Please take a moment to review the sim rules as they provide a means to provide an environment for fair and enjoyable role play. By entering the sim, you indicate that you have received, read, and agree to follow these rules. In the interest of brevity, the need-to-know information has been summarized. Please see the attached note cards for further details.
Thentis is a fortress city in the Mountains of Gor, which is best known for its black wine, silver, tarn flocks, and hurt. The city is high in the mountains near the source of the Olni river. Therefore, you would be unable to reach Thentis by means of a ship as there is no river port. People and goods come to the city either by tarn or on foot over the mountain roads. The climate of Thentis is similar to mountain cities found in the Southern Alps of New Zealand on Earth. Please incorporate the climate and terrain into your role play by dressing and/or speaking of your travels accordingly while you are in the city.
Citizenship: Visitors wishing to join the city should be directed to a scribe. If no scribe is available, any citizen may accompany them to the high cylinder where they can pick up an application. If you have not received your group invites within two days from the time of filing, please contact a sim administrator to remedy that situation. Unowned slaves arriving in Thentis should be delivered to the Slave House for intake.
Thentis is a fortress city in the Mountains of Gor, which is best known for its most precious export; Black Wine. It also possesses countless silver mines and thrives on textiles woven from the wool of the Hurt. No discussion of Thentis could be complete without mentioning its tarn flocks as most of the tarns on Gor are bred here. The city is high in the mountains near the source of the Olni river. Therefore, you would be unable to reach Thentis by means of a ship as there is no river port. People and goods come to the city either by tarn or on foot over the mountain roads. The climate of Thentis is similar to mountain cities found in the Southern Alp of New Zealand on Earth. Given that Thentis is high in the mountains and there is frequently snow or frost on the ground. Please incorporate the climate and terrain into your role play by dressing and/or speaking of your travels accordingly while you are in the city.
CITIZENSHIP: Visitors wishing to join the city should be directed to a scribe. If no scribe is available, any citizen may accompany them to the high cylinder where they can pick up an application. Applications can be found at the back of the library and on the second floor in the scribes “bull pen”. Once completed the applications should be given to a scribe placed in one of their mailboxes by the door of the cylinder. Once the application has been filed, you should receive group invitations to the city and land group. If you have not received your group invites within two days from the time of filing, please contact a sim administrator to remedy that situation.
New citizens are expected to learn through role play, who is head of their prospective caste and to IC’ly contact this person to receive invitations for the caste groups.
It is also encouraged that as part of your citizenship process that you ask a slave to take you on a tour and assist you with locating housing. If a slave is not available, then any available citizen will do.
Citizenship may be revoked at any time by the sim administrators. Citizens who have had their citizenship revoked may appeal this decision, once, after a period of two days. You are encouraged to do this IC’ly through the city administrator,
Slaves: For new slaves wishing to join the sim, Thentis has no “city” kennels as BtB slave houses were described as being owned and operated by an independent slaver. Unowned slaves arriving in Thentis should be delivered to the Slave House for intake. It is encouraged that citizens seek coin for the goods (slaves) delivered to the slaver. If a citizen encounters an unowned slave and a slaver is not available, the slave should be delivered to the first girl of the slave house. If the first girl is not available, the slave should be directed to any other slave house slave. If no slave house slaves are available, the citizen must find suitable rp for the slave. Locking the slave in a cage with no opportunity for rp is highly discouraged!
Scripts worn are limited to 75 scripts and a maximum of 2.5 mB. If you wear more than this, you will be requested to remove your excess scripts and given 10 minutes to do so. Also, the use of the Gorean Meter (GM) is mandatory in Thentis. If you do not have a current Gorean Meter, you may obtain one at the dispensers located in the marketplace near the teleport pad and at the city landing.
Avatar Appearance: Your character should be dressed in a manner consistent with a BtB Gorean. This includes appropriate clothing and AO’s.
Gestures: The only use of gestures allowed on sim are those which are used to draw/sheath weapons.
Scripts worn are limited to 75 scripts and a maximum of 2.5 mB. If you wear more than this, you will be requested to remove your excess scripts and given 10 minutes to do so. Refusal or delay in complying will result in ejection.
