Tuesday, July 14, 2015


People of Gor: Main

Marlenus of Ar:   Marauders of Gor pg 5
  • Warrior
  • Ubar of Ar
  • Ubar of Ubars
  • Saved from slavery by Tarl Cabot from the Panther Girls in the Northern Forests
  • Protecting his honor, on his sword and upon the medallion of the Ubar, Marlenus swore Talena from him, disowning her.   Marauders of Gor pg 16
 Red Hunters:    Beasts of Gor pgs listed below
  • Reside in the Polar Basin
    • nomadic
    • dependent on the migrations of various animals
      • particularly the northern tabuk
      • 4 varieties of sea sleen (pg 36)
  • generally kind, peaceable except with animals
    • domesticated sleen
    • white skinned women (pg 75 - 76)
  • many cannot speak gorean (pg 191)
  • women of the red hunters only wear their hair loose, out of doors, during their menstrual period (pg 193)
Samos:  Raiders of Gor pg 104
  • First Slaver of Port Kar - Agent of Priest-Kings               
Talena:   Magicians of Gor pg 106
  • was crowned Ubara of Ar with a crown of Tur leaves
    • placed upon her head by Myron, the Polemarkos of Telnur, placing the medallion of AR about her neck
      • traditional mediallion, worn by Marlenus, has never been found (pg. 105)
      • given Home Stone of AR
      • held in left hand
      • given Septer (rod of office)
      • held in right hand
      • coronation was followed by declaration of 5 holidays
    • Chief Advisors:
      • Myron of Cos
      • Seremides, once of Tyros
Tarl Cabot:
  • Ubar of the Skies was the name of Tarl Cabot's Tarn;  Tarnsmen of Gor pgs various
    • sable black in color
  • was blue eyed   Outlaw of Gor pg 9
  • Cabot family was watched by the Priest-Kings for more than 400 years Priest-Kings of Gor pg 123
  • Mathew Cabot came to Gor more than 600 years ago. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 126
  • Mathew Cabot was returned to Gor when Tarl was a small child so he could not disuade Tarl from the purposes of the Priest-Kings
    • Mathew Cabot, on Gor, was a hostage for the silence of Tarl's Mother. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 127
  • Tarl Cabot lost His honor (pg 23) when he said "No" to a Warriors Death. Raiders of Gor pg 23 - 25
    • in that moment he had lost himself, codes had been betrayed Ko-ro-ba dishonored, the blade he carried soiled.
    • begged to be slave (pg 24)
    • chose ignominious bondage to the freedom of honorable death (pg 25)
      • *Became known as Bosk*
  • Flag of Bosk of Port Kar; Head of a Black Bosk against a background of vertical green bars on a white field.   Raiders of Gor pg 130
    • green bars symbolize the rence of the marshes
  • Freed Dina of Turia on the Plains of Turia   Nomads of Gor pg 107
Wagon People:
  • 4 tribes: Paravici, Kassars, Kataii, Tuchuks  Nomads of Gor - pg 9
    • Kataii - Tribe is Black (pg 14)
      • shield is yellow
      • bow is yellow
      • standard is that of a yellow bow, bound across a black lance (pg 106)
      • brand is that of a bow, facing to the left
      • Ubar: Hakim-ba (pg 256)
    • Kassars - The Bood People
      • shield is red
      • standard is that of a scarlet, three-weighted bola, which hands from a lance (pg 106)
      • the symbolic representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines is used to mark their bosk and slaves
      • Ubar: Conrad (pg 256)
    • Paravaci - The Rich People, richest of the Wagon Dwellers
      • wear a broad belt of jewels around the neck
        • purpose is to encourage attack, that the owner may try the skill of his weapons
      • shield is black
      • standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk its value incalculable (pg 106)
      • brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle
      • Ubar: Tolnus (pg 256)
    • Tuchuks - Dreaded (pg 9)
      • shield is small, round, and black (pg 10)
      • carries lance, horn bow, coiled rope of braided bosk hide, and a three weighted bola   (pg 11)
      • skillful and vain (pg 25)
      • Gray Robe: (pg 32)
        • the throne of the Ubars of the Tuchuks
      • Tuchuk women, both slave and Free, wear tiny nose rings (pg 62)
      • Tuchuk standard, the sign of the four bosk horns. Set in such manner as to somewhat resemble the letter "H," is about an an inch high
      • are fond of gambling (pg 66)
      • commonly called the "Wily Ones" (pg 75)
      • do not like to be fooled (pg 96)
