This assignment deals with knowledge of Castes. As a scribe you will need to know a great deal about how Castes function, their codes (or laws) and a certain amount about what they actually do.
A: List the number (order) and names of the High Castes, and with their colors.
B: List a few (8) of the lower Castes and their colors.
C: Explain what Caste Codes are.
D: For at least 3 of the High Castes, Please give a list of their codes.
E: What is the purpose of Caste and how does one usually become part of a Caste?
F: Where does the Caste of Assassins fit in the Hierarchy of Castes and in Society?
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Caste Codes
Each caste has a set of ethical teachings, or Caste Codes, which constitute, in simplicity, a list of rules of conduct to which all caste members are held. Some of these teachings are in the form of sayings, profound or otherwise; some mere riddles. Though not stated as laws, in the Gorean world most of what is ethically correct is also legally correct. Naturally there would be those predicaments where the discussion of ethical and legal are quite diverse, as in the case (third quote) of the rape of two slave women. Often, caste codes have more to do with a man's personal honor and integrity. In simpler terms, each set of codes of a caste determine a behavior with a particular interest the specialty of its caste members.
Merchant Law
Merchant Law is the only common legal arrangements existing among the Gorean cities.
(1) Merchants also, in effect, arrange and administer the four great fairs that take place each year near the Sardar Mountains.
(2) It is here that Merchant Law is drafted and stabilized.
(3) Weights and measures are standardized throughout the Gorean cities by Merchant Law.
(4) Certain defensible stockades on main trade routes are governed under Merchant Law, legislated and revised, and upheld, at the Sardar Fairs.
(5) Some free port cities like Lydius, Helmutsport, Schendi and Bazi also subscribe to Merchant Law which controls things like wharfage and proof of registration.
(6) Businesses, too, complying with Merchant Law are aided in acquiring contracts, even with both sides of a conflict at the same time.
(7) And yet, Merchant law has been unsuccessful, in introducing such things as patents and copyrights between cities.
(8) What receives the most attention throughout the books, though, is how Merchant Law pertains to slaves.
Long before Tarl coming to Gor and for about a generation, a series of wars, loosely referred to as the Slave Wars had occurred. Out of these wars grew much of the Merchant Law pertaining to slaves.
(9) Probably foremost among these has to do with the brand and collar. A prisoner is not the same as being a slave. “I have been neither branded nor collared, nor have I performed a gesture of submission.”
(10) Merchant Law upholds the self-pronouncement that one is slave, after which it is binding.
(11) Merchant Law defines permissions of enslavement, at least two of which are making one a slave when not sharing a Home Stone and any Earth girl.
(12) Merchant Law also dictates that sometimes, in the fall of a city, girls who have been enslaved, girls formerly of the now victorious city, will be freed. The rescuer has no obligation to free the girl. In having been enslaved she has lost all claim to her former Home Stone.
(13)Merchant Law prescribes the brand and collar.
(14) And, while some men do not do so this, it is contrary to the laws of most cities and to Merchant Law, as well.
(15) Following the recommendations of Merchant Law, the three standard marking places for the brand are the thighs and the lower left abdomen.
Long before Tarl coming to Gor and for about a generation, a series of wars, loosely referred to as the Slave Wars had occurred. Out of these wars grew much of the Merchant Law pertaining to slaves.
(9) Probably foremost among these has to do with the brand and collar. A prisoner is not the same as being a slave. “I have been neither branded nor collared, nor have I performed a gesture of submission.”
(10) Merchant Law upholds the self-pronouncement that one is slave, after which it is binding.
(11) Merchant Law defines permissions of enslavement, at least two of which are making one a slave when not sharing a Home Stone and any Earth girl.
(12) Merchant Law also dictates that sometimes, in the fall of a city, girls who have been enslaved, girls formerly of the now victorious city, will be freed. The rescuer has no obligation to free the girl. In having been enslaved she has lost all claim to her former Home Stone.
(13)Merchant Law prescribes the brand and collar.
(14) And, while some men do not do so this, it is contrary to the laws of most cities and to Merchant Law, as well.
(15) Following the recommendations of Merchant Law, the three standard marking places for the brand are the thighs and the lower left abdomen.
Caste of Scribes Laws
Law is a function of Scribes
Many castes, incidentally, have branches and divisions. Lawyers and Scholars, for example, and Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are all Scribes.
Many castes, incidentally, have branches and divisions. Lawyers and Scholars, for example, and Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are all Scribes.
The Companion Contract, thus, had been duly negotiated, with the attention of scribes of the law from both Fortress of Saphronicus and the Confederation of Saleria.
Slave Girl
The fellow who had said this wore the blue of the scribes. He may even have been a scribe of the law.
“Are you a legal slave, my child?” asked one of the counselors, a scribe of the law.
High magistrates, powerful in a city, it seems were likely wealthy.
Similarly, if it seems understandable that, say, a high magistrate, a general, a Ubar, or such, might enjoy sitting in his pleasure gardens and inspecting his women, having them before him naked, or clothed according to his preferences, it is just as understandable that a less rich or well-fixed person might, similarly, on a more modest level, enjoy the sight of his girl, or girls, indeed, the fewer he has, perhaps the more he will relish the one, or ones, he had.
--Investigating crimes
In Ibn Saran's hand was his scimitar, unsheathed. I moved in the chains. They carried no light, but the moonlight, streaming through the barred window into the cell, permitted us to regard one another.
"It seems," I said, "I am not to reach the brine pits of Klima."
I observed the scimitar. I did not think they would slay me in the cell. This would seem, to the magistrates of Nine Wells, inexplicable, an accident demanding the most rigorous and exacting inquiry.
--Checking slaves for brands on rounds through city
If a magistrate should chance upon them in some alley he will commonly say, "Thigh," to them, and they will turn the girl, so that he may see if she is branded or not. If she is branded, he will commonly continue on his rounds.
--May check actresses to encure they are slaves
!” On Gor, as I have perhaps mentioned, most of the actresses are slaves. In serious drama or more sophisticated comedy, when women are permitted roles within it, the female roles usually being played by men, and the females are slaves, their collars are sometimes removed. Before this is done, however, usually a steel bracelet or anklet, locked, which they cannot remove, is placed on them. In this way, they continue, helplessly, to wear some token of bondage. This facilitates, in any possible dispute or uncertainty as to their status or condition, a clear determination in the matter, by anyone, of course, but in particular by guardsmen or magistrates, or otherwise duly authorized authorities.
--Taking complaints from citizens
“With your permission, Lady Telitsia?” inquired Boots, addressing himself politely to the haughty, rigid, proud, vain, heavily veiled, blue-clad free female standing in the front row below the stage.
“You may continue,” she said.
“But you may find what ensues offensive,” Boots warned her.
“Doubtless I will,” she said. “And have no fear, I shall include it in my complaint to the proper magistrates.”
"The drink she gave me," said Arn, smiling, "was well drugged. I awakened at dawn, with a great headache. My purse was gone."
"Times are hard," said Rim.
"I complained to a magistrate," said Arn, laughing, "but, unfortunately, there was on present who well recalled me, one with whom I had had prior dealings."
--Managing the traffic of certain Port cities
The representative of the Merchants, to whom I reported my business, and to whom I paid wharfage, asked no questions. He did not even demand the proof of registration of the Tesephone of Tabor. The Merchants, who control Lydius, under merchant law, for it is a free port, like Helmutsport, and Schendi and Bazi, are more interested in having their port heavily trafficked than strictly policed. Indeed, at the wharves I had even seen two green ships. Green is the color common to pirates. I supposed, did they pay their wharfage and declare some sort of business, the captains of those ships were as little interrogated as i. The governance of Lydius, under the merchants, incidentally, is identical to that of the exchange islands, or free islands, in Thassa. Three with which I was familiar, from various voyages, were Tabor, Teletus and, to the north, offshore from Torvaldsland, Scagnar. Of these, to be honest, and to give the merchants their due, I will admit that Tabor and Teletus are rather strictly controlled. It is said, however, by some of the merchants there, that this manner of caution and restriction, has to some extent diminished their position in the spheres of trade. Be that as it may, Lydius, though not what you would call an open port, was indulgent, and permissive. Most ports and islands on Thassa, of course, are not managed by the Merchants, but, commonly, by magistrates appointed by the city councils. In Port Kar, my city, the utilization of the facilities of the port is regulated by a board of four magistrates, the Port Consortium, which reports directly to the Council of Captains, which, since the downfall of the warring Ubars, is sovereign in the city. I suppose the magistrate, who, with his papers, met us at the dock, did not believe my story. He was smiling, when he wrote down my putative business. He had looked at my men. They did not appear to be merchant rowers. They looked much like what they were, men of Port Kar.
--Sentencing and enslaving Free Women who bare their legs
Contrariwise, almost no free woman would bare her legs. They would not dare to do so. They would be horrified even to think of it. The scandal of such an act could ruin a reputation. It is said on Gor, any woman who bares her legs is a slave. Indeed, in some cities a free woman who might be found with bare legs is taken in hand by magistrates, tried and sentenced to bondage. After the judge’s decision has been enacted, its effect carried out upon her, reducing her to the status of goods, sometimes publicly, that she may be suitably disgraced, sometimes privately, by a contract slaver, that the sensitivities of free women in the city not be offended, she is hooded and transported, stripped and chained, freshly branded and collared, a property female, slave cargo, to a distant market where, once sold, she will begin her life anew, fearfully, as a purchased girl, tremulously as the helpless and lowly slave she now is.
