Monday, February 17, 2014

The New Voice of Gor - Weekly Gor Wide Newspaper


Third volume, issue No. 142

[short online version]

Sixth day of the eleventh month 10164 Contasta Ar

Based in Tancred's Landing
Editor and Publisher: Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza), merchant
Accountant: Wendie, scribe of HoY (Wendie Lemon)
Correspondent in Olni: Teal Razor, Slave of Siri Emerald Jr.

01 Content

01 Content
02 Editorial
## All over Gor
03 When to force collar
## Gorean Cities
04 Port of Olni
# The Slave's Corner
# Schedule
05 Amhas Cairn [Schedule]
06 Rorus [Schedule]
## Rare dialects of Gor
07 Anmerkungen zum Rollenspiel in deutsch-Gor
08 Neues vom Hub der Rollenspieler
## Trade
09 True Southern Trade Alliance (STA)
10 House of Yuroki Companies (HoY)
11 Currency Exchange Rates of the HoY Banks
## Games
12 Introduction to Kaissa
## Miscellanous
13 Pictures
## Sim Advertisement
14 Village of Mjolnir (BTB Torvaldsland)
15 Argrhi
## Advertisement
Mentioned: Dark Rose Creations, Goreans Portal Radio, Gorean Whip Radio, The Gorean
Recruitment Centre, Gorean University, Gorean Campus, Gorean Legal Academy,
Schwertakademie zu En'Kara
## Roleplay
16 Roleplay pressure or how to prevent a burnout
17 Pilgrimage
## Knowledge
18 Short test of Gorean knowledge
## Onlinism of the week
19 What really counts
## Gorean Newspapers (Overview)
## About the NEW VOICE OF GOR

Note: The management accepts no responsibility for views expressed herein. The proprietors reserves the right to edit articles submitted. Any news, articles, poems, gossip, schedules, paintings, jokes you have, please send them to the editor. You are looking for a free companion, a slave, an assassin?

Advertisements are very welcome.


# A warm welcome to the pages of the 142nd issue of the NEW VOICE OF GOR ! We feel honored that Verona Lorgsval, former editor of the "Vonda Times" (since 2009) and the "Voice of Gor" (since issue 57/2010), back on Gor and now scribe in the city of Olni again, will write articles and columns for NEW VOICE OF GOR.
Rarius Yuroki

# The NEW VOICE OF GOR is not longer available for members of the group "Raid Messenger of Gor". I left this group because of too much spam and insults.




By Verona Lorgsval

One of the biggest frustrations that occur in Gor is the constant and repetitive if she is uppity collar her. If she offends you collar her. It is not that easy to collar a free woman in Gor. Even Tarl was required to have a woman submit before he collared and branded her.

It is not against Gorean law for free women to be bitches. In fact it is expected for them to be bitches, and Gorean men laugh it off and not take them seriously. For a Gorean man to lose his temper at a free woman for being herself is a weakness on his part. It is easy for men to ignore the digs of a free woman, after all she cannot help herself.

So what are you options? If you catch her breaking the law, report her to the magistrate. There are a lot of different punishments that can be imposed upon a free woman besides enslavement, which is considered drastic. By reporting her to the magistrate you will have the role-play of arresting her. You will have the courtroom drama of the trial, and finally you will have the role-play of her punishment. Which can include being sent to another city for community service, whipping, marching her naked around the sim, and several other potential punishments.

Remember Free Women are not free because they have earned it. Free women are free because they are related to a free man. The community of men in Gor is such that they regard each other as brothers, and no man can stand seeing his daughter spread eagled on a paga table being slave raped. No man can afford someone else to control a part of him. What would said man do if he is challenged to slave rape his own daughter.
This is why slavers, when they acquire a free woman of the city who has been ordered to be enslaved, ship the girl out of the city to another city far away. So that she cannot be used against her family. This is also the reason why former high caste women are so valuable. Not because they are better slaves, but because they are related to a powerful man.
So the next time a free woman dares to be vile and vicious, think of another way to roleplay with her. What can you do to her that would be fun for people to be involved in? Punish her for insulting or demeaning her, and create and generate a role-play that everyone can enjoy or be a part of. The women who dare to be true Gorean Free women crave a different reaction than constantly force collaring. After all you really do not want another slave.




# THE SLAVE'S CORNER ~ A Satiric View of Life on Gor

By Teal Razor ~ slave of Captain Siri Emerald Jr ~ Port Olni

WHERE IS HE GOING? …..continued

By Teal Razor, slave of Captain Siri Emerald Jr, Port Olni Warrior
It amazes me to no end when I function on supposition and not truth. I was really ignorant of the travel plans my Master was making. Some slaves might read that last sentence and say, "Oh yeah Teal, you are truly a bosk's bum." And I know who is saying that right now; the person that is reading this and was once the "keeper of the naughty list" in Port Olni.
Well, to you and the three other people who read my drivel, a fleer's fart on you. You see, I have to be concerned with my Master's whereabouts. Most would say, "That is not true, you just go and do not ask questions. A slave has no rights. You are an animal." Now think about that for a moment. Yes, that is so correct. I could not have said it with fewer words. It takes me several uttered sentences before I get to the point, but if you stop reading now you will never find out the big explosive ending. Well, play with fire if you will. For the other 2 people reading this column, I will plunge ahead. I am to serve, please and to be pleasing to all Free Persons. I am also to serve with exquisite beauty and absolute obedience. Now, following orders blindly is noble and honorable. It means that you have absolute confidence that you trust the other person's judgment as if it were backed by an iron-clad guarantee from the Priest-Kings. On Gor, it seems, Goreans make quick friends with people and for brief periods, they treat each other amicably. Not to do so, would mean that the stranger would have to be an enemy and worthy of your blade. But these fast friendships are constantly broken by tiresome border squabbles which turn friends from adjoining lands into mortal enemies. So the old adage still applies; 'be careful whom you trust'.
So, I do not think it is pleasing or obedient and it can be damn well ugly if you do not keep yourself alert to dangers, lest your Master dash his foot against a stone. It's at these times, should you become too inquisitive, you can say, "I must look out for your health and good fortune my Master. May this girl have permission to speak? I knowi full well that if what I say is displeasing to you, I will suffer a whipping from your kind hand." This last statement will actually make two people happy. Your Master will hear a warning from your lips that may prove to save his life and health and if not, he will get some much needed exercise lashing your backside. And, you will get whip marks to prove to others in the market place that you are much cherished by your Master.
Not being told where my Master was going, and taking me with, was almost criminal. Since, to put it in earth terms, I am his housekeeper, butler, parlor maid, scullery maid, interior decorator, washwoman, haberdasher, chef, comparison shopper, personal assistant, transcriber of the notes he makes for his maps, sex toy, "whipping boy", and the keeper of his secrets, which would make me appear imbecilic if I were to permit him to enter into harm. Don't tell anyone, but there are not too many Master's who depend upon their slave as much as my Master does.