The use of the Gorean Meter (GM) is mandatory in Thentis. If you do not have a current Gorean Meter, you may obtain one at the dispensers located in the marketplace near the teleport pad and at the city landing.
AFK: Please use the AFK feature on your meter if you are away from your computer for more than a few minutes. If you are not set AFK, all role play happening to your character will be deemed valid by a moderator. If you are going AFK in excess of 20 minutes, you are expected to IC’ly "exit the scene" then move your avatar to a private area and set your meter to AFK. (See also Non-Responsiveness in the Role Play Guidelines)
OOC: The use of ((OOC)) is not allowed in active role play areas with the exception of role play moderation, sim administration, builders, and observers. Any OOC communication in active role play areas should be done via IM. Of course, OOC conversations may occur in local in your private home on the sims. It is recommended that if you are engaged in OOC conversations or other activities that you set your meter to OOC to avoid confusion between IC/OOC actions.
Like clothing, AO’s are used to add realism to the role play. Therefore, avatars shall not wear an AO in the city that has them behaving in a non-Gorean manner. Examples include AO’s that have warriors skipping or Free Women massaging their breasts or other sexual acts. Use of AO’s of this type is permissible in private homes.
The only use of gestures allowed on sim are those which are used to draw/sheath weapons. No other autoemoting, such as tummy talkers are allowed. Prim babies are permitted, but autoemoting must be turned off.
The use of the green textiness function (/22) is discouraged due to script usage.
Violations of the avatar requirements will include a warning for a first offense. Ejection and a 24 hour ban for subsequent offenses. Permanent bans may occur if violations are habitual.
This sim is a privately owned, adult content sim based on the Gor series by John Norman. We require that those who come to this sim are registered in SL as adults, and agree to develop role play stories that adhere to “By the Book” (BtB )standards. Please feel free to provide quotes to support your role play choices but sim moderators will have the final say in what constitutes BtB and what does not.
Refused Role Play in the City of Thentis:This sim refuses the following role plays:
1. Bazi plague.
2. Miscarriage.
3. Death in childbirth (mother or child).
4. Unplanned theft of raw black wine beans.
Safe Zones: Every player is allowed 5 minutes of safety on the city landing. After 5 minutes or if you step off the landing, you are no longer safe and must accept role play as it happens. The sky market is always safe/OOC in nature. The residential sims north and west of the city are no combat. However, they are safe zones only for those already there when a raid begins.
Approved Characters/Avatars: Only adult human or Kurii or approved Gorean animal avatars are allowed. You are expected to play your role in a plausible BtB fashion. The City of Thentis does not acknowledge role play from non-traditional groups or individuals. If you decide to play in a manner that may be viewed as less than plausible or not BtB, you will be expected to role play out the possible consequences (death, slavery, etc). TP’ing out of role play to avoid the consequences will result in a 24 hour ban from the sim.
Ferals and male she-urts are not allowed to RP on this sim as they are not characters from the books. Panthers, Talunas, Mambas, and She-Urts are not found in the region of Thentis in the books. If you play one of these characters, you must supply a plausible reason for your presence.
This sim is privately owned, adult content sim based on the Gor series by John Norman. We require that those who come to this sim are registered in SL as adults, and agree to develop role play stories that adhere to “By the Book” (BtB )standards. Please feel free to provide quotes to support your role play choices but sim moderators will have the final say in what constitutes non BtB standards.
This sim refuses the following role plays:
1. Bazi plague.
2. Miscarriage.
3. Death in childbirth (mother or child).
4. Unplanned theft of raw black wine beans. Black wine in the books was a rare delicacy that was carefully protected. The black wine groves of Thentis are guarded by trained sleen, and patrolled overhead by tarnsman. The raw beans are carefully protected. The harvested raw beans are kept in storage under heavy guard until they are safely roasted under close supervision. Sleen, whether seen or not, are at our city gates, trained to sniff out unroasted beans and to attack anyone attempting to smuggle black wine out of the city. Any role play of theft of raw beans must be arranged with the sim owner/designee.
Whatever your reason for entering the sim, whether visiting or raiding, you get 5 minutes of safety on the city landing. After 5 minutes or if you step off the landing, you are no longer safe and must accept role play as it happens.
