The Isle of Svago is a roleplay sim. This document does not encompass every scenario that might present itself. It's the role play that will determine changes, removal or new laws. Like RL, it's a guide to maintain some semblance of order.
---------------SECTION 0 - CITIZENSHIP---------------
0.1 Any Free Person that has sworn to the Home Stone is considered a Citizen. Any newly arrived or any Free Person that has sworn to another Home Stone, is considered a Resident only only after they have signed the Registry located outside the Library. They will then be considered protected by Svago's Laws. All other Free Persons will be classed as visitors and not protected by Svago’s Laws
0.1.2 All residents and citizens must pay taxes.
The tax on sold goods is 2%.
The tax on rental and real estate (homes) is 5%.
The Harbormaster will be responsible for charging a 1% tax on all imports and exports of Svago.
0.2 Every child born of a Free Woman being resident or citizen is automatically a resident until the child comes of age at 15 years old and can then choose to swear to Svago’s Home Stone or register as a resident of Svago.
0.3 Official positions (Ubar, Administrator, Regent, Head of Caste, Assistant Head of Caste, High Magistrate, Ambassador, Praetor, Merchant Magistrate) can only be held by citizens of Svago.
---------------SECTION 1 - GOVERNMENT---------------
1.1 The Isle of Svago is governed by the High Council. It consists of two members from each of the Five High Castes (Initiate, Scribe, Builder, Physician, Warrior) and is overseen by the Administrator or the Regent. The Regent takes on all responsibilities and privileges of the Administrator in the Administrator’s absence. The two representatives normally consist of the Head of Caste and Assistant Head of Caste. Each of the High Castes has only one vote but 2 permanent seats at the High Council Table
1.2 All matters of State must be approved of by at least three votes in favour. The Administrator's vote is only applied in cases of a deadlock or when he is acting as proxy for an absent Caste representative with that representative's knowledge.
1.3 In addition there are three other permanent seats at the High Council table however without voting rights. These consist of the High Magistrate, the High Ambassador and the Head Merchant. They report to the High Council and their advice may be sought.
1.4 In times of war, the High Council may nominate an Ubar, from the Warrior Caste, who upon their appointment will have ultimate control of the Isle of Svago, military and civil, leaving the High Council to act as advisors to the Ubar. Once war has ended, power reverts to the High Council.
1.5 The Laws of Svago bind every Citizen, Resident and Visitor of the Isle of Svago, and are enforced by the Warrior Caste, in some circumstances, under the guidance and instructions of the Magistrates and Praetors who will issue arrest warrants.
1.6 Visiting Ambassadors and any Free Person(s) accompanying them are to be given free passage providing they adhere to the Laws of Svago
1.7 Alliances and War:
1.7.1 Ambassadors may be from any Caste and are appointed by the High Council through recommendation of their Head of Caste. While Ambassadors answer directly to the High Council they remain under the jurisdiction of their Head of Caste.
1.7.2 Trade alliance negotiations will be the responsibility of the appointed Ambassador(s) and sealed by the High Council.
1.7.3 Notification of Trade and Safe Passage Alliances will be provided to Magistrates and Warriors to ensure representatives of the Trade City are treated appropriately.
1.7.4 Military alliance negotiations are the responsibility of the Commander or any of his designees. Notification of Military Alliances will be provided to Magistrate and Warriors to ensure representatives Allied City are treated appropriately.
1.7.5 Declarations of war only become valid when the Commander or his Designee approach the High Council with evidence of aggression or impending assault to the Isle of Svago. The request must be approved by a majority High Council vote.
1.7.6 Safe Passage Agreements of any kind, will be for 90 Gorean Days (1 RL month) and visiting city's citizens will follow current cities, laws. The agreement will be reviewed within 90 days. Visitors must have some visible marker, or document sealed by a scribe, that they are from an Allied City.
1.7.7 Deals between Merchants or Merchant Houses are a private matter and not subject to any rulings as long as they adhere to Merchant Law.