And so it was to my amazement that I found out my Master was going to Treve. He was not going as a representative of Port Olni dressed in his caste uniform color of scarlet cloth. Instead he was going undercover, in the disguise of a merchant. This was to be a cloak and dagger adventure as a spy for the Commander of the Port Olni warriors. It kinda excited me. I was to be traveling to a mountain clime which is given to lower temperatures. Because of the cold, I was given three different larl pelt cloaks and feathered and bejeweled headdresses so that I would look the part of a slave to a merchant who is extremely prosperous. I think most of us would rather be around a richly dressed individual and not someone who is wearing the Gorean version of Birkenstocks.
Dressed in rich arraignment, my Master was assured of being let in the front gates of Treve. I do hope they have changed the stockade type entry in favor of some richly hewn stone gate towers. I don't like landing at a fly infested arrival point. The last time I went to Treve, there was a distinct odor of urine around the gates. And so we went to Treve and had a great time playing at "merchant". My Master pretended that he was going to sell me to the highest bidder and I gave him pretend scowls. It was all in great fun, but, he let me sweat a few times when the bidding got up to the 15 gold tarn range. He always dismissed these monetary inquiries with a wave of his bejeweled hand. I smirked at his pasha like largesse and thought he might be good at ruling a city in the Tahari.
After 4 days of buying, selling, eating, fooling around and sightseeing, we were ready to leave. I think my Master obtained all the skinny on troop numbers and preparedness to give a full report to his Commander. And so it was with heavy heart and a heavier belly, from having consumed a week's worth of cream cakes in 4 days, that I departed Treve as the property of my Master.
I promised you an explosive ending. And an explosive ending it was too. My intestinal upset matched the frolic level of my previous festivities. And there you have it. A good time was had by all. Now let me clean out this lavatory before my Master gets home.


Capture the Flag every thursday at 5:00 pm
First Saturday of Every Month @ 4 p.m. slt


Sword Tournament
Contact: Lucy Bronet


Every Monday and Friday @ 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. slt

Amhas Cairn - Torvaldsland and Gorean Classes
Cave classroom at tp point. All welcome to attend.
Removes meters, weapons, and take a seat in a chair.
Every Saturday @ 11 a.m. slt and 6 p.m. slt
Amhas Cairn

This is a time for feasting, announcing news, pledging fealty, bringing up matters of local law, etc. It's an IC event that visitors too, are welcome to attend.
Read more:



Every Saturday @ 6 p.m. slt


Capture the Flag
Contact: Joseph Surface




von Rarius Yuroki

Zugegeben: Als ich 2008 zum ersten Mal im Second-Life-Gor war, hatte ich den Namen "John Norman" noch nie gehoert. Auch waren mir Online-Rollenspiele so gut wie unbekannt. Mein Avatar hatte eine "Detektei" in Secondlife und langweilte sich. Ich hatte nur ein paar Goreaner in Shops gesehen, deren Avatare mit Abstand besser aussahen als die normalen, die ich kannte, und die mit interessanten Dingen ausgestattet waren, deren Zweck sich mir nicht erschloss. Auch reizten mich die "Hemmschwellen", ueberhaupt eine Gor-Sim zu betreten: "Gm meter Pflicht"?! Keine Ahnung, was das war, aber ich wurde neugierig.
Heute ist es mir peinlich, wenn ich mir die Kleidung meines damaligen Avatars ansehe: Man in black, also total ungoreanisch, wenn man von den Assassinen absieht. Ich wundere mich noch heute, dass man mich nicht gleich hinausgeworfen hat in Torcodino [sic] und Asperiche. Gleichzeitig bin ich dankbar fuer die Toleranz, die man mir in Deutsch-Gor entgegenbrachte. Ich hatte nichts, ich konnte nichts, ich wusste nichts. Dennoch durfte ich mitspielen. Daran sollte man sich erinnern, wenn man heute Neulingen begegnet: Wir haben alle einmal angefangen. Und niemand muss erst 31 Buecher von Norman lesen oder gefuehlt 999 Notecards, um zu wissen, was zu tun sei oder wie man goreanisches Rollenspiel macht.
Dennoch habe ich das deutsche Gor Ende 2008 verlassen und bin auf eine englischsprachige Sim gewechselt, weil mich jemand dorthin einlud, obwohl ich mir mit meinem eingerosteten Schulenglisch das gar nicht wirklich zutraute. Zum Glueck wusste ich immer noch nicht, was Rollenspiel sein kann oder gar "paragraph roleplay", sonst waere ich davor zurueckgeschreckt. Ich bin ins kalte Wasser gesprungen.***
Es hat weitere zwei Jahre gebraucht, bis ich merkte, was der Unterschied zwischen "by the books"-Gor* und "Gor evolved"** ist und wie man eine "storyline" konstruiert und wie man Rollenspiel spannend, aufregend und auch anstrengend und anspruchsvoll machen kann.
Leider sehe ich zur Zeit im deutschen Gor nur selten Rollenspiel, das diesen Namen auch verdient (ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich meistens im englischsprachigen Gor bin und dort auch eine Sim besitze). Zwei Drittel des Chats auf deutschen Sims besteht oft aus sinnlosen Begruessungen. ("tallies"). Es geht zu wie bei einem Kegler-Verein, bei dem jeder jeden kennt, nur ohne Kegeln.
Insbesondere die Deutschen sind offenbar oft bemueht, Kontakte mit "Auslaendern" zu vermeiden. Dazu gehoert zum Beispiel die ziemlich daemliche Unsitte, einen Sim-Namen fuer eine neue deutsche Sim zu waehlen, der im englischsprachigen Gor schon vergeben ist. Wie soll man da eine realistische "internationale" Storyline aufbauen, wenn man in Port Kar spielt und ploetzlich auf ein zweites Port Kar trifft? Ich vermute, dass Sim-Besitzer, die so etwas tun, eben gar nicht wissen, was eine Storyline ist - also das, was Rollenspiel erst interessant macht.