--Would investigate the use of lure girls for innocent men to be used in a work chain
That particular chain, I had heard, was employed in the north, currently digging siege trenches for the Cosians who had invested Torcadino. The fellow whom they had bound, of course, and the others in whose capture I had been implicated, were not, as far as I knew, criminals. My master, Tyrrhenius, spoke of his work as "recruitment." He was "recruiting" for the chains of work masters. To be sure, he must do this work surreptitiously. It would be quite unfortunate for him, I gathered, if he were to be discovered to have been involved in such work. Judges, magistrates, and such, would not be likely to look indulgently on these activities.
“Do you have anything to say before I pass such sentence upon you?”
“No,” she said.
“I sentence you to slavery,” he said, uttering the sentence.
She trembled, sentenced.
“It only remains now,” said Aemilianus, “for the sentence to be carried out. If you wish I, in the office of magistrate, shall carry it out. On the other hand, if you wish, you may yourself carry out the sentence.”
“I?” she said.
“Yes,” he said.
“You would have me proclaim myself slave?” she asked.
“Or I shall do it,” he said. “In the end, it does not matter.”
--Investigating and arresting for fraud
Some Gorean dice are sold in sealed boxes, bearing the city’s imprint. These, supposedly, have been each cast six hundred times, with results approximating the ideal mathematical probabilities. Also, it might be mentioned that dice are sometimes tampered with, or specially prepared, to favor certain numbers. These, I suppose, using the Earth term, might be spoken of as “loaded.” My friend, the actor, magician, impresario and whatnot, Boots Tarsk-Bit, once narrowly escaped an impalement in Besnit on the charge of using false dice. He was, however, it seems, framed. At any rate the charges were dismissed when a pair of identical false dice turned up in the pouch of the arresting magistrate, the original pair having, interestingly, at about the same time, vanished. (In this case it appears the magistrate was crooked himself
--Investigating and sentencing thieves
Some free girls, without family, keep themselves, as best they can, in certain port cities. That her ear had been notched indicated that, by a magistrate, she had been found thief. Ear notching is the first penalty for a convicted thief in most Gorean cities, whether male or female. The second offense, by a male, is punished with removal of the left hand, the third offense by the removal of the right. The penalty for a woman, for her second offense, if she is convicted, is to be reduced to slavery.
Lying on the ground, bound hand and foot, still clad in the white robe, was Talena. The point of the sharpened impaling post lay near her. As the tarn had landed, her executioners, two burly, hooded magistrates, had scrambled to their feet and fled to safety.
Certain magistrates, likely well versed in Merchant Law, were Merchant Magistrates, of the Merchant Caste
Behind the wagon, in the white robes, trimmed with gold and purple, of merchant magistrates, came five men. I recognized them as judges.
--The desk of a wharf praetor
The praetor placed the coin on his desk, the surface of which was some seven feet high, below the low, solid wooden bar The height of the praetor’s desk, he on the high stool behind it, permits him to see a goodly way up and down the wharves. Also, of course, one standing before the desk must look up to see the praetor, which, psychologically, tends to induce a feeling of fear for the power of the law. The wooden bar before the desk’s front edge makes it impossible to see what evidence or papers the praetor has at his disposal as he considers your case. Thus, you do not know for certain how much he knows. Similarly, you cannot tell what he writes on your papers.
--Wharf Praetor - settling disuputes on the docks
I walked in the morning, an Ahn before noon, on the wharves of Telnus. I could see the great gates of the harbor some two pasangs across the water. The harbor was filled with many craft. I avoided the tar on the planks of the wharf. Beneath the planking of the wharves, here and there, I could see water, and small boats tied at pilings. Men came and went, going to and from ships, and disembarking and embarking cargo. I passed the throne of the wharf praetor, he in his robes, with the two scribes, for the settling of disputes which might occur on the quays. Four guardsmen, too, were there.
Slave Girl
I walked in the morning, an Ahn before noon, on the wharves of Telnus. I could see the great gates of the harbor some two pasangs across the water. The harbor was filled with many craft. I avoided the tar on the planks of the wharf. Beneath the planking of the wharves, here and there, I could see water, and small boats tied at pilings. Men came and went, going to and from ships, and disembarking and embarking cargo. I passed the throne of the wharf praetor, he in his robes, with the two scribes, for the settling of disputes which might occur on the quays. Four guardsmen, too, were there.
Slave Girl
--Issued or at least enforced warrants
“Return the girl to the praetor’s station on this pier,” said the guardsman.
“What of those who robbed me!” cried the fellow with the torn clothing and the blood behind his ear.
“You are not the first,” said the praetor, looking down at him from the high desk. “They stand under a general warrant.”
“Return the girl to the praetor’s station on this pier,” said the guardsman.
“What of those who robbed me!” cried the fellow with the torn clothing and the blood behind his ear.
“You are not the first,” said the praetor, looking down at him from the high desk. “They stand under a general warrant.”
--Questioning, investigating, and sentencing
“I am innocent,” said the bound man.
“How do you refer to yourself?” asked the praetor.
“Turgus,” he said.
The praetor entered that name in the papers. He then signed the papers.
He looked down at Turgus. “How did you come to be tied?” he asked.
“Several men set upon me,” he said. “I was struck from behind. I was subdued.”
“It does not appear that you were struck from behind,” smiled the praetor.
The face of Turgus was not a pretty sight, as I had dashed it into the stones, and had then struck the side of his head against the nearby wall.
“Is the binding fiber on their wrists from their original bonds, as you found them?” asked the praetor of one of the guardsmen.
“It is,” he said.
“Examine the knots,” said the praetor.
“They are capture knots,” said the guardsman, smiling.
“You made a poor choice of one to detain, my friends,” said the praetor.
They looked at one another, miserably. Their paths had crossed that of a warrior.
They now stood bound before the praetor.
“Turgus, of Port Kar,” said the praetor, “in virtue of what we have here today established, and in virtue of the general warrant outstanding upon you, you are sentenced to banishment. If you are found within the limits of the city after sunset this day you will be impaled.”
The face of Turgus was impassive.
“Free him,” he said.
Turgus was cut free, and turned about, moving through the crowd. He thrust men aside.
--Again, passing sentence of punishment
“The Lady Sasi, of Port Kar,” said the praetor, “in virtue of what we have here today established, and in virtue of the general warrant outstanding upon her, must come under sentence.”
“Please, my officer,” she begged.
“I am now going to sentence you,” he said.
“Please,” she cried, “Sentence me only to a penal brothel!”
“The penal brothel is too good for you,” said the praetor.
“Show me mercy,” she begged.
“You will be shown no mercy,” he said.
She looked up at him, with horror.
“You are sentenced to slavery,” he said.
--Had cells for holding prisoners
“I hate you,” she sobbed. She threw a wild look at the fellow slumped over the nearby table. He was still unconscious. She was clearly frightened. The dosage she had imbibed, assuming there might have been one in the drink, would doubtless have been one fit for a male. Accordingly, her own period of unconsciousness, given this possibility, might possibly last several Ahn, more than enough time to be carried to a cell in a praetor’s holding area.
--Sentencing male criminals to work chains
The "free " chain, on the other hand, consists usually, I had been told, of condemned criminals. Rather than bother with housing these fellows, many of whom are supposedly dangerous, putting them up at public expense, and so on, many cities, for a nominal fee, turn them (pg. 305) over to a work master who accepts charge of them, theoretically for the duration of time remaining in their sentences. For example, if a fellow has been sentenced, say, to two years of hard labor by a praetor, he might be turned over, for a small fee, to the master of a work gang who will see to it, theatrically, that he performs these two years of hard labor.
Some of them were not even men I had trapped, but only men who knew what I had done. Some may have been as innocent as those I had lured, others might have been murderers and brigands, suitably enchained for the expiation of sentences, their custody having been legally transferred to Ionicus, my master, at the payment of a prisoner’s fee, by the writ of a praetor or, in more desperate cases, by the order of a quaestor.
--Collecting payment for each prisoner sentenced and turned over to a work chain
"They are from Brundisium," he said.
"Of course," said Aulus.
"A silver tarsk apiece," said the fellow.
"That seems high," said Aulus.
"It is an average praetor’s price," he said. To be sure, some serving shorter sentences, would presumably go for less, and some, more dangerous fellows, perhaps, serving longer sentences, might go for more. "Too," he said, "I expect you pay to much, or more, for the fellows you get from illicit suppliers."
1. Walk with Honour always. We are the most technologically advanced Caste on Gor, and a High Caste as well... this Honour means responsibility.Regarding War
2. In times of War, a Physician is non-combatant. If the Warriors are the swords and shields defending the Homestone, we are the blacksmiths that keep the blade sharp and bucklar strong. If this non-combatant status is disregarded in times of war, the Caste will declare the transgressor Anethema.
3. When a Freeperson is declared Anethema, he is forbidden care from any who wear the Green. In times of war, his bones will not be mended... in times of peace his diseases will not be treated.
4. A Physician will not initiate combat. To do so shames the Caste and invites violation of our status. Transgressors will lose their Practice.
Regarding Practice
5. A Physician's right to perform our art is called the Practice. A Physician may only begin his Practice once his training is complete. Unlike a Warrior who can take battlescars or a Scribe who can re-write a scroll, Physicians who fail in their duties can kill their patient.
6. A Freewoman of the Caste is permitted have a Practice. However, for reasons relating to the propagation of the Caste, a Freewoman is not allowed a Full Practice until she has born two children. A Freewoman upon the beginning of her training has locked on her left wrist Two bracelets. When the woman bears a child, one bracelet is removed.
Regarding Responsibility
7. A Physician's responsibilities are as follows in descending priority:
1) The General Health of Gor
2) The General Health of one's proximity.
3) One's Homestone
4) The Health of an individual
If your Homestone is Port Cos, and one is in Ar... his responsibility is to the general health of Ar.. War or no War. Physicians within an army are concidered in proximity of their army, not the city it sieges.
