked upon the Plains to await his fate. (Nomads of Gor, pages 4-5)

Broad Tharlarion

Brown Sea Sleen

Brown Vart

Canal Urt
  • A fish found in the Delta of the Vosk. (Raiders of Gor, page 1)

  • No description is given, but presumed to be similar to those of earth. (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • A shellfish found in the Tamber Gulf, its shell and pearls are used to make jewelry. (Nomads of Gor, page 20)

Coasting Gull

Common Lit
Cosian Wingfish

Crested Lit

  • No description is given, but thought to be much like the bottom-dwelling fish of earth.(Marauders of Gor, page 114)

  • An animal from the Northern lands. (Marauders of Gor, page 108)

Desert Kaiila
Dock Eel

  • A freshwater fish found in the rivers, some varieties are edible, and are even considered a great delicacy. They are large enough to kill a human easily and are voracious killers. (Guardsman of Gor, page 129)

Dock Eel
  • A black freshwater fish approximately 4 feet long, weighing 8-10 lbs.; carnivorous and aggressive, they inhabit the shallow waters around the dock and wharves of river ports. (Rogue of Gor, page 155)

Finch, Whistling
  • A flighted bird found at the ground level of the rainforest, it is insectivorous. (Explorers of Gor, page 311)


Tufted Fisher
  • A water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi. (Explorers of Gor, page 311)
Ushindi Fisher
  • A long-legged, wading bird found near the Schendi; its long, white, curling feathers are often used for headdresses. (Explorers of Gor, page 236)

Flat Nosed Sea Sleen



  • A large hook-billed bird which hunts at night. (Slave Girl of Gor, page 117)

Long Billed Fleer
  • A bird inhabitant of the emergent level of the rainforest of Schendi. (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Prairie Fleer
  • A large yellow bird with long wings and a sharp bill which is sometimes called the 'maize bird' or 'corn bird' from the belief that it is usually the first bird to find food. It is described as a hook-billed bird which hunts at night. (Savages of Gor, page 246)


Needle Flies
  • Also known as sting flies, these originate in the delta and similar marshy places. It's sting is extremely painful but it is usually not dangerous unless inflicted in great numbers or near delicate tissues such as the eyes. (Vagabonds of Gor, page 161)

Zarlit Fly
  • Described as an enormous dragonfly. (Raiders of Gor, page 5)

Forest Sleen

Forest Urt

  • A small quick mammal, an insectivore that is kept in some homes for insect control. (Mercenaries of Gor, page 276)

Fruit Tindel


  • Arctic Gant
    A migratory bird that nests on cliffs in the Hrimgar Mountains, the southern border of the polar north. When frozen, their eggs are eaten like apples.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 196)

  • Jungle Gant
    A bird related to the marsh gant which inhabits the river in rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Marsh Gant
    A small long-legged horned bird; broad-billed and broad-winged; hunted by marsh girls. It's cry is imitated by the rence people as a surreptitious means of communication.
    (Raiders of Gor, page 4)

Gatch, Armored
A marsupial mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)

A tiny cat-sized panther of solitary habits which inhabits the low branches of ground level in rainforests inland of Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)

Giant Gint

Giant Tarsks

Giant Urt

  • Horned Gim
    A small purplish owl-like bird with tufts over eyes, approximately 4 ozs. in weight, which inhabits the forests of northern Gor.
    (Captive of Gor, page 39)

  • Lang Gim
    An insectivorous and non-flying bird which inhabits the ground level of rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Yellow Gim
A bird related to the horned gim which inhabits the second level of rainforests inland of Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)
Also called "lung fish", this is a tiny (about 6 inches long) freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi; it has bulbous eyes and flipper-like fins. Having both lungs and gills, it is amphibious and is capable of walking on its pectoral fins. Gints are often found in the company of tharlarion feeding off the scraps of their kills.
(Explorers of Gor, page 299)

  • Giant Gint
    A larger cousin of the gint found in western Gor which is similar in appearance, but with a 4-spined dorsal fin. It is also amphibious and capable of walking on its pectoral fins.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 384)