Natuerlich gibt es gute Gruende, warum deutsch Gor in Secondlife so ist, wie es ist: Die Anzahl der Spieler ist gering, und Sim-Besitzer muessen Kompromisse schliessen, wenn sie ueberhaupt Leute finden wollen, die es bei ihnen interessant finden. Die Aesthetik der Spielorte spielt offenbar gar keine Rolle. Ich habe Sims getroffen, die unglaublich schoen gestaltet waren, auf denen aber nie jemand war, und haessliche und lieblos zusammengefrickelte Sims, die voll waren. Das ist im englischsprachigen Gor uebrigens vergleichbar. Eine Spielerin kommentierte das zynisch: "Die Leute suchen sich Sims, die zu ihrem eigenen schlechten Geschmack passen."
Man kann auch spekulieren, dass jemand, der gar kein Englisch spricht, entweder sehr alt ist oder sehr ungebildet (manche Sim-Besitzer koennen noch nicht einmal den Namen ihrer eigenen Sim richtig schreiben) und/oder aus dem Beitrittsgebiet stammt oder nur gelegentlich online ist (was fuer sehr viele zutreffen wird) und nur kurzzeitig Spass haben und sich nicht gross anstrengen will. Das kann jeder tun und lassen, wie er oder sie will.

Schlechtes Englisch ist ohnehin kein Vorwurf: Viele US-Amerikaner sprechen/schreiben Englisch schlechter als ich, was Englaender oft missbilligend und mit virtuellem Kopfschuetteln anmerken. Man darf auch nicht vergessen, dass manche Rollenspiele in mancher - auch koeperlicher Hinsicht - beeintraechtigt sind, was man eben nicht weiss. Mir hat niemand beibebracht, was Rollenspiel sein kann; ich waere damals vermutlich auch zu faul gewesen, um zuzuhoeren. Dennoch hier ein paar Tipps, um die Sache attraktiver zugestalten und um Spass und Spannung zu haben.

Die meisten Rollenspieler - nicht nur die in Secondlife-Gor - werden den Unterschied zwischen "in Charakter" ("ic") und "out of character" ("OOC") kennen. Beispiel: Wenn ich einem Avatar begegne, kann ich zwar seinen Namen auf dem Monitor lesen, weil das ein Feature des Clients ist (der Software, mit der ich mich in Secondlife einlogge), "in character", also im Rollenspiel, "weiss" ich es aber noch nicht. Ich kenne den Namen des Mitspielers erst, wenn er den selbst ausspricht (ihn also im Chat schreibt) - oder jemand anderes.
Das ist ein typisches Merkmal fuer das Rollenspiel der Killer (Assassinen oder auch Attentaeter) in Gor: Sie muessen das Opfer "in character" identifizieren, bevor sie es attackieren, also nur so lange in Hoerweite warten, bis jemand anderes zufaellig das Opfer mit dessen Spielnamen**** anredet. Deshalb spreche ich meinen Namen ungern aus, wenn Killer in der Naehe sind und mag es auch nicht, wenn das andere tun - man weiss ja nie. ?
Diesen "Beweis", dass der Killer das Opfer identifiziert hat, muss man spaeter - falls das Rollenspiel gueltig sein soll und das Opfer das bestreitet - einem Moderator geben. Ein "Logfile" des Rollenspiels (der Ausschnitt des Chats muss also komplett in einer Notecard (eine Textdatei in Secondlife) abgespeichert worden sein - sonst kann ein Moderator nicht entscheiden).

Es ist wohl kein Zufall, dass es im deutschen Gor keine serioesen Rollenspieler gibt, die einen Killer spielen - die Rolle kann extrem anspruchsvoll, aber auch extrem langweilig sein (weil man unter Umstaenden stundenlang herumstehen und warten muss - zudem weiss man nicht, wenn das "Ziel" einloggt). Einige finden es chic, den Avatar in schwarzen Klamotten herumlaufen zu lassen (das Kennzeichen der Kaste der Meuchelmoerder), aber tun ansonsten nichts. Das ist im englischsprachigen Gor nicht anders. Ich bzw. mein Avatar hat mehrere Attentate ueberstanden, weil der Killer nicht in der Lage war, auf Anfrage des Sim-Moderators gueltige "Logs" (also Chat-Protokolle) vorzulegen, woher er sein Wissen im Rollenspiel hatte. Die "Kills" - wenn mich jemand im Gm-Meter-Kampf*****


besiegt hatte (was auch nicht so einfach ist) - wurden also fuer ungueltig erklaert, und die


Angelegenheit hatte nicht stattgefunden.


Ich habe anspruchsvolles Rollenspiel von einigen wenigen englischsprachigen


Meuchelmoerdern gelernt, die zum Teil ueber mehrere Wochen lang mit unendlicher


Geduld gespielt und Logfiles gesammelt haben, bis das Opfer in eine solche Lage im


Rollenspiel gebracht worden war, dass selbst ein Ausweg versperrt war, wenn der Killer im


Kampf unterlegen gewesen waere. Eine meiner "Lehrer" war so arrogant (und so gut),


dass er sogar OOC (also nicht im Rollenspiel) den "Meuchelmord" dem Opfer




Man muss aber kein Killer in Gor sein, um spannende Storylines zu basteln. Als einfacher


Kaufmann habe ich mehr "action" als die meisten Krieger, die nur herumstehen oder mit


ihren Sklavinnen herumturteln oder in virtuellen Tavernen sich zum 999sten Mal mit Paga


(dem goreanische Bier) bedienen lassen.


