Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Kurii:   Beasts of Gor
  • have 3 - 4 sexes (pg 368)
  • Order amongst Kur Sexes: (pg 370)
    • Dominant
    • Egg Carrier
    • Non-Dominant
      • considered despicable by Kurii
    • Blood Nurser
  • 1st: dominant; most closely to the human male (pg 369 - 369)
    • instinctively kills and mates
  • 2nd: non-dominant; resembles dominate
    • does not kill or mate
  • 3rd: egg carrier; smaller than dominant or non dominant
    • sorta like the female
    • impregnated
      • within a moon of impregnation deposits egg in last form of Kur
  • 4th: blood nurser; not considered a sex by Kurii
    • mouthed
    • sluggish
    • immobile
      • fasten themselves to hard surfaces
    • like dark globular anemones
  • Young Kur: (pg 370)
    • do not drink milk
    • born fanged; able to stalk and kill shortly after leaving blood nurser
  • Ice Mountain; Ice Island:
    • Kurii Post
    • Mostly automated
      • 200 humans
      • 20 Kurii
    • Stores:
      • Electrical Equipment
      • Explosives
      • Weapons
      • Supplies
      • Vehicles (pg 374)
    • Towered more than 1000 feet above surface of ice
    • Extended 7000 feet below surface
    • Width; 4 pasangs
    • Length; 10 pasangs (pg 382)
  • March: Kur military expression (pg 374)
    • refers to 12 bands and their officers
      • consists of 2100 - 2200 animals
  • Kurii Day is divided into 12 hours (pg 422)
    • Gorean Day divided into 20 hours

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