Animals of Gor:
Arctic Gant - migratory bird; nest in the mountains of the Hrimgar and in steep, rocky outcroppings, called bird cliffs. The egg of the arctic gant when frozen are eaten like apples. Beasts of Gor pg 196Arthropod - large, perhaps eight feet long and a yard high, multi-legged, and segmented, body plates rustle like plastic armor, timid creatures. Priest Kings of Gor pg 82
Bosk - an ox like creature. It is a huge, shambling animal with a thick, humped neck and long shaggy hair. It has a wide head and tiny red eyes, a temper to match that of a sleen, and two long, wicked horns that reach out from its head and suddenly curve forward to terminate in fearful points. Some of these horns, on the larger animals, measured from tip to tip, exceed the length of two spears. Nomads of Gor pg 4 - 5
- flesh of the bosk and the milk of its cows furnish the Wagon Peoples with food and drink
- its hides cover the domelike wagons in which they dwell
- its tanned and sewn skins cover their bodies
- the leather if its hump is used for the shields
- its sinews forms their thread
- its bones and horns are split and tooled into implements of a hundred sorts, from awls, punches and spoons to drinking flagons and weapon tips
- its hoofs are used for glues
- its oils are used to grease their bodies against the cold
- the dung of the bosk finds its uses on the treeless prairies, being dried and used for fuel.
- the man who kills one foolishly is strangled in thongs or suffocated in the hide of the animal he slew
- if a bosk is slain with unborn young, the man who killed, is staked out, alive, in the path of the herd and the march of the Wagon People takes it’s way over him.
Dock Eels - black, 4' long, tenacious. Rogue of Gor pg 155
Golden Beetle - about the size of a rhinoceros, glowing eyes, two multiply hooked, tubular, hollow pincer like extensions that met at the tips perhaps a yard beyond its body. They seemed clearly some aberrant mutation of its jaw, its antennae, unlike those of Priest-Kings, were very short. They curved and were tipped with a fluff of golden hair. Most strangely perhaps were several long, golden strands, almost a mane, which extended from the creature’s head over its domed, golden back and fell almost to the floor behind it. The back itself seemed divided into two thick casings which might once, ages before, have been horny wings, but now the tissues had, at the points of touching together, fused in such a way as to form what was for all practical purposes a thick, immobile golden shell. Priest Kings of Gor pg 180
Hith - many-banded gorean python. Outlaw of Gor pg 26
Hurt - a domesticated marsupial raised in large numbers in the environs of several of Gor’s northern cities. The hurt, raised on large, fenced ranches, herded by domesticated sleen are sheared by chained slaves, replaces its wool four times a year. Assassins of Gor pg 39
Jard - small scavenging bird, commonly moves in flocks. Magicians of Gor pg 400
Kaiila - It is a silken, carnivorous, lofty creature, graceful, long necked, smooth-gaited. It is viviparous and undoubtedly mammalian, though there is no suckling of the young. The young are born vicious and by instinct, as soon as they can struggle to their feet, they hunt. It is an instinct of the mother, sensing birth, to deliver the young animal in the vicinity of game. .I supposed, with the domesticated kaiila, a bound verr of a prisoner might be cast to the newborn animal. The kaiila, once it eats its fill, does not touch food for several days. The kaiila is extremely agile, and can easily outmaneuver the slower, more ponderous high tharlarion. It requires less food, of course, then the tarn. A kaiila, which normally stands about twenty to twenty-two hands at the shoulder, can cover as much as six hundred pasangs in a single day’s riding. The head of the kaiila bears two large eyes, one on each side, but these eyes are triply lidded, probably an adaptation to the environment which occasionally is wracked by severe storms of wind and dust; the adaptation, actually a transparent third lid, permits the animal to move as it wishes under conditions that force other prairie animals to back into the wind or, like sleen, to burrow into the ground. The kaiila is most dangerous under such conditions, and, as if it knew this, often uses such times for its hunt. Nomads of Gor pg 13 - 14
Kailiauk - a large, lumbering, shaggy, trident-horned ruminant. Having four stomachs and an eight-valved heart. Dangerous, gregarious, small-eyed and short tempered. Adult males can reach 20 - 25 hands at the shoulder, and go about 4000 pounds. Blood Brothers of Gor pg 10