Man muss sich eben etwas einfallen lassen. Die suedliche Handelsallianz (Southern Trade


Alliance - STA) hat zum Beispiel neulich ein Dekret erlassen, dass niemand mit gelbem


oder rotem Salz handeln darf, der nicht von der STA lizensiert worden ist. "Handel"


bedeutet den Transfer von Guetern (aus Polygonen gemacht) von Avatar zu Avatar. Das


Dekret bedeutet jetzt, dass Soeldner und Kaufleute der Allianz "reisen" und nachforschen,


ob jemand dennoch "illegales" Salz verkauft. Wenn jemand das macht (und ein


Chatprotokoll/logfile existiert), wird es fuer dessen Avatar vermutlich bald sehr


ungemuetlich. Die Storyline der STA wurde im englischsprachigen Gor uebrigens schon


2011 begonnen, und sie geht immer noch weiter, weil genuegend Spieler sie interessant


genug finden, ihr sich anzuschliessen. Es gibt quasi eine Gor-interne




Man kann natuerlich auch Gor spielen und nur ab und zu mit anderen herumballern und


Sims ueberfallen. Einen Grund findet man schnell, und sei es - wie in den Buechern


Normans beschrieben -, um eine Sklavin zu rauben. Auch das kann spannend sein, wenn


die Sklavin mitspielt und versucht zu entkommen.


Mit dem Rollenspiel ist es wie mit Beton - es kommt drauf an, was man damit macht.


Beispiel: Logfiles, die dazu führten, dass ich einen Killer anheuerte, der meinen eigenen


Commander aus Landa (gueltig) umbrachte (englisch) - die Storyline dauerte von Juli bis


September 2011


* "By the books" (BTB) meint, dass nur Dinge zugelassen sind, die auch in den Buechern


Normans vorkommen. Beispiele: Tarns gibt es also nicht in der Wueste, Panther NUR in


den noerdlichen Waeldern. Schwarze Jeans darf ein Krieger nicht tragen, sondern nur


eine rote Tunika. Freie Frauen kaempfen nicht mit Schwertern oder Boegen. Rund 150


Gor-Sims sind zur Zeit BTB.


** "Gor evolved" bedeutet, dass freie Frauen auch kaempfen duerfen, wenn sie keine


Panther oder Talunas sind, dass die Kleidung nicht unbedingt goreanisch sein muss und


dass es mehr um Gm-Meter-Kampf geht. Die meisten Gor-evolved-Sims (zur Zeit rund


100) sind "Outlaw"-Sims. "Geaechtete" halten sich eben nicht an Regeln. In den Buechern


Normans sind Outlaws jedoch nur eine kleine Minderheit. Der Unterschied "BTB" und "Gor


evolved" sagt aber nichts ueber die Qualitaet des Rollenspiels aus.


*** Heute (nach rund sechs Jahren im englischspachigen Gor) kann ich muehelos sogar


beim englischen "paragraph roleplay" mithalten. Das ergibt sich einfach, wenn man nur


lange genug zuhoert bzw. liest. ?


**** Der Avatar-Name muss nicht identisch mit dem Namen sein, den man sich im Spiel


permanent gibt.


***** Das Gm-Meter ist eine Art Attachment des Avatars in Secondlife, das ihn "verletztlich"


und "sterblich" macht. Der normale Avatar ist unverwundbar. Wenn man mit Waffen


gegeneinander kaempft, kann man den Gegner niederschlagen (wenn man besser ist),


dass der Avatar sich fuer einige Minuten nicht bewegen kann, oder gar umbringen. Der


"Tod" bedeutet bei den meisten Sims, das man dort drei Tag enicht mehr auftauchen darf


und danach nur mit einem "neuen" Charakter.




von CHAI BILBO [Chri Emor]


Wir haben News für Euch...


1. Per Heute sind die neuen Plakate wie angekündigt aufgestellt worden. Die Simbetreiber


haben sich bei einer Umfrage für "Direktteleporte" ausgesprochen. Nachdem wir den


Wunsch in einer ersten Phase mit externen Teleportern aufgefangen haben befindet sich


nun unter jedem Plakat ein Prim mit der Möglichkeit, direkt auf die entsprechende


Rollenspiel zu teleportieren.


2. In den nächsten 14 Tagen werden wir unser neues Werbeboard präsentieren. Inhaber


der Werbeboards werden die Simbetreiber sein. Das Board beinhaltet Groupinviter in die


wichtigsten Gruppen, einen Observer- und einen Translatorgiver. Und natürlich ein Plakat,


dessen Grafik immer wieder wechselst und Euch damit immer wieder neue RP-Sims


präsentieren wird.


Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz... das deutschsprachige Rollenspiel muss sich nicht


verstecken. Neulingen werden wir helfen und den alten Hasen ab und an einen leichten


Tritt in den Hintern geben, damit sie beweglich bleiben ;-)


Euch ALLEN ein Danke! Für die Spenden, ohne die wir Euch die Neuerungen nicht


präsentieren könnten. Für Eure Spenden auf den verschiedenen Sims, die den Simownern


das Leben etwas erleichtern, um Euch ein tolles Setting bieten zu können und für Eure


Unterstützung der neuen Spieler.


Das Team vom Hub der Rollenspielwelten wünscht Euch ein tolles Wochenende und viel


Spass im Rollenspiel.










revived by Saran, The Kasbah of the Guard of the dunes


We vow to to promote Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for trade with safety of


passage, promote the general well-being, and secure the Blessings of the Priest Kings


upon the members of this Aalliance.


