Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More thoughts on the course study...

This is things that I think of in no particular order.
  • (Those already mentioned in the material.)
  • Placement of Message Book
  • Form for those to fill out who are interested in taking classes
  • A few practice sessions that deals with "If you are given a note that says .... How would you follow up on it?" I would like to see how the student sees it and what their opinions are. Would help to determine if they are a good candidate as a magistrate
  • Also mention how to keep track of people you meet and brief notes on them. This has also saved me in the past from making a mistake as a magistrate
  • Some form for my records of who they are, their experience so far, and a few things about themselves to both get to know then and for my attendance record.
  • Find a way to record attendance
  • Find a way to give the lesson without having to type or copy everything each time
  • See if the bulletin board is a working one and if so how to use it.
  • Read through the forms and see how they are laid out
  • Rename forms to my preference... maybe?
  • Go through the note cards listed above and be familiar with the material
  • Go through the Condensed info on Gor - Luther Scrolls
  • This may be the place to mention The Gorean Cave
  • These assignments coming in as they complete them rather than all at once, that was I know that they are continuing to work on them and I can talk with them about where they may need to rethink... or I do.
  • Have the students start reading each book and then giving me a paper on what stood out in that book to them and what they learned about scribes in it.
  • While I like this so far, I don't like "essay" and "succinct" in this part. This is not school this is learning and I for one hate essays, but enjoy learning. It does not have to be perfect if they can explain themselves so I understand. This is an opportunity to learn and enjoy studying... not school.
  • More here about them and their thoughts would be good here. Need to think about it.
  • Remove BIG words and make it so all understand. My goal would be that the students communicate in a way that all can understand.
  • I have also been told that the Luther Scrolls are not accurate. Since I have not read them I would not know, but want to review them.
  • Look into taxonomy and make that clear.
  • May be a place to put in how I feel about slaves and submission. Will think on this matter.
  • Chart words in the different dialects and definitions of them.
  • I would be interested in seeing their first list. Then how that list changed and why when they used other resources besides their own thoughts.

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