The sky market is always safe/OOC in nature. Any role play or IC interactions that take place in the sky market are by mutual consent only.
The residential sims north and west of the city are no combat. However, they are safe zones only for those already there when a raid begins.
Only adult human or approved Gorean animal avatars are allowed.
You are expected to play your role in a plausible BtB fashion. The City of Thentis does not acknowledge role play from non-traditional groups or individuals. If you decide to play in a manner that may be viewed as less than plausible or not BtB, you will be expected to role play out the possible consequences (death, slavery, etc). Clothing shall also be in line with Gorean role play, i.e., no metal armor except helmets and shields, no contemporary clothing, piercings other than ear or Tuchuk nose ring, etc.
Here is some information on some of the more common character expectations to help you develop a plausible character for role play in Thentis.
ANIMALS: Animal avatars must be in line with the book descriptions of the animal and role play must be appropriate, i.e., no tame larls or tarn avatars that attack humans
FREE WOMEN: Free Women must be appropriately covered from neck to lower arms to ankles. No cleavage, shoulders, bare legs, bare feet or earrings. High Caste Free Women and those of high station are required by social custom to wear a concealing veil. Low Caste women might choose not to veil, but the higher her station, the more likely it is that there may be social and/or legal consequences. Visiting Free Women should always veil for their safety, as they are not citizens protected by our laws. Sheer veils are not permitted for Free Women. Please refer to the Free Women Laws for further details.
SLAVES: Slaves must be clothed in public. This sim rule has been questioned by many citizens and visitors. It has been thoroughly researched and is non-negotiable. Norman went into great detail describing the dress of slaves in high cities. In public, they are always described as being modestly covered and slaves fought for scraps of clothing to cover themselves. They did not desire to go naked and if they were made to go naked it was usually because they were being punished. In this case, it would be unlikely that the slaves would be allowed the privilege to come out of their master’s house, even on a leash. Exceptions to this rule will be made for slaves being displayed for sale, those who have been stripped as part of their initial capture or purchase, tavern sluts (when inside the tavern only, they must dress before leaving the tavern), and dancers. IC this is to show respect to the FW and OOC a slave wandering barefoot and naked in the snow with no ill effects is a form of powergaming. Slave clothing should be consistent with slave livery described in the books, such as camisks, tunics, dresses, or silks. They should cover the slave reasonably modestly; private parts (nipples and groin) are not to be exposed to public view. From late fall to early spring, slaves should be dressed warmly, including boots.
Visitors will be asked IC to dress their slaves. Residents of the city may direct slaves needing clothing to a slave of the city who can take the girl to get scraps of warm clothing in the slave house. While your character may be asked IC’ly for coin, these items will not cost the player any linden. Players refusing to follow this rule should be dealt with IC’ly. Visitors will be asked to leave the city. If it is a citizen, the free can speak their minds, a physician can insist on giving the girl an examination for frostbite, other slaves can taunt the naked girl for being displeasing. If a visitor or citizen continues to refuse to cloth his or her slave and disregards the role play then a moderator should be involved.
OUTLAWS: Outlaws are defined as a person that has no allegiance to a Home Stone. Exceptions are Castes that do not have Home Stones, i.e., Assassins, Initiates, Players, Musicians, etc. Be warned that, BtB, outlaws may be impaled at the whim of the warriors without further recourse. They may also be denied entrance to the City or force collared, again at the whim of the Free Male citizens of Thentis. Outlaws have no protection under law! Therefore, it is strongly advised that outlaws visiting Thentis choose their role play carefully.
PANTHERS: The panther groups described in Hunters of Gor lived quite a distance from Thentis in the Northern Forests Some realistic role play reason for their arrival in the Thentis mountains will be expected.
Panther girls did not raid walled cities. The Free Men of Gor did, however, raid the forests for panther girls. This opens the possibility of irate panthers coming to City of Thentis to retrieve their captured tribe members. Having tribe members captured and brought here is not a validation for an armed raid of panther tribes to rescue them.
TALUNAS AND MAMBAS: The Talunas and Mambas are described in Explorers of Gor. These groups of women live in the jungles. There is no plausible role play or purpose for Talunas or Mambas to be visiting the City of Thentis.
