Bara - Slave lays on her belly, face down to the floor, turned slightly to the left. Crossed wrists behind back, and ankles crossed, legs straight, unmoving. Awaits for binding. "Bara," said Mincon to Tura."Bara," said I to Feliqa, both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles crossed. It is a common binding position. Mercenaries of Gor, p 145
Belly - there are many forms of doing this position. The most common form, a slave lays on her belly, parts legs, shoulder width apart, laying her arms by her sides, palms up, and her forehead to the ground then crawls to Master/Mistress feet, continuing to remain on her belly. "Stop," he said. "To your belly." Then I was on my belly, on the tiles, my hands at the sides of my head, prone, before his curule chair. Kajira of Gor, p 247
Blanket - Although this is not technically a command or position, it is still an action slaves should remember. If something is thrown over the slaves head, she must remain silent and motionless until freed from it. “I then threw the second blanket, the top blanket over her, covering her completely. When a blanket, or cloak, or covering of any sort, is thrown over a slave like this she may not speak or rise. She must remain as she is, silent, until the Master, or some Free Man, lifts the covering away.” ~ Explorer’s of Gor p.94
Bonds of Master's Will - when the Master places a girl in a position of His choice, then tells her it is the bond of Master's will, then the girl cannot move unless she wishes death instantly. "She wore the `bonds of the master's will.' Grunt had put her in them. She could not rise to her feet. Yet there was not a rope or strap on her body. She was `bound by the master's will.' She could not move from this position unless, at the word of a free person, she was freed from it. To break the position otherwise is to be instantly slain." Blood Brothers of Gor, p 248
Bracelets (kneeling) (standing) - kneeling, thighs spread wide, back arched, wrist crossed in the small over the slaves back, head held high with eyes lowered submissively. Standing, hips turned to the left, back straight, head turned to the left, placing wrists together behind back for Master/Mistress’s bracelets.. "Bracelets," I said in Gorean, harshly. The girl snapped to position, hands behind the small of her back, head lifted, chin upturned to the left." Tribesman of Gor, p 78
Capture Position - The slave lays down on their back, bending knees to place feet flat against the ground, hands at side and remains motionless. "'On your back,' he said, 'knees raised, heels on the floor.' I then lay before Him, in a standard, supine capture position." Kajira of Gor page 422.
Coffle - the slave kneels normally with her thighs pared and lifts either the left or right wrist outwards, depending on the type of coffle, so that the wrist can be attached to a wrist ring within the chain. "'Kneel to be coffled,' said one of the men. The girls knelt, closely, one behind the other, there were six wrist rings on the chain he carried. He placed the girl who had been whipped by Lady Sabina first in the coffle line. `Left wrist coffle,' he said. They lifted their left wrists, frightened. Interestingly, the man snapping the wrist rings on the girls' left wrists did not put the first girl in the first ring, but the second. When the four maids were coffled there was, thus, an empty wrist ring both at the head and rear of the line. 'Stand, Slaves,' said the man. 'Lower chain.' The girls stood. Then, ordered, they lowered their wrists. They were then in line, standing, coffled. Slave Girl of Gor, p 127
Coin - In this position, a slave is given a coin, something they are not allowed to touch with their fingers. A coin slave, sent to the streets to earn coin for Master through sexual service, will wear a small leather bag on a tether around neck. Either lifting head and offer the box or if no box is to hold out tongue to accept the coin. "Coin girls are a form of street slave, usually sent into the streets around dusk by their masters, who commonly own several of them, with a chain on their necks, to which would be attached, normally, a bell, to call attention to their whereabouts, and a small, locked coin box. And woe to the girl who returns without coins jangling in the box!" Renegades of Gor page 107.
Crawl - A slave drops to all fours, her forearms flat on the ground, and lowers her head so that it is slightly above, but not touching, the ground. Raising her bottom high; she then crawls to the Master/Mistress placing her head next to His/Her boots. I pointed to the stones at my feet. "Crawl," I said , in Gorean. The girl slipped to her belly, and as a slave girl, crawled to my feet. She put her lips to my foot. I felt her hair over it. Tribesmen of Gor, P.78
Display - Stands with feet slightly farther than shoulder width apart, lacing fingers together behind her neck with elbows back, head up, and eyes submissively lowered. Lips parted wide, extending out the tongue. Tightened the ass and stomach muscles. “in this position the slave stands with her feet a bit wider than the width of her shoulders, she then places her hands behind her neck with her fingers interlaced, her head is up but her eyes are lowered in submission. from this position her master may view her beauty or allow others to view her beauty. Alternatively her arms may be spread above her head and tied or chained to a wall or crossbeam, this position lifts the line of the breasts “Players of Gor pg 137
Feet -
- "Feet,' I said. This time she had enough presence of mind to squirm to my feet and press her lips upon them, kissing them." Vagabond of Gor page 276.
