Welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus
Welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus!
In the books, as we all know, people were born into their castes, most remaining there for their entire lifetime. There were, of course, some exceptions to this. Sometimes the free woman would take the caste of their male companion, particularly if this would "raise" her higher within the caste system. Sometimes if a person was deemed suitable for another caste they could petition to change, and would then have to prove their ability and aptitude for the work of that particular caste.
"I knew the Gorean caste lines, though largely following birth, were not inflexible, and that a man who did not care for his caste might be allowed to change caste, if approved by the high council of his city, an approval usually contingent on his qualifications for the work of another caste and willingness of the members of the new caste to accept him as a Caste Brother." ---Priest Kings of Gor, 9:71
This last is probably the most relevant to SL Gor, because anyone new to SL Gor will have to learn, and strive to become skilled and knowledgeable within their caste. They will have to work hard and prove themselves before being accepted fully. This holds true for every caste - it will take hard work and a quest for knowledge to succeed.
There are many different pathways to becoming a Scribe. Being born (through role play) into the caste of Scribes is one way. As well, there are academies and schools where you get a nice shiny certificate naming you a Scribe when you successfully finish the course. However (as in the books) many Scribes start as an apprentice Scribe under the tutelage of a Chief Scribe and achieve the status of full Scribe when their mentor deems them worthy. Is any one pathway better than the other? I myself don't think so because to succeed on any path you take will require a desire to succeed along with hard work and perseverance. It depends largely on who you are as a person and what you hope to accomplish.
A bit of background, my "pathway" if you will...
In my old Homestone I was fairly new to Gor and just beginning to train as scribe when the Admin pulled everything from the Sim. The Ubar/Sim owner was paying this person actual money to run the sim and she bought all the buildings with money he gave her specifically for that purpose above and beyond what he was paying her to Admin the sim. Everything on the sim she bought with his money. One day we all logged on and there was nothing but the prims we had put down (furniture etc...) Everything else was gone! The docks, ship, pathways, trees, buildings, EVERYTHING. Including the library. Naturally, many of the people there left except a handful of us and we all dug in to put it back together. It took a month before we reopened, and along the way we lost more people. Since I was the only scribe that had stayed, I said I would take on getting the library put back together. I went all over Gor picking up notecards, talking to Chief Scribes etc... getting everything I needed to set up a new library. I made new forms, basically starting from scratch. So when it was done the Ubar (to my great surprise) appointed me Chief Scribe. I had virtually no training and had pretty much learned on the run.
My point is, I have been Head or Chief Scribe of 4 cities now and I have never been formally trained - sometimes you just learn as you go and fortunately I am a quick learner. Being a Scribe is about keeping records, being familiar with the laws, witnessing contracts, and helping people find the information they need, of course! And a whole lot more! But a lot of being a scribe is being able to think on your feet and deal with situations as they arise. I trained myself by talking to other scribes and worked hard to keep things running smoothly. If I didn't know, I asked! If I was unsure, I sought out opinions from others within the Blue Caste. That is what a scribe does - a scribe seeks to learn and better themselves and keep things organized within the city. What path they take to get there may vary, but it is still a pathway to knowledge.
It is my hope that I can help you along YOUR pathway and give you the tools you need to be successful within the Blue Caste. And in turn, someday it will be your responsibility to give back by helping others on their path.
I have assigned _________ to be your instructor while going through your training. If she is not available, please feel free to contact me at any time should you have questions or should you get stuck in a situation you are unsure of.
Again, welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus! I look forward to working with you!
Jillian Serevi, (Jillian Daniels) High Scribe of Telnus
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