This Southern Trade Alliance was forged for the lands and sands to band together, build


trade, and unify the southern lands of Gor. The Alliance encourages mutual trade


investments between the member's ports, cities, caravans and oasis. All transactions will


be withheld to the highest regard. Any disagreements shall be brought to the attentions of


the Southern Trade Alliance, to be worked out by it's members. Merchant caste law will be


followed, due to the expanse land territories and mobility of the caravan's.




Declared and confirmed by the high assembly of STA members


Second day of the Third Hand of the month of Se'Kara ( The Second Turning) 10164


Contasta Ar


To: All Gorean Merchants


Concerning: Tahari Salt decree by the SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE endorsed by the


Salt Ubar ibn Saran




In order to guarantee the fine quality of Tahari Salt (@ TS Trademark), only the following


oases and cities of the Tahari are allowed to have their salt trademarked as Tahari Salt (in


alphabetical order):


1 Kasbah of the Guard of the Dunes


2 Oasis of Nine Wells


3 Oasis of Sand Sleen


4 City of Tor


5. Kasra at the Fayheen river


6. Oasis of Klima


The true SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE will control the salt trade of all Tahari Salt (@ TS


Trademark). Only members of the SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE (STA) are allowed to


sell the salt of the above mentioned four places out of the Tahari and each sale should


include the SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE seal. Merchants of all gorean cities are


hereby informed that Tahari Salt without the seal is considered as smuggling, with all due


consequences as a result.


This decree will be effective as today.


may you always have water, may your water bags never be empty.




If you see red or yellow salt sacks WITHOUT the coat of arms of the true Southern Trade


Alliance and the coat of arms of one of these Oases mentioned above, please inform a


merchant of the true STA immediately or Rarius Yuroki.




yellow salt = 1 gold, 42 silver


red salt = 6 gold, 23 silver


1/4 stone yellow salt = 2 silver


1/4 stone red salt = 8 silver


2 stone yellow salt = 18 silver


2 stone red salt = 1 gold, 14 silver


# The true Southern Trade Alliance is a trade alliance of southern Gorean cities and


oases only (and associates of the Vosk region) and has nothing to to with Turia. The STA


is the biggest and most important trade alliance of southern Gor.


STA Members:


The Kasbah of the Guard of the Dunes


Oasis of Nine Wells


Oasis of the Sand Sleen


Oasis of Klima (FR, EN)


City of Tor


Kasra - Fayheen river (GER)


Kasra - Tyros


Ukunga Region - Land of the Family Kron




Tancred's Landing


Umland of Ra-Rir (GER)




Tabuk's Ford


The Phoenix Trading Company (privately owned company)


House of Yuroki (HoY) Companies (privately owned company)


Tharna (associated member)






The HoY Companies are currently located in Tarnwald (Voltai region), Tancred's landing


(Vosk region) and in Tharna. The HoY Companies are a member of the true Southern


Trade Alliance.






The Ubar of Victoria and the merchants of the city of got new coins, made by the HoY






A messenger arrived at the HoY headquarters delivering this scroll, sealed and encrypted:


"On Monday night of this week a man with long dark hair, a small short beard around his


jaw line and a patch of hair under his chin came to Olni and confronted, if that is a good


word, the Ubar of Port Olni as he was leaving the small area after a spar match. The Ubar


was talking to his Captain of the guards, Siri Emerald. We found out through his


confession that he was from Port Salaria. He wants to kill Yuroki.


He confessed to using a lot of different weapons so I could not vouch for that..He is


slender of body and dresses all in black...He usually has a Glaive on that looks like a Q-tip


with spikes on the ends encrusting it. I have never seen this glaive and I watch weapons


obsessively. It is quite unusual."


The House of Yuroki Companies will pay




for this man DEAD OR ALIVE.




The HoY Companies are currently located in Tarnwald (Voltai region), Tancred's landing


(Vosk region/Saleria) and in Tharna. The HoY Companies are a member of the true


Southern Trade Alliance.


The HoY Companies (Trading company and bank) is a privately owned company. It


employs its own bankers, merchants and elite guards, all of the highest quality. More


branches are under construction.


The House of Yuroki Companies (HoY) is looking to recruit Mercenaries. They will be used


to escort Hoy caravans throughout Gor and protect the merchants.


Remuneration is by the 4 Hands ranging from 1 silver to 1 gold depending on the work




Merchants are also required to further the interests of the house of HoY remuneration is




Agents in other cities are also required.


[OOC] We accept apprentices too or players who want to learn how to roleplay.


Ask Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza) for details






Applications are invited for the post of" Banker" and (coin) merchant in the below listed


cities (these cities have a bank building but no banker, the banker must be citizen of that














Duties will include


Normal banking duties


Keeping of records - ledger


Exchange of coins


checking of coins for quality


checking for rare coins


contracts for trade


Apprentices accepted too.


Applications to Rarius Yuroki




The base unit of exchange rates are the coins of the city of Tharna.


NEW The HoY bank accepts and converts coins from the City of Victoria (1:1)


The gold tarn disk of Ar is considered to be the standard by which other cities, such as Ko-


Ro-Ba and Port Kar. set the value of their own coinage. It is worth, generally, 10 silver


tarsks, but standardization is slight due to the shaving or splitting of the coin as well as


faulty scales that contribute to the debasing of the coinage. (pg. 155, Rogue of Gor)








Always wanted to be able to play Kaissa? Like to extend your Gorean RP options? Are you


a chess player that has enough of all ?


the cheating? Or are you interested in Gorean culture?


A free beginner's class will start coming Sunday at the Gorean Campus!


Class given by AlfieStuart, Officer of the Guild of Players and Kaissa mentor.


Contact the Gorean Campus to join up.


In January: monday 13, sunday 19, monday 26. Sundays 11am and Mondays 10am all slt.


If those times are inconvenient for you check out the classes given by Professor Tikaani at


a later time zone starting Friday January 31st.


After this course a follow-up will then be held for those ?


interested to take their playing level up.


As classes are ooc. All are welcome! No charges.








South Western Torvaldsland with a dock on Thassa, about 50 passangs from Ax Fjord


allowing relatively good weather and the ability to sail and trade almost all year round. We


allow jobs that are relevant to the genre and we do not mind more than one person doing


the same job. All jobs are up for grabs. We try to keep track of RP'd stocks (food/raw


materials) to keep availability of goods realistic.