SHE-URTS: She-urts are described as living in Port Kar areas and docks. It would not be realistic for She-urts to wander to the gates of our city as we are not a port city. She-urts should have a good RP reason to visit Thentis. She-urts are exempt from any law requiring a veil or proper FW attire. There is no such thing as male she-urts. The closest equivalent would be a beggar such as Hup the Fool.
FERALS: Not an accepted character in Thentis as there is no such character described in the books.
PLAYERS AND ENTERTAINERS: Players and Entertainers and their sub-castes are to be given safe passage in the City of Thentis by tradition, and may not be enslaved except at the order of a Magistrate.
KURII: Hidden/disguised role play of Kurii is welcomed. Attacks by a kur must follow the raid rules.
Observers: Players are welcomed to observe role play in Thentis. Observers must follow all sim appearance and avatar rules. All players observing are required to wear the GM meter set to OOC and may not post anything in local chat.
Dual Alts: It is not permitted to play two avatars in the City of Thentis. If you feel you have a compelling reason for playing two characters in the City, you must request permission from the sim owner.
Metagaming, Powergaming, Godmodding, and Role Play Bullying: These behaviors constitute poor role play and are not permitted in Thentis. Such actions will be monitored and acted on by the sim moderators. Consequences include invalidation of role play, ejections, and temporary or permanent bans.
Non-responsiveness: If you must leave your keyboard or are distracted by voice chat or IMS, please make an effort to move your avatar from active role play areas and to set your meter AFK. Players who have been non-responsive for 20 minutes and do not have their meter set to AFK may be ejected. Players who have set their meters AFK and are in an active RP area may be ejected after 20 minutes of non-responsiveness.
Thought Emotes: The use of thought emotes are highly discouraged. All players’ posts should include content that other players can respond to. Negative thought emotes are particularly disruptive to citizen morale and will not be tolerated.
Hostile Activity (separate from raids): Before any non-raid/non-combat metered action may occur, there must be a minimum of 5 lines of role play creating a plausible reason for attack before the first meter strike. ALL players must have the opportunity to respond to the challenge being issued PRIOR to weapons being drawn and used.
Suicide: If you choose to take your own life in role play, you are choosing to be dead for a week, which means 7 RL days off the sim. Permission to return to the sim is not guaranteed and will be decided on a case by case basis by the sim administrators.
Limits: If you have role play limits, it is your responsibility to communicate them to other players through IMs. If you feel you are being harassed because of your request to respect your limits, please contact a moderator to assist you.
Players are welcomed to observe role play in Thentis. Observers must be dressed in Gorean attire as they are will be considered part of the scenery; all sim dress code rules must be followed. All players observing are required to wear the GM meter set to OOC. The OOC player may not interact in role play and may not disturb ongoing role play by posting in local chat. Observers may IM moderators or players with questions regarding the city. Just a reminder, if you are observing a role play, you may not use information you observed in RPs as that constitutes metagaming.
It is not permitted to play two avatars in the City of Thentis. If you feel you have a compelling reason for playing two characters in the City, you must request permission from the sim owner. If you are found to be playing more than one character in the city of Thentis, you will be asked to remove one of them from the city. If either character causes any sort of IC or OOC drama, all known accounts related to the player involved will be permanently banned.
Metagaming occurs when a player uses knowledge their character did not gain through role playing to affect the outcome of a scenario and is not allowed. Things learned from IMs, group chats, tags or profiles are always OOC and cannot be acted on unless you IC’ly make efforts to learn that information and have a plausible reason IC’ly for doing so. For example, if a panther is disguised as a FW and sneaks into the city, warriors cannot accuse her of being a panther because they recognize her (as she is in disguise) or because she wears a panther tag. In addition, the warriors may not treat her any differently than any other visiting free woman, unless they have a plausible reason for questioning her.
Powergaming is when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries and is not allowed on sim. Always missing a punch or denoting that your strike hit the other player without their post to accept such action are examples of powergaming. Another common example is hearing words clearly indicated as a whisper from more than 3m away or a slave spending more than a few minutes naked in the snow with no injury.
Godmodding means to assign an action to the other player without them having emoted it. A simple example would be to note a slave approaching and make a comment on the manner in which she was walking (seductively, quickly, slowly, etc). Without the slave player emoting what their character was doing prior, you have just assigned action to her without her consent. Simply put, it's when you write another player's response for them. Godmodding shows a lack of respect for the other player and is not allowed in the city.