Gliding Urt

Golden Beetle

Golden Hith

Gort, Hook Billed
A carnivorous hunting bird of the rainforests inland of Schendi which preys on ground urts.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Great Speckled Grunt
Grasshopper, Red
Other than color and size, this red insect is described as weighing around 4 ounces and is presumed to be similar to those of earth.
(Explorers of Gor, page 293)

Gray Sleen

Ground Urt

Grub, Borer
An insectivorous bird which inhabits the ground level of rainforests inland of Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

A large carnivorous salt-water fish which inhabits the Thassa. It is often attracted to feed by the blood of a wounded creature.
(Marauders of Gor, page 59)

  • Blue Grunt
    A small, voracious, carnivorous, and freshwater fish that is related to the Thassa grunt. Like its larger cousin it is attracted by blood.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 267)

  • Great Speckled Grunt
    A four-gilled fish inhabiting the Thassa and caught as food for sailors.
    (Slave Girl of Gor, page 360)

    White Bellied Grunt
    A large game fish which haunts the plankton beds in the Polar North to feed on parsit fish. It's eggs are considered a rare delicacy similar to caviar.
    (Marauders of Gor, page 59)

Guernon Monkey


  • Coasting Gull
    Found in Torvaldsland, this broad winged bird has black tips on its wings and tail feathers, and is similar to the Vosk gull. It's feathers are used on the war arrows of Torvaldsland.
    (Marauders of Gor, page 235)

  • Schendi Gull
    Inhabiting the area around Schendi on the Thassa, they nest on land at night.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 99)

Vosk Gull
A gull of the Vosk Delta and Vosk River. It's feathers are used on sheaf arrows. It winters on the prairies of the Wagon Peoples and flies north in the spring, when the ice breaks up
(Nomads of Gor, page 137)
High Tharlarion

A huge python-like snake.
(Outlaw of Gor, page 26; Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Golden Hith
    A rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.
    (Priest-Kings of Gor, page 191)

This Gorean eagle of The Barrens has a wingspan of 6-8 feet. It is carnivorous and has yellow feathers tipped with black. Also called 'Sun-Striker' or 'out-of-the-sun-it-strikes' for its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it.
(Savages of Gor, page 143)

Hermit, Yellow Breasted
A bird of the Northern Forest, it beats with a sharp beak against trees, such as the Tur tree, to hunt for the larvae of insects.
(Hunters of Gor, page 106)
Hook Billed Gort

Horned Gim

Small, flea-like insects; unlike fleas, they do not drink blood, and are not parasitic.
(Blood Brothers of Gor, page 220)

Hunjer Whale

A migrating bird, not described within the books.
(Nomads of Gor, page 138)

A domesticated marsupial, small and curious, raised on large fenced ranches in several of Gor's northern cities. It is a two legged animal and has black silken wool which is sheared four times a year by slaves, then spun and woven into cloth. It is herded by domesticated sleen.
(Assassin of Gor, page 39)

Ivory Billed Woodpecker

A small scavenger bird that flies in large flocks. A flock can strip the meat from a tabuk in seconds.
(Beasts of Gor, page 149)

Jit Monkey

Jungle Gant

Jungle Vart
Jungle Zad


  • Southern Kaiila
    A large (20-22 hands tall), carnivorous mammal with long neck and silky fur. Its eyes have 3 lids to protect it from the dust of the Plains. It's body is long and sinewy, much like a snake, and it has incredible stamina. Frequently domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper; they are trained from birth to avoid the thrown lance: many do not survive the training. Despite being a mammal, they do not suckle their young, who begin hunt within hours of birth.
    (Nomads of Gor, page 13)

  • Desert Kaiila
    A black or tawny pelted kaiila, also known as sand kaiila. Unlike the Southern kaiila, this species does suckle its young for a time.
    (Tribesmen of Gor, pages 70-71)