      • those without the Courage Scar are unable to pay court to a Free Woman, own a wagon, or own more than 5 bosk and 3 kaiila (pg 113)
      • to a Tuchuk, success is courage, that is the important thing, courage itself, even if all else fails, that is success (pg 273)
  • claimed the southern prairies of Gor (pg 2)
    • from the Thassa and the mountains of Ta-Thassa to the southern foothills of the Voltai Range
    • on the North they claimed lands even to the banks of Cartius
  • grow no food (pg 4)
  • herders
  • eat nothing that has touched the ground
  • proudest of the peoples of Gor
  • have various clans:
    • clan of Torturers, trained as carefully as scribes and physicians, in the art of detaining life  (pg 9)
      • all wear hoods (pg 10)
      • hood removed only when sentence is death
        • only the condemned man has been able to see what is beneath that hood
    • clan of Iron Workers (pg 169)
    • clan of Leather Workers (pg 170)
    • clan of Scarers (pg 274)
      • affixes the courage scar
  • male children are not named till after they learn to use the bow, the quiva, and the lance (pg 11)
    • Wagon People feel names are precious, and are not wasted on someone likely to die
  • lances are never couched (pg 15)
    • carried in right fist
    • flexible and light
  • scared codes: (pg 16)
    • brightly colored scars
      • worked into the faces with needles, knives, pigments and dung of Bosk
      • set in pairs diagonally from the side of the head, towards the nose and chin
  • pray only when mounted (pg 28)
    • in the saddle and with weapons at hand
      • prays to the sky
      • not as a slave to a master, not as a servant to a god, but as a warrior to a Ubar
    • women of the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to pray
  • "Living Wand" (pg 79)
    • the most dangerous of the sports of the Wagon Peoples
    • one’s own slave stands for one
    • the fruit is held in the mouth of the slave
      • slain should she move or in any way withdraw from the lance
  • "Facing the Lance" (pg 80)
    • the most difficult of the lance sports
      • slave stands facing the rider
      • the fruit is held in the mouth of the slave
      • thrust must be made with exquisite lightness
        • lance loose in hand, not in the retaining thong
      • then moving it left and past the "Living Wand"
    • if clumsily done the girl will be scarred or perhaps slain
  • "The Love Wars" (pg 105)
    • fought on the Plains of a Thousand Stakes
      • some pasangs distant from Turia
    • stakes are flat-topped, about six and a half feet high and about 7 - 8 inches in diameter (pg 112)
      • stand in two lines facing one another in pairs
      • separated by about fifty feet and each stake in a line is separated from the stake on it’s left and right by about 10 yards
      • small retaining rings were attached to some of the stakes
        • about five to five and half feet from the ground
      • colorfully painted
      • in the space between each pair of facing stakes was a circle roughly eight yards in diameter
        • grass removed, sanded and raked (pg 113)
    • only warriors of repute are permitted to participate
    • celebrated every spring (pg 115)
    • do not constitute a gathering of the Wagon Peoples
    • usually 200 from a People, are sent to the Plains of a Thousand Stakes in the spring
    • Turian Theoretical Justification (pg 116)
      • the games provide an excellent arena in which to demonstrate the fierceness and prowness of Turian Warriors
    • Tuchuk Theoretical Justification
      • Turian women
  • each able-bodied man of the Wagon Peoples is a member of an Or, or a Ten (pg 175)
    • each Ten is a member of an Orlu or Hundred
    • each Orlu is a member of an Oralu or Thousand
    • each man knows his position in his Ten
      • the position of his Ten in the Hundred
      • the position of his Hundred in the Thousand
    • the lance strikes a shield once for the Commander of a Ten (pg 250)
      • twice for the Commander of a Hundred
      • thrice for the Commander of a Thousand
    • the level beneath an Ubar among the Wagon Peoples is the Commander of a Thousand (pg 251)
  • Wagon People do not reveal their true Ubars with great willingness (pg 257)
    • use a false Ubar to protect the true Ubar

People of Gor: Other

Aelgifu:  Marauders of Gor pg 45
  • daughter of Gurt of Kassau, Administrator.   
