Welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus
Welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus!
In the books, as we all know, people were born into their castes, most remaining there for their entire lifetime. There were, of course, some exceptions to this. Sometimes the free woman would take the caste of their male companion, particularly if this would "raise" her higher within the caste system. Sometimes if a person was deemed suitable for another caste they could petition to change, and would then have to prove their ability and aptitude for the work of that particular caste.
"I knew the Gorean caste lines, though largely following birth, were not inflexible, and that a man who did not care for his caste might be allowed to change caste, if approved by the high council of his city, an approval usually contingent on his qualifications for the work of another caste and willingness of the members of the new caste to accept him as a Caste Brother." ---Priest Kings of Gor, 9:71
This last is probably the most relevant to SL Gor, because anyone new to SL Gor will have to learn, and strive to become skilled and knowledgeable within their caste. They will have to work hard and prove themselves before being accepted fully. This holds true for every caste - it will take hard work and a quest for knowledge to succeed.
There are many different pathways to becoming a Scribe. Being born (through role play) into the caste of Scribes is one way. As well, there are academies and schools where you get a nice shiny certificate naming you a Scribe when you successfully finish the course. However (as in the books) many Scribes start as an apprentice Scribe under the tutelage of a Chief Scribe and achieve the status of full Scribe when their mentor deems them worthy. Is any one pathway better than the other? I myself don't think so because to succeed on any path you take will require a desire to succeed along with hard work and perseverance. It depends largely on who you are as a person and what you hope to accomplish.
A bit of background, my "pathway" if you will...
In my old Homestone I was fairly new to Gor and just beginning to train as scribe when the Admin pulled everything from the Sim. The Ubar/Sim owner was paying this person actual money to run the sim and she bought all the buildings with money he gave her specifically for that purpose above and beyond what he was paying her to Admin the sim. Everything on the sim she bought with his money. One day we all logged on and there was nothing but the prims we had put down (furniture etc...) Everything else was gone! The docks, ship, pathways, trees, buildings, EVERYTHING. Including the library. Naturally, many of the people there left except a handful of us and we all dug in to put it back together. It took a month before we reopened, and along the way we lost more people. Since I was the only scribe that had stayed, I said I would take on getting the library put back together. I went all over Gor picking up notecards, talking to Head Scribes etc... getting everything I needed to set up a new library. I made new forms, basically starting from scratch. So when it was done the Ubar (to my great surprise) appointed me Head Scribe. I had virtually no training and had pretty much learned on the run.
My point is, I have been Head or Chief Scribe of 4 cities now and I have never been formally trained - sometimes you just learn as you go and fortunately I am a quick learner. Being a Scribe is about keeping records, being familiar with the laws, witnessing contracts, and helping people find the information they need, of course! And a whole lot more! But a lot of being a scribe is being able to think on your feet and deal with situations as they arise. I trained myself by talking to other scribes and worked hard to keep things running smoothly. If I didn't know, I asked! If I was unsure, I sought out opinions from others within the Blue Caste. That is what a scribe does - a scribe seeks to learn and better themselves and keep things organized within the city. What path they take to get there may vary, but it is still a pathway to knowledge.
It is my hope that I can help you along YOUR pathway and give you the tools you need to be successful within the Blue Caste. And in turn, someday it will be your responsibility to give back by helping others on their path.
I have assigned our Senion Scribe, Lady Kati Evans, to be your instructor while going through your training. If she is not available, please feel free to contact me at any time should you have questions or should you get stuck in a situation you are unsure of.
Again, welcome to the Blue Caste of Telnus! I look forward to working with you!
Jillian Serevi, (Jillian Daniels) High Scribe of Telnus
Seal of Jillian Serevi - High Scribe
Seal of the City of Telnus
Below are the forms and contracts that are used here in Telnus. Your first assignment will be to look over each of the forms carefully to familiarize yourself with them. If you have any questions about them, please contact your instructor, Lady Kati, to clarify. When a scribe is called for, it will be your responsibility to answer if you are able, and often times this will involve working on a form or contract so it is important that you are comfortable with them, and know how to fill them out.
As an apprentice Scribe, you will sign, seal and date the forms, completing them, however they will be placed in the "For Review" box to be checked prior to filing. This box is by Lady Kati's desk.
When you have completed this assignment, please move on to the next step in this section.
Isle of Cos Citizen Application ~NAME~
~Isle of Cos Citizen Application~
The Isle of Cos is looking for active role players with a strong interest in Gorean roleplay to join us and help enrich our experiences here. If after visiting us you feel that you can actively contribute to our city please fill out the following application.
-Character Name:
-SL Name:
-SL Birth Date:
-Your Caste:
-Name (and SL name) of FC:
-Name (and SL name) of any slaves:
-Tell us a little about your character and any of the quirks that you portray:
Do you have family or friends in Cos? If so, please list their name(s):
What are the normal times (in SL time) that you are available for roleplay?
How did you hear of Cos and what makes you think you would be a good fit for our Isle?
What was your previous homestone and your reason for leaving? (IC or OOC)
What books of the John Norman Gor series have you read?
If available, do you have any examples of some of your role play? Please attach.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our application for membership. Please allow us at least 72 hours to review your application for citizenship. Please feel free to roleplay around the city with our citizens and guest.