8. One of the responsibilities of a Physician is that of advice. Any Freeperson (or slave with proper permission) may come to a Physician and seek his advice. They can expect reasonable secrecy and discretion, the Physician's Confidence. He may discuss matters of Physician's Confidence with other Physicians, and only other Physicians. He must have the consent of the one asking of his advice before discussing it with anyone not of the Green. Matters of Physician's Confidence cannot be used for selfish gain.
9. Sometimes a patient will need to be kept in the care of a Physician for some extended period of time. A Physician connot enslave a Freeperson in his care, nor can he allow the patient to be enslaved.
10. If it is in the interest of greater health, a Physician can enact Euthanasia. An example is in the case of a fatal epidemic or plague. The killing of a violent mass murderer is not... that is the province of Warriors.
11. Alieviate suffering, stop pain, be an agent of Mercy. The Priest-Kings have blessed us with many gifts to bring Mercy to the sick, wounded, suffering. Use them as such.
12. To do no harm...except in the cases where You, Your Patient or Your Property may come to harm. You may not spar, except where it is excerise and done in fun.
2. In times of War, a Physician is non-combatant. If the Warriors are the swords and shields defending the Homestone, we are the blacksmiths that keep the blade sharp and bucklar strong. If this non-combatant status is disregarded in times of war, the Caste will declare the transgressor Anethema.
3. When a Freeperson is declared Anethema, he is forbidden care from any who wear the Green. In times of war, his bones will not be mended... in times of peace his diseases will not be treated.
4. A Physician will not initiate combat. To do so shames the Caste and invites violation of our status. Transgressors will lose their Practice.
Regarding Practice
5. A Physician's right to perform our art is called the Practice. A Physician may only begin his Practice once his training is complete. Unlike a Warrior who can take battlescars or a Scribe who can re-write a scroll, Physicians who fail in their duties can kill their patient.
6. A Freewoman of the Caste is permitted have a Practice. However, for reasons relating to the propagation of the Caste, a Freewoman is not allowed a Full Practice until she has born two children. A Freewoman upon the beginning of her training has locked on her left wrist Two bracelets. When the woman bears a child, one bracelet is removed.
Regarding Responsibility
7. A Physician's responsibilities are as follows in descending priority:
1) The General Health of Gor
2) The General Health of one's proximity.
3) One's Homestone
4) The Health of an individual
If your Homestone is Port Cos, and one is in Ar... his responsibility is to the general health of Ar.. War or no War. Physicians within an army are concidered in proximity of their army, not the city it sieges.
8. One of the responsibilities of a Physician is that of advice. Any Freeperson (or slave with proper permission) may come to a Physician and seek his advice. They can expect reasonable secrecy and discretion, the Physician's Confidence. He may discuss matters of Physician's Confidence with other Physicians, and only other Physicians. He must have the consent of the one asking of his advice before discussing it with anyone not of the Green. Matters of Physician's Confidence cannot be used for selfish gain.
9. Sometimes a patient will need to be kept in the care of a Physician for some extended period of time. A Physician connot enslave a Freeperson in his care, nor can he allow the patient to be enslaved.
10. If it is in the interest of greater health, a Physician can enact Euthanasia. An example is in the case of a fatal epidemic or plague. The killing of a violent mass murderer is not... that is the province of Warriors.
11. Alieviate suffering, stop pain, be an agent of Mercy. The Priest-Kings have blessed us with many gifts to bring Mercy to the sick, wounded, suffering. Use them as such.
12. To do no harm...except in the cases where You, Your Patient or Your Property may come to harm. You may not spar, except where it is excerise and done in fun.
The Caste System
Gorean society has a firmly established Caste system, a very important aspect of their society. Almost every Free Person of the cities of Gor belongs to a Caste. Priest-Kings, slaves and outlaws are the three primary exceptions who stand outside of the Caste system. Priest-Kings are considered the gods of Gor and slaves are considered property and thus they have no status in the Caste system. An outlaw is a man who chooses to rebel against the Caste system. He either refuses to follow the Caste he was born into or tries to change his Caste without going through the proper procedures. Such a man, if convicted of being an outlaw, is banished from his city, losing his connection to his Home Stone and losing any Caste status. If he dares to return to a city, he will typically be arrested and subject to impalement. The loss of a connection to your Home Stone and the Caste system is considered a terrible loss and thus there are few outlaws on Gor. Outlaws live a precarious existence on the outskirts of civilization, hiding in the wilds such as the Voltai Mountains or the Northern Forests. Only the Peasant might aid an outlaw as the Peasant feels he has little an outlaw would consider worth stealing. Thus, some outlaws and peasants have formed a tacit agreement to assist each other. The peasant will help to protect the outlaw and the outlaw will then share what he acquires.
There are other people who do not fall into one of these exceptions but are still outside of the Caste system. There are some whom have lost their Caste for various reasons. For example, a slave who is freed has no Caste upon manumission. They must petition to join a Caste, even if they had belonged to a Caste before they had been enslaved. A few people are born outside of the Caste system such as the children of an outlaw. A few occupations are not associated with a Caste such as gardening, domestic service and herding. Some of these people still have a connection to a Home Stone and thus are not in the same predicament as an outlaw though their lack of a Caste is detrimental in various ways. We must also consider the barbarian cultures outside of civilized Gor as they do not have a Caste system. These would include such cultures as the Wagon Peoples, Torvaldslanders, Red Savages, Red Hunters and the Tribesmen of the Tahari. It is the people of the cities who can afford to be specialists within a Caste system. For the barbarian cultures, survival is a primary concern and thus they must become generalists to increase their chances of survival.
Caste is primarily governed by birth and children always take on the Caste of their father. Though upward mobility in the Caste system is infrequent it is still possible. In general, few Goreans try to raise their Caste. It would be even rarer for a Gorean to willingly lower his Caste. One way to change Caste for a woman is through Free Companionship. Normally, mating remains within the same Caste. But, in a Free Companionship a woman is permitted to take the Caste of the man if she so desires. This can serve to raise her caste, even from a Low Caste to a High Caste. But, a man cannot take on the Caste of his Free Companion. A person's abilities can also serve to raise their Caste though on the same hand, a lack of ability can lead to a demotion in your Caste. To change one's caste, the High Council of the city must approve the change based upon your qualifications for the new Caste. The new Caste must also be willing to accept you. Proper bribes can make this process easier, even if your qualifications may be lacking. Men and women are generally promoted and demoted by the same criteria in the Caste system. In practice, few Goreans actually change their Caste because they are proud of their Caste, cognizant that each Caste performs a valuable service for the community. Even the Peasant, the lowest of all the Castes, realizes that without their efforts many people would not be fed.
Except for the Assassin Caste, you must belong to a Home Stone to have a Caste. Each city has their own Caste system and each specific Caste has its own hierarchy particular to that city. Almost the only time that people from the same Caste, but of different cities, might ever meet to discuss Caste issues is at the Sardar Fairs. The Sardar Fairs are a very important time for the different Castes to share information. You cannot belong to a Caste in a city unless you also belong to the Home Stone of that city. In addition, you may only belong to a single Caste. Dual Castes are not permitted on Gor. Caste loyalty is far too important on Gor for someone to have dual loyalties by belonging to multiple Castes. Now, if one changes their Caste they obviously do not lose any knowledge or skills they acquired from the first Caste. But there might be some restrictions on their use of those previously acquired skills. For example, a Physician who became a Warrior might not be permitted any longer to operate in hospitals owned by the Physician's Caste. But, that Physician would still retain his medical knowledge and skills.
Castes also do not have complete monopolies over some of their skills. For example, any person can buy and sell slaves, not just a member of the Slaver's Caste. Anyone can learn how to wield a sword, not just a member of the Warrior's Caste. Obviously such individuals will not know or follow the Caste Codes of those Castes. In addition, there would be some restrictions on their use of those skills. A Caste would not generally permit someone to try to usurp their Caste to a major degree. Goreans also realize that commonly someone cannot practice the work of their Caste until they have satisfactorily completed an apprenticeship. This serves in part as a guarantee to the quality of the product. This guarantee would not apply to a person practicing the skills who does not belong to the Caste. It would be a matter of caveat emptor.
The Caste system is intended to provide some structure and stability to Gorean society. "It is apparently one of the socially stabilizing forces on Gor. It tends to reduce the dislocations, disappointments and tragedies inherent in more mobile structures, in which men are taught that they are failures if they do not manage to make large amounts of money or excel in one of a small number of prestigious professions. The system also helps to keep men of energy and high intelligence in a wide variety of occupations, this preventing the drain of such men into a small number of often artificially desiderated occupations, this tending then to leave lesser men, or frustrated men, to practice other hundreds of arts the survival and maintenance of which are important to a superior civilization." (Dancer of Gor, p.186-7) The welfare of the caste is of the utmost of importance to the individual Gorean. They will subsume their own individual desires and ambitions for the greater good of the Caste. It is clearly that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This is a concept that is hard to accept for many people from Earth.
The Caste system is divided into High Castes and Low Castes. The High Castes are considered socially superior to the Low Castes. There are only five High Castes and include, in order of status and importance, the Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians and Warriors. The Low Castes includes all of the other established castes. They are ranked in order of importance as well though this hierarchy is not clearly defined in the books. We do know that the Peasant Caste is the lowest Caste in the system. Some of these Castes, High and Low, also contain a number of subcastes. The lines between Caste and subcaste is sometimes vague and the subcaste may consider itself to be a separate Caste though legally it is not. Each Caste has its own Caste colors and some subcastes also have their own Caste colors. These colors are often publically worn as people are proud of their Caste. A person may own documents
Generally, except for the Assassin Caste, you must be sworn to a Home Stone to belong to a Caste. You cannot belong to a Caste in a city unless you also belong to the Home Stone of that city. Each city-state has their own Caste system and each specific Caste has its own hierarchy particular to that city. For example, the Warrior Caste of Ar and the Warrior Caste of Treve are separate Castes. Ar and Treve will each have their own First Swords. Almost the only time that people from the same Caste, but of different cities, might ever meet to discuss Caste issues is at any of the four annual Sardar Fairs. The Sardar Fairs are a very important time for Castes to share information especially such Castes as the Scribes, Physicians and Builders. They can share new discoveries, inventions and techniques. They can work towards more standardization in their practices. The Castes often take advantage of this opportunity though they may not always agree on some matters.