For questions or information please contact:


+ Kamras Folkhvatr (Damadge Resident)


+ Roxy Folkhvatr (Roxy Vieria)




Greetings weary travelers and Welcome to Aghri. The village of Argrhi is the last stop


before you dare to enter the Northern Forest and travel onward to Torvaldsland. We are


located on the southern border of the Northern Forests, and have influences of both


southern and northern cultures.


The climate is that of the northern lands with the economy of a southern city, its a harsh


life but plenty to go around for someone willing to dig in their heels and make a life for


themselves. The Admin and residents of Agrhi invite you to stop in their beautiful home


and trade/visit/set up a new life. We have many active citizens and there are many key


roles still open within the village.


The mead is hot and so are the bonds! Men, come warm yourself with the one of your


choosing! For women, we have the Inn and lots of shopping available!








Port Olni Market Place is the home of Dark Rose Creations. Dark Rose is the purveyor of


clothing to all of Gor. Her designs for free women meet the test of by the book cities and


her garments for free men are worn by males of distinction and taste. Look through her


racks of slave silks and everyday livery. The fabric colors and flow will delight the most


discerning, free or slave. Lady Rose is expanding her store in the coming months. She


has hired a cobbler to fabricate her shoe and boot designs. She has some complete


garments with shoes now. Please use the Land Mark to arrive in the Port Olni Market




We have been around broadcasting to Goreans for Over 8yrs, we started in IRC...and


moved here to Second Life in 2004. So all Goreans that have been around for awhile in


this SlGor community know us and Our Good Standards. But there have been some


changes To forms and such so this is for the New that have never heard of us and for the


Old timers that just need the new forms.


The mandate of Goreans Portal Radio has always been to be a positive presence on Gor,


to model the core values of Gor and to provide a place for discussion, education and


entertainment that is for, by, about and to Goreans. We hope to bring only what is relevant,


what is interesting, what is educational and what is entertaining to our listeners.


Goreans Portal Radio offers a variety of broadcasts from a host of skilled broadcasters


from different parts of the world, with incredible collections of music and information. We


encourage a fun, relaxed atmosphere, and you can expect a surprise show now and


again. We are Gorean. Always. Basic Gorean protocols apply at all times.


You can find out more about us by going to


and also can use the media player at this web address to listen


You can find our schedule here:


If you would like more information in world, please contact Varik Marat, VictorianLace


Goodliffe , razi Berry or any staff member we are all available to help if we can.




"Feel the sting of the WHIP"




1. Click on "World"


2. Click on "About Land"


3. Click on "Media Tab"


4. Type:




1. Click on "File"


2. Click on play URL


3. Type:


To schedule The WHIP to broadcast YOUR next event (dance competition, tournament,


ceremonies, grand opening, etc), please contact Brett Bertolucci, or Jay Sparrowtree


Visit our Website at and our Facebook page at




As listed in the SL destination guide, on its Website and in World via the SL3 viewer


And Now on the "Tumbler" Loads of New people coming and looking for RP destinations


The Gorean Recruitment Centre (GRC) has, since its creation in 2009 , expanded on a


regular basis. and this is due NOT to the wishes of the Owner, but because of the needs of


the people who use it.


The GRC is now a Part of the ROLEPLAY CENTRE ( RPC) but it retains its total Gorean


Theme and is 100% separate from the RPC itself. they just share the same landing point.


As the signs show. The GRC HALL is to the Right and through an Archway.


Read more:


Best Wishes


Astarte Hubbenfluff




The Gorean University


(previously Gorean Pleasure Silk University)


Educating Gor since 2008


Schedule of classes and events:




- Classes


Monday Jan 20th - Campfire - Bi-Weekly


Kajirae Emoting - Nova - 10 am


Monday Jan 20th - Amphitheatre - Weekly


Kaissa Rules - Alfie - 11 am


Monday Jan 20th - Olni Classroom - Weekly


Magistrate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm


Monday Jan 20th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Physicians of Gor Training - Kaiila - 3 pm


Tuesday Jan 21st - Meet at the docks - Weekly


Guided Campus Tour - Dani - 12 noon


Tuesday Jan 21st - Campus Courtroom - Weekly


Advocate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm


Tuesday Jan 21st - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Medical Seminar: Lungs - Jerrod - 3 pm


Tuesday Jan 21st - Gallery classroom - Weekly


New to Gor - Krista - 6:30 pm


Wednesday Jan 22th - Campfire - Bi-Weekly


Kajirae Emoting - Nova - 10 am


Wednesday Jan 22th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


All About the Pani - Kazuma - 1:30 pm


Wednesday Jan 22nd - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Gorean Baker - Caecilla - 3 pm


Wednesday Jan 22nd - Gallery classroom - Weekly


Pleasure Slave Course (Full) - Ahwi - 6 pm


Thursday Jan 23rd - Campfire - Weekly


Reading Savages of Gor (in voice) - Alekk Baroque - 12 noon


Thursday Jan 23rd - Gallery classroom - Weekly


Pleasure Slave Course (Full) - Ahwi - 1 pm


Thursday Jan 23rd - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Creating Role Play - Jacob Gatsby - 6 pm


Friday Jan 24th - Amphitheatre - Weekly


How to Succeed in Roleplay - Ama Galaxy - 1 pm


Friday Jan 24th - Meet at the docks - Weekly


Guided Campus Tour - Krista - 5 pm


Friday Jan 24th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Pillars of Gor - Gorm Runo - 6 pm


Saturday Jan 25th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Vile & Vicious Freewomen of Gor - Verona Longsval - 1 pm


Sunday Jan 26th - Amphitheatre - Weekly


Kaissa Tactics - Alfie - 11 am


Monday Jan 27th - Campfire - Bi-Weekly


Kajirae Emoting - Nova - 10 am


Monday Jan 27th - Amphitheatre - Weekly


Kaissa Strategy - Alfie - 11 am


Monday Jan 27th - Campfire - Weekly


Panther Girls Discussion - Minx - 12 pm


Monday Jan 27th - Olni Classroom - Weekly


Magistrate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm


Monday Jan 27th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Physicians of Gor Training - Kaiila - 3 pm