**IMPORTANT! By submitting this application, and upon acceptance and being offered the Isle groups and tags and admission into the City's Caste system, you understand that you are considered to thus be a bona fide Citizen of The Isle of Cos, to be accorded the rights, privileges and responsibilities thereof, and sworn to the Home Stone, whether you have, in fact, sworn to the Home Stone in roleplay or not.
You are expected to become familiar with both the OOC rules and the laws of the city. By submitting the application you acknowledge you will comply with and stay current with changes as they are made from time to time.
When you are finished, please return the form to:
Aeron Bellecoeur ((Fox Bellecoeur))
Sorcha Bellecoeur ((Donatelle Rossini))
Ethan Hutchence
Lotus Hutchence ((Vanity Lotus))
Telnus Home Rental App & Agreement ~NAME HERE~
If you are interested in renting a home in Telnus, please fill out the following notecard and place your name at the title.
Rental prices are 40 prims for 125L per week. Smaller homes are 25 prims for 75L a week.
~NOTE~ If you are decorating yourself we ask that you please keep all furnishings under one avatar. If you need to use another we do ask that you please keep item use to those accounts that are in the group. The sim is cleaned every morning and it makes it harder to clean and count prims when they are spread out through too many avatars.
Please understand the Sim build was built with care to watch prim use and we ask that you help us to keep prim usage low and easy to take care of to keep our sim running smooth.
If you would like your home decorated for you, that service is available upon request so you do not have to spend any of your own lindens to purchase furniture.
-Character Name:
-Pre decorated or decorating yourself?
-What size housing are you interested in?
Please send this notecard to:
Lotus Hutchence (Vanity Lotus)
Head Builder of Telnus
TELNUS Alliance ((City of Alliance))
City of Telnus
Whereas we, the City of (XXXXXXX), and the City of Telnus, do recognize that world events and situations are threatening normal and peaceful operations of our homes, and whereas we admit and recognize the benefit of cooperation and alliance in times of insecurity, do propose this freely offered treaty and alliance to secure and achieve adequate and necessary safety and prosperity within our respective borders.
Their confidence and their hopes rely on one another.
This alliance emerged from the innermost conviction that it is necessary to establish the relations between them on elevated truth and forces that are united in cases of emergency.
1. If either City is under threat of attack or being attacked, the other will come to their aid defense in a timely and sufficient manner.
2. If either City is attacked by a city or a group (panthers, mercenaries or other) in alliance with the other, then that other City shall remain neutral.
3. If Frees or slaves are present in an alliance City and said alliance City is attacked by another City, with which the Frees and slaves City happens to be in alliance, slaves should leave the City and return Home immediately, the Frees present may offer to act as mediator or ambassador to the parties, or they (both Frees and slaves) shall be allowed to withdraw, or shall be conveyed to their Home with Honor intact, unharmed, and collars in place and untouched, if this is not possible they may remain in the city to aid in its defense and share the shelter of its walls..
4. Participants shall be Sword Brothers, working together in defensive moves.
1. While in an Allied City, all Free and slaves shall abide by the laws of that City. All punishments of offenses to the City's laws will be meted out exactly as if ally were a citizen of offended City, except where specified below.
2. Frees and slaves can safely travel between the two Cities. Free Women and slaves without escorts. Free Women and slaves will be protected as if they were members of the City with all honor and courtesy accorded.
3. Slave laws of each City will be honored. Slaves are to be respectful. They may serve in both Cities.. Slave Laws of each City with an active treaty will be posted in the Community. Slaves are to read the Laws before venturing to the City for a visit.
4. Punishment of slaves may be done by any free in accordance with city laws and as such no free may be brought to account for the rightful discipline of a slave. If the slave is damaged then adequate compensation may be sought by either the owner or the city in the case of beasts on the city chain.
4. Free Women are to act properly. No face stripping or forced collaring will be attempted. If inappropriate or slave-like behavior is displayed, they can be detained until an Official of their City arrives. All scrolls of such incidents shall be saved for the Official to review. The Free Women will then be brought home to be dealt with according to Her City's Laws.
5. Free Men and Warriors are to act with honor and respect at all times.
6. The Cities of the Alliance agree that if a Free Man, or Free Women become offensive or abusive, during their visit to either City that they will will be treated exactly as any citizen of that City. they can be detained until an Official of their City arrives. All scrolls of such incidents shall be saved for the Official to review. The Free Man/Woman will then be brought home to be dealt with according to their City's Laws.
7. All incidents must include transcripts (notecards) of actual witnesses and are subject to review and appeal, should justice and/or punishment be meted out.
8. In the case of an offense and punishment, ONE appeal may be made and MUST be heard by an Appeal Board, consisting of Ubar/Administrator (or Regent) from each city, Magistrate of each city, and one neutral observer agreed upon by those four, in case of a tie decision. Appeals must be made within 2 days of sentencing or imposition of punishment, or will not be permitted.Decision of the Appeal Board must be reached within 2 days of the date of the appeal, or all punishments and consequences are considered null and void.
1. "Free Trade" between the Cities will be fair and honorable.