But, women do commonly work in some Castes such as Scribes and Merchants. There are even some female Slavers, including a few who engage in field captures. Another notable exception is that of the Physician's Caste. The Physician's Caste though often restricts women in one way. In many cities, the Caste will not permit a woman to fully practice medicine until she has first given birth to two children. At age fifteen, a woman of the Physician's Caste will don two bracelets. One will be removed for each child that is born. When both are removed, she is allowed to fully practice medicine. The reason behind this is that professional women tend not to reproduce. This would serve over time to diminish the quality and numbers of the Caste. Thus, the rule helps to preserve the future of the Caste.
The future of the Caste is vitally important to Goreans. The welfare of the Caste even takes priority over the ambitions and desires of specific individuals. The welfare of a larger number of individuals is more important than the welfare of a smaller number of individuals. Caste members often will subsume their own individual wants for the greater good of the Caste. Goreans truly care about the future of their Caste and they do not want to do anything that might jeopardize it. Caste is crucially important to Goreans in ways that those of Earth cannot easily comprehend. The importance of the Caste to Goreans cannot be underestimated.
The logic behind the restriction on women in the Physician's Caste applies as well to the Warrior Caste. Women would not be permitted to risk their lives in combat. If they were permitted, a significant number of women would die in battle. This would lead to fewer births overall. In addition, dead women could not raise their existing children. Goreans would not want their children to grow up without mothers. This would all diminish the quality of the Caste over time. With the welfare of the Caste at stake, Warriors would not permit women to engage in combat. In addition, women would not want to endanger the welfare of the Caste so they would willingly accept their role in the Caste. This is in addition to other reasons why women would not engage in combat, such as their lesser physical strength.
There are other people who do not fall into one of these exceptions but are still outside of the Caste system. There are some whom have lost their Caste for various reasons. For example, a slave who is freed has no Caste upon manumission. They must petition to join a Caste, even if they had belonged to a Caste before they had been enslaved. A few people are born outside of the Caste system such as the children of an outlaw. A few occupations are not associated with a Caste such as gardening, domestic service and herding. Some of these people still have a connection to a Home Stone and thus are not in the same predicament as an outlaw though their lack of a Caste is detrimental in various ways. We must also consider the barbarian cultures outside of civilized Gor as they do not have a Caste system. These would include such cultures as the Wagon Peoples, Torvaldslanders, Red Savages, Red Hunters and the Tribesmen of the Tahari. It is the people of the cities who can afford to be specialists within a Caste system. For the barbarian cultures, survival is a primary concern and thus they must become generalists to increase their chances of survival.
Caste is primarily governed by birth and children always take on the Caste of their father. Though upward mobility in the Caste system is infrequent it is still possible. In general, few Goreans try to raise their Caste. It would be even rarer for a Gorean to willingly lower his Caste. One way to change Caste for a woman is through Free Companionship. Normally, mating remains within the same Caste. But, in a Free Companionship a woman is permitted to take the Caste of the man if she so desires. This can serve to raise her caste, even from a Low Caste to a High Caste. But, a man cannot take on the Caste of his Free Companion. A person's abilities can also serve to raise their Caste though on the same hand, a lack of ability can lead to a demotion in your Caste. To change one's caste, the High Council of the city must approve the change based upon your qualifications for the new Caste. The new Caste must also be willing to accept you. Proper bribes can make this process easier, even if your qualifications may be lacking. Men and women are generally promoted and demoted by the same criteria in the Caste system. In practice, few Goreans actually change their Caste because they are proud of their Caste, cognizant that each Caste performs a valuable service for the community. Even the Peasant, the lowest of all the Castes, realizes that without their efforts many people would not be fed.
Except for the Assassin Caste, you must belong to a Home Stone to have a Caste. Each city has their own Caste system and each specific Caste has its own hierarchy particular to that city. Almost the only time that people from the same Caste, but of different cities, might ever meet to discuss Caste issues is at the Sardar Fairs. The Sardar Fairs are a very important time for the different Castes to share information. You cannot belong to a Caste in a city unless you also belong to the Home Stone of that city. In addition, you may only belong to a single Caste. Dual Castes are not permitted on Gor. Caste loyalty is far too important on Gor for someone to have dual loyalties by belonging to multiple Castes. Now, if one changes their Caste they obviously do not lose any knowledge or skills they acquired from the first Caste. But there might be some restrictions on their use of those previously acquired skills. For example, a Physician who became a Warrior might not be permitted any longer to operate in hospitals owned by the Physician's Caste. But, that Physician would still retain his medical knowledge and skills.
Castes also do not have complete monopolies over some of their skills. For example, any person can buy and sell slaves, not just a member of the Slaver's Caste. Anyone can learn how to wield a sword, not just a member of the Warrior's Caste. Obviously such individuals will not know or follow the Caste Codes of those Castes. In addition, there would be some restrictions on their use of those skills. A Caste would not generally permit someone to try to usurp their Caste to a major degree. Goreans also realize that commonly someone cannot practice the work of their Caste until they have satisfactorily completed an apprenticeship. This serves in part as a guarantee to the quality of the product. This guarantee would not apply to a person practicing the skills who does not belong to the Caste. It would be a matter of caveat emptor.
The Caste system is intended to provide some structure and stability to Gorean society. "It is apparently one of the socially stabilizing forces on Gor. It tends to reduce the dislocations, disappointments and tragedies inherent in more mobile structures, in which men are taught that they are failures if they do not manage to make large amounts of money or excel in one of a small number of prestigious professions. The system also helps to keep men of energy and high intelligence in a wide variety of occupations, this preventing the drain of such men into a small number of often artificially desiderated occupations, this tending then to leave lesser men, or frustrated men, to practice other hundreds of arts the survival and maintenance of which are important to a superior civilization." (Dancer of Gor, p.186-7) The welfare of the caste is of the utmost of importance to the individual Gorean. They will subsume their own individual desires and ambitions for the greater good of the Caste. It is clearly that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This is a concept that is hard to accept for many people from Earth.
The Caste system is divided into High Castes and Low Castes. The High Castes are considered socially superior to the Low Castes. There are only five High Castes and include, in order of status and importance, the Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians and Warriors. The Low Castes includes all of the other established castes. They are ranked in order of importance as well though this hierarchy is not clearly defined in the books. We do know that the Peasant Caste is the lowest Caste in the system. Some of these Castes, High and Low, also contain a number of subcastes. The lines between Caste and subcaste is sometimes vague and the subcaste may consider itself to be a separate Caste though legally it is not. Each Caste has its own Caste colors and some subcastes also have their own Caste colors. These colors are often publically worn as people are proud of their Caste. A person may own documents
Generally, except for the Assassin Caste, you must be sworn to a Home Stone to belong to a Caste. You cannot belong to a Caste in a city unless you also belong to the Home Stone of that city. Each city-state has their own Caste system and each specific Caste has its own hierarchy particular to that city. For example, the Warrior Caste of Ar and the Warrior Caste of Treve are separate Castes. Ar and Treve will each have their own First Swords. Almost the only time that people from the same Caste, but of different cities, might ever meet to discuss Caste issues is at any of the four annual Sardar Fairs. The Sardar Fairs are a very important time for Castes to share information especially such Castes as the Scribes, Physicians and Builders. They can share new discoveries, inventions and techniques. They can work towards more standardization in their practices. The Castes often take advantage of this opportunity though they may not always agree on some matters.
But, women do commonly work in some Castes such as Scribes and Merchants. There are even some female Slavers, including a few who engage in field captures. Another notable exception is that of the Physician's Caste. The Physician's Caste though often restricts women in one way. In many cities, the Caste will not permit a woman to fully practice medicine until she has first given birth to two children. At age fifteen, a woman of the Physician's Caste will don two bracelets. One will be removed for each child that is born. When both are removed, she is allowed to fully practice medicine. The reason behind this is that professional women tend not to reproduce. This would serve over time to diminish the quality and numbers of the Caste. Thus, the rule helps to preserve the future of the Caste.
The future of the Caste is vitally important to Goreans. The welfare of the Caste even takes priority over the ambitions and desires of specific individuals. The welfare of a larger number of individuals is more important than the welfare of a smaller number of individuals. Caste members often will subsume their own individual wants for the greater good of the Caste. Goreans truly care about the future of their Caste and they do not want to do anything that might jeopardize it. Caste is crucially important to Goreans in ways that those of Earth cannot easily comprehend. The importance of the Caste to Goreans cannot be underestimated.
The logic behind the restriction on women in the Physician's Caste applies as well to the Warrior Caste. Women would not be permitted to risk their lives in combat. If they were permitted, a significant number of women would die in battle. This would lead to fewer births overall. In addition, dead women could not raise their existing children. Goreans would not want their children to grow up without mothers. This would all diminish the quality of the Caste over time. With the welfare of the Caste at stake, Warriors would not permit women to engage in combat. In addition, women would not want to endanger the welfare of the Caste so they would willingly accept their role in the Caste. This is in addition to other reasons why women would not engage in combat, such as their lesser physical strength.
The Five High Castes of Gor
In Gor we have castes and colors of that caste , here are the five high castes of Gor in order .
