Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DRAFT Part 2 - Course of Study /Scribe - Assignments ((YOUR NAME))

**INTRO to Course of Study**

                              INTRO TO COURSE OF STUDY
Tal!  This Approved Course of Study for Scribes is the SAME Course that is offered by many of the Scribe Academies throughout SL Gor.  It is my hope that by reading and completing the assignments, as well as actively working in the Library you will find yourself well equipped to take an active and productive role within the Blue Caste of Telnus!

In the packet you were given materials to read and study that I felt were important for you to learn prior to beginning this Course of Study.   Those materials can also be used as you complete these assignments, although you are encouraged to also seek information on your own from other sources.  The Books, scrolls in the Library and internet are all good tools. 

When you have completed all of the assignments, please return the entire folder to Kati Evans (Adding your name in the title first)  She will read your responses and if satisfied with your work, it will be our  honor to certify you as a full Scribe.  If you have any questions, as always, feel free to contact Kati Evans or I at any time! 

And now - on to the Course...
Jillian Serevi, High Scribe of Telnus
􀀒 Seal of Jillian Serevi - High Scribe

  • These assignments coming in as they complete them rather than all at once, that was I know that they are continuing to work on them and I can talk with them about where they may need to rethink... or I do.
  • Have the students start reading each book and then giving me a paper on what stood out in that book to them and what they learned about scribes in it.

Tal and Greetings!
I have prepared a syllabus for a self-study course for apprentice scribes.   It is NOT a series of classes. One does not learn a caste or guild skills from sitting in a lecture. This course is designed to challenge you to study on your own - research, learn, and practice what you have learned.  Think of this in much the same way that a graduate course is handled in a university or college setting on Earth.

There are ten segments to this course. Each has an outline of topics, resources, and targeted subject areas. The early segments deal with basics that EVERY scribe needs to know. The latter segments deal with more involvement in areas that are unique to the subcastes.

Be aware that scribes adhere to the love of knowledge- seeking function over form, efficiency over aesthetics, and work ethics over indulgence and decadence. It is a hard life but has its own intrinsic and intangible rewards.  If you have this love for knowledge, then I encourage you to complete this course of study.

Anzhela Dyrssen
Chief Magistrate and  Head of the Blue Caste
Stones of Tumus.

Assignment 1

                                          Assignment #1

Write a brief explanation of why you are taking this scribe course and what you anticipate your future will be in SL Gor.

Assignment 2

                                          Assignment #2

                               CASTE CODES AND COLORS

This assignment deals with knowledge of Castes. As a scribe you will need to know a great deal about how Castes function, their codes (or laws) and a certain amount about what they actually do.

A: List the number (order) and names of the High Castes, along with their colors.

B: List a few (8) of the lower Castes and their colors.

C: Explain what Caste Codes are.

D: What is the purpose of Caste and how does one usually become part of a Caste?

F: Where does the Caste of Assassins fit in the Hierarchy of Castes and in Society?

Helpful Link for this Assignment can be found at:
As well as other Castes information I included in your packet.

Assignment 3

                                          Assignment #3

Gor has what is known as First and Second Knowledge. Please write an Essay on this subject. Please touch on the significance and need for these different levels of knowledge in the populace, the tenets of each type of knowledge and the level to which each “knowledge” is guarded if at all. Is there a “third” knowledge and what is it if it exists? . Don’t just say yes or no, but explain the logic and research points that make you think one way or the other. Wordiness won’t help your evaluation in this. Succinct, clear and to the point counts more than 1000 words.

Also explain within the essay the concepts behind much of the myths of Gor and how they relate to similar myths of Earth. This is important in terms of connecting Earth and Gor with the second knowledge.

Helpful tool for this assignment: 
The Luther Scrolls
First & Second Knowledge
(I included both in your reading assignments)


  • While I like this so far, I don't like "essay" and "succinct" in this part. This is not school this is learning and I for one hate essays, but enjoy learning. It does not have to be perfect if they can explain themselves so I understand. This is an opportunity to learn and enjoy studying... not school.

