Friday, January 24, 2014

Assignment 6: Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society

This assignment is again, a research based essay on how Lower Castes function in society. Study the lower castes. Think about how society benefits (or possibly not) from several of these many castes. Contrast and compare at least five or six of them. Consider if any of the lower castes should perhaps be a sub-caste of a High Caste, rather than distinct. Explain why you think there is (or not) an equal amount of pride in being a member of the low caste free, as there is to being High Caste. Why do you think (or not) that there should be a binary division of Castes into high and low? Ist his a real value to Gorean society or is it a form of discrimination. These are your thoughts and not a text exercise. Learning the ways of a scribe are as much wisdon as it is practice, and one should always build toward a feeling of using learning and experience to make themselves knowledgable. Additionally, place yourself as a kajira in this higheracrchy- how does a slave’s role play out in terms of doing many of these tasks that Free of a caste can and do perform? How do you, as a soon to be scribe slave fit in terms of the “Three Pillars of Gor”? Again this is a self-awareness and personal growth opportunity.

Helpful Links to start off:
Also- keep this reference for later- it will help here, and be of great benefit later on. It is an essay from UbarLuther- highly philosophical but will I think, help you compose yourself in thinking through many of the following assignments and ensure your own self-awareness as a scribe-slave in the future -


Lower Castes and Their Roles

Lower Castes had many roles in Gor ie ... Bakers , Weavers , Woodsmen , various merchants . There roles were too important to keep the people in Gor fed clothed & general maintanence . The Caste system is just like on Urth they have a class sytem .
it forms a structure that has been followed since birth of ancestors . But the low caste are still very important and we must not forget that . They too feel important and have given themselves caste colours too . Many of the Lower Castes would be quite wealthy too through the sales of their wares .
Without the low Caste the High Castes would not be clothed & Fed It is apparently one of the socially stabilizing forces on Gor. It tends to reduce the dislocations, disappointments and tragedies inherent in more mobile structures, in which men are taught that they are failures if they do not manage to make large amounts of money or excel in one of a small number of prestigious professions. The system also helps to keep men of energy and high intelligence in a wide variety of occupations, this preventing the drain of such men into a small number of often artificially desiderated occupations, this tending then to leave lesser men, or frustrated men, to practice other hundreds of arts the survival and maintenance of which are important to a superior civilization." (Dancer of Gor, p.186-7)


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