CASTE OF INITIATES: ... WHITE COLOR... Members of this caste are supposed to be representatives of the Priest Kings in Gorean society. Their responsiblities include guiding the spiritual life of Goreans by use of rituals and prayers to the Priest Kings. There are rumors that some may even be able to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings upon those who have offended the Priest Kings. They wear white robes, shave their heads as well as their faces. They do not eat meat and do not indulge in alcohol. They lead a celebate life, are well learned and read. They are often feared and many times distrusted by members of the lower castes.
CASTE OF SCRIBES: ...BLUE COLOR... Members of this caste are the scholars of Gor. They are the writers and historians of Gorean society. They are responsible for accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They are usually serious and studious, have an eye for detail and a passion for knowledge. There are several sub-castes in this caste which include Mapmakers - explorers, Magistrates, and Litigators.
CASTE OF BUILDERS: ...YELLOW COLOR... Included in this caste are architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, engineers, and other professions which are concerned with the physical creations and engineering works of Gor. Inventors and technicians who develop these types of physical creations are also included in this caste.
CASTE OF PHYSICIANS: ...GREEN COLOR... Those who are concerned with the healing arts belong to this caste. Members include, surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners. They are recognized in all of Gor as non combatents during times of war.
CASTE OF WARRIORS: ...SCARLET COLOR... Members of the military such as infantry, tharlarion calvary, and tarnsmen fill this caste. Their set of codes is known to be one of the strictest. This caste comprises the military branch of Gor government.
CASTE OF SCRIBES: ...BLUE COLOR... Members of this caste are the scholars of Gor. They are the writers and historians of Gorean society. They are responsible for accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They are usually serious and studious, have an eye for detail and a passion for knowledge. There are several sub-castes in this caste which include Mapmakers - explorers, Magistrates, and Litigators.
CASTE OF BUILDERS: ...YELLOW COLOR... Included in this caste are architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, engineers, and other professions which are concerned with the physical creations and engineering works of Gor. Inventors and technicians who develop these types of physical creations are also included in this caste.
CASTE OF PHYSICIANS: ...GREEN COLOR... Those who are concerned with the healing arts belong to this caste. Members include, surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners. They are recognized in all of Gor as non combatents during times of war.
CASTE OF WARRIORS: ...SCARLET COLOR... Members of the military such as infantry, tharlarion calvary, and tarnsmen fill this caste. Their set of codes is known to be one of the strictest. This caste comprises the military branch of Gor government.
The Lower Castes of Gor
BAKERS CASTE: ....YELLOW /BROWN COLORS... This is a Low Caste which is responsible for making the varied baked goods of Gor, from breads to pastries. Their Caste colors are yellow and brown. The books do not indicate that there are definitely subcastes of this Caste. Potentially, there could be subcastes that specialized in certain types of baked goods, such as Bread-Makers or Pie-Makers.
BARGEMEN CASTE: Some of the bargemen of the Cartius River claim to be a Caste and this claim is accepted by some and rejected by others. These bargemen ferry people across the river for a fee. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BLEACHERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste responsible for bleaching fabrics to make them white. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BOUNTY CREDITOR: This position is identified as part of the Merchant Caste though it is unclear if it is a subcaste or simply a type of position. Bounty Creditors wear white and gold, the Caste colors of a Merchant. These individuals purchase a person's debts from other merchants, at a discounted rate, and then attempt to collect the face value of the debts from the debtors. They are a form of debt collector, speculating on their ability to get someone to pay. They are very tenacious in their work.
BREWERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the brewing of certain alcoholic beverages such as paga, ale and mead. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BUTCHERS CASTE : This is not specifically stated to be a Caste in the books though it seems a logical choice. Such a Caste would be a Low Caste and be responsible for the preparation and cutting of varied meats for the consumption of Goreans. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
CASTE OF CARDERS : This is a Low Caste. The Carder's are a subcaste of the Weaver's Caste which is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Rug Maker's are a subcaste of the Cloth Maker's Caste. They are responsible for the memorization of rug patterns. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this subcaste.
CHARCOAL MAKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that provides one of the two common fuels on Gor, the other being wood. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
CLOTH WORKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that produces and works on cloth and cloth products. The Rug Makers are a subcaste of this Caste. The Weavers are a subcaste of the Rug Makers. The Carders and the Dyers are subcastes of the Weavers. Other subcastes may exist of the Cloth Worker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
COSMETICIAN'S CASTE : This is a Low Caste that produces and sells cosmetics of various types to free women and slaves. Most free women rarely wear cosmetics except for the bold ones though there are certain cities, such as Ar, where free women do commonly use cosmetics. Many cosmeticians treat their free women clients almost like slaves. Cosmetics for slaves are much more common across Gor. For example, there are one hundred and eleven basic shades of slave lipstick and there are even flavored lipsticks. The toenails and fingernails of slaves are rarely painted though it does occur. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
DYERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste responsible for the creation of various colored dyes, especially for the use on cloth and other fabrics. The Dyer's are a subcaste of the Weaver's Caste which is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Rug Maker's are a subcaste of the Cloth Maker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this subcaste.
FISHERMENS CASTE : This is a Low Caste. The books do not state that there are any specific subcastes of this Caste. It is possible that there could be subcastes, differentiated by the location of the fishing, the type of fishing and the the type of fish sought. For example, there could be subcastes for Thassa, river and lake fishing. There could be subcastes for shellfish and whaling. But that is all just speculation. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
GOAT KEEPERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care and breeding of Gorean goats. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
HAIRDRESSERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste. Many hairdressers treat their free women clients almost like slaves. Upswept hairdos are reserved for free women or high slaves as it is a mark of status. Free women sometimes even buy wigs or falls, though they desire only the hair of other free women. Usually slave hair is worn long and loose, or confined in some simple way as with a ribbon or wooden fillet. They have little need for a hair dresser. Many masters even cut their own girls' hair. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
HARNESS MAKER's Caste: This is a part of the Leather Worker's Caste and is likely considered a subcaste. Not only do they create harnesses but they also produce other items that would be associated with harnesses such as saddles, bridles, reins, hobblings, and tethers. They make such harnesses for animals of all types, including slaves. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
LEATHER WORKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste. They work with leather, creating a variety of different products. Leather workers also responsible for the piercing of the ears and noses of slave girls. For ears, they use long needles with no anesthetic. They then fix two tiny steel rods, with threaded ends, through the holes. To each end of the rods, they thread a tiny steel disk to hold the rods in the holes. The rods can then be removed in four days. To pierce a nose, they use a small punch to create the hole. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
MERCHANTS: ...WHITE /GOLD COLORS... Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.
METAL WORKERS:...GREY COLOR.... A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include:
SWORDMAKERS, ARMORERS, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.
MILLER CASTE : This is likely a Low Caste responsible for operating the mills that grind the grains of Gor. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
MONEYLENDERS: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.
MUSICIAN'S CASTE: This is a Low Caste that shares some similarities with the Singer's and Poet's Castes. A Musician is not required to be literate as there is no written music on Gor. Melodies are simply passed on down the generations through teachers and families. Musicians may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Musicians are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. "There is a saying to the effect that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free." (Kajira of Gor, p.298) But, Musicians may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There is no indication that the separate musical instruments form their own subcastes but there is a prestige ranking for the different instruments. Czehar musicians have the most prestige, and then come the flute, kalika, drums and miscellaneous instruments. One of the best czehar players on Gor is Lysander of Asperiche. Not everyone who can play a musical instrument belongs to this Caste. Even slaves can learn how to play these instruments. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
PEASANTS CASTE This is the lowest of all Low Castes. Yet, economically, the base of life is the peasant and they are often known as the "Ox on which the Home Stone Rests." They provide much of the food for the cities, towns and villages of Gor. The people of the cities have a very low opinion of Peasants. A Peasant is seen as "?being little more than an ignoble brute, ignorant and superstitious, venal and vicious, a grubber in the dirt, a plodding animal, an ill-tempered beast, something at best cunning and treacherous;" (Raiders of Gor, p.3) This is not accurate though as Peasants have their own sense of nobility and honor. They have pride in their position, their land and their freedom. A Peasant who is actively engaged in agricultural pursuits is said to be "one who makes fields fruitful." This appellation is sometimes used for Peasants not actively engaged in such as an honor.
PERFUMERS CASTE: .... WHITE/YELLOW CASTE COLORS ... This is a Low Caste and it is responsible for the production and sale of perfumes for free women and slaves. They are usually clean-shaven and their Caste colors are white and yellow. Slave perfumes, which come in hundreds of varieties, usually have a heavier scent and are more sensual than free women perfumes. Many Perfumers though treat their free women clients almost like slaves. This does not prevent free women from flocking to the more famous Perfumers.
PLAYERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste.
POETS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that appears very similar to the Singer's Caste. A Singer or Poets is considered "?a craftsman who make strong sayings,?" (Outlaw of Gor, p.103) A Singer or Poet is not required to be literate and some great men in these Castes have been illiterate. Many Goreans have superb memories and receive mnemonic training. Music and poetry is often memorized, never written down, and passed down from teacher to student. Singers and Poets are thought to be happy individuals and their Castes have greater prestige than the Pot Maker's and Saddle Maker's Castes. "A handful of bread for a song" is a traditional invitation extended to Singers and Poets. (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) The saying does not mean that a Singer or Poet will only receive bread or food for his performance. A Ubar may extend this invitation and then reward the Singer or Poet with a silver or gold. Overall, Singers and Poets do not live luxurious lives but they do will never starve or need to beg. Singers and Poets have their place in Gorean society, one that is considered quite important. "He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men." (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) Singers and Poets may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Singers and Poets are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. In addition, Singers and Poets may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
POT MAKERS CASTE : ...BROWN/GREEN COLORS... This caste is a sub caste of the Caste of Artisans. They produce vessels used to contain substances of all kinds.