A stocky grazing animal that travels in herds, they are tawny with red and brown markings on haunches, having 3 horns. It stands approximately 20-25 hands at the shoulder, and defends itself by circling its young and weak, facing outward with its dangerous horns. They typically roam the savannahs and plains, although some herds may also be found within the forests of Schendi.
(Nomads of Gor, page 2; Explorers of Gor, page 93)
Karl Whale

A migrating meadow variety bird with a shrill call. No other description is given in the books.
(Nomads of Gor, page 137)

Land Tharlarion

Lang Gim

A large (approximately 7 ft. tall at the shoulders) feline with a broad triangular head, much like a viper. The larl's upper canines extend below their jaws very similar to the saber-toothed tiger, and they have long tails that are tufted at the ends. A voracious carnivore, larl are known to be fierce and unafraid of Man.
(Priest Kings of Gor, pages 18)

  • Black Larl
    A predominately nocturnal larl which is sable coated and with a shaggy mane on both male and female.
    (Priest Kings of Gor, page 18)

  • Red Larl
    A larl which is tawny-red coated and has no mane on either the male or female.
    (Priest Kings of Gor, page 19)

  • White Larl
    Seen in icy mountains of the Sardar, they are the largest of the big cats, standing approximately 8 feet at the shoulder.
    (Priest Kings of Gor, page 22)

Lart, Snow
A small 4-legged mammal, about 10 inches high, weighing between 8 and 12 pounds. The snow lart has two stomachs and hunts in summer, filling the second stomach in the fall to last the animal through winter. It's pelt is snowy white and thick. It is considered valuable, selling in Ar for half a silver tarsk. They are found in the Polar North.
(Beasts of Gor, page 74)

Leaf Urt
A small arctic rodent some five to ten ounces in weight which hibernates in the winter. Its furs are sold by the Red Hunters.
(Beasts of Gor, page 74)

Leech, Marsh
Described as rubbery and about 4 inches long. They attach themselves to plants in the marsh or float free in the water, waiting for warm blooded animals. They fasten themselves to their victim to suck blood until, satiated, they detach. They can be removed with fire or salt and they are edible.
(Vagabonds of Gor, page 99-100)

A small (5-7 inches long) blind fish with fernlike filaments at either side of the head which are its sensory organs. White with long fins, it swims slowly and is the main food of the salt shark. It inhabits the brine pits such as those at Klima in the Tahari.
(Tribesmen of Gor, page 247)

A large, marble-sized variety said to be found on a Tarn.
(Tarnsman of Gor, page 142)


  • Common Lit
    A bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Crested Lit
    A bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Needle Tailed Lit
    A bird found in the emergent (highest level) of rainforests in the Schendi area.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Long Billed Fleer

Long Tailed Porcupine


Marcher Ants

Marine Saurian

Marsh Gant

Marsh Leech

Marsh Moccasin
see below

Moccasin, Marsh
A narrow, dark, poisonous snake about five feet long with a small triangular head. It inhabits the waters of the Vosk Delta.
(Vagabonds of Gor, page 267)

Marsh Shark

Marsh Tharlarion
A short-winged yellow and red bird of the rainforests inland of Schendi. It has a sharp bill which it uses to drill into the bark of flower trees for larvae and grubs.
(Explorers of Gor, page 282)

Miniature Sleen


  • Guernon Monkey
    Found in the jungle along the Ua river, it can be recognized by their chattering sound.
    (Explorers of Gor, page307)

  • Jit Monkey
    A simian mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi and is active at night.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 312)

Needle Flies

Needle Tail Lit

Northern Tabuk

A tiny snake about 12 inches long and bright orange in color. Its venom causes extremely painful death within seconds. It is the most venemous snake on Gor, and to be feared. It can be stumbled upon in the night, when it lays out upon roads to soak up the heat in the stones.
(Outlaw of Gor, page 26)

  • Rain Forest Ost
    A snake of the rainforests inland of Schendi which is red with black stripes.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

A shellfish from the delta of the Vosk.
(Captive of Gor, page 301)

Tamber Gulf Oysters
From the Tamber Gulf, these oysters are served raw or baked.
(Captive of Gor, page 301)