- Gag Law - "When she had been used before my kennel, she had been under 'gag law', as is common when the guards use a girl, forbidden speech, save for moans and whispers." Dancer of Gor, p. 65 Gorean Love Bow - this position is the most uncomfortable one and sometimes painful one to indure for more that 5 minutes. The slave slips to a sinful nadu parting her thighs wide she bends her body backwards till her head touches the floor placing her hands by her head she pulls herself up arching her back into a back bend. This exposes a slaves heat and breasts for her Master/Mistress enjoyment. Over her iron collar she wore a heavy leather Kur collar, high, heavily sewn, with its large ring. He thrust her two wrists before her body, into the ring he had cut from the Kur. He then tied them inside, and to, the ring. He then, from his belt, tool a long length of binding fiber and, doubling it, looped it, securing it, as its center to the ring, leaving two long ends. He then threw her, on her back, over the body, head down, of the fallen Kur. He took the two loose ends of the binding fiber and, taking them under the body of the fallen Kur, dragged her wrists, elbows bent, over and above her head; he then, bending her knees, tied one of the loose ends about her left ankle, and the other about her right. This was the Gorean Love Bow. Marauders of Gor, pg. 261
Hair - Standing or kneeling, bending at the waist gracefully, that hair might fall forward, or lowering head, gathering it up and offering to Master/Mistress to be lead, or be used as a napkin. The “Hair” command could be used for the girl to also wash the floors with, for their hair was commonly kept long. “held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position.“ Beasts of Gor p 409
Heel - A slave kneels or stands just behind her Master’s/Mistress left foot. As He/She moves she must remain just behind His/Hers foot, but never come in contact with it at any time. "When I snapped my fingers she would rise to her feet and follow me, heeling me, like the sleek domestic beast she was, to her master’s lodge. One of the first things a girl is taught to do is to heel." Blood Brothers of Gor page 109
High Harness - This is a position used most often with display slaves, holding head very high, exposing neck. It does not matter what position the slave currently holds when the command is given they raise their head highly. "Lift your head, " he said. "Higher. Higher!" She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat.... "You need not now keep your head in high-harness position,", he said to the girl. She moved her head. Mercenaries of Gor pgs 308-309
Kneel to the Whip - The slave kneels with her knees pressed tight together as would a slave assuming Tower. Her arms are bent at the elbow, her wrists crossed, and held tight to her breasts, covering them. She then bends forward, turning her head to the left and touching her cheek to the floor. Her back thus curved and exposed she awaits the whip. "I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip. I shook, visibly, at his feet. I whimpered, I waited for him to call a guard, to bring the lash." Slavegirl of Gor. Pg 200
- Lap - There are two positions for this command, the first when the slave is to lay her body across the Masters lap. He will then procede to spank her. Second, the slave will merely warm the Masters lap cuddling close.
- Leading Position - going to your Master/Mistress side and bending at your waist, gathering up her hair to present to her Master/Mistress so he may lead her by the hair. "'Leading position,' he said. Sobbing, she rose to her feet and put her head down, at what would be the height of a man's waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair." Rogue of Gor page 248.
- High Leasha - A slave kneels quickly spreading her thighs wide, arches her back and places her hands, wrists crossed, at the small of her back, turns her head to the left with eyes lowered submissively, lips parted slightly and await the leash or inspection. "'Lesha,' snapped the second officer to the blond girl. She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets." Explorers of Gor page 76.
