Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Castes of Gor

Castes of Gor:
High Castes; Warriors, Builders, Scribes, Initiates, & Physicians. Tarnsman of Gor pg 41
      • 3 statuses outside of the Caste System; slave, Outlaw, Priest King. Tarnsman of Gor pg 46
      • High Castes of Gor, are permitted, by the Priest-Kings, only the Second Knowledge. Lower Castes, are permitted only the First Knowledge. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 40
Assassins, Caste of:   Beasts of Gor pg 358 - 359
  • not won easily
  • only 1 in 10 completes the course of instruction
    • rumored failed candidates are slain
  • withdraw from caste not permitted
  • training in pairs
    • friendship encouraged
      • final training each member of the pair MUST hunt the other
      • when one has killed ones' friend; one is likely to better understand the meaning of the word black; one is unlikely to find mercy in his heart for another; one is alone with gold and steel
  • men loyal to secret codes
    • content most men do not dare guess
  • have no Home Stone
    • would be difficult to take fee's on one whose Home Stone they shared
  • caste color is black
Bakers, Caste of:   colors are yellow and brown.   Nomads of Gor pg 237
Builders, Caste of: the caste which includes architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, etc.; the Builders are one of the five High Castes included in the government of Gor; their caste color is yellow. Tarnsman of Gor pgs 41 & 62
Growers of the Rence, caste of:    Raiders of Gor pg 21
Initiates, Caste of: the representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society; the Initiates are one of the five High Castes, and are the religious branch of the government; their caste color is white.  Tarnsman of Gor pg 41 & 62
  • White Robed; shaven headed
  • rich on Gor
  • carry a standard on which is mounted the symbol of the Priest Kings
    • golden circle
      • no beginning/no end
    • symbol of eternity/symbol of the Priest Kings   Beasts of Gor pg 46
  • Goreans do not kneel:
    • even in the temples of Initiates
    • pray standing
      • hands sometimes lifted
  • Forbidden for Initiates:
    • to touch women
    • for women to touch Initiates
    • avoid meat and beans
  • Initiates attempt to purify themselves by the study of mathematics. Magicians of Gor pg 17
  • Converse amongst themselves in archaic Gorean. Marauders of Gor pg 26
Caste Codes of Initiates:    Assassin of Gor pg 267
  • Are not permitted by their caste codes to bear arms; nor are they permitted to injure or kill
    • hire men for such purposes
Merchants, Caste of: the caste of those who deal in merchandise and trading; their caste colors are white and gold.  Tarnsman of Gor pgs 41 & 62
  • the gold of merchants, in most cities, exercises its not imponderable influence   Nomads of Gor pg 84
  • regard themselves as the highest caste on Gor
    • are in their way brave, shrewd, skilled men
    • develop and enforce a body of Merchant Law
      • only common legal arrangements existing among Gorean cities
  • in effect, arrange and administer to the four great fairs, near the Sardar Mountains
Musicians, Caste of:   czehar players have the most prestige; next follow the flutists and then the players of the kalika; the players of the drums come next; and the farthest fellow down the list is the man who keeps the bag of miscellaneous instruments, playing them and parceling them out to others as needed
  • are never enslaved; they may be exiled, tortured, or slain
  • it is said, that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free Nomads of Gor pg 154
  • Flute players names usually occurs on the theatrical advertisements immediately AFTER that of the major performer or performers  Magicians of Gor post scripts pg 378
Peasants, Caste of: the basic caste of Gor; they regard themselves as the "Ox on Which the Home Stone Rests"    Outlaw of Gor pg 27 & 66
Perfumer, Caste of:    (mentioned but no description given)   Fighting Slave of Gor pg 209
Player, caste of: a member of a caste like society who plays Kaissa professionally; their caste colors are red and yellow. They are made up of men from various castes who often have little in common but the game.  Assassins of Gor pg 27
  • It is a criminal offense to enslave one of the Caste of Players
    • a similar decree, in most cities, stands against the enslavement of one who is of the Caste of Musicians.  Beasts of Gor pg 44
Physicians, Caste of: the caste which practices the healing arts; the Physicians are one of the five High Castes which make up the Gorean government; their caste color is green. Tarnsman of Gor pg 41 & 62
Scribes, Caste of: the caste concerned with history, accounting, record keeping, etc.; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government; their caste color is blue Tarnsman of Gor pg 41 & 62
  • Lawyers, Scholars, Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are also members of the Scribes   Assassin of Gor pg 208
  • Geographers - Cartographers are members of the Scribes. Explorers of Gor pg 213
Slavers, Caste of:  Magicians of Gor pg 315
  • sometimes regarded as a subcaste of the Merchants, and sometimes as an independent caste
    • colors: blue and yellow
      • by virtue of their merchandise and practices  Assassin of Gor pg 208
Sleen Trainers, Caste of: Professionals, colors brown and black.  Beasts of Gor pg 78
Thieves, caste of: Those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.; exists only in Port Kar. Raiders of Gor pg 104
  • identified by the "Theif's Scar"
    • tiny 3 prong brand burned into face in back of and below the eye, over right cheekbone
  • a strong caste which naturally protects it’s members  Nomads of Gor pg 85
    • thievery is punishable by:
      • ear notching; first offense
      • removal of right hand; second offense
      • removal of left hand, and both feet; third offense
Vintners, Caste of: winemakers, white garment with a representation in green cloth of leaves about the collar and down the sleeves. Assassins of Gor pg 29
Warriors, Caste of: the caste which includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government, and as such the military branch of the government; their caste color is red.   Tarnsman of Gor pg 41 & 62
Misc. Information about castes:   Fighting Slave of Gor pg 209 - 210
"Though one is commonly born into a caste one is often not permitted to practice the caste craft until a suitable apprenticeship has been served. This guarantees the quality of the caste product. It is possible, though it is seldom the case, that members of a caste are not permitted to practice specific caste skills, though they may be permitted to practice subsidiary skills."
  • one who is of the metalworkers, may not be permitted to work iron, but may be permitted to paint iron, transport and market it.
"Caste Rights: the right to caste support in time of need and caste sanctuary, when in flight, are given by birth."
Female Caste Members:
  • often do not engage in caste work
    • exception: the caste of Physicians
      • women are commonly trained as are the males in the practice of medicine
      • normally do not admit their women into full practice till they have born two children
        • purpose is to retain a high level of intelligence
        • professional women do not tend to reproduce themselves
          • would likely produce a diminution in the quality of the caste
"Caste membership for Goreans, is generally a simple matter of birth; it is not connected necessarily with the performance of certain skills, nor the attainment of a given level of proficiency in such skills. Certain skills tend to be associated traditionally with certain castes."
"The welfare of the caste, typically, takes priority in the Gorean mind over the ambitions of specific individuals. The welfare of a larger number of individuals, as the Goreans reason, correctly or incorrectly, is more important than the welfare of a smaller number of individuals."

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