2. The City of (XXXXXXXXX) trades in the following imports, exports and services:
(List tradable goods, and services here)
3. The City of Telnus trades in the following imports, exports and services:
(List tradable goods and services here)
As the City of Telnus trades freely on the Thassa, all goods that are traded through its ports will be considered originating from Telnus, and no duties or taxes will be levied on goods traded between its allies.
All trade disputes will be handled by the Caste of Merchants, a delegate from each city being appointed to arbitrate.
1. Each City will hold the right to rule in its own fashion.
2. Ban lists can be shared; however, not imposed on the other City.
3. If a Free who enters, is on an Alliance City's Ban list, the slaves of the Alliance City present will be allowed to beg leave and return Home.
4. The Alliance Cities entered into this agreement agree that at first the Free of each City will be allowed to Join the others community under the terms and conditions that nothing is copied by the Citizens of either City (with the exception of the Slave rules for each City to post so that their visiting slaves will know the rules before visiting). At a later date to be decided then the slaves of each City will be allowed access to each others Community governed by the same conditions as stated heretofore. Although, each City Ruler retains the right to reject access to an Alliance members Free, or slaves from their community in particular if they should happen to be on the City's Ban list. The review of information from the Community will be solely for the purpose of getting to know the Citizens of the other City, as well as for learning from each other.
5. If the Rulers of the Cities deem it necessary, meetings will be held to discuss possible addendums to this Alliance as needed. They will be valuable and executable only when in writing with the seals of both Cities attached.
6. If at anytime this Alliance is forcibly and willfully broken by the establishing Parties, such protection rights and luxuries previously aforementioned will be deemed null and void; thus giving Warriors the right to protect their rightful Home Stone with honor, strength and dignity. Before declaring this Alliance forcibly and willfully broken by the other party, the Ruler of the City wanting to so declare, will invite the Ruler of the other City and convene the above mentioned Appeal Board, and they will discuss the happenings that lead to the will to so declare with the aim to keep the Alliance alive.
7. This Alliance will remain in effect for a period of 6 months. At such time, the Leader will notify its allied City and make arrangements to either renew the Alliance or allow it to expire.. The Ruler of each City entered into the Alliance reserves the right to withdraw at any time with good reason, with a written letter of intent and a meeting to discuss the reasons for withdraw. If the Alliance is withdrawn from or vacated, all protection rights duties and luxuries previously aforementioned will be deemed null and void; thus giving Warriors the right to protect their rightful Home Stone with honor, strength and dignity.
8. All Cities of the Alliance must be informed if there is formal war declared, against any City, or a raid carried out. The same is imperative for raids against panther or mercenary camps as alliances with those groups are normally concluded as well.
Therefore it is written and proposed that upon this day, (date), the treaty be bound, agreed upon and sealed by Allied Rulers below:
(XXXXXXXXX) Ambassador of Telnus
For The City of Telnus
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
This document is not valid unless sealed by both cities.
TELNUS Bill of Sale - ((Slave Name/SL Name))
This document concerns the disposition of the slave named XXXX, the verified property of XXXXXXXX. (seller)
On (DATE XXXXXX), in the year of the Priest Kings 2014, the undersigned, XXXXX, (seller) a Free Person of the City of Telnus, hereby grants the sale and transfer of the slave; XXXXXX, to a new owner, XXXXXX, (buyer) (CASTE OF NEW OWNER), for the cost of XXXXX.
Signed: XXXXXX (seller)
Seal of the seller: XXXX
Accepted: XXXXX (buyer)
Seal of the new owner: XXXX
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
Contract - Black Caste
This document serves to record a binding Contract for the services of a Black Caste Assassin.
Section 1: Parties to the Contract
a. ((NAME)), Black Caste Assassin of GOR
b. ((NAME)), ((CASTE)), of ((CITY))
Section 2: Agreement
The agreement is as follows:
a. The sum of ____ Gold will be paid to the first party by the second party upon completion of this contract.
in exchange...
b. The First party shall
((List the specifics of contract here))
c. This Contract may be canceled at any time by either party up until the time the contract is fulfilled . In the event of the death of either party, it will persist until a full month (RL time) has passed, after which time it will be dissolved.
Section 3: Verification and Monitoring
a. This Contract is enforced under Merchant Law and any issues concerning breaches or validity may be raised with a qualified Magistrate of the City there said contract was arranged.
b. The terms of this Contract are to be monitored and enforced by the Blue Caste within the city where contract for services of above named Black Caste was arranged.
Section 4: Breach of Contract
a. The contract shall be judged in breach if either party
1. Assault by one party upon the other.
2. Deliberate actions by either party in regard to their responsibilities in contravention of the expressed responsibilities of the other.
b. In the event of Breach the Contract shall be voided and all obligations on either Party annulled from the moment of the breach. The Arbiter of Enforcement (see Section 3b) shall also investigate and may enforce fines upon the Party found to have been in breach commensurate with the severity of the infraction.
Section 5: Signatures of the Participants
All the undersigned agree that they are entering into this Contract of their own will and will endeavor to fulfill its conditions to the best of their ability, in accordance with the honor of their Home Stone and the Codes of their Caste.
