Sunday, March 31, 2019

High Council Meeting 2018 03 31

Around the Council Table

--- Terek the Younger - High Initiate
-- Marekai
-- Jamie Al'Azraq - High Magistrate
--- Niall Carver - Head of Caste
-- (open)
-- Lady Nica Ragnivard Sjostrom - Jr. Head Builder (Williams Daughter)
--- Nikias Sjostrom - Head of Caste
Ubar & Administrator
--- (open)
--- William Carver
--- Jarius Bernard - Head of Caste
-- (open)
--- Pyrnir Ala'Bandit - Head of Caste "Commander"
-- Aetius Rufus Vita - Captian
-- Elysia Turia Ambrosius - Ambassador (red)
-- Joslyn Bernard - Physician
-- Malice Minos - Head Merchant


* Naill voted in as Head of Caste for the Scribes.
* Acknowledgment of the hard would the Initiates did prior to the Waiting Hand.
* Lady Dominio gave birth to twins (boy & girl).
* Building the Metal Worker's shop & a new project near the Olive Grave - Maybe more the winery here.

There have been some questions about buildings and land and who owns what and how.  I am going to try and give a summary of this to help bring some clarity.  Nikki Lordes owns all land and buildings on the Isle of Svago.   By agreement all buildings are held in trust by the City of Svago for management and maintenance on her behalf.  The City has delegated management of the Merchant Buildings to the Merchant Council.  The City has delegated management of the High Caste Buildings to each High Caste.  The City has delegated to Nikki Lordes management of the Residential buildings.  The City had delegated to the Administrator management of all other buildings and land not mentioned prior.  The City has delegated to the Administrator and any council he will take to authorize construction, demolition and remodeling of buildings in the City. “  I paused there and would say " This is how it has been.

Caste Reports
INITIATES - Terek the Younger
 The Svago Temple celebrated the three major spring festivals : Waiting Hand, the Festival of En'Kara, and the Planting Feast.  I would like to commend the good people of Svago for participating in all these events and demonstrating their devotion to Priest-Kings.  We are blessed to have such a faithful City.

I would like to recognize that, as has been mentioned, we have had several births in the City, and also the recent Companioning of our illustrious Captain, Aetius and the noble Lady Ambassador Elysia,  The Temple of course was there to ask the blessing of Priest-Kings on their union, and in addition on the opening of the new metal-working shop in the lower city.  Please remember that the Initiates are happy to ask the favor of Priest-Kings on all events in the lives of the people of Svago, and to offer sacrifices on behalf of all beginning a new enterprise, or engaging in any significant activity in their lives, or who wish to give thanks for blessings given by the Holy Ones..
[13:40] Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): The Initiate of Tharna has been absent on a journey for this last month, and has asked me to offer devotions for his own people during this time, which I have been glad to do.  Tharna and Svago exchanged gifts to represent the friendship between our two cities: a pair of matching temple ringing bars composed of a mixture of Tharna silver and Svago gold.  At the last devotion, our Ambassador, Lady Elysia, went with us to engage in some informal diplomacy with the Tatrix of Tharna, and we were guarded during our journey by both the Warrior Nephtides, and then the Warrior Aetis, who carried out their guarding of myself and the Ambassador perfectly.  Thank you, Scarlet of Svago!

Finally, I would like to announce that the Svago Pilgrimage will take place on the next weekend. (( Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 ))  There will be a discussion of the Pilgrimage and the Sardar Fairs in the next issue of the _Post_. and a more complete outline of what is planned during the event.  Anyone who is interesting in attending, or would like more information, please let me know.

SCRIBES - Niall Carver
 "No new growth for the scribes at this time; we have had one attrition. Most importantly, of the apprentices placed in the test run of the new classes we have had our first promotion, Lady Aisha Na'Bandit, daughter of our own Commander and his Lady, Ashellia. Lady Aisha has received her own seal and is now able to aid the city on her own cognizance. Lastly, Lady Sara and I have begun some groundbreaking for the classes for the advocates."

MAGISTRATE - Jamie Al'Azraq
 "Thank you,..No major changes with the Magistrates this go around. We have 1 Magistrate, and four Praetors, as well as one Court Clerk. One of our Praetors has been away for family business, but he has been in contact. No new cases have been opened, and no cases have been closed. No pending cases.

Myself and Reese are working on the Magistrate courses for the upcoming school program for the Scribes that we are hoping to present at the next High Council meeting. I am considering the idea of having mock trials as part of the curriculum, which the citizens would be allowed to attend and participate in. This should provide a good learning experience for prospective Magistrates, and a chance for regular citizens to get to see the legal process, as well as a bit of entertainment for everyone as well... That is all for the Magistrates at this time".

