Friday, February 7, 2014

Mock Trials

After the Scribe Meeting last night something was said about holding mock trials. I am not sure that I would like this.

"[20:25] Lysias Turmis (djculinaryherosct) shuckles to yankee "THat is alright. You are able to relax a bit more now" he grins then looks right "Lady Kari, I would like to start up some mock trails here. Such an act would be great entertainment for the Citizens and also be a learning experience. . perhaps even scare away some of those who would cause a real incident such as this day"
[20:25] Lysias Turmis (djculinaryherosct): *chuckles
[20:26] Lysias Turmis (djculinaryherosct): *Kati . . sorry))
[20:26] Kati Evans: Oh sorry *looks up from putting her seal on the scroll.* Yes?
[20:28] Lysias Turmis (djculinaryherosct) laughs "So such case scenarios could be created and volunteers could be had to act in a situation and hold a public trial. You would be in your post, and have Scribes like Lady Yankee or Matt, or I and so on as the Advocates until we get some added to the caste."

In the past I have not held court like they do on earth, it seems wrong to me in this culture to do so. The one time I did try; it was set up to fail and the whole thing made me look bad. The ones who told me when to hold the trial and at what time, even when I told them of the overlap in scheduled and requested a time change insisted that it be held at that time. I strongly objected and yet had to go on what the Admin and the other said. Hum, right now I am drawing a blank on who the other man was that I requested their be a change. Well when the day came and they didn't want to be at the trial because of the tournament, it was made to look like I insisted on the time and it was my fault for scheduling it then. Neither stood and said they made the mistake... it was all blamed on me. At the time the trial was to start, no one was in the court room. One woman walked in and all the others stood outside and did not enter. After ten minutes I walked out and my verdit was given. It was not the popular one, but it was based on the roleplay and not what I knew via OCC. It was had to prepare for and set up for to have it all fall away like that. I would prefer to decide things like I had in the past. But it was thought that this would be a learning experience and fun rolyplay. Three month of long days and little enjoyment of SL.... just doing my duty. SL needs to remain fun or why come in to the world.

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