For the First Party:
((Name)), Black Caste of Gor
For the Second Party:
((Name)), ((Caste)), of ((City))
Witnessing Scribe:
((Name)), Scribe of ((City))
Date: yyyy/mm/dd
Gorean Date of Agreement to the Contract:
Assassins and Caste of Torturers LAWS OF TELNUS
Assassins and CoT coming to the Isle of Cos must obey a few simple rules:
1) No RP for lindens. This means you must be receiving role-play coin or other payment for your services only. Any assassination or torture for lindens will not be honored.
2) Raid rules apply. If you attack at any point during a visit that begins peacefully, raid rules immediately go into effect. That means you -must- leave through the raider island if you do so.
3) Repeat assassinations of the same avatar are not permitted. The mark may not remember and seek revenge and you may not come back to get them again repeatedly. If you have some unusual circumstance that requires such, contact a mod to confidentially discuss.
4) Groups of assassins are treated the same as groups of raiders and must follow the raid rules if attacking.
"Why Assassins," asked the pit master. "Why those of the black caste?"
"Efficiency, anonymity." Said the officer."
(Witness of Gor, p.547)
TELNUS Certification of Fighting Slave ((Slave Name/SL Name))
The following male slave is hereby given the distinction of being a fighting slave within the City of Telnus. He has the power to carry a bow and arrows and to defend the City of Telnus or any Free person of the City of Telnus at all costs, against any enemy. He shall not have the power to bring any weapon against any Free of the City of Telnus or any allied place; or any Free visitors to the City of Telnus posing no threat. Any deeds of valor shall be accorded his owner or owners. The slave may only draw a weapon after an attacker has taken hostile action. The slave SHALL carry on his person this scroll and MUST produce it upon demand by any Free person.
1. The slave is proven to have been used as an offensive weapon;
2. The slave is proven to have defied what is stated above;
3. The slave draws a weapon under ANY circumstance against a citizen of the City of Telnus;
3. The slave is no longer owned by ____________;
4. The slave fails to display this license on her body visibly in public;
5. The license expires one year from this date and is not renewed;
6. and finally, the City of Telnus Magistrate decides this license is invalid and void.
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
TELNUS Declaration of Herald ((Name))
The City of Telnus Declaration of the right of Herald
The City of Telnus does hereby declare that (NAME) shall be granted immunity in travels under the Right of Herald as stated by Gorean law. (NAME) is a duly sworn representative of the City of Telnus and the City of Telnus expects that he/she shall be accorded such rights.
This document shall be shown upon request to any Free person.
Acceptance of Herald:
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
Contract between ((FM)) and ((FW))
Date: ((DAY/MONTH)) in this year 2014 of the Priest Kings
I, ((FM)) of the Home Stone of The City of Telnus and member of the _______ Caste have the following possessions which I bring into this relationship:
((List all Possessions Here))
I, ((FW)) of the Home Stone of The City of Telnus and member of the ______ Caste have the following possessions which I bring into this relationship:
((List all Possessions Here))
To Each Other we pledge these things:
1. To be faithful to You and Our Free Companionship:
We so swear sexual solitude to each other lying with no other person, understanding that slaves are not human beings and as such, any sexual actions with those of bondage will not constitute a breach to this said contract. At all times we do swear to make ourselves available sexually to each other first before accepting any slave that is available.
The said Free Woman will make herself available to her the Free companion whenever he wishes, mentally, socially and physically. The Free Woman will not deny her Free Companion access to her body unless she is ill or needed for healing by another member of the family. As such, the Free Woman shall accept without question any sexual activity that her Free Companion so desires.
2. To uphold Your honor:
The Free Woman in question will act in public so as to bring credit upon her Free Companion. Whether inside the home or outside, if there is another around she will act always to her Free Companion's credit and in ways that bring him respect and honor. The Free Male in question shall always show his Free Companion respect and honor when in social situations unless Free Companion female should act in a disgraceful and/or disrespectful manner.
The Free Woman will assist her Free Companion in any way he asks. She will never question his motives or intentions in front of another Free or slave. The Free Woman will have the right to discuss motives or intentions with her Free Companion in private if she wishes, but will always abide by her Free Companion's decisions.
3. To protect You and heal You in times of need:
The said Free Woman shall continue to work within her caste if such work was begun before the contract is in effect. She will not let it interfere with her duties to her Free Companion, nor will she let her work duties falter.
4. To share with You the ownership of slaves and homes:
The Free Woman will have rights over all House slaves. She will be expected to punish and train all slave property in the ways to best please her Free Companion and will perform their duties in their absence as needed.
The Free Woman will maintain the home in a pleasing manner utilizing the slaves to keep it presentable for her Free Companion should he bring associates and/or peers to visit.
5. To honor You above ALL others:
The Free Woman shall dress according to her Free Companion's wishes when about the house including wearing clothing that is revealing or being naked. When going out of the house he will never ask her to wear an outfit that would break city laws or be immodest in nature, but will still decide the clothes she wears. The Free Woman will shop for her own clothes and will pick out what she feels her Free Companion will like and approve.