BUILDERS - Nikias Sjostrom
 "There has been some structural damage on the walls which is adjacent to the butcher shop. Previously, the lower level infirmary. Lady Nica did an investigation as to the reason for its deterioration, for it was not long ago that we had built the lower level after the big quake... as you all are aware. I could find no reason for it. she had wondered if the damage could have been done by the Tharlarions, stomping about our city of late, and did an investigation, However, her investigation revealed  it doesn't appear to be the cause. She received assurance from Captain Pokey. but she was not able to interview the Regent about it. Therefore, we have ordered the rebuild of it and it is now sound and back up. It is a wonder how Lady Patrice found herself knocking over a stone wall, but do not be alarmed, she is perfectly fine." nods.

/me continues,  "Also, we built the columns for the companionship ceremony of Lady Elysia and Captain Aetius, which was yesterday. Two thralls did perish when a column fell, but no other damages were done, and the event went very well, indeed. " continues, "We have done routine inspections and maintenance, of course, around the city and the tunnels. All seems in good order."

We have a returning member of the builders. My daughter Nicole has returned from her travels. She has been studying interior designs of many gorean cities and has returned to bring her wealth of information back to Svago. In regards to our various projects we are well within budget, I nothing else to be reported at this time.  Has anyone any questions for me?" looks around the table at each member.

PHYSICIANS - Jarius Bernard
 I stand and I say 'Good afternoon Council and Citizens of Svago.'

There has been some changing tides in our great island. Some of come and other gone. Do not fret for the tides in Svago have always been the same and in the end we thrive as we have always done.

Our city grows even with the changing of the tides. Many of our mothers have given birth already. Today as mention before my companion has given birth to twins. Jace Jaris and Johanna Nikki were welcomed to the world this morning and both an addition to the ever growing physicians caste. Also, my congratulations to the Commander on the birth of his son. Another congratulation on the companionship of my niece Elysia yesterday with the warrior Aetius. And finally the soon to be companioned Lib and Sophia.' I continue.

'The lower infirmary did move quite a few hands ago and the new location has proven to be a success. Again, I thank the Administration and the builders for that.  Slaves have been washing up on our shores and the bulk of them being handled by my lower infirmary chief. Thank you, Lib. With that said when sending your slaves if you are not present do remember to send permission slips or they will be not treated. Also, it would be much appreciated to send them at different times if you have more then one slave needing a slave exam,' I continue 'The team of forensic specialist was set up but we had a few of them that have moved on. We do still have two on the team which is more then enough. If the need arises, do see me or Jessilyn to get the investigation going.

Meetings and classes will set forth this hand those of you that might want to dabble in the caste of physicians do see me or Domino. Our city is healthy and there are no major health risk to report. I thank you for listening that is all from the physicians.'

WARRIORS - Pчяиιя Alα'Bαиdιт
stood up as it came time for the warriors to give their report. His eyes went around the council chamber before he let his eyes fall upon the Administrator. "First, the caste is growing stronger hand by hand. We continue to practice for worse case scenarios which in my honest opinion had us ready for the assault that happened upon our city. Intelligence reports came back to confirm that it was Port Kar that attempted to breech our Thassa Wall. The gate wasn't breeched and the raiders were expelled from our shores." he would pause and look down at the stack of parchments he had before him. "I've tasked a officer of our caste to run scouting missions on the city and gain information if this attack was sanctioned by the Council of Captains or was simply a raid." he would look up. "The council of captains didn't sanction this attack, and from our scouting reports if we were to retaliate against Port Kar we have the chance of causing a even greater attack upon our shores. While I am not against attacking our enemies, the facts to stand that they did not breech our gate and the damage is minimal. With our War Drills we have concluded a flaw within our defenses. If the gate should fall, it will be hard to repel invaders once in the lower city. There is three points of entry into the upper city.. The Beast Gate, The High Gate leading straight into the residential district of the High City which will leave the Residential area near the wilds open. The third is the lift, which during a moment of emergency our caste is to secure the Steel gates. I would suggest improving your defenses of the lower city."

"Military Ambassador Sparticus has wrote to me and stated that his travels will be keeping him away for the foreseeable future. He has asked to resign from his position, to allow someone else to fill the gap til his time can allow him to return back to Svago. The Captains of the caste will continue to fill the needs of the position til such time a worthy replacement can be named. With other structure changes happening in the last few hands, I have promoted Aetius Rufus Vita to the rank of Captain. Wick Honranham has stepped down to the rank of Lieutenant. We have accepted a few new recruits and young men seeking to join our caste to start training." he said calmly as he started to come to the conclusion of his notes. "Our caste will be having more frequent war games in the future to prepare for the coming season of summer. I will warn all citizens now, intelligence reports are showing a high threat factor coming this envar. We have threat to the North from Torvaldsland, and growing threats from the East & South from Port Kar, Treve. With Besnit at the throats of several Thassa Homestones, we are expecting war may spill into our trade lanes. Everyone needs to know the tunnels and the paths to take to get to the secure rooms within the depths of our city." he looked over the last bit of parchments and would nod. "This would conclude the report from the Warriors."

