2. Slaves are considered property and animals in the eyes of the law. They may be used and disposed of in any manner their owner sees fit.
3. The property of a free person who has been reduced to slavery is passed to their closest male relative. If no male relative comes forth, the property will be passed to the nearest female relative, or to the city of Laura. If the person is freed from slavery at a later date, they have no legal claim on their former property.
4. When a person is enslaved, they begin a new life, with a new identity. They cannot, then, be held responsible for crimes they committed as a free citizen.
5. A slave is not permitted to claim a caste. To do so is punishable by death.
6. Women taken from Earth do not have a Homestone, and therefore there are no legal restraints to their capture and enslavement.
7. The testimony of slaves in legal proceedings may be taken under torture. This is at the discretion of the presiding magistrate.
8. Any free person may discipline a slave who has erred, been insolent, or who has been the least bit displeasing to the free. If a slave is permanently maimed, or slain, the free person who administered the punishment must compensate the owner for reduction of value, or loss of property.
9. If a slave strikes a free person, they are subject to lengthy torture followed by impalement.
10. It is illegal for a slave to touch or handle a weapon without being ordered to do so. The breaking of this law will result in death. This does not apply to the handling of kitchen cutlery in the preparation of food under the supervision of a kitchen master.
11. Slaves are not permitted to play kaissa or handle the pieces.
12. Slaves are not permitted to build anything. This is reserved to free persons.
13. Slaves are not permitted to touch or handle any legal documents. Unless the slave is a scribe slave, Slaves are, with permission, permitted to teach children.
14. Female slaves are not permitted to wear veils resembling those of a free woman, or to don the clothing of a free woman. To do so may result in death.
15. Female slaves must wear a visible token of their bondage (i.e., a collar, brand, earrings) at all times within the city of Laura. Male slaves are not required to do so.
16. Slaves are not permitted outside the city walls unless they are accompanying a free person. Slaves attempting to leave the city without a free person will be stopped at the gates and returned to their owner's dwelling.
17. Running away is a serious crime. A first offense will usually result in a heavy beating. Punishment for a second offense is not uncommonly hamstringing, or death.
18. If a slave is stolen, lost, or runs away and has been captured by another, the owner has two hands in which to regain the property before it legally belongs to the new owner.
19. Freed slaves must have their papers of manumission in order. Women who were branded, or had their ears pierced are cautioned to have these papers available at a moments notice.
20. It is illegal for any free person to sell a slave that is not under their direct ownership, without the permission of the owner. To do so will result in enslavement for a woman, or expulsion from the city of Laura for a man.
21. It is illegal to sell a female slave who has been cosmetically altered to increase her price (such as dying of the hair, painting of the nails, etc.), who has not been branded, or to forge the pedigree of any slave. If the buyer of the slave becomes aware of any fraud on the part of the seller, the buyer is entitled to monetary compensation.
22. A child born to a slave is automatically considered a slave in the eyes of the law, and becomes the property of the mother's owner.
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