- Nadu - This position is used most often. The slave kneels, her thighs open wide her hands placed palms up atop her thighs, her belly and back slightly in, shoulders straight, forcing her breasts out, her head is raised proudly, her eyes lowered to the ground. "Nadu!" he snapped. She swiftly turned, facing him, and dropped to her knees. She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her hands on her thighs, her head up, her knees wide. It was the position of the leasure slave. Explorers of Gor p77
- Nestle - Melting yourself under Masters arm snuggled closely. "Nestle," I told her. "Yes, Master," she said. She nestled obediently in the crook of my left arm. Explorer's of Gor p279
- Obedience - A slave goes to the floor, laying upon her stomach, face down before the Master/Mistress. She turns her head and places her cheek against His/Her feet, kissing them lightly in a gesture of love and submission. (three types)
"'The are many ways to perform obeisance.' I said... 'I shall instruct you briefly in three,' I said. 'First kneel before me, back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission. Now that,' I said, 'may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission.' Mercenaries of Gor page 409-10.
"She knelt before him, on the dias, and put her head down. Gently, softly, she licked and kissed his feet. She then rose again to her feet, backed away, and then, on the tiles, again knelt. She put the palms of her hands upon the tiles, and lowered her head to the tiles." Rogue of Gor page 299.
'Now' I said, 'for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me.' ...'There are various forms of bellying,' I said, 'and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality.' ...'Now inch forward,' I said, 'remaining low on your belly and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the Mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course.'" Mercenaries of Gor page 410.
"Have her stand, and turn," said a man.
I heard the snapping of fingers.
Quickly I rose to my feet, and turned, before them.
"Interesting," said a man.
"Clasp your hands behind the back of your head," said a fellow from the house.
I complied.
"Arch your back," said another.
My left foot was now slightly advanced. I was bent backwards, my back arched. My hands were clasped behind the back of my head.
"Yes," said another. "Interesting."
"Belly," said the fellow who had first spoken to me.
Instantly I returned to my belly, as I had been before, my head turned to the left, my arms back, down at my sides, my hands turned so that my palms, their softness, faced up, exposed.
Witness of Gor, pg6
Prostrate - A slave kneels and touches her forehead to the floor and stretches her arms out before her with palms face down and fingers spread. “I knelt before the guest, putting the palms of my hands on the floor and my head to the tiles." Kajira of Gor page 305.
Show Rebellion - This is a command, not a position. Rebellion may be commanded of a slave. (It can be a very cruel command to the slave, for she can be punished severely afterwards.) "There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master's amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. 'Show rebellion', is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. 'Kneel' is the command which, commonly, puts an end to her rebellion. When a girl has been permitted defiance it is then all the sweeter, I gather, to bring her again to her knees before you." Slave Girl of Gor, p. 153
Relax - The slave will usually relax resting on her heels, she may speak and continue what she was doing, but she might no longer be needed at that moment and can relax pleasingly.
Run - A slave runs toward her objective, taking small rapid steps, her legs almost straight, her head is turned to the left, her arms are at her sides with palms facing outward. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu. "I was amused, for she had run as a slave girl is sometimes taught to run, with rapid short steps, her legs almost straight, her feet scarcely leaving the ground, back straight, head turned to the left, arms at her sides, palms out at a forty-five degree angle, more of a dancer's motion than a true run." Assassin of Gor page 44.
She-Sleen - Get down on your knees and elbows and clasps her hands over her head, raising her hips very high. She parts her thighs and arches her back, forcing her hips yet higher, exposing herself completely to His view or caress. She readies herself to be beaten or taken sexually like an animal, depending on her Master’s choice. "Melina, now a naked slave in sleen collar, was ordered forth on her hands and knees. A sleen leash was attached to her collar and she was marched, as a she-sleen, crawling, abused, to the rape-rack". Slave Girl of Gor, Pg238
She-Sleen/Hesleen Quadrupled - On hands and knees and most not use hands for anything, must use mouth, forbidden to speak and may only grunt like an animal. Some times she is taught tricks with out verbal communications this is for humiliation and punishment position. “In this form of slavery, which is commonly used for disciplinary purposes, or for the amusement of the Master, the woman is not permitted to arise from all fours; similarly she is not permitted human speech, though she may signify needs and desires by such means as cringing, and moaning and whimpering. Not permitted the use of her hands, save as a means of locomotion, she must also eat and drink from pans set on the floor, or, sometimes to satisfy her thirst, she must lap the water permitted to her from puddles or lick spillages from the tiles; too, it is not uncommon to chain her near her master's feet, while he dines, that he may, if he wishes, throw her scraps of food. She will also be taught tricks, through which paces she may be put for the entertainment of her master's guests, such things as begging, lying down, rolling over, and fetching his sandals in her teeth. And, needless to say, when her master wishes to use her sexually, it will be a position common to the she-quadruped." Guardsman of Gor, page 225
Slaver's Caress - A slave drops to her hands and knees, her forehead to the ground, her hips raised high. She spreads her thighs wide, exposing herself for her Master's pleasure. "Her movements were wooden. The crowd was not pleased. There was only two gold piece bid. Then taking the whip from the whip slave the auctioneer stepped to the disconsolate girl; suddenly without warning, he administered to her the Slaver's caress, the whip caress, and her response was utterly, uncontrollably, wild, helpless. She regarded him in horror. The crowd howled with delight." Assassin of Gor page 294.