Several varieties and colors are found in different areas of Gor, such as within the forests of the North and jungles of Schendi. While they usually hunt at night, they are not invariably nocturnal. They tend to hunt when irritable as well as hungry.
(Captive of Gor, page 181)

A bird found in the emergent level of the rainforest, although some varieties are also found in the level of the canopies of the rainforest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)
Parsit Fish
A silvery fish having brown stripes, they follow the 'parsit current' in the polar basin. In Torvaldsland, it is smoked and dried, stored in barrels, and used in trade to the south.
(Marauders of Gor, page 28)

Pool, Yellow, of Turia
A living, breathing monster that slowly digests it's victims in its acid, it was housed in a chamber in the House of Saphrar. Intertwined, writhing filaments and spheres are embedded in a darkish, yellow jelly and walled in by a translucent membrane. It changed consistency from thick gel to solid at its own will.
(Nomads of Gor, page 205-213)

Porcupine, Long Tailed
An animal of the canopy level of the rainforest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Prairie Fleer

Prarie Sleen

Prairie Tabuk

A small, dun-colored, 3-toed mammal with a stiff, brushy mane of black hair, much like prehistoric horses of earth. For those who are into trivia: the plural form is qualae.
(Raiders of Gor, page 4)
Racing Tarn
Racing Tharlarion

Rain Forest Ost

Red Grasshopper

Red Larl

A crablike desert insect which is poisonous.
(Nomads of Gor, page 27)

Ring Neck Wader

River Shark

River Tharlarion

Rock Spider

Rock Tharlarion

Rogue Sea Sleen

An inhabitant of the brine pits of the salt mines of the Tahari, they are white and blind with long stemlike legs with fern-like filaments which are feather gills.
(Tribesmen of Gor, page 247)

Salt Shark

Saurian, Marine
A fish-like predator with a long neck and a toothed snout, it is silent and aggressive, and moves by swimming with its broad, paddle-like fins. Sailors fear them as they do the long-bodied sharks.
(Slave Girl of Gor, page 360)

Schendi Gull

These are found in the canopy level of the rainforest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)
There are several varieties of sharks on Gor, saltwater and freshwater, and they are found in all areas of Gor. The common shark is nine-gilled and its skin is very rough and abrasive.
(Captive of Gor, page 79)

  • Marsh Shark
    A deadly fresh water hunter of the Gorean Marshes, eel-like in appearance, with nine-gills.
    (Raider of Gor, page 58)

  • River Shark
    A narrow, black, vicious, and very carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin which inhabits the rivers of Gor.
    (Captive of Gor, page 79)

Salt Shark
A long-bodied (12 foot or more) carnivorous fish having gills situated under the jaw, several rows of triangular teeth, a sickle-like tail, and a sail-like dorsal fin. It inhabits brine pits such as those of the Tahari.
(Tribesmen of Gor, page 249)

Sea Sleen
A long sleek mammal with flippers and six legs, and double fanged jaws. It can weigh as much as 1000 pounds and measure as much as 20 feet in length. It is hunted by the Red Hunters for food and pelts.
(Beasts of Gor, page 280)

  • Black Sea Sleen
    One of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 38)

  • Brown Sea Sleen
    One of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 38)

  • Flat Nosed Sea Sleen
    One of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 38)

  • Rogue Sea Sleen
    A rare, broader headed, and more dangerous variety of sea sleen found in the Polar North.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 283-285)

  • Tufted Sea Sleen
    One of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 38)

  • White-Spotted Sea Sleen
    An uncommon variety of sea sleen, its rich fur is used for cloaks.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 300)

A rodent which inhabits the ground zone of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)
A ferocious feline, some 20 feet long, having 6 legs. The sleen has a broad triangular head and a huge jaw with two rows of fangs and a dark tongue. It's widely set eyes have slit-like pupils. It's tail tends to switch back and forth, getting rigid, as it hunts, it's ears flatten against it's head just prior to it's final 'charge' attack on it's prey. Sleen can be domesticated for herding and tracking, although they respond only to the voice of their Master. The hunting sleen are said to be the best trackers upon Gor, and will follow a scent until the quarry is dead or captured.
(Beasts of Gor, page 12-13; Raiders of Gor, page 105)