6. To bring honor to Your name and Our joined households:
The Free Woman will maintain the financial aspects of her Free Companion. She will keep the books and have them ready for review whenever he wishes. In return he will let her know when he spends or trades goods so she can keep an accurate tally in the books. Likewise any financial gain the Free Woman may receive for her services or products in her shop (which she may own) during the course of this contact will be accounted for and not be hidden in anyway. Her money shall be used for used for household needs, education of children, entertaining of guests, presents and clothing items for herself.
7. To respect You, ((FW)) as my Companion and as offer protection:
((FM)) will protect her with his very last breath. He will shelter her, cloth her, ensure there is food to eat, and will provide all things needed to sustain life.
8. To discuss acquisition of new property:
The purchasing and/or receiving of slaves shall be told in advance to the Free Companion of the Free Male. However, decision to take or receive slaves to the Free Male is the decision of him in ALL cases. NO forced collaring of a slave needs to be told in advance, but shall be told to the Free Woman Companion as soon as time allows. The purchasing and/or receiving of a slave by the Free Woman Companion MUST be approved in advance by her Male Free Companion. Any slave already owned by the Free Woman becomes jointly owned with her Free Companion; with the Free Male having final say over all actions of what were her slaves alone before this said contract became effective.
9. Sharing of decisions:
The Free Male will share all important decisions regarding the Household with is Free Companion. This shall include, but not be exclusive to the punishments, branding, tattooing, and piercing of House slaves.
10. Love in Companionship:
Each so pledge to the other their love through good times or bad; through illness or health.
11. Children:
The Free Male will sire children with his Free companion to insure continuation of his bloodline. The Free Woman shall bear, raise and educate all offspring in accordance to her Free Companion's wishes. The Free Woman will bear as many children as may happen or as the Free Male wants. She will not prevent pregnancy by taking sip root without the knowledge of her Free Companion. She reserves the right to terminate any pregnancy that might result from someone other than her Free Companion. The Free Male shall seek "Honor" regarding another taking his Free Companion to the furs. Should he find that this was of his Free Companion's willingness, this contract can at the wishes of the Free Male, become null and void. Furthermore, the Free Male may if he so wishes place a collar of steel around the neck of his former Free Companion and has every right to use punishment branding on her flesh. Should the Free Companionship be dissolved or is not renewed, the man of the family shall determine who shall raise any offspring. Likewise, the free male in this agreement reserves the RIGHT to keep any possessions that were his before the companionship.
This contract is for one year and it is to be renewed at the end of the year if we both so agree.
OOC provision:
Any drama resulting from conflicts between players RL relationships will nullify this contract as if it never existed and both parties will move forward with their RP as they see fit from a point before the FC contract was initiated.
Signed this day,
((FM Signature))
((FW Signature))
Witnessed and sealed ~
Scribes name:
Scribes seal:
Seal of the the City of Telnus
Legal proof of Companionship is on record with the library or Head Scribe's office. This document is not considered valid unless it contains the seal of the City of Telnus.
(original written by Nicholas Eel)
TELNUS FC Renewal ((FM/FW)) ((Date))
The Free companionship between ((FM)) and ((FW)) is hereby renewed on this the ____th day of ____, in the year of the Priest-Kings 2014.
The original agreement remains in effect and withstanding for the next year.
((Include original Companionship Contract here))
Signed this day,
((FM Signature))
((FW Signature))
Witnessed and Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
TELNUS Manumission - ((Name))
This document serves as notice and official recognition of the release of the slave known as ((SLAVE NAME/SL NAME)) from his/her state of bondage, and further recognizes and attests to the elevation of the aforementioned slave to the state, rank, and title of Free Person of Gor with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities inherent in the bearing of that title. .
As of (XXX day, month) in the year of the Priest Kings 2014, the above named party, despite any symbol of enslavement upon his/her body, is entitled to all rights accorded to Free Persons under the law, until and unless, at some later date her/his actions warrant her/his return to legal bondage.
Henceforth, the owner ((Owner's Name)) relinquishes all rights and claims to what was once their property, the former slave ((Slave Name)), who is now a Free Person. The owner listed above certifies that s/he was the legal owner of said property, and as such had the right to grant their freedom. If this is demonstrated untrue, in a court of law, this record will be declared null and void.
I, ((Owner)) do hereby free said slave called ((Slaves Name)), and relinquish any rights or claims to that property that I may have had.
Declared by: ((Former Owner))
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
This document is not considered valid unless it contains the seal of the City of Telnus. Document or copy of said document shall be on file in the library of Telnus.
This document serves to record a binding Contract for the services of a Mercenary under the provisions of Merchant Law.
Section 1: Parties to the Contract
b. ((NAME)), ((CASTE)), of ((CITY))
Section 2: Agreement
The agreement is as follows:
a. The sum of _______________ per week will be paid to the first party by the second party.
in exchange...
b. The First party shall act as Protector for the Second Party in the event that the second party requires such protection. In addition to the typical services of a Mercenary, the First Party will:
((List any specific services of contract here))
c. This Contract may be canceled at any time by either party. In the event of the death of either party, it will persist until a full month (RL time) has passed, after which time it will be dissolved.
Section 3: Verification and Monitoring
a. This Contract is enforced under Merchant Law and any issues concerning breaches or validity may be raised with a qualified Magistrate of the City there said contract was arranged.
b. The terms of this Contract are to be monitored and enforced by the Blue Caste within the city where contract for services of above named Mercenary was arranged.
