Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Transportation of Gor:

Harriga: A Bosk Wagon (used by the Wagon People)   Nomads of Gor pg 34
Tarn: sometimes spoken as "Brothers of the Wind"   Tarnsman of Gor pg 51
  • "Tabuk"; cry is the only word to which a tarn is trained to react.   Outlaw of Gor pg 129
  • Plumages vary; Black Tarns for night raids; White Tarns for winter campaigns; multicolored, resplendent Tarns are bred for Warriors who wish to ride proudly; Most common Tarn is Greenish Brown. Tarnsman of Gor pg 51-52
Tarn & High Tharlarion: Two most common mounts of the Gorean Warrior. Tarnsman of Gor pg 52
Ships of Gor, no matter the class or type, always have eyes painted on them. Gorean seamen believe that the ship is a living thing, she is given eyes, that she may see her way. Raiders of Gor pg 183
  • tarnships - head surmounting the prow
  • roundships - on either side of the bow
Ship Bows:   Rogue of Gor pg 307 - 308
  • short, stout, maneuverable, easy to use in crowded quarters
  • ideal missle weapon for close range naval combat
Dorna of Tharna (Flagship): (owned by Bosk of Port Kar) Raiders of Gor pg 192 - 193
  • tarnship (warship)
  • keel 128' gorean, beam 16' gorean, deck width 21' gorean
    • heavy class
  • free board area 5' gorean
    • area between waterline and deck
  • ram
    • projection in the shape of a tarn's beak
      • shod with iron
      • rides below waterline
    • behind ram is the shield
      • prevents the ram from going to deeply into enemy ships
      • shaped like the crest of a tarn
  • the single banked tarnship (example: Dorna) dominant type on Thassa (pg 195)
Round Ships:    Raiders of Gor pg 205-207
  • differ amongst themselves like ram-ships
  • two masted
    • have permanent masts
    • lateen rigged
  • more of a sailing ship
    • oarsmen are generally slaves
  • slower than ram-ships
  • often carry from over 100 - 200 chained slaves in rowing hold
  • have between 20 - 25 Free Crew members
Gorean fighting ships always have Free Men at the Oars   Raiders of Gor pg 140
Ship built by Tersites:  Beasts of Gor pg 28
  • meant to sail to the worlds end
  • deep keeled; square rigged
  • Ramship
    • carried a foremast
    • great oars (handled by several men, not just one)
    • carried a single oar (slung at the sternpost)
    • Ram was carried high out of the water
      • would strike at the waterline
Ships of Torvaldsland:    Marauders of Gor pg 31 - 33
  • sleek and well-lined
  • twenty benches to a side
    • two men to each bench
  • oars 19 feet in length, narrower than southern oars
  • called serpents
    • 80 feet gorean length
    • beam of 10 feet gorean
  • sail generally squarish, wider at the bottom
    • only one all purpose sail
      • shortened or let out by reefing ropes
    • striped, red and white
  • mast was lowerable
  • clinker built, constructed of overlapping planks
    • frame fits within
    • between planks tarred ropes and tar served as caulking
    • outside of planks were tarred
      • painted red and black in irregular lines
        • hard to see at night against shadows
    • allows ship to bend and twist in a vicious sea
    • hull planking can be bent more than a foot gorean without buckling
    • decking on the ship is loose
      • increases cargo space
  • ship is open
    • has a boskhide tenting to protect from weather
    • crew sleeps on deck, in waterpoof bags
  • ships shields
    • round and of wood
      • variously painted
      • reinforced with iron bands, leather or small bronze plates
  • prow on each end
    • permits beaching more easily
    • can be brought to land from either end
    • permits rowers in reversing position on benches to reverse the direction of the ship
  • raider’s ship
  • almost impossible to ram
  • in a full gorean day (20AHN); can cover from 200 - 250 pasangs (pg 56)
Umiak:      Beasts of Gor pg 257
  • large skin boat, 20' in length, 5' in it's beam
  • tabuk skin sewn over it's frame
    • lashed together with sinew cord
  • of driftwood and long bows of bone
  • used in the Polar Sea

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