  • Forest Sleen
    A long, sinuous feline that is black or brown in color. It resembles a lizard, except it is furred and mammalian. In its attack frenzy, it is one of the most dangerous animals on Gor.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 12-13)

  • Gray Sleen
    Said to be Gor's finest tracker, this six legged sleen is a furred mammal with a silver gray pelt. It has an agile, sinuous body, as thick as a drum, and is 14-15 feet long. This breed is relentless and tenacious. It can follow a scent that is weeks old for a thousand pasangs.
    (Dancer of Gor, page 160)

  • Miniature Sleen
    Sly, nasty, and dangerous if not properly controlled, these are often kept as sinuous pets by Free Women. It is this creature that is the cause of the derogatory reference in calling someone a "sleen" or "she-sleen".
    (Dancer of Gor, page 167)

Prairie Sleen
Tawny in color, and smaller than the forest sleen, but these are every bit as unpredictable and vicious. Domesticated prairie sleen are used for hunting, and these nocturnal animals are used as shepherds and sentinels. They are released from their cages with the falling of darkness, responding to and obeying only the voice of their master.
(Nomads of Gor, page 2)
Slime Worm
A long, slow, blind worm which inhabits the caverns below the Nest in the Sardar. It scavenges the remains of the Golden Beetles' kills.
(Priest Kings of Gor, page 104-105)

Although no description is available in the books, it is assumed to be similar to those of earth.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

These are used for fish bait, but are also edible.
(Marauders of Gor, page 62)

Snow Lart

A shellfish common especially in the Vosk river and the marshes, which is similar to an oyster. They may become large enough that their shells may be used as a throne. Like an oyster, it manufactures pearls.
(Nomads of Gor, page 20; Raiders of Gor pgs 14)
Southern Kaiila

  • Spiders
    Rock Spider
    An inhabitant of the rainforests lower level, this brown or black spider camouflages itself by tucking its legs under its body to look like a rock, hence its name. It is approximately one foot in diameter and will catch small rodents or birds in its web.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 294)

Swamp Spiders
Man-sized acrachnids which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar. They can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens. They spin Cur-lon Fiber, which is used in the textile mills of Ar.
(Tarnsman of Gor, page 81-83)

Squirrels, Black
An animal of the ground zone of the rain forest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)

Swamp Spiders


  • Prairie Tabuk
    A kind of antelope, described as tawny and gazelle-like with a single horn, it responds to threat by scurrying away or lying down. Presumably this reponse is useful because of the high grass of the Barrens and Plains, as most predators depend on vision to detect and locate it's prey. It travels in fleet footed herds and haunts the ka-la-na thickets of the planet, occasionally venturing daintily into the meadows in search of berries and salt. It's meat is used as food by men and animals. It is a favorite prey of Tarns.
    (Blood Brothers of Gor, pages 316-317)

  • Northern Tabuk
    Massive, tawny and swift, it is much larger than the smaller southern variety. Standing ten hands at the shoulders, they have the single spiralling ivory horn, which at it's base can be 2 1/2 inches in diameter and over a yard in length. The Red Hunters are irrecovably tied to the tabuk for sustenance and the devices of daily living, much like the Wagon Peoples and the bosk, and the Red Savages and the kailiauk.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 152)

Tahari Zad

Tamber Clam

Tamber Gulf Oysters
A bird found in the emergent level of the rainforests.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

A huge, crested, hawk-like bird. It is large enough to be ridden, and is used in battle and in racing. While they can be "domesticated", they are extremely fierce and dangerous, and are said to know whether One who approaches is a "tarnsman" or not. Despite Their own strength and power, few Men of Gor would dare to approach one without a goad.
(Tarnsman of Gor, page 51)

  • Racing Tarn
    A more slender, lighter bird that is bred for speed and endurance. Racing Tarns are also used by messengers to go from one city-state to another.
    (Assassin of Gor, page 143)

