Friday, January 24, 2014

Scribe Training Ideas

The apprentice scribe series consists of several classes giving an introduction to various aspects of the scribe caste including what scribes are, how they work within Gorean government and different roles scribes can have in Gor. Class also addresses many commonly held on linisms such "Scribes don't carry weapons." and "You need a scribe to get Free Companioned."

Certification as a full scribe: there is no central certifying body for scribes.

Apprentice scribes have completed their training when the follow is true.
  1. Attended all classes
  2. Completed a Thesis Project - apprentices who have an idea of where they wish to work and practice as scribes should meet with the Head of Scribe Caste and decide on a project. The project must do three things-
  • Fill a need of the City
  • Be of interest to the apprentice
  • Demonstrate on completion competence in chosen field. (Obviously due to nature of variable work in the scribe caste, projects will vary as well.)

Read all not just what apply to you. Reading part will only mean you have missed something important - for as a Gorean this would have all been learned from birth.

One Recommended Class Schedule
These can be divided or change as needed.
Class 1 - Social Structure & Gorean Governance
Class 2 - Free Companionship and Other Ceremonies
Class 3 - Library - Creating & Maintaining a Library
Class 4 - Record Keeping
Class 5 - The Fighting Scribes of Gor: Map Makers and Geographers
Class 6 - Moderating Roleplay
Class 7 - Diplomat/Ambassador role
Class 8 - Magistrate, Training and Types
Class 9 - Citizenship Applications/Homestone Ceremony

Possible Course Work Assignments
Include both the Assignmnet and the completion of the work below.
Assignment 1: The Gorean Alphabet and Writing in Gorean Style and Method
Assignment 2: The Castes, Colors and Caste Laws of Gor
Assignment 3: First and Second Knowledge
Assignment 4: The values and tendencies of scribes
Assignment 5: Sub Castes of the High Castes
Assignment 6: Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society
Assignment 7: Gorean Languages other than Kassar
Assignment 8: Tools of the scribe- what they are and how used
Assignment 9: The specialty areas of a scribe
Assignment 10: Research- discerning what you need to know versus what you can find when needed.

There is no alternative for reading the Books of Gor written by John Norman for yourself and a good place to use for reference is The Gorean Cave by Fogaban

Some of my older notes are found at which are being moved to here.

This seems to have a lot of information and may be useful to look at further.

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