Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Telnus Tattler

                                The Telnus Tattler
                            1st Edition coming soon
                                  ▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Lady Flora gowns
The Bakery
                                    BTB Gor Facts
                                    The woman of the caste of physicians has born two children. What significance does this have to her status within the caste?
"The woman of the Physicians, at the age of fifteen, in many cities, wears two bracelets on her left wrist. When she has one child one bracelet is removed; when she has a second child the second bracelet is removed. She may then, if she desires, enter into the full practice of her craft." --Fighting Slave of Gor, page 214

                                1st Edition
                             Editor - Lady Sin
                         The Gorean Date is:
   6th Day Eleventh Passage Hand 10,162 CA
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
❖ Welcome home greeting & Disclaimer
❖❖ Citizen news
❖❖❖ Citizen Reports
❖❖❖❖ Favorite Passages 
❖❖❖❖❖ From the Boot
Tal fellow citizens, Free and slave alike! It has been a busy first month for Telnus, and thanks to all of you , our city is growing and prospering! All of us cherish you living here making story lines, friends, and enemies.  Welcome to Telnus!!!
                            Citizen News
Congratulations to our citizens for the following promotions :
Ethan Hutchence promoted to Regent
Tyderious Serevi promoted to High Magistrate
 Jillian Serevi  promoted to High Scribe and Communications Liaison to the Ubarate (longest title ever)
Sin Perele promoted to Editor of The Telnus Tattler
Sara Beattie promoted to Head Green
Tim Caspian promoted to Commander
Kamshack Rhiadra  promoted to Captain                          Ruka Ughu promoted to Lieutenant    
Dahlia Solveig Bulloch promoted to Head Merchant
Congratulations to our beloved Ubar and Ubara on their first expected child.
                                 Citizen reports
Please keep in mind, these reports are just that, no charges have been made and all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty. All citizens are urged to remain vigilant and report and suspicious behavior to the Magistrate.
Confidential informant, a guard at the palace:
The Ubar has been heard talking in his sleep, he worries about his over weight secret daughter, that lives in the dessert with a very bosk ugly man.     
Confidential informant , a banker:
The Ubara has ordered over 40 dresses and charged it to the city then demanded health care budgets were decreased to pay for it.
Confidential informant, a slaver:
After being asked about the men of Telnus having the ~need~ to air their man swords due to a alleged rash out break , it was said that it could not be private slaves, but possibly city slaves.  See attached paintings:
Confidential informant, in the palace:
An intruder managed to gain access to the apartments of the Ubar and Ubara and left a bunch of red flowers on their bed.  It has been reported  the head builder, Lotus Hutchence, is the only one with access to this room besides the Ubar and his companion.
Confidential informant, title not mentioned:
A man with light knotted hair lives amongst us.. he rarely interacts or speaks to any one.  Any information on this man should be reported to the editor of the Telnus Tattler.
Confidential informant, a guard near the canal:
The head Merchant Lady Dahlia Solveig Bulloch, was seen swimming in the canals after her boat capsized, climbing on the docks a bit disheveled, under her wet veil a possible thief mark.  The guard turned in several smuggled items found washed ashore shortly after. The same mentioned merchant was recently robbed, of what, she would not disclose.
                               Favorite Passages
...Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and women is naturally slave.  But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest.  For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean  free women. ...Goreans do believe, however, that every women has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl.  These men occur in her dreams and fantasies.  She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life...
--Hunters of Gor  22:311   Submitted by Lady Sara Beattie
                                  From the Boot
Gor is a man's world, you see, and women are men's.
Kur of Gor - Page 351
It’s exhilarating when a new Gorean land opens itself to the world, the nervous anticipation of the administration delivering their child for all to judge with their own jaded expectation. Telnus, Isle of Cos, finally a Gorean role-play sim where men embrace being Gorean men and all women whether standing or kneeling fear the strength and weight of men.  When facing the gates of Isle of Cos, be cautioned there is no other quote can best describe the reception all will feel from those of Cos.
The men of Gor," she said, "are strong. They are not weak and divided against themselves. They are not tortured. They are integrated and coherent, and proud. They see themselves in the order of nature. They see females as females, as slaves, and themselves as men, as masters. If we do not please them they punish us, or slay us. We quickly learn our place in the order of things. Only where there are true men can there be true women."
 Rouge of Gor - Page 100

So beware, Cosian men will settle for nothing less than true Gorean women from females regardless of role. Challenge them and you may find yourself meeting the judgment of the Cosian Magistrates who carry out the laws of the City swiftly and with a heavy hand. In addition, Telnus of Cos, home of the famous Chatka and Curla paga tavern were patrons enjoy the pour of paga and luscious heat of slaves within the warmth of the alcoves.  There is nothing better than a lusty slut squirming with desire on her belly under the ever watchful eye of Cosian Gorean Men. 

Challenge Question: If asked by a Gorean Master, “what is your want as a slave?” what would you say? How would you feel?
Here is a quote please enjoy.
I wanted to crawl to the men, to tell them I understood, to beg them to have me, to let me give them pleasure.
I wanted to please them as a slave girl, theirs. My eyes were vulnerable with the helpless lust of a bound girl who would crawl to a man to serve him.
I had not dreamed such an emotion could exist. It was not merely that I was eager to piteously and submissively display my beauty to them, that they might be moved to take it in their arms and vanquish it, but, beyond this, I was overwhelmed by an entire dimension of emotion which might be spoken of, though inadequately, as the desire to yield service and love. I wanted to give, unstintingly, with no thought of return. Always I had been concerned with what I might obtain. Now, for the first time in my life, in my joy and self-acceptance as a female slave, I wanted to give. I wanted to give all of myself, wholeheartedly, to deliver and bestow myself unto them as their girl, who loved them and would do all for them, asking nothing. I wished to be nothing, and to give all.
I wanted to be their slave.
I shook with the selfless ecstasy of the slave girl.
I wanted to crawl to them to tell them that I now understood, and that I was theirs. I wanted to cry out to them, to weep, to kneel to them, to kiss and lick submissively at their bodies in my joy. 
Slave Girl of Gor - Page 102  
Submitted by  ŚŴĔĔŤ ĹĨРŚ
While this may not be exciting news  I thought it might be of interest.   A Tour of our fine city does not have to be boring, It can be a time to do some interesting rp. just sharing!   Chickadee􀀏
Please Note:  The views expressed here are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ubarate or the Blue Caste of Telnus.

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