Friday, July 17, 2015

Traffic Overview of Gorean Player-Towns as of 1/30/06

A "Find" search on "Places" was run using "Gorean" as a search term during the 1/30/06 window. The following resulted (venues that when visited proved to be shopping malls but not Gorean role playing sites are excluded):

Port Cos......................... 35,958
City of Lydius...................12,462
Turia................................ 9,602
Glorius Ar..........................8,140
Eden's Gate.......................5,827
Oblivion Outpost.................4,628
Anango Gorean Jungle........4,132
House of Neruda................3,431
City of Treve.....................2,865
Shivar Nadru.....................2,716
Isle of Tyros - Kasra..........2,538
Port Kar............................2,418
Feral Tarn Outpost.............2,290
Taluna Country (Anango)...1,973
Estate of Master B. Dulce...1,082
House of Guarded Serv........675
City of Tabor.......................668

Other private islands with Gorean names or which are adjacent properties of cities were identified by examination of the large map. Traffic figures were obtained by direct observation:

Western Ar............................75
Southern Ar (4 sections)..~2,400
The Sardar Fair....................291

If I've missed an active role-playing Gorean venue, please let me know and I'll edit the list appropriately.
It would be interesting to compare this list to the current number, if available, to see how things changed over time.

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