  • Transport Tarn
    A huge, heavy, slower bird, bred to carry large loads in hanging baskets or pallets over great distances.
    (Assassin of Gor, page 143)

  • War Tarn
    A heavier then average tarn, but very agile and vicious, it is trained to aid in battle.
    ( Assassin of Gor, page 143)

Nocturnal monkeys that inhabit the rainforest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)

A porcine animal, much like a wild boar, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail. It is viciously aggressive and considered a prime hunting animal. A common source of meat, it is often roasted whole.
(Raiders of Gor, page 219)

  • Giant Tarsk
    Presumably similar to the common tarsk, however it stands 10 hands at the shoulder and is hunted with lances from tarnback.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 346)

One of severval types of large reptiles, some of which have been domesicated. As well as being a livestock animal, It's fat is rendered to provide lamp oil.
(Tarnsman of Gor, page 84)

  • Bipedalian Tharlarian
    Smaller and swifter than the High Tharlarian, these are used as scouts and fast-passage cart pullers.
    (Magicians of Gor, page 290)

  • Broad Tharlarion
    A large and sluggish herbivore that is used as draft animals.
    (Tarnsman of Gor, page 125)

  • High Tharlarion
    An agile carnivore that is used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs.
    (Tarnsman of Gor, page 115)

  • Land Tharlarion
    A land dwelling tharlarion used for towing river barges. The land tharlarion can swim, though not as efficiently as the river tharlarion.
    (Captive of Gor, page 81)

  • Marsh Tharlarion
    Inhabitants of the marshes that comprise the delta of the Vosk, these are presumed to be similar to crocodiles.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 326)

  • Water Tharlarion
    Described as not much more than 'teeth and tail', this tiny scavenger follows in the wake of the larger water tharlarion and is not more than 6 inches long. It inhabits the marshes.
    (Raiders of Gor, page 1)

  • Racing Tharlarion
    These high tharlarions are bred and registered for racing. Unlike the animals used as cavalry, these are chosen from 'medium class' tharlarion, being smaller and lighter.
    (Magicians of Gor, page 290)

  • River Tharlarion
    Extremely large, herbivorous, web-footed lizards used by bargemen of the Cartius River to pull barges.
    (Captive of Gor, page 80)

  • Mamba
    A large predatory variety of river tharlarion which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi. It is believed the cannibalistic Mamba People take their name from this flesh eating animal.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 393)

  • Rock Tharlarion
    A small, six-toed reptile of the south.
    (Marauders of Gor, page 152)

  • Winged Tharlarion (also knowns as Ul)
    A giant flying reptile, it is a winged, monstrous, hissing, predatory tharlarion that is found flying over the deltas surrounding Port Kar. This reptile has a 25 foot wing span and a long, snakelike tail, terminating with a flat spade like structure. It is fiercely carnivorous.
    (Raiders of Gor, page 61)

A small, thin-legged bird which lives on tiny mollusks found on the shores of Thassa.
(Hunters of Gor, page 247)

Tindel, Fruit
A bird which inhabits the canopy zone of the rainforests of the Schendi area.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

A crab-like organism with overlapping plating which inhabits the Nest and scavenges on discarded fungus spores.
(Priest Kings of Gor, page 82)

Transport Tarn

Tree Urt

Tufted Sea Sleen

A large flightless bird, about the size of an ostrich, which has a long hooked beak (approximately 18 inches in legth) that is long enough and sharp enough to sever a Man's arm from his body. Carnivorous and fierce, it is hunted by the Wagon People with the bola.
(Nomads of Gor, page 2)

Tufted Fisher

Turtle, Vosk
Able to grow to be gigantic, these animals are carnivorous, aggressive and persistent. Because of the thickness of their shell, they can be difficult to kill.
(Raiders of Gor, page 61)


A small, silken-furred rodent akin to the Earth rat. It has three rows of teeth, two tusks, and two horns, and swims well. There are several different species of urts depending on where they live.
(Nomads of Gor, page 125)

  • Canal Urt
    A rapid moving water mammal living along canals and is particularly found in Port Kar.
    (Savages of Gor, page 67)

