Tuesday, July 14, 2015


  • Description:    Priest Kings of Gor pg 77 - 80
    • eyes are compounded and many - faceted, disk like
      • do not rely on them, compared to human ears and nose
        • secondary sensors
  • information for Priest Kings is relayed via scent
    • primary sensory organ: two golden-haired, jointed appendages protruding from globe like heads
      • sensitive to not only odors but with modification of hairs, may also transform sound vibrations.
    • hearing does not seem important
  • for it’s size it moves with a delicate, predatory grace
    • walks on four extremely long, slender, four-jointed legs (supporting legs)
      • carried it’s muscular, four-jointed *grasping* legs higher, almost level to jaw
  • Misk (pg 84) Sarm (pg 87) Kusk (pg 94)
  • Sarm: Beloved of the Mother and First Born  Priest-Kings of Gor pg 87
    • Greatest in the Nest: the Mother
      • no one can see the Mother but:
        • Caste Attendants
        • High Priest-Kings
        • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Born
    • except on three (3) Holidays
      • The Nest Feast Cycle
      • Tola - Anniversary of the Nuptial Flight
      • Tolam - Feast of the Depositon of the First Egg
      • Tolama - Celebration of the Hatching of the First Egg
    • none lower than Priest-Kings can view the Mother, even during the feasts.
      • Gur: a product originally secreted by large, gray domestic hemispheric anthropods;      Priest-Kings of Gor pg 214 - 215
        • fed on special SIM plants
        • tangled vinelike plants with huge rolling leaves
    • Gur, used on the Feast of Tola, is (in ancient fashion) kept for weeks in the social stomachs of specially chosen Priest-Kings; this is called "retaining Gur"
      • "March of the First Five Born"
        • these 5 march abreast to the Mother and give her Gur in inverse order of their priority    Priest-Kings of Gor pg 216
          • Misk is 5th born   Priest-Kings of Gor pg 114
  • Body of Sarm - burned in the Chamber of the Mother    Priest-Kings of Gor pg 311
    • 1st born - beloved of the Mother
  • Slaves of the Priest-Kings wear purple, and both sexes are shaved, for sanitary reasons.    Priest-Kings of Gor pg 90
    • Mul - designates a human slave (not only in the nest but of the nest) (pg 108)
    • Muls tunic "is inscribed with much information as is by means of the tunic that Priest-Kings recognize"   Priest-Kings of Gor pg 104
    • Muls are fed 4 times a day:   Priest-Kings of Gor pg 109
      • 1st meal: Mul-Fungus is ground and mixed with water (porridge)
      • 2nd meal: Mul-Fungus is chopped into rough 2" cubes
      • 3rd meal: Mul-Fungus is minced with Mul-Pellets, served as cold hash
        • Mul-Pellets dietary suppliment
      • 4th meal: Mul-Fungus is pressed into a large, flat cake and sprinkled with a few grains of salt
    • Muls had occassionally slain another for a handful of salt
      • Mul-Fungus: bland, pale, whitish, fibrous vegetable like matter
      • Major difference between high-quality Fungus and lower-grade Mul-Fungus was simply the smell
        • Tarl Cabot was in the Nest more than 5 weeks before he could vaguely detect the odor difference
          • Mul-Torch: used by Muls who raise Fungus in darkened chambers commonly called "Workers of the Fungus-Trays" Priest-Kings of Gor pg 115
    • "Duty of the Twelve Joys"
      • Muls wash completely 12 times a day   Priest-Kings of Gor pg 111
  • To kill a Priest-King one needs to strike at the brain-nodes in the thorax and head; will take more than a half a hundred strokes to cut through.   Priest-Kings of Gor pg 150
    • In the lower abdomen there is a dorsal organ which serves to circulate the body fluids injuring it would not produce death for a few Ehn. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 169 - 170
  • Syllabary of Priest-Kings:       Priest-Kings of Gor pg 101
    • not to be confused with their set of 73 "phonemes"
      • consists somewhat unwieldly 411 characters
        • each stand for a phoneme or phoneme combination
    • Basic Mathematics of Priest-Kings:
      • begin with ordinal and not cardinal numbers

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