Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Village of Rorus

    Descriptions found various places.

  • South of Ko-ro-ba
  • On the route to Rarir, which is a tiny village located south of the Vosk river and near the shores of Thassa.
  • A village located by tracing the overland trade route five days southeast, by caravan, of Ko-ro-ba, towards Ar, then proceeding several days southwest overland on foot from there.
  • Rorus Village on the route to Rarir located by tracing the overland trade route five days SE (by caravan) of Ko-ro-ba, towards Ar, then proceeding several days SW overland (on foot) from there.

Village of Rorus Market

Sim Name*: Village of Rorus
City Name*: Village of Rorus
Market Name*: Village of Rorus Market
Sim Status*: Sim is rented
Sim Administrator*: Joseph Surface
Market Administrator*: Joseph Surface
Market Manager [list only 1]*: Synsual Cyberstar
What group is needed to set up in the market*: SELECT ONE
Who to contact for group invite if needed? (Sim land groups)*: Not needed
Status of Market*: OOC Area
Location of Market*: Sky Market
Category of the marketplace*: Market is in a role play sim
Combat meter required in Market*: No, meter is not required
Market SLurl*: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Village%20of%20Rorus/225/150/4051
Additional Information (Add extra information that will help vendors and merchants)*: Nothing to add
What level of service is your Market?*: Level 1: Large market up to 25 rentable stalls or more
Sim Rating*: Adult Rated

Update your markets information with the Change of Information Form
Renew your markets enrollment with the Market Renewal form
Enrolled 13 October 2012
Renewal Due 13 January 2012

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