---------------SECTION 2 - JUDICIAL PROCESS---------------
2.1 Magistrates are recommended by the High Magistrate, Head of the Scribes or Administrator should there not be a High Magistrate at that time. They report directly to the High Council but remain, in matters of their caste under the jurisdiction of the Head of the Caste of Scribes, as they play a dual role as both upholder of Civil law and their duties as a scribe.
2.2 The High Magistrate will be male.
2.3 Only the High Council can overturn any Civil and Merchant Magistrate's ruling through appeal. And only then through unanimous vote to do so.
2.4 When Merchant Law applies, the Merchant Magistrate will hear the case and rule. When Civic laws applies Magistrates will hear the case and rule. In mixed situations the magistrates will confer.
2.5 In case of capital crimes female Magistrates need to have their rulings approved by the High Magistrate or male colleague.
2.6 Praetors have the authority to adjudicate (judge) any minor crime in the area they are charged to patrol, usually markets and docks. The decision is immediate. If the convicted wishes to appeal, their case will automatically go to trial. All capital crimes will be passed onto the Magistrates.
2.7 Once a topic or case is ruled upon it can not be brought up a second time.
2.8 Investigations and Evidence:
2.8.1 Investigations are conducted either by the Warriors or the Advocates under the authority of the Civil and Merchant Magistrates. Results of said investigations are to be shared among those authorities if/as needed. They will present the evidence to the Magistrates who will make the judgement, this could be in the form of a meeting or a trial, depending on the severity of the crime.
2.8.2 Any citizen may request an investigation of suspected illegal activity by lodging a Citizen's inquiry with the appropriate Civil and/or Merchant Magistrates office.
2.8.3 All evidence of possible violations of law will be brought to the attention of the Civil and/or Merchant Magistrates for investigation. Hearsay will not be accepted.
2.9 Arrest Powers:
2.9.1 The power of arrest lies with the Magistrates, Praetors and any member of the Warrior Caste of the Isle of Svago. These alone may detain or order the arrest of any Citizen or Visitor for breaches of the peace or investigation of violations of the applicable law. Any order issued by a member of the Warrior Caste must be obeyed, including removal of weapons.
2.9.2 Any Citizen of the Isle of Svago may request that a Magistrate, Praetor or Warrior make an arrest on their behalf. This does not negate the Magistrates, Praetor or warrior’s own decision making process to determine if an arrest is justified.
2.9.3 Praetors can place anyone under arrest for any crime committed in their area. If it is discovered during investigation that the crime committed no longer falls under their jurisdiction, the suspect will be arrested and the case taken to the fitting Magistrate.
2.9.4 No non-authorised citizen can legally arrest another free of Svago unless under the direct instructions of a member of the High Council.
2.10 Civil criminal Acts:
Based on laws defined by the City High Council, and agreed upon will be enforced by the Legal Branch of the government.
All Punishments given for the following crimes will be at the discretion of the Magistrates.
A) Murder, Attempted Murder: any action aimed at injuring a Free Person intentionally.
B) Treason; This is defined as the act of trying to overthrow and undermine the High Council of Svago and it's leading Citizens.
C) Spying; This is defined as the gathering of information both verbally and in writing and drawing of information that can be used against the Isle of Svago.
D) Helping a prisoner to escape from Svago’s Jail.
E) Failure to obey the direct orders of a City Official, within the jurisdiction of that Official.
F) Theft, the deliberate stealing or using of other Free Persons property.
G) Damage/Destruction of another Free Persons property, or acting with the intentions of causing such.
H) Picking of any locked gate or door.
I) Slander; This is defined as the defamation of another Free Person's character or business when there is no truth in the accusation which results in substantial loss of business income and/or harm in reputation.
J) False Testimony: defined as not telling the whole and complete truth when questioned by a City Official.
K) Face stripping of a Free Woman in a public place.
L) Claiming to be of a Caste which is not their own.
M) Enslavement:
1) Enslaving one of the Caste of Players or Caste or Musicians
2) Enslaving a free woman of the own Home Stone which is not your companion without approval of the a Magistrate in the matter.
Acceptable reasons for enslavement:
1) Unpaid debts
2) Self submission
3) Stipulations within a Free Companionship contract
4) Couching another's slave or readying to do so.