Slave Lips - A slave purses her lips and raises them slightly towards the Master. to present lips for use, remain still until your freed from it with a kiss. "On your back," I snapped. "Make slave lips. Throw apart your legs!" Swiftly the girl complied, tears in her eyes. She then lay there, her lips pursed to kiss, her ankles widely apart. I looked down at her. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. A girl who is commanded to make slave lips, or who receives the command, "Slave lips," must form her mouth for kiss. She then, commonly, is not permitted to break this lip position until either she kisses or is kissed. Needless to say, a girl cannot speak when her lips are in the unbroken, fully pursed slave-lips position. The command which commonly follows the "Slave-Lips" command is, "Please me." Blood Brothers of Gor page 111.
Slave Rape - There are different ways this can be done but the standard is that one lays motionless and supine. "I went to the side of the room and picked up my sea bag. I threw it to the corner of the room. She looked down at it puzzled. It was of heavy black material, canvas, and tied with a white rope. 'Lie down upon it,' I told her, 'on your back, your head to the floor.' She did so. 'No, please,' she said, 'not like this.' It is a common position for a disciplinary slave rape. In it the woman feels very vulnerable, very helpless. I then took her." Explorers of Gor page 202.
Stand - Standing the body held erect, head up and shoulders back, with feet slightly parted, the left foot somewhat forward of the right with a slight flex in the knee and the feet angled out a bit. Most of the weight should be on the right foot with hips canted slightly, the right hip slightly higher than the left. The right hand rests palm in on the hip with the elbow flexed and held out from the body; the left arm is extended with only a very slight arch in the elbow, the left hand resting with the palm against the upper thigh. "'Stand as a slave,' he said. I stood beautifully, back straight, head high, belly sucked in, hip turned. No woman can stand more beautifully than as a Gorean slave girl." Slave Girl of Gor page 249.
Standard Binding Position - stands before Master; eyes lowered, hands behind her, arms extended and wrist pressed together for binding. "'Standing binding position,' he said. I was prone. When a girl is prone, the standard binding position is to cross the wrists behind the back and to cross the ankles. I took this position instantaneously." Slave Girl of Gor page 125.
Strip - Self explanatory, yet as with most of what slave girls are taught, it can be brought to an art and performed in many ways. The command is also issued by a gesture. She trembled. "Reach now," I said, "to the cord at the left side of your waist." "I do not even know how to strip myself before a man," she said, in misery. "There are a thousand ways in which it may be done," I said. She touched the cord. Her fingers were on it. Then she looked up at me. "How might a slave do this?" she asked. "In one of a thousand ways," I smiled She moaned. "A typical way might be as follows," I said. "The girl might stand or kneel before the master. She might say, "Your property begs to be permitted to reveal herself to you." Then, if the permission is granted, she does so." "Your property begs to be permitted to reveal herself to you," she whispered, softly. "But," I said, "as you are a free woman, you are not my property." She regarded me. "And so I do not grant you permission."Renegades of Gor, p 165
Submission {Collring} - kneels bending at the waist, placing cheek to the floor, takes the Master’s/Mistress right foot and places it upon neck, placing arms behind back, crossing them at the wrist. Submit", he said. She looked at me, wildly, piteously. I aided her. I showed her how to kneel back on her heels, her arms extended to him, wrists crossed, her head down, between her arms. "Say, "I submit", I said. "I submit", she said. He bound her wrists tightly before her body." Slave Girl of Gor, Pg 401
Sula - A slave lays flat on her back , her thighs spread wide, placing her wrists crossed above her head, her eyes remain lowered in submission and she silently and motionless awaits her Masters pleasure. "'Sula, Kajira!' said the man. She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, legs open." Explorers of Gor page 77.
