Friday, March 8, 2019

Entering the City of Fina

Fina is well-protected by guards and implements, seen and unseen.
1. Fina is an open city during the light ahns. Visitors may pass freely through the gates, entering and exiting at their leisure; however, every person is required to leave their weapons at the gate in order to enter the city.
2. After dark, a visitor must stop at the night watch gate, leave their weapon, and seek permission to enter from a warrior of the city or a member of the High Council.
3. Assassins, bearing the mark of the black dagger on their forehead, are permitted entrance into a city without interference.
4. Heralds are immune from interference by any within a city. Heralds bear a gold slash on the left temple of their helmet or headgear. Ambassadors possess this same immunity.
5. Players, Poets, Musicians, and Singers may freely enter the city.
6. All outlaws are forbidden entrance into the city and subject to implement. Panther girls and talunas are considered outlaws.
7. All visitors, guests, and any other person that finds themselves within the walls of Fina are subject to all of the laws of Fina. Any violation will be adjudicated according to those laws and by Fina citizens.

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