Cities of Gor:
Ar:- Free, native population of AR: commonly estimated at 2-3 million people. Magicians of Gor pg 153;
- was founded by the first man of gor who is said by the Priest-Kings "to have formed from the mud of the Earth and the Blood of Tarns" (mythical); the designation for years passing is Constasta Ar, which means "From the founding of Ar." Outlaw of Gor pg 179;
- largest city of 'known' Gor. Magicians of Gor pg 9;
- Two slave houses in Ar that specialize in the renting, buying and selling of dancers: Kelsius & Aurelius: Explorers of Gor pg 343;
- Description of the "Home Stone of Ar": small, flat, and of a dull brown color, carved crudely a single letter in Gorean script. Tarnsman of Gor pg 144;
- Contests of Arms, fought to the death were banned in Ar, when Kazrak of Port Kar became administrator of that city. Priest-Kings of Gor pg 11;
- Metellan District: south and east of the district of the Central Cylinder, had many tenements or "insulae"; Sungate: opened at dawn, closed at dusk, has some 40 public gates. Magicians of Gor pg 9;
- Avenue of Turia: major avenue in Ar, lined with Tur trees. Magicians of Gor pg 104;
- Wall Road: longest road or street in AR, follows the interior circumference of the wall. Magicians of Gor pg 112;
- Anbar and Trevelyan are two of the most dangerous districts in AR. Magicians of Gor pg 163-164;
- Avenue of the Central Cylinder; Magicians of Gor pg 206
- major thoroughfare in AR
- long, shaded, wide, elegant avenue, expensive shops and fountains
- most famous
- most busiest
- gives access to the park of the Central Cylinder
- edifice (the bldg) of the Central Cylinder is in the middle of the park
- Temus: brewer of paga Beasts of Gor pg 371 - 372
- packaged in a bottle
- Kalana wine: Nomads of Gor pg 150 - 151
- packaged in a bottle from the orchards of Ar
- Public Boards: Magicians of Gor pg 105
- found in various points in AR
- squares, plaza's, near markets, major streets and avenues
- Aulus is also called "Flute Street" Magicians of Gor description pg 377
- borders the Great Theatre (Pentilicus Tallux) post scripts pg 378
- Great Theatre: Magicians of Gor pg 110
- technically "The Theatre of Pentilicus Tallux"
- Poet of AR
- poems in the delicate Trilesiac form
- 2 sensitive dramas
- over 100 yards in width/ some 20 yards in depth
- lent itself to large-scale productions
- circus' and specticles
- stage can easily accomodate 1000 actors
- Hair of the female state slave of AR is cut short and brushed back around the head; the common slave girl, normally has rather long hair, which is unbound. Assassin of Gor pg 394
- 400 pasangs west of Port Kar
- hundred pasangs north of Tyros
- many terraces
- which ta-grapes are grown
- level fields to her west
- lofty island
- capital city - Telnus (pg 174)
- major cities - Selnar, Temos, Jad (pg 174)
- Ubar of Cos - Lurius of Jad (pg 174)
- Cosians tend to be fond of Hot Paga. Vagabonds of Gor pg 16;
- set the 1st levy on Free females from AR at 10,000. Magicians of Gor pg 154 - 155
- lies at the northern brink of the Northern Forest
- town of wood
- temple greatest building in town
- surrounded by wall
- two gates
- one large, leading in from the Thassa
- one small, leading to the Forest
- made of sharpened wood logs
- defended by catwalk
- main business is trade
- lumber and fishing
- parsit fish plankton banks north of town
- largely in furs
- exchanged for weapons, iron bars, salt and luxury goods
- jewelry and silk
- population: 1100 people (approx.)
- with population from surrounding villages; 2300 (approx.)
- seat of the High Initiate of the North
- Lydius lies hundreds of pasangs to the south
- is an expression in archiac gorean referring to a village market. Outlaw of Gor pg 40;
- also means "Towers of the Morning."