Section 4: Breach of Contract
a. The contract shall be judged in breach if either party leaves the City in which the contract was arranged, or if either party deliberately fails in the duty of care incumbent upon their obligations as set out in Section 2. This may include, but is not limited to:
1. Assault by one party upon the other
2. Deliberate actions by either party in regard to their responsibilities in contravention of the expressed wishes of the other
b. In the event of Breach the Contract shall be voided and all obligations on either Party annulled from the moment of the breach. The Arbiter of Enforcement (see Section 3b) shall also investigate and may enforce fines upon the Party found to have been in breach commensurate with the severity of the infraction.
Section 5: Signatures of the Participants
All the undersigned agree that they are entering into this Contract of their own will and will endeavour to fulfil its conditions to the best of their ability, in accordance with the honour of their Home Stone and the Codes of their Caste.
For the First Party:
((Name)), Mercenary of Gor
For the Second Party:
((Name)), ((Caste)), of ((City))
Witnessing Scribe:
((Name)), Scribe of ((City))
Date: yyyy/mm/dd
Gorean Date of Agreement to the Contract:
TELNUS Protection Papers ((FW/FM Names))
I ((NAME OF THE ONE TO BE PROTECTED)) do hereby request and petition for protection from ((NAME OF PROTECTOR)).
Name of the petitioner:
I ((NAME OF PROTECTOR)) do hereby accept protectorship of above named individual.
Name of the Protector:
Said protectorship shall become null and void upon any of the following conditions:
I. Each party choses to terminate agreement in writing to the City of Telnus
II. Either party falls into the status of slavery.
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
A copy of said document shall be on file in the Telnus Library and is void without the seal of the Isle of Telnus.
TELNUS Slave Papers - slave name (sl name))
Ownership of property known as _______
Property name given by owner:
SL name :
Owner's Name:
Previous Owner (if any):
Collaring terms:
Date Collared:
Training and skills:
Picture of slave:
Place of birth:
Distinguishing Marks:
Hair Color:
Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Collar size:
Ability to read/write:
Physical attributes:
Medical Findings:
((Drop Note Card of Physcial Slave Exam here))
Reimbursement: Damaging property: 2 silver
Death of property: 15 silver 5 copper
Legal proof of enslavement is on record with the library or Head Scribe's office; and will be presented upon demand to any free person within a period of two hands. This document certifies that the Owner's Statement above was legally verified and accepted as proof of the information contained in this slave record.
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
(original document created by Nicholas Eel.)
TELNUS Trade Agreement with ((NAME OF CITY))
This said document will serve legally and binding as a Trade Agreement between the City of Telnus and XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Goal: To outline obligations of an agreement between the City of Telnus and XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. To be able to expand commerce within each region and thus provide an enriched life to the citizens of both areas.
Outline of specific agreements: Neither entity is committed to this deal until such time as this formal contract has been signed by both Administrations and Home Stone seals affixed there of. Agreement shall be considered as a binding obligation to both parties in-question.
Definitions: The term "pact," refers to the trade agreement. "Partners" refer to those who are bound by this contract for trading purposes. "Entity" refers to a city, village or group. "Commerce" is the economic system found within the incorporated areas. "Trade" refers to imports and exports of goods to and from an area. All "goods" refer to anything that could be traded and is considered to be of some value. The term "region" refers to the territory ruled by the government of each party within this contract.
I. Trade Agreement: The City of Telnus and XXXXXXXXXX agree to a comprehensive Trade partnership, time of which to commence when the final agreement has been approved by the Ubar/Administrator of each region and Home Stone seals affixed there of.
From The City of Telnus exported to XXXX :
From XXXXX exported to the City of Telnus:
III. Trade Control:
All trade shall be under the direct control of the Caste of Merchants and said caste shall have jurisdiction over the area where they reside. Trade can be curtailed or ended by the administrative heads of each partner should any item that is imported prove to be illegal within the laws of the receiving area.
Each trade partner has the right to inspect imports before accepting into their various Home Stones. Inspections are done under the Merchant Caste authority and may if desired use members of the Red Caste for general inspections, not including slave or non-human animal imports (see below for details).
Slave Trade Provision: Slaves may be used as trade for goods of equal value and/or slaves of equal value. Any slave to be exported shall arrive to the receiving Home Stone in a healthy condition, will have been given a prior medical examination, will have all hair removed from his/her bodies for the prevention of lice during trade travel and shall be totally naked for inspection.
Upon arrival, the receiving Home Stone will inspect each slave individually. Said inspection shall be done by a Slaver of the receiving region. The Slaver may if he choses, ask for and receive a copy of health records for each imported piece of living property. If a slave is proven to be acceptable, the Merchant caste shall be notified by the Slaver and the Slaver shall take control of the property for the Home Stone. If a slave is unacceptable, the item will be given back to be done with as seen fit by the exporting territory; and the Merchant caste notified of the rejection.
Animal provision (other than human slave): Any living animal to be shipped shall be certified to the receiving party to be free of disease and parasites. Each shall be inspected by a member of the receiving partner's Farming Caste. This farmer will be under the authority for this inspection of the receiving partner's Merchant caste. Upon acceptance the farmer shall take control of the property for the Home Stone. With disapproval, the property shall be returned to the sending party. The Merchant caste will be notified of the final disposition.