  • Ransomed for 100 pieces of Gold
Aphris of Turia:   Nomads of Gor pg 91
  • of the caste of merchants
  • richest woman of all Turia
    • when she reaches majority
    • Saphrar appointed guardian by Turian Merchants
  • father killed in Paravaci caravan raid
    • father: Tethar of Turia (pg 92)
  • fell to slave at the hands of Kamchak during the love wars (pg 129 - 130)
  • was freed by Kamchak (pg 338)
    • became Ubara of the Tuchuks … Ubara Sana of his heart and the Wagon Peoples (pg 340 )
Aurobion:   Magicians of Gor pg 107
  • was a Master of Marble
  • made decorated reliefs
    • knowns as "Aurobion Marbles"
Clearchus of Cos:  Magicians of Gor pg 194
  • wrote the Prition: a gorean classic
Cuwignaka:   Blood Brothers of Gor pgs 11 - 12
  • member of the Isbu Kaiila tribe
  • name means "Woman’s Dress"
  • Brother of Canka
    • name means "Fire - Steel"
  • twice refused to go on the warpath against the Fleer
    • hereditary enemies of the Kaiila
  • traded to Dust Legs
  • staked out to die
    • released by Grunt and TarlCabot/Bosk of Port Kar
Dina of Turia   Nomads of Gor pg 72 - 73
  • Turian slave to the Kassars
    • ran in bola competition more than two hundred times
    • almost always managed to interfere with her return to the circle
    • Forty times managed to reach the lance
    • had never been snared in less than 32 beats (pg 74)
    • snared and returned to the circle by Tarl Cabot in 17 beats (pg 78)
  • Freed by Tarl Cabot and returned to Turia (pg 107)
  • fine, spirited, quick-witted, warm-hearted, intelligent and brave (pg 239)
Deitrich of Tarnburg:   Vagabonds of Gor pg 19
  • most feared and redoubtable of the mercenary commanders
  • contracts are amongst the most expensive
Forest People:    Raiders of Gor pg 141
  • sell trees
    • cut the trees in the winter, when they can be dragged by sled to the sea
Ha-Keel:     Nomads of Gor pg 195
  • of Port Kar
  • chief of the mercenary Tarnsmen used to attack the Tuchuks by Saphrar
  • once of Ar
Harold:    Nomads of Gor pg 186
  • of the Tuchuks (pg 67)
  • unscarred
  • blonde haired
  • blue eyed
  • once a slave of Turia (pg 188)
Hesius:    Magicians of Gor pg 107
  • legendary hero of AR (page 106)
  • month of Hesius was named for him
    • second month of the year in AR
      • follows the 1st passage hand
      • new year begins with the vernal equinox
Ho-Hak:   Raiders of Gor pg 16
  • bred for a collector (exotic); 
  • broke his neck and escaped; 
  • captured sent to the galleys; 
  • escaped killing 6 men (slave)   
Exotics - may be bred for almost any purpose; produce quaint or unusual specimen Raiders of Gor pg 15
Ina, Lady of AR:     Vagabonds of Gor pg 99
  • attached to the staff of Saphronicus
  • a political observer
  • said to be confidant of and reported to the Lady Talena of AR
Iskander of Turia:    Marauders of Gor pg 18
  • Physician
  • Exiled from Turia for giving treatment outside the walls of Turia
    • Tuchuk Warrior named Kamchak
Ivar Forkbeard:     Marauders of Gor pg 27
  • a rover, great captain, pirate, trader, and warrior
  • freed Chenbar of Tyros, the Sea Sleen, from a dungeon in Port Kar
  • fearless and mighty, swift with sword and axe
  • fond of jokes, deep drinker, master of pretty wenches, and a madman
Kamchak:      Nomads of Gor
  • Tuchuk (pg 16)
  • wore 7 of the scarred codes upon his face
  • mother was Turian (pg 339)
    • taken as slave by Kutaituchik
      • father of Kamchak (pg 254)
    • later freed and made Ubara of the Tuchuks
  • ribald, hard-drinking, stomping, dancing (pg 126)
  • gruff, chuckling, wily (pg 146)
  • true Ubar of the Tuchuks (pg 180)
  • named Ubar San of the entire Wagon Peoples (pg 334)
Lady Graciela Consuelo Rosa Rivera-Sanchez:    Beasts of Gor pg 406
  • made slave and called pepita by Tarl Cabot.