5) Slavish behaviour:
- Dressing/acting in a lewd or scandalous manner
- Performing a Sensuous dance
- Addressing a man as 'Master'
- Kneeling other than in free woman tower
- Indecency and vagrancy
6) Being found branded without proper manumission papers
7) Existence of proper slave papers without proper manumission papers
2.11 Acts Against Merchant Law
Punishments will be at the discretion of the Merchant Magistrate.
A) Trade (Fraud)
1) Scales failing calibration, tested 4 times a year
2) A merchant using a deceptive Foot or Stone
3) Alteration of coin weights (shaving, etc.)
4) Falsification of Pedigree Papers on any slave
5) Falsification of any bill of sale
6) Running a business without formal registration with the caste of merchants
B) Property(Theft)
a) Failure to pay debts
b) Sale of stolen items
C) Slaves
a) Public sale of an unbranded slave.
b) Failure to register a slave according to law in Svago
c) Failure of an owner to have their slave wear a visible token of their slavery.
----------------SECTION 3 - FAMILY LAW---------------
3.1 The eldest male of any household is the governing authority. If no male resides in the household, the closest related living male blood relative shall have governing authority over the female relatives, even if they do not reside in the same house.
3.2 In case of Death of a citizen of Svago:
3.2.1 Upon death of a Male Citizen of the Isle of Svago, privately held assets and estate shall transfer as follows:
Closest living male relative, if none then -
His companion at time of death, if none then -
Oldest known daughter, if none then -
State of the Isle of Svago
3.2.2 Upon death of a Female Citizen of the Isle of Svago, privately held assets and estate shall transfer as follows:
Her companion at time of death, if none then -
Closest living male relative, if none then -
Oldest known daughter, if none then -
State of the Isle of Svago
3.3 Any free person who wishes their estate to be divided other than as above, must record it with the Caste of Scribes as proof.
3.4 Upon enslavement of a Citizen of the Isle of Svago, all property shall transfer to the owner.
3.5 A child's status is determined by the status of the mother at birth. If the woman is free, so is the child, and subject to their father's authority. If the woman is a slave, the child becomes property of the woman's owner.
3.5.1 A child’s caste is determined by the caste of the father at birth
3.5.2 A child's citizenship is determined by the status of the father. Is he a citizen or resident so the child is automatically a resident until coming of age at which point the free person can decide its allegiance on its own free will..
3.6 Following rules apply to free women in Svago:
3.6.1 The wearing of a veil, headscarf and robes of concealment by a Free Woman is not a matter of Law but for the protection of the Free Woman, the choice remains with the Free Woman, but she must be prepared for the consequences.
3.6.2 Free women are expected to conduct themselves with a certain level of decorum in public, one that is worthy of their status as a Free Woman. If a free woman of Svago is accused of conduct befitting enslavement, the accuser may seek out her companion, oldest male relative within the city, their Head of Caste or file a complaint with the Civil Magistrates.
3.6.3 A Free Woman is entitled to her own opinion and to voice it but should also be aware of the possible consequences of her actions.
3.6.4 Free Women have the right to own property, including real estate, businesses and slaves.
3.6.5 Free Women have the right to own slaves of either gender. She is not acting improperly by allowing her slaves to touch her in public however touching of a sensual or sexual nature is grounds for an investigation into conduct befitting a collar.
3.6.6 Free Women have the right to be out of their quarters without escort.
3.6.7 Free Women have the right to travel escorted outside of Svago unless a male relative or her companion forbids this. Traveling unescorted is at her own risk.
3.6.8 Free Women have the right to sit in Free Women's Tower without threat of being slandered, questioned or threatened with a collar.
3.6.9 A Free Woman, Citizen or Resident of the Isle of Svago may only be enslaved on the express order of a Magistrate or by her Companion or legal Guardian if so stated in the contract signed by both parties.
3.7 Following rules apply to slaves in Svago:
3.7.1 All slaves of the citizens and residents of Svago must be registered with the City, which requires a physical sealed by the Physicians of the Isle of Svago less than one year old. All slaves are required by law to wear a token of their slavery. This can be collar or brand or both.
3.7.2 All publicly sold slaves shall have a bill of sale and shall be branded prior to completion of the transaction according to Merchant Law.