If you must leave your keyboard, please make an effort to move your avatar from active role play areas and to set your meter AFK. Also, if you are engaging in IMs or Vent/Skype, etc. and are not fully committed to active RP, again, please consider moving from the active rp areas. It sends a bad message about the quality of our role play to new citizens and visitors to come upon several people with no active dialog in local.
Active role play areas are designated as the gate and the 30m area surrounding it both inside and out; the serving area of the inn; and the open street area, both on the residential and the market stall ends. Some suggestions for acceptable areas to go AFK would be the library, inside warrior’s hall (if you are of the scarlet caste), the rooms in the inn, the alcoves of the tavern, or the upper floors of the city buildings. Players who have been non-responsive for 20 minutes and do not have their meter set to AFK may be ejected (not banned) from the sim by an available mod. Players who have set their meters AFK and are in active RP areas as described above may be ejected after 20 minutes if they have not returned to active RP.
The use of thought emotes are highly discouraged in Thentis role play. All players’ posts should include content that other players can respond to; such as things that can be heard, seen, tasted, touched, and smelled to encourage engagement. You may add colorful descriptions to your writing but as no character in Gor has the ability to read minds, thought emotes are considered dead RP. Negative thought emotes are particularly disruptive to citizen morale and will not be tolerated. Choose your "thoughts" wisely. If they continue after a warning from a mod, disciplinary action may result.
RP Bullying is when one or more players try to dictate how another player role plays. Provided the above guidelines are followed, players have the right to enter a scene or develop their characters how they see fit. Every player has the right to post as many lines as he/she likes, whether it be 1 line or 10. We advise all players to respond within an average or 8 minutes. If you feel you need longer, please IM the player you are engaged with and alert them that you are posting.
HOSTILE ACTIVITY (separate from raids)
Before any non-raid/non-combat metered action may occur, there must be a minimum of 5 lines of role play creating a plausible reason for attack before the first meter strike. ALL players must have the opportunity to respond to the challenge being issued PRIOR to weapons actually being drawn and used. Weapon gestures are not considered valid lines of role play. If the challengee does not respond to the initial challenge, the challenger can contact a moderator to intervene. Exceptions: BC who are hunting and are appropriately marked do not need to provide RP before meter action. Also, if a character such as a slave/panther/outlaw runs from a warrior, that will be considered a response and weapons may be drawn and used.
If you choose to take your own life in role play, you are choosing to be dead for a week, which means 7 RL days off the sim. Permission to return to the sim is not guaranteed and will be decided on a case by case basis by the sim administrators.
If you have role play limits, it is YOUR responsibility to communicate them to other players through IMs. Profile limits may not always be read and it is your responsibility to effectively communicate that you have reached a limit. If you cannot effectively communicate your limits or feel you are being harassed because of your request to respect your limits, please contact a moderator to assist you.
A role player always has the right to fade to black (FTB). This means you do not have to role play out the situation in text, but the situation still happens and you continue role play after the fact. i.e., branding, torture, rape, killing etc. Those with non-Gorean RP limits should understand it may limit the number of players who want to interact with them.
The sim administrators strongly feel that there are relatively few things that can't be solved IC'ly. If your character gets into trouble, you are expected to resolve it IC'ly and face the consequences of your role play choices. If no role play rules have been broken and assistance is needed, players are encouraged to go through the heads of caste and then the Magistrates /Administrator before asking for a moderator.
RP vs RL: The administrators of this sim will not tolerate OOC harassment such as stalking, luring, or any behavior that is not consensual between both parties. Pressure or harassment of someone who has clearly communicated an unwillingness to have RL contact/relations to the other party, will not be tolerated. The sim administrators have a legal obligation to protect people who play here from unwanted RL harassment and we will do so zealously.
Role play moderators will have the final say on violations of sim rules and questionable role play. Please feel free to discuss your role play choices with our moderators to lend support to your role play. However, once moderator decisions have been reached, they are non-negotiable.
Thentis - Moderators group
Thentis - Moderators group
Thentis - Moderators group
Thentis - Moderators group
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