Assignment 4

                                          Assignment #4

This is where you will learn and research what attributes or characteristics of the scribe are most noteworthy. These are partly a matter of Caste Code as well as parts of general human nature and behavior that attracts people to wanting to become a scribe.  Examples of, but not limited to these characteristics or tendencies are “love of learning”, “detailed in their approach to things”, etc. There are no right or wrong answers in the context of this assignment and no fixed number of attributes to be listed. This is a thought exercise and is based on helping you read and analyze not only what a scribe is about, but how you yourself relate to these tenets.
  • More here about them and their thougths would be good here. Need to think about it.

With that in mind, research, cite and give your opinion in an essay, as to what the values of a scribe are, should be, and how they resonate with you.

This is an exercise geared toward self-fulfillment, and as such you are on your own for starting links.

Assignment 5

                                          Assignment #5
                             Sub Castes of the High Castes

While you know by now the High Castes’ names and purpose, along with much of their practices, it’s important to know how the taxonomy (nice big word... what does it mean? Wikipedia says "Taxonomy is the science of defining groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics and giving names to those groups." Now that is clear as mud.) of professions works withing a caste. These professions are in effect, sub castes- an example being that Warriors have different functions in their overall profession- and as such you have Tarnsmen who while Warrriors are distinctly different than an Archer/Bowman would be, both in terms of skills, but also in terms of societal value. Choose three High Castes and give at least 4 examples of a subcaste within, explaining why that would be the right categorization along with an short dissertation on the value of that subcaste to society as a whole and its value within the Caste itself.  Contrast this with the distinctiveness and narrow definitions of lower castes.

This exercise will help you to understand how Free society on Gor is arranged, and something of the hierarchical nature of professions and contribution to community and global life on Gor.

Helpful tool for this assignment:
The Luther Scrolls

  • Remove BIG words and make it so all understand. My goal would be that the students communicate in a way that all can understand.
  • I have also been told that the Luther Scrolls are not accurate. Since I have not read them I would not know, but want to review them.
  • Look into taxonomy and make that clear.

Assignment 6

                                            Assignment #6
               Lower Castes and their roles in Gorean Society

This assignment is again, a research based essay on how Lower Castes function in society. Study the lower castes. Think about how society benefits  (or possibly not) from several of these many castes. Contrast and compare at least five or six of them. Consider if any of the lower castes should perhaps be a sub-caste of a High Caste, rather than distinct. Explain why you think there is (or not) an equal amount of pride in being a member of the low caste free, as there is to being High Caste. Why do you think (or not) that there should be a binary division of Castes into high and low? Ist his a real value to Gorean society or is it a form of discrimination. These are your thoughts and not a text exercise. Learning the ways of a scribe are as much wisdom as it is practice, and one should always build toward a feeling of using learning and experience to make themselves knowledgeable. Additionally, place yourself as a kajira in this hierarchy - how does a slave’s role play out in terms of doing many of these tasks that Free of a caste can and do perform? How do you, as a soon to be scribe slave fit in terms of the “Three Pillars of Gor”?  Again this is a self-awareness and  personal growth opportunity.

Helpful tools for this assignment:
The Luther Scrolls
Caste notecards in Study Guides
  • May be a place to put in how I feel about slaves and submission. Will think of this.

Assignment 7

                                          Assignment #7
                                     GOREAN LANGUAGES
Believe it or not, there are other languages on Gor besides Kassar. Even if very similar, there are distinction of speech and unique words that are regional and are reflective of customs. Research the following and provide insight where you can:

Barbaric (not Barbarian as that is commonly used to refer to Earth languages and the people of earth who arrive on Gor)  languages of Gor- their names and regions they come from. Give some examples of the common words found there that are different from the Kassar.

Initiates use Archaic or Ancient Gorean extensively. Tell why you think a language that should be extinct by now is still in use by them. What is their purpose in  keeping such a dead language surviving.

Dialect Differences - an example, contrast words and phrases from Torvaldsland with that of the Wagon People of the Tahari. Use this as a means to develop your own awareness of how the values and symbology of a region contribute to language.

It is important for a scribe to know and recognize some of these distinctions, because in creating and reading documents, you may be dealing with far flung areas and cultures in your work. Clarity and protocol are necessities in dealing with peoples outside your own culture.

