Tuesday, July 14, 2015

City of Thentis Application for Citizenship

                      *~CITY OF THENTIS Application for Citizenship~*
!!! This is a roleplay sim.!!!
!!! Find a scribe ICly or drop the application in his/her mailbox. !!!
!!! Don't send the NC directly to scribes or your demand will be rejected. !!!
!!! Be patient, scribes are also here to roleplay. !!!
Please allow us at least 72 hours to review your application for citizenship.
Feel free to roleplay around the city with our citizens and guest.

The City of Thentis is looking for active role players with a strong interest in Gorean roleplay to join the sim and help enrich our experiences here. If after visiting us you feel that you can actively contribute to our City please fill out the following application.
-Character Name:
-SL Name: 
-SL Birth Date: 
-Your Caste:
-Name (and SL name) of FC: 
-Name (and SL name) of any slaves:
-Tell us a little about your character and any of the quirks that you portray:
Do you have family or friends in Thentis? If so, please list their name(s):
What are the normal times (in SL time) that you are available for roleplay?
How did you hear of Thentis and what makes you think you would be a good fit for our city?
What was your previous Home Stone and your reason for leaving? (IC or OOC)
What books of the John Norman Gor series have you read?
If available, do you have any examples of some of your role play? Please attach.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our Thentis application for membership.
**IMPORTANT! By submitting this application, and upon acceptance and being offered the city groups, tags, and admission into the City's Caste system, you understand that you are considered to be a bona fide Citizen of Thentis. To be accorded the rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereof as well as sworn to the Home Stone; whether you have, in fact,, sworn to the Home Stone in roleplay or not.
You are expected to become familiar with both the OOC rules and the laws of the city.  By submitting the application you acknowledge you will comply with and stay current with changes as they are made from time to time.
When you are finished, please return the form to a member of the Thentis Blue Caste IC'ly or if none are available drop in their mailboxes. 
This document has been reviewed and the information contained is on record with the Scribes Office and is accepted as legal proof of citizenship.
((name and seal of Scribe))

By the hand of Scribe of Thentis and the Seal of the City this ___ of _____ in the year 10164 Contasta Ar (DD/MM/2014).

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