Flora and Fauna
Flora and Fauna of Gor:
- Brak-Bush: a shrub whose leaves when chewed have a purgative effect, thought that the pitch and branches discourage the entry of bad luck into the house, which are nailed to the door during the last five days of the old year. (the last Waiting Hand). Assassin of Gor pg 211
- Carpet Plant: a plant of the rain forest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water. Explorers of Gor pg 347
- Flahdah: flat-topped umbrella’s on crooked sticks, not more than 20 feet high, they are narrow branched with lanceolate leaves. Tribesmen of Gor pg 72
- Flaminium: scarlet, large budded, five petaled. Hunters of Gor pg 154
- Flower Tree: lovely dangling loops of interwoven blossoms which hang from curved branches. Tree’s are bred so that the clustered flowers emerge in subtle delicate patterns of shades and hues. Nomads of Gor pg 214
- Ka-la-na: a tree with very strong yellow wood, used for making bows, ka-la-na wine is made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree. Tarnsmen of Gor pgs 79 & 168 Also called the yellow wine tree. Nomads of Gor pg 214
- Kanda: the roots of the kanda plant, which grows largely in the desert regions on Gor, are extremely toxic, but, suprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favored by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where the leaf is more abundant. Nomads of Gor pg. 43; Priest-Kings of Gor pg 25
- Leech Plant: strikes like a cobra, fastening two hollow thorns into it’s victim, the chemical responses of the bladder-like pods produce a mechanical pumping action, and the blood is sucked into the plant to nourish it. Outlaw of Gor pg 33
- Sim Plant: a rambling, tangled vine like plant with huge, rolling leaves, raised in the pasture chambers of the Nest. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 214 - 215
- Rep Plant: small reddish woody bush; the white fibrous matter known as Rep is found in it’s seed pods. Raiders of Gor pg 10
- Rushes and Sedge: wild rence plants Raiders of Gor pg 5
- Talender: delicate, yellow-petaled meadow flower, symbolic of feminine love and beauty; Outlaw of Gor pg 131
- Tem Tree: whose wood is black, may be bent almost double before breaking. Nomads of Gor pg 15
- Tor Shrub: bright shrub or shrub of light, abundance of bright flowers, yellow or white, does not grow above a man's waist. Vagabonds of Gor pg 339 - 340
- Tur Tree: large trunked reddish tree, the tree of which the city of Turia took it's name. Nomads of Gor pg 217
- Veminium, Thentis: small gorean flower, softly petaled, blue Rogue of Gor pg 91
- Veminium, Desert: small gorean flower, grows at the edge of the Tahari, has a purplish flower Tribesmen of Gor pg 50
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