Lady Vivina, of the city of Kasra of Tyros:  Raiders of Gor pg 208
  • face stripped (pg 210)
  • bound at the prow of the flagship of the Treasure Fleet
  • Lady Ina, as slave Ina, was given to Edgar of Tarnwald, Mercenary Vagabonds of Gor pg 479
Ludmilla, Lady of AR:   Magicians of Gor pg 154 - 155
  • Owned several slave brothels
    • Chains of Gold (most expensive), Silken Cords;
    • Scarlet Whip, Slave Racks, Tunnels (cheap tarsk-bit brothels)
  • located on "The Alley of the Slave Brothels of Ludmilla"
Mamba People:      Tharlarion people, human flesh eaters.   Explorers of Gor pg 393-394
Milo:    Magicians of Gor pg 11
  • owned by Appancius (agriculturalist, impresario, slaver)
    • seduction slave (pg 8)
    • actor slave
    • handsomest man in all AR
    • large, graceful, blond, curly-haired
      • left wrist wears silver slave bracelet
      • tunic of silken purple
      • golden sandals
Nar:     Tarnsmen of Gor pg 80 - 83
  • of the Swamp Spider People
  • large bulk
  • dainty steps
  • four pairs of pearly eyes
  • sensory hairs upon appendages
  • mandibles like curved knives
  • hunted by the men of Ar
    • to spin cur-lon fiber for the mills
  • rational creatures
Pentilicus Tallux:    Magicians of Gor pg 110
  • Poet of AR
    • poems in the delicate Trilesiac form
    • 2 sensitive dramas
  • Great Theatre: "The Theatre of Pentilicus Tallux" named after Him
    • over 100 yards in width/ some 20 yards in depth
    • lent itself to large-scale productions
      • circus' and spectacles
      • stage can easily accommodate 1000 actors
Policrates:    Vagabonds of Gor pg 19
  • general of Cosian forces in the north
  • once a pirate
    • rescued from the galleys by Myron, Polemarkos of Temos, a cousin to Lurius of Jad, Ubar of Cos
Reginald of Ti:   Beasts of Gor pg 85
  • elected as administrator of the Caste of Players
Rencius Ho-Bar, of Telnus:    Raiders of Gor pg 207
  • Admiral of the Treasure Fleet of Cos & Tyros
Saphrar:   Nomads of Gor pg 85  
  • short, fat, pinkish man
  • of the merchants
  • head shaved like many merchants
  • eye brows removed
    • over each eye four golden drops has been fixed in his skin
  • two teeth of gold
    • upper canine’s probably contained poison
  • right ear knotched
  • once a perfumer of Tyros (pg 196)
Scormus of Ar:    Assassin of Gor
  • piercing eyes, striking features (pg 322)
  • wore the garb of the Player
    • made of the finest red and yellow silk squares
  • game bag of the finest verrskin
  • sandals tied with strings of gold
  • lame
    • right leg dragged
  • played first board of the city of Ar (pg 325)
  • held the highest bridge in the city as the province of his game
  • four times winner of the cap of gold at the Sardar Fairs
    • never entered a tournament he had not won
  • records of his games were sought after in all the cities of Gor
  • legend in the harsh cities
  • Mother: Sura (slave) (pg 327)
    • hooded and mated during Kajaralia in the House of Cernus
  • Father: Hup the Fool
Septimus Entrates:   Magicians of Gor pg 22 - 23
  • transported the Home Stone of AR's Station to AR
Sirnak:    Guardsman of Gor pg 94
  • captain of Policrates
  • with Reginald waylaid the "Flower of Siba"
Surbus:   Raiders of Gor pg 102
  • Pirate, Slaver, Murderer, Thief, Cruel, Worthless, Abominable      
  • one of the finest swords in Port Kar (pg 103)
Tab: second to Surbus.    Raiders of Gor pg 125
Tamrun:     Vagabonds of Gor pg 343
  • High leader in the rence
  • a strategist and statesman
Thurnock:   Marauders of Gor pg 3
  • Huge, yellow haired
  • Caste of Peasants
  • Master of the Great Bow

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