- Pte - kailiauk cow (Red Savage Word)
- Tatanka - kailiauk bull (Red Savage Word)
Leem - small arctic rodent; 5 - 10 oz in weight, hibernates in winter. Beasts of Gor pg 74
Marsh Gant - a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl, broad-billed and broad winged. Raiders of Gor pg 4
Marsh Moccasin - narrow, dark, 5' long (approx) poisonous; not common. Vagabonds of Gor pg 267
Mindar - brightly plumaged, short winged yellow/red sharp billed bird. Explorers of Gor pg 282
Ost - venomous, brilliant orange reptile a little more than a foot in length, can cause an excruciating death in seconds. Outlaw of Gor pg 26
Parsit Fish - small, narrow, stripped. Beasts of Gor pg 38
Qualae - brush-maned and three toed. Raiders of Gor pg 4
Shark - Marsh Sharks: eel like, long bodied, nine gilled. Raiders of Gor pg 58; Northern Shark: cold water shark, found in the Polar Basin. Beasts of Gor pg 36
Sleen - 6 legged long bodied mammalian carnivore. Outlaw of Gor pg 26; large-eyed sinuous, resembling a furred serpentine lizard, reliable indefatigable hunter, follows a scent days old with ease. Raiders of Gor pg 105; Forest Sleen: 20' length, weight 1100 lbs., Beasts of Gor pg 12; Aquatic Sleen: Four main types of sea sleen, found in the polar basin, black sleen, brown sleen, tusked sleen, flat-nosed sleen. Beasts of Gor pg 38; sea sleen run 8' length; 3 - 400 lbs. in weight. Beasts of Gor pg 280; Rogue Sleen: rare in the waters of the Polar Sea, broad head, gray muzzle, double fanged jaws, 18 - 20' in length, 1000 lbs in weight. Beasts of Gor pg 283 & 285; Prairie Sleen are smaller than the forest sleen but quite as unpredictable and vicious, each about seven feet in length, furred, six-legged, mammalian. Nomads of Gor pg 2
Slime Worm Priest-Kings of Gor pg 105
- functioned as a sewerage device
- has not served that function in thousands of years
- scavenges the kills of the Golden Beetle
- Golden Beetle kills Priest-Kings
Tabuk - yellow pelted, single horned. (much like the antelope of Earth) Raiders of Gor pg 4
Tarn - sometimes spoken as "Brothers of the Wind." Plumages vary; Black Tarns for night raids; White Tarns for winter campaigns; multicolored, resplendent Tarns are bred for Warriors who wish to ride proudly; Most common Tarn is Greenish Brown. Tarnsman of Gor pg 51-52
Tarsk - six (6) tusked wild boar. Outlaw of Gor pg 76
Tharlarion - High: runs on its two back feet in bounding strides. Its cavernous mouth is lined with long, gleaming teeth. Its two small ridiculously disproportionate forelegs dangle in front of its body. Tarnsman of Gor pg 115; Wild: fearsome head, round, shining eyes, vast arc of a mouth, a long brown lash of a tongue. Tarsnman of Gor pg 83; River: domesticated, vast, herbivorous web-footed lizards. Nomads of Gor pg 3 - 4
Tumits - a large flightless bird whose hooked beak, attested only too clearly to its gustatory habits. Nomads of Gor pg 2
Ul - giant pterodactyl (native to the swamps in the delta of the Vosk River). Outlaw of Gor pg 26; normally the only creature that dares to outline itself against the sky, in the area. Vagabonds of Gor pg 90
Urt (Giant) - fat, sleek and white; three rows of needle like white teeth, two horns, tusks like flat crescents curved from its jaw; another two horns, similar to the first, modifications of the bony tissue forming the upper ridge of the eye socket. Outlaw of Gor pg 86
Ushindi Fisher - long legged, wading bird. Explorers of Gor pg 236
Vart - small sharp-toothed winged mammal, carnivorous, which commonly flies in flocks. Explorers of Gor pg 36
Verr - mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai, wild, agile, ill-tempered beast, long-haired and spiral horned. Priest Kings of Gor pg 63
Vulo - domesticated pigeon, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs. Nomads of Gor pg 1
Whale - Hunjer Whale: black, cylindrical, toothed whale. Beasts of Gor pg 258-259; Karl Whale: 4 fluked, baleen whale. Beasts of Gor pg 36; Baleen Whale: bluish, white spotted, blunt fin. Beasts of Gor pg 265
Zadit - small tawny feathered, sharp billed bird found in the Tahari. Tribesmen of Gor pg 152
Zarlit Fly - about two feet long, with four large, translucent wings, with a span of about a yard. It has large, pad like feet on which, when it alights, it can rest on the water, or pick its way delicately across the surface. Most of them are purple. Their appearance is rather formidable and are harmless, at least to humans Vagabonds of Gor. p 160
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