  • Forest Urt
    A nocturnal animal living in the forests, hunted by the hook-billed night crying fleer.
    (Slave Girl of Gor, page 117)

  • Giant Urt
    Fat, sleek, and white, it has 3 rows of needle-like white teeth and 4 horns.
    (Outlaw of Gor, page 86)

  • Gliding Urt
    An animal living in the canopies of the rainforests inland of Schendi, there is a flap of skin between front and hind legs which opens into "wings" when it leaps from tree to tree.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Ground Urt
    A small animal which inhabits the floor of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 312)

  • Leaf Urt
    A small tree-dwelling rodent having 4 toes which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 312)

  • Tree Urt
    A small tree-climbing rodent found in the rainforests inland of Schendi
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Umbrella Bird
A bird that lives in the lower canopies of rainforest near Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Ushindi Fisher


    Brown Vart
    A carnivorous animal, blind, bat-like, about the size of a small dog. It rests clinging upside down on branches.
    (Priest Kings of Gor, page 191; Outlaw of Gor, page 26)

  • Jungle Vart
    A relative of the northern vart, it inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Veminium Bird
A songbird of the veminium fields, no description is given in the books.
(Magicians of Gor, page 363)

A mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai Mountains, it is wild, agile, ill-tempered, with long hair and spiraling horns. Tended in herds, it is a source of a form of wool. Its milk is drunk, tho not preferred over that of the bosk. More commonly, the milk is used for making cheese.
(Priest-Kings of Gor, page 63)
Vosk Gull

Vosk Turtle

A tawny-colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which roams wild, although it flocks within the herds of bosk. It is used for meat and eggs, and its feathers for stuffing pillows.
(Nomads of Gor, page 1)

  • Ring Necked Wader
    A variety of water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

  • Yellow Legged Wader
    A variety of water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 311)

War Tarn

A bird found in the level of the canopies of the rainforest.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)
Water Tharlarion

There are several varieties of whales on Gor.
(Beasts of Gor, page 265)

  • Baleen Whale
    A bluish, white spotted, blunt-finned whale found in the waters of the far North. It's bones are used in making of instruments, weapons and building materials. Commonly hunted by the Red Hunters.
    (Beasts of Gor, page 36)

  • Hunjer Whale
    A rare, toothed whale, which is hunted by the Red Hunters.
    (Marauders of Gor, page 114)

Karl Whale
An uncommon, four-fluked baleen whale hunted by the Red Hunters.
(Beasts of Gor, page 36)

Whistling Finch

White Bellied Grunt

White Larl

White Spotted Sea Sleen

Winged Tharlarion

Wingfish, Cosian
Also known as songfish due to its whistling mating song, this is a tiny, blue, salt-water fish with 4 poisonous spines on its dorsal fin. It is found in the waters off of Port Kar, and its liver is considered a delicacy in Turia.
(Nomads of Gor, page 84-85)

Woodpecker, Ivory Billed
A bird found in the lower canopies of the rainforests near Schendi.
(Explorers of Gor, page 311)

Yellow Gim

Yellow Legged Wader

Yellow Pool of Turia


  • Jungle Zad
    A cousin of the Tahari zad which is found in the rainforest inland of Schendi.
    (Explorers of Gor, page 415)

  • Tahari Zad
    A large, broad-winged, black & white bird with a long, narrow, yellowish, hooked beak, found in the Tahari. They scavenge on carrion and are similar to the Earth vulture.
    (Tribesmen of Gor, page 232)

A small, tawny-feathered, sharp-billed bird of the Tahari. It is insectivorous, feeding on sand flies and other similar insects. They often land on kaiila and spend long periods hunting the sand flies that infest the host animal.
(Tribesmen of Gor, page 152)

Zarlit Flies

A small, sleen-like, carnivorous mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi, especially along the Ua River. It grows to approximately 2 feet in length and weighs 8-10 lbs. It is diurnal and swims very well. It also builds a nest of sticks and mud in the branches of a tree where it spends the night.
(Explorers of Gor, page 312)

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