RENCER CASTE: This is a Low Caste, also known as the Growers of Rence. Please see scroll #31, The Caste of Rencers, for more details.
RUG MAKERS CASTE This is a Low Caste that is obviously responsible for the making of rugs. It is a subcaste of the Cloth Worker's Caste though the Rug Makers like to consider themselves a separate Caste. The Weaver Caste is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Castes of the Carders and Dyers are subcastes of the Weaver's Caste. The rugs of Tor are quite famous, similar to the Persian rugs of Earth. It can take over a year for five years, working together, to complete some of these rugs. The Carders memorize rug patterns and some of the Carders are even blind. Patterns can be quite complex and are passed down through the generations. These rugs are made on simple looms and each knot is hand-tied by a free woman, not a slave. The more intricate rugs may have as many as 400 knots within a square hort. These rugs are also dyed many different colors and most of the dyes used are derived from natural plant or animal products. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
SADDLE MAKERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste. It is likely a subcaste of the Leather Worker's Caste. They produce the saddlery, harness and tack used to manage all of the various riding and draft beasts of Gor. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste. There is some confusion as the Harness Maker's Caste is said to also produce saddles. Thus, it is possible that the Saddle-Makers are a subcaste of the Harness Maker's.
SINGERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that appears very similar to the Poet's Caste. A Singer or Poets is considered "?a craftsman who make strong sayings,?" (Outlaw of Gor, p.103) A Singer or Poet is not required to be literate and some great men in these Castes have been illiterate. Many Goreans have superb memories and receive mnemonic training. Music and poetry is often memorized, never written down, and passed down from teacher to student. Singers and Poets are thought to be happy individuals and their Castes have greater prestige than the Pot Maker's and Saddle Maker's Castes. "A handful of bread for a song" is a traditional invitation extended to Singers and Poets. (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) The saying does not mean that a Singer or Poet will only receive bread or food for his performance. A Ubar may extend this invitation and then reward the Singer or Poet with a silver or gold. Overall, Singers and Poets do not live luxurious lives but they do will never starve or need to beg. Singers and Poets have their place in Gorean society, one that is considered quite important. "He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men." (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) Singers and Poets may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Singers and Poets are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. In addition, Singers and Poets may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
SLAVERS CASTE : ...BLUE/YELLOW COLORS ... This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.
SLEEN TRAINERS CASTE .... BROWN /BLACK CASTE COLORS ...: This is a Low Caste responsible for the care, breeding and training of sleens, a feline-like animal that can be trained for many various different functions such as herding, tracking and guarding. Their Caste colors are brown and black.
TARN KEEPERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care, breeding and training of the tarns, the aerial mounts of Gor. Tarn Keepers often crop their hair short and it appears that their Caste color is brown as they wear brown leather. Their leather may be streaked with colors if they support one of the racing tarn factions. They also wear caps and the color of the tassel on that cap may also match the color of their tarn racing faction.
THARLARION KEEPERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care, breeding and training of the mighty tharlarions, a common mount on Gor especially in those areas that have not yet mastered the tarn. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
THIEVES'CASTE : There are few thieves on Gor and they are punished severely if caught. For a first offense, the penalty is commonly an ear notching. Such a notching would open be quite visible, unless covered by one's hair, and would mark one as a former thief. For a second offense, the penalty is determined by the sex of the thief. If the thief is a man, he will have his right hand severed. If the thief is a woman, she will be enslaved. Thus, only a man has a chance to commit a third offense as a free person. The penalty for that offense is the loss of the left hand and both feet.
VINTNER'S CASTE... WHITE/GREEN CASTE COLORS...: This is a Low Caste responsible for making wine and wine-based products. Their Caste colors are white and green and they commonly wear a white tunic with a representation in green cloth of leaves about the collar and down the sleeves.
WEAVERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste responsible for the weaving of different items, esepcially rugs. The Weaver's is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste which is a subcaste of the Cloth Worker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
WOODSMAN'S CASTE: This is a Low Caste also known as the Carriers of Wood. They provide one of the essential fuels of Gor, the other being charcoal. They commonly wear a short, sleeveless robe with a leather region on the back and shoulders to protect them from their loads of wood. They also commonly wear leggings to protect their legs as they work in brush. They are responsible for chopping down trees and carrying the wood to market. Before they begin to chop down a tree, they will talk to the tree. They will tell the tree what the wood will be used for and then they will ask its forgiveness. It is a lonely Caste and they often do not see other people for long stretches of time. Woodsmen are usually very strong and can carry quite heavy loads of wood, strapped to their back and held in place by two straps held in their hands. A typical load might be six feet high and four feet wide. Such a load would be difficult even for many Warriors to carry. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BAKERS CASTE: ....YELLOW /BROWN COLORS... This is a Low Caste which is responsible for making the varied baked goods of Gor, from breads to pastries. Their Caste colors are yellow and brown. The books do not indicate that there are definitely subcastes of this Caste. Potentially, there could be subcastes that specialized in certain types of baked goods, such as Bread-Makers or Pie-Makers.
BARGEMEN CASTE: Some of the bargemen of the Cartius River claim to be a Caste and this claim is accepted by some and rejected by others. These bargemen ferry people across the river for a fee. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BLEACHERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste responsible for bleaching fabrics to make them white. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BOUNTY CREDITOR: This position is identified as part of the Merchant Caste though it is unclear if it is a subcaste or simply a type of position. Bounty Creditors wear white and gold, the Caste colors of a Merchant. These individuals purchase a person's debts from other merchants, at a discounted rate, and then attempt to collect the face value of the debts from the debtors. They are a form of debt collector, speculating on their ability to get someone to pay. They are very tenacious in their work.
BREWERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the brewing of certain alcoholic beverages such as paga, ale and mead. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
BUTCHERS CASTE : This is not specifically stated to be a Caste in the books though it seems a logical choice. Such a Caste would be a Low Caste and be responsible for the preparation and cutting of varied meats for the consumption of Goreans. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
CASTE OF CARDERS : This is a Low Caste. The Carder's are a subcaste of the Weaver's Caste which is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Rug Maker's are a subcaste of the Cloth Maker's Caste. They are responsible for the memorization of rug patterns. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this subcaste.
CHARCOAL MAKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that provides one of the two common fuels on Gor, the other being wood. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
CLOTH WORKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that produces and works on cloth and cloth products. The Rug Makers are a subcaste of this Caste. The Weavers are a subcaste of the Rug Makers. The Carders and the Dyers are subcastes of the Weavers. Other subcastes may exist of the Cloth Worker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
COSMETICIAN'S CASTE : This is a Low Caste that produces and sells cosmetics of various types to free women and slaves. Most free women rarely wear cosmetics except for the bold ones though there are certain cities, such as Ar, where free women do commonly use cosmetics. Many cosmeticians treat their free women clients almost like slaves. Cosmetics for slaves are much more common across Gor. For example, there are one hundred and eleven basic shades of slave lipstick and there are even flavored lipsticks. The toenails and fingernails of slaves are rarely painted though it does occur. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
DYERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste responsible for the creation of various colored dyes, especially for the use on cloth and other fabrics. The Dyer's are a subcaste of the Weaver's Caste which is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Rug Maker's are a subcaste of the Cloth Maker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this subcaste.
FISHERMENS CASTE : This is a Low Caste. The books do not state that there are any specific subcastes of this Caste. It is possible that there could be subcastes, differentiated by the location of the fishing, the type of fishing and the the type of fish sought. For example, there could be subcastes for Thassa, river and lake fishing. There could be subcastes for shellfish and whaling. But that is all just speculation. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
GOAT KEEPERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care and breeding of Gorean goats. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
HAIRDRESSERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste. Many hairdressers treat their free women clients almost like slaves. Upswept hairdos are reserved for free women or high slaves as it is a mark of status. Free women sometimes even buy wigs or falls, though they desire only the hair of other free women. Usually slave hair is worn long and loose, or confined in some simple way as with a ribbon or wooden fillet. They have little need for a hair dresser. Many masters even cut their own girls' hair. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
HARNESS MAKER's Caste: This is a part of the Leather Worker's Caste and is likely considered a subcaste. Not only do they create harnesses but they also produce other items that would be associated with harnesses such as saddles, bridles, reins, hobblings, and tethers. They make such harnesses for animals of all types, including slaves. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
LEATHER WORKERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste. They work with leather, creating a variety of different products. Leather workers also responsible for the piercing of the ears and noses of slave girls. For ears, they use long needles with no anesthetic. They then fix two tiny steel rods, with threaded ends, through the holes. To each end of the rods, they thread a tiny steel disk to hold the rods in the holes. The rods can then be removed in four days. To pierce a nose, they use a small punch to create the hole. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
MERCHANTS: ...WHITE /GOLD COLORS... Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.
METAL WORKERS:...GREY COLOR.... A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include:
SWORDMAKERS, ARMORERS, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.
MILLER CASTE : This is likely a Low Caste responsible for operating the mills that grind the grains of Gor. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
MONEYLENDERS: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.