"It was one Captain that tested our strength.. if we retaliate at their homestone.. we chance the retaliations of the full strength of the council of Captains against us.. At this time we increase our defenses and continue to stand as shield instead a charging spear. I would like the builders to consider adding a second gate after the Thassa gate to help increase our coastal security once raiders land.. I would feel more confident that our defensive structures be in place before we go looking to show our might on foreign soil."

William Carver: I nodded to Pyrnir " I will review with you the improvements with our builders and see what can be done to see our brave Warriors have all that we can provide them for the defense of Svago.  "  I then looked to the Council " We will not strike back against Port Kar this time " I then turned my gaze to Pyrnir "Keep us informed Commander, thank you for your excellent report "

AMBASSADORS - Elysia Turia Ambrosius (Warrior)
Gave a nod, as she eased up, "As the blessed one mentioned in regard to Tharna earlier, the visit seemed to be a welcoming one.." She paused. "They are very much interested in now discussing diplomatic discussions with Svago, infact I have a meeting with one of their ambassadors tomarrow. It should be an interesting meeting- but one I personally welcome, and most certainly look forward to." She paused. "Also, before the meeting We ended up having an unannounced visit from the ambassador and head of caste for the merchants of Genesian." She turned slightly to regard malice for a moment, "They are looking for you.." She paused. "Things seem then to run expectantly well, it seems they are rather anxious for our attentions. So, I'm sure my mother and I, right along with Malice will be busy. And busy means good. That is all for me, thank you.." She sat down, short and sweet.

AMBASSADORS - Joslyn Bernard (Physicians): Greetings honored Council members and fellow citizens of Svago,
I am pleased to announce that we have entered into trade and diplomatic negotiations with Genesian Port. Two meetings between myself and their Ambassador have already taken place. The next step is to arrange a meeting between their head merchant and our Merchant head of caste to gain their input on the matter. To my knowledge that has not yet taken place, but I remain very hopeful that Sir Malice will soon arrange a time when he is available to attend to that matter.

Pending that I expect that I will be able to present an official diplomatic and trade agreement at the next council meeting.

It goes without saying that travel to Port Kar is discouraged as we have no diplomatic relationship with them. If a citizen is captured, which seems increasingly likely with recent hostilities, we have no way of retrieving you short of the actions of our brave warriors.

Now I'll take a brief moment to gloat, but I'd like to congratulate my dear daughter and co-ambassador Elysia and the now captain Aetius on their recent companionship. May many children soon follow.

MERCHANTS - Malice Minos
"The Merchant Caste would like to announce the following new additions to the caste:

RJ Rasmussen - Slaver for House of Thorn
Lady Lizzy Grey - The Scent of It - Perfumer
Lady Meilin - Assistant Inn Keeper

As was briefly mentioned... Trentan Hayford, Owner of Hayford Metal Working, completed construction of his new building and opened for business this past week. The Merchant Caste is proud for him and his success in this new business venture here in Svago. Stop by and visit him, he is usually there pounding on something.

Thorn of the Warrior Caste - Has taken ownership of the betting house and it is now called "Loaded Dice" The Merchant Caste hopes his gamble pays off."

 "In regards to Genesian Port, It seems my initial letter sent was lost in transit, I have sent another letter to the Head Merchant as well to Garian the Ambassador of Genesian Port, to set up a meeting, if all goes as planned, I will visit Genesian Port in the next few days and finalize any details in the matter of trade and barter."

"Since the Administrator has already clarified the matter of building ownership, I will simply add, that with Svago forming alliances with other cities there is ample opportunity for ambitious merchants to invest and pursue coin. Also there have been some changes made on how Merchant Caste petitions and business registrations will be handled going forward. A notice will be sent to the Merchant Caste on these changes."

"That is all I have at this time." taking my seat.

Terek the Younger (kitten.serpente): "With all this mention of caste classes coming up, I would like to note that I will be beginning a thorough series of classes on my own Caste of Initiates, beginning tomorrow at 5 in the evening SL time at Gorean Campus if anyone would like to attend."

1st Citizen
Ashellia Thorne Ana'Bandit (ashellia) could hardly contain myself as it had been so long since I had been able to speak at meetings at all without getting physically removed or jailed.  Rocking to toes and then to my heels, well I was almost like a child receiving a gift! "Administrator, Council Members, thank you so much for allowing me break my silence and speak after such a long respite from doing so. " felt a bit nervous as I looked around and saw the reactions and couldn't fathom why everyone would seem so on edge just because I wanted to speak "I would like to more specifically ask to the Head of Caste of Merchants--can we anticipate having meetings prior to this one like we used to? We are getting news after new has been made, and well I just wondered, you know... if we might start having merchant council meetings again where you might hear our needs, suggestions.. and... you know things like that." looked over to Pyrnir and then began to withdraw "Well that know all I wanted to...." felt for the seat behind me "I'll just sit down now." and did so.

Malice stood and turned his attention to Lady Ash... "All excellent suggestions Lady Ash, I have been working on a schedule to do just that. I will see that a caste meeting is scheduled by the weeks end." inclining his head before taking his seat.

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