3.7.3 Slaves with no clear owner shall be handed over and held by the Slave Houses. Slaves created by the State shall likewise be handed over to a Slave House.
----------------SECTION 4 - CASTE LAW---------------
4.1 A Head of Caste will be male. The Assistant Head of Caste may be of either gender.
4.2 A Head of Caste may be dismissed by the High Council.
4.3 A Head of Caste may choose to act as the Caste representative or appoint a representative. If a representative is chosen by the Head of Caste, no other may cast a vote in his place, including the Head of Caste himself.
4.4 All Heads of Castes, Praetors, High Magistrate, Magistrates and Merchant Magistrates and Ambassadors need to be approved by the Administrator and the High Council of Svago.
4.5 Caste structure and rules of Svago:
4.5.1 The High Castes ...
of the Isle Island of Svago, in traditional order of authority, are:
The Caste of Initiates (White),
The Caste of Scribes (Blue),
The Caste of Builders (Yellow),
The Caste of Physicians (Green),
The Caste of Warriors (Red).
4.5.2 The Caste of Initiates …(White)
act as the voice of the Priest-Kings and are the spiritual advisors of the Isle of Svago.
4.5.3 The Caste of Scribes …(Blue)
act as the Record Keepers, Magistrates, Praetors, Map Makers, and Librarians for the Island of Svago.
A) Maps of the city are to be kept by authorized Scribes and Warriors only, Any person, free or slave, found in possession of a map of the Isle of Svago without authorization shall be subject to punishment.
B) Both free men and free women perform caste work within the Caste of Scribes.
C) The Caste will organize and run and organize the annual census.
4.5.4 The Caste of Builders …(Yellow)
act as the authority on all matters of infrastructure for the Isle of Svago. Only Free Men of the Caste may engage in the building and maintenance of the walls and buildings of the Isle of Svago. Free women of the caste are restricted to planning and overseeing and organizing the actual work.
4.5.5 The Caste of Physicians …(Green)
act as the authority on all matters of public health. Free men and free women may both work within the Caste of Physicians.
4.5.6 The Caste of Warriors …(Red)
act as the protectors of law and order for the Isle of Svago.
The Head of the Warrior Caste will also act as authorized authority to discuss military alliances with other cities on behalf of the High Council. Such authority includes, but is not limited to finalizing, changing, and approving any such alliances.
All free of the Isle of Svago have the right to defend themselves. Free men of the Isle of Svago may wear visibly wield small weapons (ie: swords, daggers, small crossbows). Free women of the Isle of Svago may not wear visible weapons but may have a concealed dagger or pin on their person for defence only
C) Mercenary work may be performed by any Free Man wishing to voluntarily take up employment as a private guard, mercenary, or similar endeavor. When such occurs, the free man is exempt from any punitive action for not performing their Caste duties for as long as the mercenary contract is in effect. All Mercenary contracts must be filled through the Magistrate’s office to be put into official record.
D) Free women may be a part of the Caste of Warriors, either by birth or companionship, but play no part in the work of the Caste.
4.5.7 The Low Castes …
have no order of authority, though general tradition holds that the Caste of Merchants is the ‘lead’ Low Caste.
4.5.8 The Caste of Merchants ...
shall act as the authority on all matters of Merchant Law and coin.
A) The Head of Caste will determine, under authority and approval of the High Council, standard for weight for all coins stamped with the seal of the Isle of Svago. The Isle of Island of Svago recognizes and follows the Merchant Laws as drafted at the Sardar Fair.
B) The Head of Caste will employ Merchant Magistrates upon the approval of the High Council.
C)The Merchant Magistrates investigate and judge on all matters of Merchant law. If a case in part goes into civil law he will hand that part to the Praetor or a Magistrate for a ruling on it. Appeals to the ruling go into the regular appeals process.
4.5.9 The Caste of Assassins
The caste of Assassins will not have an established base in the Isle of Svago.
4.5.10 The Caste of Thieves
is not recognized by the Isle Island of Svago and all those claiming this Caste are automatically considered an outlaw and subject to punitive actions of the Laws of the Isle of Svago.
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