Sula-Ki - the sula-ki is also known as the alternate sula. A slave lays flat on the floor, face upward, her hands at her sides, palms open and up she slides her legs wide in preparation for her Masters pleasure, slowly lifting her hips off the floor to expose her heat more to Him. "The firelight was beautiful on her body. I think there was no aspect or attitude of her beauty which she had not, pleadingly, presented before me for my inspection and appraisal. Then she lay on her back, her knees drawn up, before me. She arched her back. Her breasts were lifted beautifully. I observed their lovely rise and fall, correlated with the respiratory cycle of her small lungs. Then she lay back, her shoulders in the dirt, and pressing against the earth with her small feet, piteously lifted before me, for my examination, and seizure, if I pleased, the deep belly of her, the sweet cradle of her slave's heat. " Explorers of Gor page 329.
Table - A table is used to support her feet or drink. She goes to all fours making sure her back is level, her head held straight, her eyes lowered in submission. The girl should ensure she is stable, so as not to risk spilling the drink, or disturbing her Master, and should remain totally motionless. Stability can be increased if a girl ensures her thighs are parted widely and her elbows locked. there is not one from my viewing of the books.. however, this position is left on the page because i have been seen it performed several times
Tower - Dropping to her knees and pressing thighs tightly together and back held straight, head high and eyes lowered laying hands to her thighs. "The position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika knelt, differs from that of a free woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding... The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, the are crossed behind her. More significantly, for the free woman's hands may also rest on her thighs, there is a difference in the placement of the knees. In all these kneeling positions, incidentally, even that of the Pleasure Slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon." Priest Kings of Gor pages 46-7.
Usage - The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, pressing her head to the floor, hands behind her head. Her buttocks thrust upward and thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master. He knelt me there. "Put your head down, to the floor," he said. "Clasp your hands, firmly, behind the back of your neck."
"Yes, Master," I moaned. He was then behind me. He put his hands, under my arms, on my breasts, sweetly and firmly. Then he moved his bands back, caressing my flanks. My head was down. My fingers were together, behind the back of my neck. I was in his collar. It was steel, I could not remove it. I belonged to him. My body hurt, from his whip, that of my master. My head hurt, from my hair, where I had been conducted, unceremoniously, to this location.
"Please, Master," I sobbed. "Not like this! Not you, please!"
"The slave is pretty," he remarked.
"Oh!" I cried. "Oh!"
"You have a lovely ass," he said.
"Ohhh!" I said.
"You may thank me," he said.
Kajira of 434
- Walk - A slave turns gracefully, she walks quietly across the room or camp, her feet hardly seeming to leave the ground, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hips out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her chin is held high and her eyes are lowered. The walk could only have been that of a slave girl. I then realized that the girls in attendance on the veiled woman, who had been seated in the curule chair on the palanquin, were slaves. The circlets on their throats were doubtless collars, and the wristlet each wore was doubtless naught but matching slave jewelry. But they were obviously high slaves, judging by the fineness of their raiment. They were the slave maids of the Lady Sabina, doubtless belonging to her. I wondered how long it had been since one of them had had the hands of a man on her body. Slave Girl of Gor, Pg281
- Whip Caress - the slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather against her body. Then, before I could realise what he intended, he had subjected Miss Cardwell to what, among slavers, is known as the Whip Caress. Ideally it is done, as Kamchak had, unexpectedly, taking the girl unawares. Elizabeth suddenly cried out throwing her head to one side. I observed to my amazement the sudden, involuntary, uncontrollable response to the touch. The Whip Caress is commonly used among Slavers to force a girl to betray herself. Nomads of Gor pg 168
- Whipping Position-A slave quickly drops to her knees and raises her hips, she places her head to the floor, folding her arms across her belly, slaves with long hair pull their hair down off their back exposing it for the whip. This position is normally used for punishment or exhibiting a girls heat for a potential buyer."Terrified, she, as the expression is, knelt to the whip, assuming the position of the slave girl who is to be punished, her wrists crossed beneath her as though bound and her head touching the floor, leaving the bow of her back exposed." Priest-Kings of Gor page 201-2.
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