Thursday, July 16, 2015

Castes of Gor

The society of Gor is divided into groups referred to as "Castes". Each Cast is made up of its own profession or occupation. Castes are ranked according to their particular place in Gorean society and its interaction. Many castes contain sub-castes that are particular to a unique activity and need of the profession.

An example of such a sub-caste would be the Slavers caste which would be in the caste of Merchants. Slavers are in the business of buying and selling though their particular caste specializes in one item or product.

All Goreans (excluding Priest Kings, slaves, and Outlaws) belong to a particular caste. Castes are hereditary although it is possible for a person to change his or her caste if they possess an ability or aptitude that allows them to raise or lower their caste.

Each caste had a set of "codes" which helps them maintain a series of beliefs and rules for its members. Members hold to these "codes" as they practice their profession. Each caste's code is different and deals mainly with matters of specific interest to that caste.

Most major castes of Gor have their own colors called the "Caste Color". Colors are often worn by the members to display outwardly to others what caste they are associated with. Banners, flags, and sometimes colors of buildings will reflect the caste colors of the individual. Others can see at a glance by the clothing what caste another is affiliated with.

The Five High Castes include:

CASTE OF INITIATES: ~ White ~ Members of this caste are supposed to be representatives of the Priest Kings in Gorean society. Their responsibilities include guiding the spiritual life of Goreans by use of rituals and prayers to the Priest Kings. There are rumors that some may even be able to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings upon those who have offended the Priest Kings. They wear white robes, shave their heads as well as their faces. They do not eat meat and do not indulge in alcohol. They lead a celebrate life, are well learned and read. They are often feared and many times distrusted by members of the lower castes.

CASTE OF SCRIBES: ~ Blue ~ Members of this caste are the scholars of Gor. They are the writers and historians of Gorean society. They are responsible for accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They are usually serious and studious, have an eye for detail and a passion for knowledge. There are several sub-castes in this caste which include Mapmakers - explorers, Magistrates, and Litigators.

CASTE OF BUILDERS: ~ Yellow ~ Included in this caste are architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, engineers, and other professions which are concerned with the physical creations and engineering works of Gor. Inventors and technicians who develop these types of physical creations are also included in this caste.

CASTE OF PHYSICIANS: ~ Green ~ Those who are concerned with the healing arts belong to this caste. Members include, surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners. They are recognized in all of Gor as non combatents during times of war.

CASTE OF WARRIORS: ~ Scarlet ~ Members of the military such as infantry, tharlarion calvary, and tarnsmen fill this caste. Their set of codes is known to be one of the strictest. This caste comprises the military branch of Gor government.

Low Castes Include:

CASTE OF MERCHANTS: ~ White and Gold ~ Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.

CASTE OF SLAVERS: ~ Blue and Yellow This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.

CASTE OF MONEYLENDERS: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.

CASTE OF BAKERS: ~Orange and Brown This caste consists of hundreds of sub castes. Generally they are members who prepare vegetarian food or sa-tarna in its many forms.

CASTE OF BUTCHERS ~ This caste and its many sub-castes concern themselves with the acquisition and preparation of sa-tassna, all forms of edible Gorean meat. In conjunction with the caste of Bakers, this caste and its many sub castes are responsible for maintaining the majority of the Gorean industries involved with food service.

CASTE OF WINEMAKERS: ~ The professional production of most fruit based Gorean alcohol is under the auspices of this caste.

CASTE OF BREWERS ~ takes care of the production of the grain based alcohols.

CASTE OF SAILORS: ~ There are several dozen sub-castes in this group. Each sub caste has its own specialty. An example would be the BARGEMEN who steer river barges on the freshwater waterways of Gor.

CASTE OF FISHERMEN: ~ This caste is a sub caste of the caste of Sailors. They harvest the differing varieties of Gorean fishes and sea life for human consumption. Some sub castes include the CASTES OF RIVER FISHERMEN, THASSA FISHERMEN, and NET MAKERS.

CASTE OF ARTISANS ~ This caste is extremely broad. It includes many hundreds of sub castes. Any production of hand-made goods for any use, is considered to be a work of art.

CASTE OF POT MAKERS: ~ Brown and Green ~ This caste is a sub caste of the Caste of Artisans. They produce vessels used to contain substances of all kinds.


CASTE OF METAL WORKERS: ~ Gray ~. A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include: SWORDMAKERS,

ARMORERS, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.

CASTE OF CLOTH WORKERS: ~ Another large and expansive caste, this group contains many sub castes. They are concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for use by the people of Gor.

CASTE FOR RUG MAKERS: ~ This group is a sub caste of the Caste of Cloth Workers. They produce woven rugs for general use. Members of this caste see themselves as independent from the Caste of Cloth Workers.

CASTE OF WEAVERS: ~Concerned with the professional production of textiles for the textile industry, this caste is a sub caste of the Rug Makers Caste.

CASTE OF CARDERS: ~ Sub caste of the caste of Weavers. They produce woven cloth for the textile industry.

CASTE OF DRYERS: ~ This sub caste of Weavers deals with the staining and coloring of cloth for the textile industry.

CASTE OF CLOTHIERS: ~ Another sub caste of the Caste of Weavers, they produce articles of clothing for the Gorean people.

CASTE OF DRESS MAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Weavers which makes feminine clothing.

CASTE OF ROPEMAKERS: ~ Sub caste of Artisans that produces rope, binding fiber, thread and cordage of all types.

CASTE OF LEATHERWORKERS: ~ Sub caste of the Artisan Caste, deals with the fabrication of various leather goods from animal hides of all kinds.

CASTE OF TORTURERS: ~Black and Red ~ Found only among the Wagon People of the far south they are considered to be a sub caste of the caste of Artisans. An assumption may be made that those of the Wagon Peoples consider the application of Torture as an art form.

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