Tuesday Jan 28th - Meet at the docks - Weekly


Guided Campus Tour - Dani - 12 noon


Tuesday Jan 28th - Campus Courtroom - Weekly


Advocate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm


Tuesday Jan 28th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Medical Seminar - Jerrod - 3 pm


Tuesday Jan 28th - Gallery classroom - Weekly


New to Gor - Krista - 6:30 pm


Wednesday Jan 29th - Campfire - Bi-Weekly


Kajirae Emoting - Nova - 10 am


Wednesday Jan 29th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly -


All About the Pani - Kazuma - 1:30 pm


Wednesday Jan 29th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Gorean Baker - Caecilla - 3 pm


Wednesday Jan 29th - Arena - Weekly


Write Your First Dance - Rajaa - 4 pm


Wednesday Jan 29th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Free Women of Gor - Kaiila - 4 pm


Wednesday Jan 29th - Gallery classroom - Weekly


Pleasure Slave Course (Full) - Ahwi - 6 pm


Thursday Jan 30th - Campfire - Weekly


Reading Savages of Gor (in voice) - Alekk Baroque - 12 noon


Thursday Jan 30th - Gallery classroom - Weekly


Pleasure Slave Course (Full) - Ahwi - 1 pm


Thursday Jan 30th - Arena - Bi-Monthly


Beginners Dance Seminar (2 hours) - Rajaa - 4 pm


Thursday Jan 30th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Creating Role Play - Jacob Gatsby - 6 pm


Friday Jan 31st - Amphitheatre - Weekly


How to Succeed in Roleplay - Ama Galaxy - 1 pm


Friday Jan 31st - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


How Play Kaissa - Tikaani - 5 pm


Friday Jan 31st - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Pillars of Gor - Gorm Runo - 6 pm


Saturday Feb 1st - Outdoor classroom - Weekly


Vile & Vicious Freewomen of Gor - Verona Longsval - 1 pm


Saturday Feb 1st - Outdoor classroom - Bi-Monthly


Medical Seminar - Jerrod - 5 pm


Sunday Feb 2nd - Amphitheatre - Weekly


Kaissa Play - Alfie - 11 am


- Events


Thursday Jan 23rd - Port Haifa - Occasional


Campus 2nd girl Dani plays Zar tourney Round 2 - 8 am


Saturday Feb 1st - Lounge - Occasional


OOC Film - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 2 pm


Saturday March 1st - Skybox - Occasional


Jewel Theatre Play - 3 pm


- Dance contests


Saturday January 11th - Arena - 1 pm


Saturday February 15th - Arena - 1 pm - Beginners Dance Contest


Saturday April 26th - Arena - 1 pm






Magistrate & Advocate Courses


Lady Janette Inglewood


Olni High Magistrate


Head of School, Gorean Legal Academy


~ GLA offers two main legal courses.


There is no charge and courses are open to both free and slaves.




~ eight, one hour classes and two pieces of written work. We cover issues such as the


laws, sentencing, IC/OOC, court procedures, jurisdiction and day to day tasks. It is a


friendly discursive style class.


~ graduation certificates for both your profile and for display (examples)


~ graduates receive a Magistrate's Wand of Office


~ next course begins


January 20th 2014


for 8 weeks


classes each Monday at:


1pm OR 5pm SLT




~ Eight, one hour classes.


Course is based around RP trials. We focus on the law, courtroom procedure and tactics


as we role-play a series of case studies.


Two further cases are covered as written work.


~ graduation certificates for both your profile and for display (examples)


~ next course begins,


January 21st 2014


classes each Tuesday at:


1pm OR 5pm SLT




~ The Scribe Diploma Course is a self study course requiring written answers and essays.


Each assignment is submitted to the tutor for marking. This course can be done at the


learner's own pace.


~ Topics covered include: Caste, sub-Castes, Caste codes, first and second knowledge,


language and the role of the Scribe. The course has been run for a long time now, with


many excellent Scribes having completed it and it is also applicable for Scribe slaves.


~ There is no charge for this course and graduation certificates for both your profile and for


display, as well as special commemorative jewellery, are awarded upon successful




~ To commence this course, please contact me, Lady Jan (janette Inglewood) or my girl


Krista (krista1k resident).




Die Stadt EnKara sucht intessierte Spieler/ Spielerinnen mit/ohne Gorerfahrung.


Unsere Gruppe ist klein, aber wir organisieren Feste und nehmen an IC Events und


Turniere von


anderen teil.


Wir glauben an die Pristerkönige, sind aber weder Norden noch Süden und nutzen als RP


Unterstützung das G&S.


Es gibt kleine kostenfreie Zimmer als Wohnraum, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für Sklaven


und SKlavinnen in


der gut organisierten Sklavenschule. Freie können sich in der Kriegerakademie an den


Waffen und auch in anderen


Wissensbereichen ausbilden lassen, die heute nach der Sommerpause wiedereröffnet




Uns ist es wichtig, daß neue Spieler ins Team passen, wo jeder Spieler sich zu Hause




Es sollte Dir, genau wie uns, Freude machen, Dein WIssen zu teilen und anderen auf


Ihrem Weg zu helfen.


Hier lernt jeder von jedem.


Du findest uns auch im Internet unter:


oder klick in unseren Blog:


Wenn Du, genau wie wir, daß Rollenspiel nicht nur als bierernste Sache siehst. zum


Lachen nicht in den Keller gehst


und Du Lernwille, Zeit und Einsatzbereitschaft hast..solltest Du uns OOC und IC kennen




HaniBaal Mohr


Statthalter von En´Kara, der Stadt der 11 Türme


Die Akademie für Freie oeffnet nach Umbau wieder ihre Pforten.


Kurs- und Seminarplan, sowie Einschreibung ab dem 06.Okt.2013 in EnKara.