- located at the mouth of the Laurius River below the borders of the Northern Forests
- The only city to have no "Home Stone" Raiders of Gor pg 250;
- sits on the Tamber Gulf. Outlaw of Gor pg 39;
- sometimes referred to as the "Tarn of the Sea"; synonym in gorean for "cruelty and piracy," claims the delta of the Vosk. Raiders of Gor pg 7;
- Also known as "Scourge of the gleaming Thassa," "Tarn of the Sea"; only city on Gor which was built not by Free Men, but by slaves under the lash of Masters. Raiders of Gor pg 103;
- Dancing girls of Port Kar said to be the best of all of Gor. they are slave to the core: vicious, treacherous, cunning, seductive, sensuous, dangerous and desirable. Raiders of Gor pg 100;
- Delta of the Vosk is Port Kar’s strongest wall. Raiders of Gor pg 104;
- Port-Kar the only city on Gor to recognize the Caste of Thieves; Raiders of Gor pg 104
- identified by the "Theif's Scar"
- tiny 3 prong brand burned into face in back of and below the eye, over right cheekbone
- 5 Ubars of Port Kar: Chung, Eteocles, Nigel, Sullius Maximus, and Henrius Sevarius (claims to be 5th of His line). Raiders of Gor pg 126;
- 25th of Se`Kara: battle for the "jewel" of the gleaming Thassa, also known as the battle to defend the Home Stone of Port Kar. Raiders of Gor pg 280;
- The battle between Port Kar and Tyros/Cos occurred on the 25th of Se`Kara in the first year of sovereignty of the Council of Captains in Port Kar (using chronology of Ar - 10,120 C.A.) Vagabonds of Gor pg 108;
- Does not recognize the Free Companionship. Raiders of Gor pg 295
- Master of at least 5 ships
- can be round ships
- deep holds for merchandise
- long ships - ram ships
- ships of war
- medium class
- round ship
- determined by freight;
- 100 - 150 tons (earth weight)
- 5000 - 7000 Gorean Weight
- long ship
- determined by keel length & width of beam
- keel length 80 - 120 ft (gorean)
- width of beam 10 - 15 ft (gorean) (127)
- 120 Captains of the Council
- 70 - 80 by appearance or by proxy made meetings (128)
- Lysias - Capt of 4 Months
- lost 6 barges; slaves/cargo; most of crew in marshes
- received 5th ship from Henrius Sevarius
- said to be a mere boy
- Most Captains were client to one Ubar or another. (129)
- Port Kar houses a neighborhood of 5000 ships. Raiders of Gor pg 133;
- Procession of the Sea; takes place on the first of En`Kara (the gorean New Year), Wages of a Sail Maker - 4 copper tarn disks per day, Wages of a Ship Wright - a golden tarn disk per day. Raiders of Gor pg 134;
- Completely dependent on the Northern Timber: Raiders of Gor pg 141
- tur-wood used for galley frames, beams, clamps, posts, and hull planking
- ka-la-na wood used for capstans and mastheads
- tem-wood used for rudders and oars
- needle trees; (evergreens) used for masts, spars, cabin and deck planking
- population approx. 1 million people; majority of which is black; headquarters of the League of Black Slavers. Explorers of Gor pg 115;
- Slave Markets of Schendi: Ushanga, Mkutu, Utajiri, Dhababu, Fedha, Marashi, Hariri, Kover, Ngoma. Explorers of Gor pg 123;
- has 3 ecological zones/tiers/levels marked by tree height;
- highest - emergent - 125' - 200' Gorean;
- second - canopy - 60' - 125' Gorean; (main ceiling, dominates one's vision from air)
- first - floor; ground zone - below 60' Gorean;
- animals of the various zones;
- emergent level
- parrots, long billed fleers, needle tailed lits, monkeys, tree urts, snakes and insects;
- canopy level
- warblers, finches, mindars, crested and common lit, fruit tindel, yellow gim, tanagers, some varieties of parrots, snakes, monkeys, gliding urts, leaf urts, squirrels, long tailed porcupines, lizards, slothe, insects, ants, centipedes, scorpions, beetles, flies;
- Lower Portion of canopy level
- woodpecker, umbrella bird, guernon monkeys; ground level - hooked billed gort, whistling finch, grub borer, lung gim, snakes (ost & hith), insects, rock spider, termites;
- Lower Branches of ground level
- tarsiers, jit monkeys, black squirrels, 4 toed leaf urts, jungle varts, gians, cat sized panthers (not dangerous to man).