MUSICIAN'S CASTE: This is a Low Caste that shares some similarities with the Singer's and Poet's Castes. A Musician is not required to be literate as there is no written music on Gor. Melodies are simply passed on down the generations through teachers and families. Musicians may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Musicians are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. "There is a saying to the effect that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free." (Kajira of Gor, p.298) But, Musicians may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There is no indication that the separate musical instruments form their own subcastes but there is a prestige ranking for the different instruments. Czehar musicians have the most prestige, and then come the flute, kalika, drums and miscellaneous instruments. One of the best czehar players on Gor is Lysander of Asperiche. Not everyone who can play a musical instrument belongs to this Caste. Even slaves can learn how to play these instruments. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
PEASANTS CASTE This is the lowest of all Low Castes. Yet, economically, the base of life is the peasant and they are often known as the "Ox on which the Home Stone Rests." They provide much of the food for the cities, towns and villages of Gor. The people of the cities have a very low opinion of Peasants. A Peasant is seen as "?being little more than an ignoble brute, ignorant and superstitious, venal and vicious, a grubber in the dirt, a plodding animal, an ill-tempered beast, something at best cunning and treacherous;" (Raiders of Gor, p.3) This is not accurate though as Peasants have their own sense of nobility and honor. They have pride in their position, their land and their freedom. A Peasant who is actively engaged in agricultural pursuits is said to be "one who makes fields fruitful." This appellation is sometimes used for Peasants not actively engaged in such as an honor.
PERFUMERS CASTE: .... WHITE/YELLOW CASTE COLORS ... This is a Low Caste and it is responsible for the production and sale of perfumes for free women and slaves. They are usually clean-shaven and their Caste colors are white and yellow. Slave perfumes, which come in hundreds of varieties, usually have a heavier scent and are more sensual than free women perfumes. Many Perfumers though treat their free women clients almost like slaves. This does not prevent free women from flocking to the more famous Perfumers.
PLAYERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste.
POETS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that appears very similar to the Singer's Caste. A Singer or Poets is considered "?a craftsman who make strong sayings,?" (Outlaw of Gor, p.103) A Singer or Poet is not required to be literate and some great men in these Castes have been illiterate. Many Goreans have superb memories and receive mnemonic training. Music and poetry is often memorized, never written down, and passed down from teacher to student. Singers and Poets are thought to be happy individuals and their Castes have greater prestige than the Pot Maker's and Saddle Maker's Castes. "A handful of bread for a song" is a traditional invitation extended to Singers and Poets. (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) The saying does not mean that a Singer or Poet will only receive bread or food for his performance. A Ubar may extend this invitation and then reward the Singer or Poet with a silver or gold. Overall, Singers and Poets do not live luxurious lives but they do will never starve or need to beg. Singers and Poets have their place in Gorean society, one that is considered quite important. "He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men." (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) Singers and Poets may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Singers and Poets are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. In addition, Singers and Poets may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
POT MAKERS CASTE : ...BROWN/GREEN COLORS... This caste is a sub caste of the Caste of Artisans. They produce vessels used to contain substances of all kinds.
RENCER CASTE: This is a Low Caste, also known as the Growers of Rence. Please see scroll #31, The Caste of Rencers, for more details.
RUG MAKERS CASTE This is a Low Caste that is obviously responsible for the making of rugs. It is a subcaste of the Cloth Worker's Caste though the Rug Makers like to consider themselves a separate Caste. The Weaver Caste is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste. The Castes of the Carders and Dyers are subcastes of the Weaver's Caste. The rugs of Tor are quite famous, similar to the Persian rugs of Earth. It can take over a year for five years, working together, to complete some of these rugs. The Carders memorize rug patterns and some of the Carders are even blind. Patterns can be quite complex and are passed down through the generations. These rugs are made on simple looms and each knot is hand-tied by a free woman, not a slave. The more intricate rugs may have as many as 400 knots within a square hort. These rugs are also dyed many different colors and most of the dyes used are derived from natural plant or animal products. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
SADDLE MAKERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste. It is likely a subcaste of the Leather Worker's Caste. They produce the saddlery, harness and tack used to manage all of the various riding and draft beasts of Gor. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste. There is some confusion as the Harness Maker's Caste is said to also produce saddles. Thus, it is possible that the Saddle-Makers are a subcaste of the Harness Maker's.
SINGERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that appears very similar to the Poet's Caste. A Singer or Poets is considered "?a craftsman who make strong sayings,?" (Outlaw of Gor, p.103) A Singer or Poet is not required to be literate and some great men in these Castes have been illiterate. Many Goreans have superb memories and receive mnemonic training. Music and poetry is often memorized, never written down, and passed down from teacher to student. Singers and Poets are thought to be happy individuals and their Castes have greater prestige than the Pot Maker's and Saddle Maker's Castes. "A handful of bread for a song" is a traditional invitation extended to Singers and Poets. (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) The saying does not mean that a Singer or Poet will only receive bread or food for his performance. A Ubar may extend this invitation and then reward the Singer or Poet with a silver or gold. Overall, Singers and Poets do not live luxurious lives but they do will never starve or need to beg. Singers and Poets have their place in Gorean society, one that is considered quite important. "He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men." (Outlaw of Gor, p.104) Singers and Poets may travel freely across Gor and are welcomed into nearly any city. By tradition and custom, Singers and Poets are commonly not enslaved though this does not have the power of law. In addition, Singers and Poets may still be killed, tortured or exiled as that does not violate custom or tradition. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
SLAVERS CASTE : ...BLUE/YELLOW COLORS ... This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.
SLEEN TRAINERS CASTE .... BROWN /BLACK CASTE COLORS ...: This is a Low Caste responsible for the care, breeding and training of sleens, a feline-like animal that can be trained for many various different functions such as herding, tracking and guarding. Their Caste colors are brown and black.
TARN KEEPERS CASTE: This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care, breeding and training of the tarns, the aerial mounts of Gor. Tarn Keepers often crop their hair short and it appears that their Caste color is brown as they wear brown leather. Their leather may be streaked with colors if they support one of the racing tarn factions. They also wear caps and the color of the tassel on that cap may also match the color of their tarn racing faction.
THARLARION KEEPERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste that is responsible for the care, breeding and training of the mighty tharlarions, a common mount on Gor especially in those areas that have not yet mastered the tarn. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
THIEVES'CASTE : There are few thieves on Gor and they are punished severely if caught. For a first offense, the penalty is commonly an ear notching. Such a notching would open be quite visible, unless covered by one's hair, and would mark one as a former thief. For a second offense, the penalty is determined by the sex of the thief. If the thief is a man, he will have his right hand severed. If the thief is a woman, she will be enslaved. Thus, only a man has a chance to commit a third offense as a free person. The penalty for that offense is the loss of the left hand and both feet.
VINTNER'S CASTE... WHITE/GREEN CASTE COLORS...: This is a Low Caste responsible for making wine and wine-based products. Their Caste colors are white and green and they commonly wear a white tunic with a representation in green cloth of leaves about the collar and down the sleeves.
WEAVERS CASTE : This is a Low Caste responsible for the weaving of different items, esepcially rugs. The Weaver's is a subcaste of the Rug Maker's Caste which is a subcaste of the Cloth Worker's Caste. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
WOODSMAN'S CASTE: This is a Low Caste also known as the Carriers of Wood. They provide one of the essential fuels of Gor, the other being charcoal. They commonly wear a short, sleeveless robe with a leather region on the back and shoulders to protect them from their loads of wood. They also commonly wear leggings to protect their legs as they work in brush. They are responsible for chopping down trees and carrying the wood to market. Before they begin to chop down a tree, they will talk to the tree. They will tell the tree what the wood will be used for and then they will ask its forgiveness. It is a lonely Caste and they often do not see other people for long stretches of time. Woodsmen are usually very strong and can carry quite heavy loads of wood, strapped to their back and held in place by two straps held in their hands. A typical load might be six feet high and four feet wide. Such a load would be difficult even for many Warriors to carry. There are no Caste colors given in the books for this Caste.
The Warrior Codes
1.) "You know the codes, if you want her you must challenge for her and meet me with the weapon of my choice" 2.)One who has shed your blood, or who's blood you you have shed, becomes your swordbrother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons.
3.) "I am of the caste of warriors, and it is in our code that the only death for for a man is in battle."
4.)"Be strong and do as you will, the swords of others will set your limits."
5.)"Within the circle of each mans sword arm, therin is each man a Ubar."
6.) "Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it, he purchases what pleases him"
7.)I would not have thought Sarus of Tyros would have used poisened steel," I said. Such a device, like the poisened arrow, was not only against the codes of the warriors, but, generally, was regarded as unworthy of men. Poison was regarded as a womans weapon.
8.)"The 97th Aphorism in the Codes I was taught," I said, "is in the form of a riddle: "What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds?" "And the answer?" inquired Labienus. "That which is silent but deafens thunder."
The men regarded one another.
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"The same." said I, "as that which depresses no scale but is weightier than gold."
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"Honor" I said.
"He is of the Warriors," said a man.
9.) Let none who are not of the scarlet caste know of these things. The Codes are as the dust of diamonds in a hidden vault, which, exposed to the winds, will be scattered and trodden beneath the sandals of men and the hooves of beasts... worthless forevermore.
10.)"I can force you to take me," she said.
"How?" I asked.
"Like this," she responded, kneeling before me, lowering her head and lifting her arms, the wrists crossed. She laughed. "Now you must take me with you or slay me."
I cursed her, for she took unfair advantage of the Warrior Codes of Gor."
11.)"Warriors, it is said in the codes, have a common Home Stone. Its name is battle."
12.) "The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
13.)"Even warriors long sometimes for the sight of their own flags, atop friendly walls, for the courtyards of their keeps, for the hearths of their halls. Thus admit the Codes."
14.)"Have you raised your arm against me?"I asked.(to raise your sword against a warrior is to issue a challenge)
I released his arm, and he staggered back. Then he slung his shield on his arm, and unsheathed the blade slung at his left hip.
"What is going on!" demanded the woman."Be silent foolish woman," said the captain. She cried out with rage. But what did she know of the codes?
15.)"You have lifted a weapon against me," he said. "My codes permit me to kill you."