Helpful tool for this assignment:
The Luther Scrolls

  • Chart words in the different dialects and definitions of them.


Assignment 8

                                        Assignment #8

                                  TOOLS OF THE SCRIBE
Here’s a little break from the thought invoking efforts of the last few assignments. Please list all that you can find of what you think comprises the “tools” of the scribe - instruments, materials, along with  the accouterments your research makes you think would be necessary, and how they are used.  You will find lists of such things out there, but I suggest before you simply grab any old list, that you think about it, compose your own and then hit the search engine to validate yourself and to get a good start on putting your mind into the task. You’ll find you learn more once you’ve comprised your own list, and then compare it to others- remembering things because you’ll say “oh why didn’t I think of that before”.

  • I would be interested in seeing their first list. Then how that list changed and why when they used other resources besides their own thoughts.

So this is a simpler task, but one that can be used to train you to open your mind, first to your own thoughts and then to others. It is the way of a scribe to think for themselves and then alter their opinion, rather than stick to a rigid unalterable list of dogmatic rules.


Assignment 9

                                        Assignment #9

                       THE SPECIALTY AREAS OF A SCRIBE

Go to the scrolls (and other sources) and find the specialty areas of what a scribe does- these would be things like:

Record Keepers
Magistrates and Praetors
Geographers and Cartographers
Chief Scribe
and so forth.

Describe what each does as a function of society, and how they can  and should overlap. Think about what common skills are needed to perfrom any role in the list.  Examine each from an external perspective and an internal one, where you describe the role from an objective view, but then look at each one with your heart, much as a slave does with her feelings of submission, and explain what about each area

Helpful tools for this assignment:
The Luther Scrolls
Various Scrolls included in your packet
The Internet


Assignment 10

                                        Assignment #10


Discerning what you need to know versus what you can  find when needed is a must!  This is important and is an assignment that will go on forever as a scribe.  Read the books as much as you can.  It is not necessary to learn everything that can be asked of you from them. What is important is to know where to look for answers in the books.  

One thing you do need to know however is a variety of laws of Gor. The distinction between laws that are of the homestone and those of Merchant law on Gor for example.


1.  Describe Merchant Law, and state some of those laws it covers. How is Merchant law determined in contrast with city law? Why is Merchant law important as a bond between cities?

2.  State some laws that are unique to Free Women and their behavior within society.

3.  What are capture laws?  How do they work within the framework of  laws regarding  Free Women and slaves? How do capture laws and rites work in terms of slavers, raiders, and pirates?

4.  List several significant crimes on Gor that are capital offenses.
Find out how severity of crimes differs from place to place on Gor.  For example, what is done to a thief in Port Kar versus what is done to punish a convicted thief in Ar?

*****A side note from Jillian Serevi, Chief Scribe of Rorus Telnus :
Scribes are almost always a heart beat away from being asked a detailed  question that needs to be addressed in a scholarly and composed manner.  (You wouldn't believe some of the questions I have gotten over the course of my career!)  Google is your friend!  If you don't know the answer, simply tell them you will research it and get back to them and hit the books!  The answers are out there if you take the initiative to find them!*****

Assignment 11 - Conclusion!

                      Conclusion to Course of Study - Scribe

Congratulations!  You are nearly done with your studies to be certified as a Scribe to the Blue Caste of Rorus. All that remains after this assignment is an interview with Lady Tempyl, the Chief Scribe and Head of Caste the Instructor Kati Evans and Jillian Serevi, High Scribe to determine your approval as a full fledged Scribe. 

Always remember - Your demeanor counts as much as your outright knowledge.  Your ability to deal with anything that comes your way and the manner in which you complete the many tasks you will encounter counts the most of all.  Good Luck!   :)

For your last assignment, please outline briefly:

1.  What you have learned from this course:

2.  Give some examples of duties/work you have actually done for the Blue Caste while in Rorus Telnus.  (this could be experiences of assisting people with forms or duties that you were assigned to.)

***Please return the whole folder with your completed assignments to Lady Tempyl Instructor Kati Evans as soon as possible so we can go over your work and schedule a meeting!***

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