Trade route protection: The City of Telnus and XXXXX will ensure the safe passage of its ships and/or caravans with armed forces if required and both places will insure to keep the trade routes free.
Trade goods within the territories governed by one of the partners, shall be protected by that same partner. Immediately. before travel, the area of import shall be notified if at all possible so that preparations can be made at port to receive. Approximate time of travel should be known in advance of any shipment.
Call for mutual aid: Should one trade partner feel a need for extra protection during the route of travel, they may request from the other partner such assistance. The Home Stone asked of the help shall determine if it can provide such aid and if so, how many of its warriors and/or guardsmen it can released to the requesting party. The decision to provide aid and the numbers shall be at the determination of the Ubar/Administrator of the Home Stone providing assistance. Should the Ubar/Administrator not be available for such decision, then the ranking Red of the partner shall render the decision; unless the Ubar/Administrator has selected another for that purpose. While in service of guarding shipments, warriors and/or guardsmen of either partner may engage as needed; so as to protect the goods being shipped. While in military protection of goods being shipped, the warriors/guardsmen from the partner receiving the shipment, shall be under the command of the lead person traveling with the goods for the exporting partner.
Upon arrival within the jurisdiction of the receiving partner, the said receiving partner shall provide all military protection and assume command over traveling shipment and all parties from the exporting region carrying said shipment.
Once in port, slaves of the receiving trade partner shall endeavor to unload the goods.
IV. Cultural exchange: As part of the trade agreement both the City of Telnus and XXXX recognize the Gorean support of the arts. In Gor cultural activities and the arts are a vital component of commerce and entertainment. As such, art, sculptures, artifacts and other displays shall be sent to each partner as a show of good faith and as a way to learn of the other's culture. Such displays shall only be on loan and shall be limited in time there of. While on display, the Home Stone receiving such shall provide protection to said items. Likewise, the two partners shall participate in any fairs or festivals that may take place, participate in dances, music events, feasts, set up booths and support any cultural activity of their partner.
The parties within this trade agreement believe that each in Gor has an important purpose in its presence. With this belief in mind, both Telnus and XXXXXXX pledge to provide space in its welcome areas for the other's sign boards which offer a photograph, wording and a landmark.
V. TRAVEL AND VISITATION: Both parties within said contract will extend a welcome and protection to all legal citizens and slaves from the other partner. While visiting within the boundaries of the other area, citizens and slaves shall be under the jurisdiction of that area's government. The Free citizens of each Home Stone shall treat the Free citizens of the other with respect accorded Free people throughout Gor in accordance to custom and culture.
Travel for all Caste HEADS; and the Ubar, Administrator, Regent and all Ambassadors of either ally to the other will be under diplomatic protection of "HERALD" and thusly, not subject to trial, imprisonment, enslavement or capital punishment. Should they be accused of breaking a law or laws, they shall be expelled from said area only.
Both the City of Telnus and XXXXXXX agree to honor the laws of the other. If a citizen is accused of breaking law in the partner's territory, both entities agree to cooperate in bringing a peaceful resolution to such issue. The area where the law has been supposedly broken, holds jurisdiction and thus shall provide legal redress through the court system; should an agreement not be found through negotiation between the trade partners. Unless or until an agreement is reached or the accused is freed by the accusing Home Stone or trial transpires, An accused Free Citizen should be detained in the area that holds the arrest warrant. All accused have right to defense and the accused shall be allowed legal aid by his or her Home Stone.
All scrolls relating to the legal incident shall be submitted to the Ubars/Administrators and Head Magistrates of both Home Stones.
Any citizen or slave of either party may be called to testify, they cannot refuse a legal summons. It is likewise, understood that any slave who gives testimony to the courts shall do so in public view during the Gorean custom of torture by rack.
Slaves may be punished by any Free, irrespective of Home Stone, but their owner should be informed immediately and may file a claim before a Magistrate of either Home Stone if the slave is damaged.
A slave of one trade partner may travel to the area of the other without escort. However, if not belted the slave shall be considered to be available for use.
Partners will make available to each, the right of opening white silk slaves in the taverns or kennels should an auction or raffle be held.
VI. The City of Telnus and XXXXXXXXX wishes to engage in fair and legal roleplay in Second Life Gor. With that goal in mind, the two trading partners agree to consult with the other's Administration for pre-planning of social events and /or larger scale events such as trade role play and settling disputes between areas.
VII. The Ubar/Administrator of Telnus and XXXXXXXXXX agree to remain amicable and to separate role playing conflicts from out of character friendships, thus providing a foundation of communication and trust between the entities.
VIII. Each partner within this contract shall maintain complete control of their own residing government bodies, high councils, laws, rules and will respect same of the other. Both agree to cooperate with the other in the event of a conflict, and agree that jurisdiction will be decided based on which City the incident occurred in. Both pledge to try to solve any and all issues and/or disagreements through diplomacy.
IX. Each of the Home Stones there in this said trade partnership agree that if one or the other of the agreeing parties to this partnership agreement violates or breaches the agreements of this trade agreement, then this pact shall immediately become null and void.