16.) "Could it be that I had, as the Codes of my Caste recommended, not even considered her, but merely regarded her as a rightless animal, no more than a subject beast, an abject instrument to my interests and pleasures, a slave?"
17.)The Code of the Warrior is, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh, but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse then live by such a code.
18.)"`I am a warrior,' said the young man proudly. Kamchak signaled the archers and they came forward, their arrows trained on the young man. He then threw, one after another, a dozen bags of gold to the floor. `Save your gold, Tuchuk sleen,' said the young man. `I am a warrior and I know my codes.'"
19.) "And then, angrily, loftily, she walked to the deck before me and then, movement by movement, to my fury, knelt before me, back on her heels, head down, arms extended, wrists crossed, as though for binding. `You are a fool!' I told her. She lifted her head, and smiled. `You may simply leave me here if you wish,' she said. `It is not in the codes,' I said. `I thought,' said she, `that you no longer kept the codes.' ...`I do not want you!' I said. `Then slay me,' she said.'"
20.)`You are a monster, Captain,' he laughed. `I am of the warriors,' I said. `I know your sort,' he said. `It is the fight you relish. What a wicked sort you are, and yet how useful!' I shrugged. `You see a fight you want, you take it,' he said, `You see a woman you like, you take her.' `Perhaps if she pleased me,' I said. `You would do as you wished,' he said. `Of course,' I said. `Warrior!' said he. `Yes, Warrior,' I said."
21.)"`Flee!' she said. `I am of the Warriors,' I said. `But you may die,' she said. `That is acknowledged in the codes,' I said. `What are the codes?' she asked. `They are nothing and, and everything,' I said. `They are a bit of noise, and the steel of the heart. They are meaningless, and all significant. They are the difference. Without the codes men would be Kurii.' `Kurii?' she asked. `Beasts, such as ice beasts, and worse,' I said. `Beasts such as the face you saw in the sky.' `You need not keep the codes,' she said. `I once betrayed my codes,' I said. `It is not my intention to do so again.' I looked at her. `One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand.' `None would know know if you betrayed the codes,' she said. `I would know,' I said, `and I am of the Warriors.' `What is it to be a warrior?' she asked. `It is to keep the codes,' I said. `You may think that to be a warrior is to be large, or strong, and to be skilled with weapons, to have a blade at your hip, to know the grasp of the spear, to wear the scarlet, to know the fitting of the iron helm upon one's countenance, but these are things are not truly needful; they are not, truely what makes one man a warrior and another not. Many men are strong, and large, and skilled with weapons. Any man might, if he dared, don the scarlet and gird himself with weapons. Any man might place upon his brow the helm of iron. But it is not the scarlet, not the steel, not the helm which makes a warrior.' She looked at me. `It is the codes,' I said. `Abandon your codes,' she said. `One does not speak to slaves of the codes,' I said.
22.)"I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which knows one is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light heart, with a buoyant heart, or to go forward with sterness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them! The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
23.)"`No,' he said. `I do not keep you because of the gold. I am of the scarlet caste. I am of the warriors. I could cast the gold away, as a gesture.'"
24.)"It was lonely here. Yet such times are good in the life of a Warrior, times to be alone, to think. He who cannot think is not a man, so saith the codes. Yet neither, too, they continue, is he who can only think."
25.)" most cities, on the other hand, a free woman may, with legal tolerance, submit herself as a slave to a specific man. If he refuses her, she is then still free. If he accepts her, she is then, categorically, a slave, and he may do with her what he pleases, even selling her or giving her away, or slaying her, if he wishes. Here we may note a distinction between laws and codes. In the codes of the warriors, if a warrior accepts a woman as a slave, it is prescribed that, at least for a time, an amount of time up to his discretion, she be spared. If she should be the least displeasing, of course, or should prove recalcitrant in even a tiny way, she may be immediately disposed of. It should be noted that this does place a legal obligation on the warrior. It has to do, rather, with the proprieties of the codes."
3.) "I am of the caste of warriors, and it is in our code that the only death for for a man is in battle."
4.)"Be strong and do as you will, the swords of others will set your limits."
5.)"Within the circle of each mans sword arm, therin is each man a Ubar."
6.) "Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it, he purchases what pleases him"
7.)I would not have thought Sarus of Tyros would have used poisened steel," I said. Such a device, like the poisened arrow, was not only against the codes of the warriors, but, generally, was regarded as unworthy of men. Poison was regarded as a womans weapon.
8.)"The 97th Aphorism in the Codes I was taught," I said, "is in the form of a riddle: "What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds?" "And the answer?" inquired Labienus. "That which is silent but deafens thunder."
The men regarded one another.
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"The same." said I, "as that which depresses no scale but is weightier than gold."
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"Honor" I said.
"He is of the Warriors," said a man.
9.) Let none who are not of the scarlet caste know of these things. The Codes are as the dust of diamonds in a hidden vault, which, exposed to the winds, will be scattered and trodden beneath the sandals of men and the hooves of beasts... worthless forevermore.
10.)"I can force you to take me," she said.
"How?" I asked.
"Like this," she responded, kneeling before me, lowering her head and lifting her arms, the wrists crossed. She laughed. "Now you must take me with you or slay me."
I cursed her, for she took unfair advantage of the Warrior Codes of Gor."
11.)"Warriors, it is said in the codes, have a common Home Stone. Its name is battle."
12.) "The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
13.)"Even warriors long sometimes for the sight of their own flags, atop friendly walls, for the courtyards of their keeps, for the hearths of their halls. Thus admit the Codes."
14.)"Have you raised your arm against me?"I asked.(to raise your sword against a warrior is to issue a challenge)
I released his arm, and he staggered back. Then he slung his shield on his arm, and unsheathed the blade slung at his left hip.
"What is going on!" demanded the woman."Be silent foolish woman," said the captain. She cried out with rage. But what did she know of the codes?
15.)"You have lifted a weapon against me," he said. "My codes permit me to kill you."
16.) "Could it be that I had, as the Codes of my Caste recommended, not even considered her, but merely regarded her as a rightless animal, no more than a subject beast, an abject instrument to my interests and pleasures, a slave?"
17.)The Code of the Warrior is, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh, but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse then live by such a code.
18.)"`I am a warrior,' said the young man proudly. Kamchak signaled the archers and they came forward, their arrows trained on the young man. He then threw, one after another, a dozen bags of gold to the floor. `Save your gold, Tuchuk sleen,' said the young man. `I am a warrior and I know my codes.'"
19.) "And then, angrily, loftily, she walked to the deck before me and then, movement by movement, to my fury, knelt before me, back on her heels, head down, arms extended, wrists crossed, as though for binding. `You are a fool!' I told her. She lifted her head, and smiled. `You may simply leave me here if you wish,' she said. `It is not in the codes,' I said. `I thought,' said she, `that you no longer kept the codes.' ...`I do not want you!' I said. `Then slay me,' she said.'"
20.)`You are a monster, Captain,' he laughed. `I am of the warriors,' I said. `I know your sort,' he said. `It is the fight you relish. What a wicked sort you are, and yet how useful!' I shrugged. `You see a fight you want, you take it,' he said, `You see a woman you like, you take her.' `Perhaps if she pleased me,' I said. `You would do as you wished,' he said. `Of course,' I said. `Warrior!' said he. `Yes, Warrior,' I said."
21.)"`Flee!' she said. `I am of the Warriors,' I said. `But you may die,' she said. `That is acknowledged in the codes,' I said. `What are the codes?' she asked. `They are nothing and, and everything,' I said. `They are a bit of noise, and the steel of the heart. They are meaningless, and all significant. They are the difference. Without the codes men would be Kurii.' `Kurii?' she asked. `Beasts, such as ice beasts, and worse,' I said. `Beasts such as the face you saw in the sky.' `You need not keep the codes,' she said. `I once betrayed my codes,' I said. `It is not my intention to do so again.' I looked at her. `One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand.' `None would know know if you betrayed the codes,' she said. `I would know,' I said, `and I am of the Warriors.' `What is it to be a warrior?' she asked. `It is to keep the codes,' I said. `You may think that to be a warrior is to be large, or strong, and to be skilled with weapons, to have a blade at your hip, to know the grasp of the spear, to wear the scarlet, to know the fitting of the iron helm upon one's countenance, but these are things are not truly needful; they are not, truely what makes one man a warrior and another not. Many men are strong, and large, and skilled with weapons. Any man might, if he dared, don the scarlet and gird himself with weapons. Any man might place upon his brow the helm of iron. But it is not the scarlet, not the steel, not the helm which makes a warrior.' She looked at me. `It is the codes,' I said. `Abandon your codes,' she said. `One does not speak to slaves of the codes,' I said.
22.)"I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which knows one is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light heart, with a buoyant heart, or to go forward with sterness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them! The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
23.)"`No,' he said. `I do not keep you because of the gold. I am of the scarlet caste. I am of the warriors. I could cast the gold away, as a gesture.'"
24.)"It was lonely here. Yet such times are good in the life of a Warrior, times to be alone, to think. He who cannot think is not a man, so saith the codes. Yet neither, too, they continue, is he who can only think."
25.)" most cities, on the other hand, a free woman may, with legal tolerance, submit herself as a slave to a specific man. If he refuses her, she is then still free. If he accepts her, she is then, categorically, a slave, and he may do with her what he pleases, even selling her or giving her away, or slaying her, if he wishes. Here we may note a distinction between laws and codes. In the codes of the warriors, if a warrior accepts a woman as a slave, it is prescribed that, at least for a time, an amount of time up to his discretion, she be spared. If she should be the least displeasing, of course, or should prove recalcitrant in even a tiny way, she may be immediately disposed of. It should be noted that this does place a legal obligation on the warrior. It has to do, rather, with the proprieties of the codes."
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