Weights, Measures & Time of Gor:
Gorean Alphabet contains 28 characters. Explorers of Gor pg 9- Al-Ka - 1st letter in gorean alphabet. Tarnsman of Gor pg 38
- Ba-Ta - 2nd letter of the Gorean alphabet. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 94
- Delka - 4th letter of the gorean alphabet. Magicians of Gor pg 176
1 stone is equal to 4 lbs Tribesmen of Gor pg 138
- 10 stones is equal to 40 lbs. Tribesmen of Gor pg 20
- Tefa is 6 handfuls or tef's (tiny basket)
- Hada is 5 tefa's
Cloth is measured in the ah-il, which is the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, and the ah-ral, which is ten ah-ils. Tribesmen of Gor pg 50
Gorean Day 20 AHN (hours) Tribesmen of Gor pg 352
- Kurii Day is divided into 12 Ahn (hours). Beasts of Gor pg 422
- Gorean Ahn 40 EHN (minutes)
- Gorean Ehn 80 IHN (seconds) - slightly less than an earth second.
- Working Gorean Day - 15 Gorean Ahn (hours) approximately 18 Earth hours. Outlaw of Gor pg 150
- Gorean Society tends to be lax: Raiders of Gor pg 134
- Free goreans do not like being pressed in their tasks
- 2 AHN lunch
- stopping an AHN early (common)
- tradition bound (pg 135)
Months consists of 25 days. There are twelve twenty-five Gorean months, incidentally, in most of the calendars of the various cities. Each month, containing five, five day weeks, is separated by a five-day period, called the Passage Hand, from every other month, there being one exception to this, which is that the last month of the year is separated from the first month of the year, which begins with the Vernal Equinox, not only by a passage Hand, but by another five-day period called the Waiting Hand during which doorways are painted white, little food is eaten, little is drunk and there is to be no singing or public rejoicing in the city; during this time Goreans go out as little as possible; the Initiates, interesting enough, do not make much out of the Waiting Hand in their ceremonies and preachments, which leads one to believe it is not intended to be of any sort of religious significance; it is perhaps, in its way, a period of mourning for the old year.
Seasons of the Wagon People: Nomads of Gor pg 11
The wagon Peoples war among themselves, but once in every two hands of years, there is a time of gathering of the peoples, and this, I had learned, was that time. In the thinking of the Wagon Peoples it is called the Omen Year, though the Omen Year is actually a season, rather than a year, which occupies a part of two of their regular years, for the Wagon Peoples calculate the year from Season of Snows to the Season of Snows; Turian, incidentally, figure the year from summer solstice to summer solstice; Gorean generally, on the other hand, figure the year from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, there new year beginning, like nature’s, with the spring; the Omen Year, or season, last several months, and consists of three phases, called the Passing of Turia, which takes place in the fall; the Wintering, which takes place north of Turia and commonly south of the Cartius, the equator of course lying to the north in this hemisphere; and the Return to Turia, in the spring, or, as the Wagon people say, in the Season of Little Grass. It is near Turia, in the spring, that the Omen Year is completed.
- omen year brings the Wagon Peoples together for a time (pg 56)
- much bosk trading
- exchange of women, both Free and slave
- provides an institutionalized possibility of the uniting of the Wagon Peoples in a time of crisis
Silver Tarsk: Rogue of Gor pg 155
- equal to 100 copper tarsk
- each copper valued at 10 - 20 tarsk bits
- 10 silver tarsks equal 1 gold piece
- Golden Tarn Disk of Ar
- 8000 tarsk bits equal 1 single gold piece. (approx) Magicians of Gor pg 469
- other generally respected coins;
- silver tarsk of Tharna
- golden tarn disk of Ko-ro-ba
- golden tarn disk of Port Kar
- double weight is twice the weight of the coin. Magicians of Gor pg 469
"…for those it might interest, all directions on the planet are calculated from the Sardar Mountains, which for the purpose of calculating direction play a role analogous to out north pole; the two main directions, so to speak, in the Gorean way of thinking are Ta-Sardar-Var and Ta-Sardar-Ki-Var, or as one would normally say, Var and Ki-Var; ‘Var’ means a turning and ‘Ki’ signifies negation; thus, rather literally, one might speak if ‘turning to the Sardar’ and ‘not turning to the Sardar’, something like either facing north or not facing north; on the other hand, more helpfully, the Gorean compass is divided into eight, as opposed to out four, main quadrants, or better said, divisions, and each of these itself is of course subdivided …Ta-Sardar-Var appears on all Gorean maps; Ta-Sardar-Ki-Var, of course never appears on a map, since it would be any direction not Ta-Sardar-Var. Accordingly the main divisions of a map are Ta-Sardar-Var, and the other seven; taking the Sardar as our "north pole" the other directions, moving clockwise as Earth clocks move (Gorean clock hands move in the opposite direction) would be, first, Ta-Sardar-Var, then, in order, Ror, Rim, Tun, Vask (sometimes spoken as Verus Var, or the true turning away), Cart, Klin, and Kail, and then again, of course, Ta-Sardar-Var."
Pasang - equivalent approx. to .7 of a mile. Tarnsman of Gor pg 58
The Gorean Foot Raiders of Gor pg 127 - 129
- slightly longer than the Earth foot based on supposition that each of its 10 horts is roughly 1 1/4" long (12 1/2" Earth measure)
- a gorean unit of measure based on the stone (4 earth pounds)
- a weight is 10 stone
- weight and stone are standardized by Merchant Law
- only common body of Law
- solid metal cylinder
- kept near Sardar
- 4 times a year at each fair cities on a given day can test their own stone against the "standard" stone (pg 127)
- metal rod kept at the Sardar (same as the Stone)
- The month of Vernal Equinox = En`Kara or The First Kara
- full expression = En`Kara - Lar - Torvis
- Literally means = The First Turning of the Central Fire
- Fair of En`Kara = Fair of the First Turning. Outlaw of Gor pg 179
- Spring Equinox - marks the New Year Raiders of Gor pg 126
- follows En`Kara
- The month of Autumnal Equinox = Se`Kara or The Second Kara
- full expression = Se`Kara - Lar - Torvis
- Literally means - The Second Turning of the Central Fire
- 25th of Se`Kara; battle for the "jewel" of the gleaming Thassa
- battle to defend the Home Stone of Port Kar Raiders of Gor pg 280
- En`Var = The First Resting
- full expression = En`Var - Lar - Torvis
- Literally means = The First Resting of the Central Fire
- Se`Var = The Second Resting
- full expression = Se`Var - Lar - Torvis
- Literally means = The Second Resting of the Central Fire
- Autumn Fair = the Fair of Se`Var Priest-Kings of Gor pg 309
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