Thursday, February 6, 2014

Attention Property Renters or Owners

We are sending out a list of rent prices and property taxes to be paid to the city of Laura, so each and every person will be aware of it. If you are unable to read the City Postings, there will be a learned slave at each posting to read the scroll to you.

(Rent and/or Property Tax scrolls should be sent to Judah Law or Carabella Law)

A list of the following prices are the amount to Rent in the City of Laura.
Only a Sworn Citizen or Permanent Resident of Laura may own property in Laura.
All Non-Citizens may only Rent buildings or Property unless approved by both En'Merchant and a City Official such as the Administrator or Carabella Law.


Market Booth ~ 1 copper a moon
Cottage/Low Caste Housing ~ 3 coppers a moon
Store Building ~ 5 Silvers a moon
Inn Building ~ 10 Silvers a moon
House in High Caste District ~ 50 Silvers a moon
House in Ubar's District 100 Silvers a moon

A list of the following are the property taxes that need to be paid to the City of Laura each en'vara.


Market Booths ~ 1 copper each en'vara
Cottage/Low Caste Housing ~ 1 Silver each en'vara
Store Building ~ 5 Silvers each en'vara
Inn Building ~ 10 Silvers each en'vara
House Building ~ 15 Silvers each en'vara

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