X. This Agreement can be rescinded by mutual notice of either party. Should this transpire any citizens and/or slaves visiting the other area shall be granted notice and allowed adequate time to leave, without fear of punishment, arrest or enslavement to that Home Stone.
AMENDMENT CLAUSE: This document can ONLY be amended by the Ubars/ Administrators of the two said Home Stones heretofore mentioned within. Both MUST be in total agreement to any changes proposed.
RATIFICATION CLAUSE: This document is rendered invalid in the event that it is found to NOT be a non-modifiable copy paper, and must contain the seals of Telnus and XXXXXXXXXXXXX; along with seals of individuals deemed appropriate by the sides. Each partner shall follow their legal procedures of ratification before said document can become effective.
Signed this ____ day of __________, in the year of the Priest Kings _______ .
Ubar/Administrator of XXXXXXXX
signature and seal:
Head Merchant of XXXXXXXXXXX
signature and seal:
Head Scribe of XXXXXXX
signature and seal:
The Administration of the City of Telnus do hereby sign and seal this proposal, the ___ day of _____, in the year of the Priest-Kings ______.
Adminstrator of Telnus
signature and seal:
Head Merchant of Telnus:
signature and seal:
Head Scribe of Telnus
signature and seal:
Scroll to be posted in the partner's libraries for Public Record upon approval by the said parties within this document.
TELNUS Warrant of Arrest for ((NAME))
Accuser's Name:
Name or Description of Person or Persons whom the Complaint is Against:
When and Where it Happened:
Submitted to:
On this day:
This part to be completed by the Magistrate or other qualified Official, to verify the complaint and judge whether a warrant is necessary.
Preliminary investigative steps:
((Scribe fills these in. Can include "read complaint", "interviewed witnesses", etc. The little things.))
Preliminary findings:
((Sufficient or insufficient cause))
The Administrator of the City of Telnus hereby authorizes the following order:
All Warriors, Guards, and Officials of Telnus are hereby ordered to arrest the person or persons listed below and keep them under guard until they can be brought before a Magistrate (Administrator or designated Official) of the City of Telnus.
Persons of Interest (one name per line):
Have been charged with (brief description):
This order should be filed with the Chief Scribe of the City of Telnus, and with the Administrator. Please remit any approved warrants to the Commander of the Red Caste, for timely execution.
Approved by: Scribe's Name
Certified by:
Name of Scribe:
Seal of the Scribe:
Date filed:
Seal of the City of Telnus:
Your second assignment as an Apprentice Scribe will be to role play within the city as a Scribe. If a person comes to Library for a Scribe, you will be expected to attend to it to the best of your abilities. If someone comes into the Library needing help with forms, I normally sit down with them at a table and work with them there - it is more friendly I think and it is very important that the Blue Caste of Telnus be viewed by people of our city as being helpful and friendly. It is important to remember that you are a member of the Blue Caste - this is a High Caste, and as such you are expected to comport yourself with dignity. Inappropriate behavior will be dealt with by the Head of Caste.
As I said before, a large part of being a Scribe is being able to think on your feet. Keep in mind that you will no doubt run into things that will require you to "work around" the normal procedures.
A typical example would be if a new citizen came in for slave papers on a slave and had no documentation. If it was a submission, they could put a notecard of the submission on the Certificate of Ownership. Often times, they will not have it and you will have to interview the slave, confirm her submission, and notecard it with your signature and seal and date. Label the notecard "Verification of Submission ((Slaves Name))" and put it in the Slave Papers. From there you would finish the form as usual.
The same would be true if he said he bought her from some city and was given no paperwork on her. Other cities are not as diligent about paperwork, and in the North there is no paperwork at all, so we do have to work around situations like that. Take the owner's statement, then ask the girl if that is the truth of it, notecard it, signing and putting your seal on it with the date and naming it "Verification of purchase ((Slaves Name)) and put it in the slave papers and proceed as usual with the rest of the form.
These are just examples, and you will most likely run into other situations that steer off the normal course and will require you to work around it to get the job done. If you are ever confused or unsure, do not hesitate to contact another member of the Blue Caste for help if I am not available. And you can always take the information and tell them you will get back to them later in the day.
Sometimes you may be called to the Gate because an Ambassador or Magistrate is not available. You can take a message and assure them that the person will contact them as soon as possible. You would then give the message to the person ICly or notecard it and put it in their mailbox (I usually do the latter in case they are not on when I am - I don't want to take a chance of forgetting lol)
While you are completing the Course of Study to become a full fledged Scribe, you will most likely not have assigned duties other than assisting in the library (which tends to be feast or famine). The priority, however, will be to get you certified as a full scribe as quickly as possible.
In your role of apprentice, you will fill out forms, sign and seal them, but you will then turn them in to Lady Kati either ICly or by putting them in her mailbox near her desk for her to review before it is filed away.
This is my collection of information I have gathered during my time as a Magistrate/High Magistrate in Fina, Rarn, Village of Abydos, Telnus, Whitewater, Thentis, Rorus, and others. This is my collection of information, nothing more. --- For now I find myself in the Island of Svago. --- I am Kael's companion again and we begin a new stage in our lives.
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