- Caste of Poets are outlawed; If a man is within the city of Tharna for more than 10 hrs., It means one is made welcome in Tharna and this means one is sent to the Great Farms to be a Field Slave, to cultivate the soil of Tharna in chains till one dies. Outlaw of Gor pg 105;
- Pillar of Exchange lays about 100 pasangs Northwest of the city of Tharna. Outlaw of Gor pg 141;
- Life expectancy of a Tharna Mine Slave: given labor and food - if he does not die under the whips of the overseers, is usually 6 months to a year. Outlaw of Gor pg 151;
- Lara, Tatrix of Tharna, was sold to slaver Targo, by Thorn, Captain of the Guards, and Dorna the Proud, 2nd in Tharna, for 50 Silver Tarn disks. Outlaw of Gor pg 232;
- Lara abdicated, voluntarily, Kron took over the governance of Tharna. Vagabonds of Gor pg 268
- Significance of rug and cord (in Tharna): Outlaw of Gor pg 204 - 205
- Rites of Submission:
- strip, bind captive with yellow cords place on scarlet rug
- yellow of the cord symbolic of talenders flower
- associated with feminine love and beauty
- scarlet rug symbolic of blood, perhaps passion
a person conceived by a free person, on a free person is considered to be a free person, even if they are later carried and borne by a slave
- varies in other cities - offspring of a slave is a slave, belonging to the Mothers Owner
- males; take an oath of mastery, in which they swear never to surrender dominance
- rightfully theirs by nature
- receive 2 yellow cords
- worn in belt of the males of Tharna
- 18" long (approx.)
- suitable for the binding of females
- females; not permitted to kiss or touch the Home Stone
- stripped and collared
- bound with yellow cords by the young men
- so they know the feel
- young men conduct them home
- mother's owner (usually the father) sees to disposition or sale
- Tharna Tie: Vagabonds of Gor pg 375 - 376
- ankles crossed and bound, the head tied down, fastened by a short tether running back to ankles, hands tied behind the back
- can be used with chains, collar, etc
- "Boswell Pass" a path through the mountains of Thentis Blood Brothers of Gor pg. 6
- named after an early explorer of the Barrens
- relies on Stream of Torvald
- a current, as a broad river in the sea, pasangs wide, whose temperature is greater than that of the surrounding water
- regarded by the men of Torvaldsland as a gift from Thor
- bestowed upon Torvald in exchange for a ring of gold
- bleak, would be a frozen waste
- would probably be impossible to raise cereal crops
- sufficient to feed sparse population
- often not enough food under any condition
- particularly in the north
- famine not unknown
- men feed on bark, lichens, and seaweed
- cruel, harsh, rocky land
- contains many cliffs, inlets and mountains
- arable soil is thin
- found in patches
- size of the average farm is very small
- good soil rare, highly prized
- communication between farms often by sea in small boats
- major crop is sa-tarna (pg 102)
- Northern Sa-Tarna:
- growing season in Torvaldsland, about 120 days
- longer due to Torvaldstream
- sown in fall, a month following the Harvest Fesitival
- fall sown Sa-Tarna crop is statistically larger than that of spring grown varieties
- bosk and verr are raised
- many gardens
- only tospit orchards can survive in Torvaldsland, larma cannot
- sul is also grown (pg 103)
- salute of Torvaldsland (pg 43)
- lifting of the axe in the right hand
- Men of Torvaldsland are fond of large breasted women (pg 44)
- A sign of defiance to Priest Kings (pg 48)
- he turned and faced the Sardar, and lifted his fist, clenched
- the fist, the sign of the hammer. It was the sign of Thor
- A warlike city somewhere in the Voltai Range
- warriors said to be fierce and brave
- women said to be proud and beautiful
- tarnsmen ranked with those of Thentis; Ko-ro-ba and Ar
- slaves from Treve seldom acended the auction block
- prized by collectors due to rarity
- alleged to lie above Ar about 700 pasangs toward the Sardar
- trade routes did not lead to Treve
- those who entered did not often return
- said to be no access to Treve save on tarnback
- suggest a mountain stronghold as a city
- said to have no agriculture
- periodically attacked cities for grain, etc
- would not attack Ar, Thentis or Ko-ro-ba
- quit attacking Ko-ro-ba during the reign of Mathew Cabot as Ubar
- Ko-ro-ba's grain fields for the most part lie some pasangs from the city towards the Vosk and Tamber Gulf
- Treve raised verr (mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai), wild, agile, ill-tempered beast, long-haired and spiral horned
- Treve, city rich in plunder, lofty, in accessible and impregnable as a tarn's nest
- known as the "Tarn of the Voltai" (pg 63)
- arrogant, never conquered citadel, a stronghold of men whose way of life was banditry, whose women lived on the spoils of a hundred cities.