Die Veranstaltungen finden soweit moeglich IC statt und legen neben dem Kampf auch


viel Wert auf Bildung.


Ansprechpartner bei Fragen rund um die Akademie: HaniBaal Mohr.








by Anarch Allegiere


I very often come across or get told about people who are the central part in a storyline


who eventually get burned out from the pivotal role they play in all their storylines.


Commander, Slaver, Master, head of the family, etc.


How do you deal with the idea that people are waiting for you or depend on you for




Do you often feel as if there is too much pressure on you when you keep a companion or


slaves in roleplay? Do you get bothered with the idea that you might have to roleplay them


at least a little bit every day? Did you overcome this feeling of pressure eventually?


Is there a way to prevent this burnout? Should people be mindful of this and try to create


their own roleplay and take initiative themselves in finding it instead of depending on a


central person for it? Or what else could they do?


Other thoughs?


Taken from / read more:




The pilgrimage is a thrilling idea for role playing in Second Life Gor, it is the role play


background itself and is a way for pilgrims to explore the amazing and wild world of Gor


more or less in safty.


Pilgrims to the Sardar mountains have to endure endless journeys, have to travel through


dangerous regions and visit a lot of cities, villages and camps.


The pilgrimage is not only an idea for the pilgrims, it also enriches the entire world of SL




Go !!! join the adventure, contact: Luqara Darkwatch








01. What planet is opposite the Sun from Gor?


02. How many moons does Gor have?


03. What are the five High Castes?


04. Who/what are the Priest-Kings?


05. Who are the Kurii?


06. List a few Gorean drinks you are familiar with:


07. What is the basic unit of currency in Gor?


08. What is Kaissa?


09. What is the Gorean name for a slave-girl and for a male slave?


10. What caste wears the white robes?


11. List a few Gorean fruits you are familiar with:


12. What two things most readily identify a slave?


13. What is the name the wild women that live in the woods of Gor?


14. What type of clothing is appropriate for free women of Gor to wear?


15. What type of clothing and which color is appropriate for warriors of Gor?


16. What are those that wear black and kill for money called in Gor?


17. What is the difference between an Admin and an Ubar?


18. Which color identifies the Caste of Physicians on Gor?


19. Which regions of Gor do not have castes?


20. What job entails recording knowledge and organising it in Gor?


21. What is a Larma?


22. What is a Tarn?


23. Which is meant to be the strongest common drink a man can get served in a tavern?


24. What type of grain is used in Gorean bread?


25. What is the difference between Talunas and Panthers?


26. What is a Gorean city built around? An item which every Gorean man swears


allegiance to that lives within that city's walls?


27. What does "Ta-Sardar-Gor" mean?


28. Who uses the blue flame on Gor?


29. Which is the mose basic caste on Gor?


30. What is the name of the most famous black Ubar on Gor?








Founded the first day of the month of En'Kara (the first Turning) 10162 Contasta Ar in




Editor and Publisher: Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza), merchant of Tarnwald


Accountant: Wendie, scribe of HoY (Wendie Lemon)


Correspondent in Olni: Teal Razor, Slave of Siri Emerald Jr.




Editor: Janette Inglewood




Editor: Sophia Farella




Editor: Alphil Darkfire




KaTrina Velde, Editor




Editor: unknown




Editor: Nephtides Resident




Editors-in-Chief: Tala Winterwolf




produced by the Kaissa Guild of Gor


Editor: shani (littleredhead Resident), slave of Master Jonathan Crane, Sword of Ko-Ro-Ba










This newspaper is available IN CHARACTER at message boards in several cities. But it


has OOC parts and IC parts which can be identified although many people mix both. We


try to keep the two separate. But if you start a storyline based on an IC article of the NEW


VOICE OF GOR it would be useful for a moderator to have a log where you have read the


message ICly.


The NEW VOICE OF GOR can be true or false, propaganda or journalism like on earth.


There is no freedom of the press on Gor. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?!


"Goreans were not always fooled by posts on boards.


Those who control the public boards, it is said, control the city.


But I was not sure of this.


Goreans are not stupid.


It is difficult to fool them more than once. They tend to remember."


(Magicians of Gor)


Why is "publicare et propagare" the motto of the NEW VOICE OF GOR?


You all know that Goreans use message boards to spread news, announcements and


gossip. Such are found at various points in Ar, such as the vicinity of squares and plazas,


near markets, and on major streets and avenues.


Books are rare on Gor and expensive. Paper is the essential trade good of the Rencers


and they sell their wares on both the eastern and western edges of the Delta of the Vosk


river. The NEW VOICE OF GOR is a collection of rence paper scrolls but the editor paid


some message boards too to spread the newspaper. Gorean Public Boards sometimes


made people angry. Those who control the public boards, it is said, control the city.


We took our motto from the Acta Diurna [latin: Daily Acts sometimes translated as Daily


Public Records] on earth. The Acta Diurna were daily official notices in ancient Rome, a


sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or metal and presented in message


boards in public places like the Forum of Rome.


Acta Diurna introduced the expression "publicare et propagare", which means "make


public and propagate". This expression was set in the end of the texts and proclaimed a


release to both Roman citizens and non-citizens.


# THE NEW VOICE OF GOR is available:


for members of the group Cartographers and Explorers of Gor


for members of the group BTB Goreans


for members of the group Alliance of Valkyrie Panthers


for members of the group Gorean Information and Notices


for members of the group Goreanische Freie Presse


for members of the group Marktverbund


Available in character:


Amhas Cairn (entry point):


City Port of Olni (gate house)


Voltai Viktel (library)


Tharna (skybox)


New Tancred's Landing (HoY warehouse)




Physician School - The City of Koo Vidrew (docks)


%20XIII/14/152/22 (temporarely under construction)


Tampica Woods (library)


Outskirts of Tarnwald (docks)


Available OOC:


Gorean campus (Library)


Gor Hub:


The RPC - GRC Sim Info Centre

If you want to have a dispenser of the NEW VOICE OF GOR (6 prim


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