- high walled
- nine gated
- lies in the midst of the huge prairies claimed by the Wagon Peoples (pg 1)
- Turians - said to be indolent and luxury loving (pg 4)
- slaves are said to be proud (pg 29)
- lofty, fine city, white and shimmering, rising from the plains (pg 55)
- Wagon Peoples their enemy (pg 57)
- need each other for trade
- Wagon People: gain metal and cloth
- Turians: gain the horn and hide of the Bosk
- jewels, precious metals, spices, colored table salts, harnesses, saddles (for tharlarion), furs of small river animals, field tools, scholarly scrolls, inks, paper, root vegetables, dried fish, powdered medicines, ointments, perfume, and women
- two things the Wagon People will NOT trade to Turia (pg 58)
- a living bosk
- a girl from the city itself
- Phanius Turmus; Administrator of Turia (pg 83)
- true power of Turia lay with the caste of Merchants
- specifically Saphrar
- Kamras, Champion of Turia, of the caste of Warriors
- large wristed strong man, with long black hair (pg 86)
- two long scars across his face
- perhaps quiva wounds
- golden eating prong was unique to Turia
- feasts usually consist of as many as a 150 courses (pg 87)
- one can use the golden bowl and tufted banquet stick, dipped in scented oils to refresh oneself and return with eagerness to the feast
- wines of Turia sweet and syrupy (pg 83 - 84)
- able to leave a fingerprint on the surface
- shops filled with rare, intriguing paraphernalia (pg 87)
- perfumes
- luxurious
- varieties of caste colors displayed about Turia
- peddlers
- cake sellers
- vegetable hawkers
- wine vendors
- had never fallen (pg 88)
- had not been under siege in more than a century
- one of the richest cities of Gor (pg 92)
- baths of Turia second only to Ar in their luxury (pg 188)
- number of pools, temperature, scents and oils
- a commercial oasis in the plains (pg 234)
- The Broad Walk, some 30 feet wide, within the walls of Turia, with a view over the plains, is a favorite promenade of Turian couples (pg 240)
- Home Stone of Turia: oval, aged, carved with the initial letter of the city (pg 333)
- 400 pasangs west of Port Kar
- hundred pasangs south of Cos
- famed for vart caves
- trained varts (bat-like creatures) size of small dog, used for weapons
- rugged island with mountains
- capital city - Kasra (pg 174)
- major city - Tentium (pg 174)
- Ubar of Tyros - Chenbar of Kasra, The Sea Sleen (pg 174)
- wealthy town, north of AR, known in particular for it's Tharlarion races
- Street of the Writhing Slave;
- known for its renters and dealers in "coin girls"
- kennels kept on this street
- lowest form of gorean street slave (pg 144)
- The "Topaz" was the Home Stone of Victoria; Guardsman of Gor pg 271
- stolen and broken a hundred years before
- located on the northern shore of the Vosk east of Tancred's Landing.
- Turmuj, Ven, Tetrapoli, Port Cos, Tafa, Victoria, Fina, Ragnar's Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort's Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred's Landing, and White Water.
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