.........Failure to read the laws is no excuse.........
Welcome to the Village of Whitewater, a place on counter-earth where Full role playing of characters in Gor occurs.
Please take the time to read the rules of these lands. This will allow you to enjoy the non-stop RP atmosphere we aim to maintain. The Village of Whitewater is a private sim and these rules are binding. If you step foot into our village, you agree to the rules even if you have not read them. It is in your best interest to do so.
Landmark to Whitewater
Application Form Village of Whitewater
*~Village of Whitewater Application for Citizenship~*
Please read all the laws before filling out an application.
Steps for your visit to our Town are.
1) Read the laws
2) Ask for a tour or explore freely except for the not enter someone else's home without permission.
3) you decide you want to stay, fill out an application and drop it into the mail box at the Library, within 36 hours you will be contacted for an interview with the Ubar and Ubara.
a) we do this so we know our citizens and they know us, this is our home and want to know the people who wish to make it their home also
4) accepted into the Town as a Citizens
5) instructed who of which caste you will need to speak too to join the caste...all IC of coarse
6) have fun
The Village of Whitewater is always looking for active role players to join the sim and help enrich our experiences here. If after reading our laws you feel that you can actively contribute to our sim please fill out the following application..
Character Name -
SL Name -
Date -
1. Have you had any previous experience with Gorean RP?
2. Have you read any of the books, if so which ones?
3. How long have you been apart of SL and the SL Gorean Community?
4. Why do you believe you would be a good addition to Whitewater and/or how do you think you will be able to actively contribute to the sim?
5. How much experience have you had in Role Play? Also on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being very skilled at RP, where do you honestly feel you rate?
6. Have you ever belonged to another Gorean Sim, if so which one(s)?
7. What do you find most appealing about the Village of Whitewater and its citizens, in other words, why Whitewater?
8. Name at least one thing you feel you need to improve upon in regards to your Gorean RP, and how you feel we can help.
9. What Caste are you?
10. Do you have any experience or knowledge in other Castes?
11. What position do you seek, if any, in Whitewater?
12. If you become a citizen will you be bringing a Free Companion with you?
13. If you become a citizen with you will you be bringing any slaves and have they been trained?
14. Please include a notecard/short example of YOUR role play skills !
15. If you have any other information you would like to make the Admins aware when they considered your application please use the space below to do so.
When you are finished, please return the form to:
Administration of Whitewater : Reno Beattie or Sara Beattie (foolishgirl)
Whitewater Raid Rules VER 1.1 Revised
Whitewater RAID LAWS
1.0 This is the most important rule to be followed, not following it will result in a ban of 24 hours for first offense, perm 2nd offense. We are for our rp, we built and designed the sim the way we wanted it, if we wanted to be dragged off to your sim, we would have moved their. That being said in order to raid Whitewater, there needs to be a minimum of 8 hours of constant rp, being a small town on the Vosk for trade, the town itself would be senseless to raid. That being said does not mean we do not allow fighting, it just means we do not want your senseless pew pew gor. no offense, thats why you have your city and we have ours.
If you follow the number 1 rule about raids then continue on, if not come to rp and have fun.
All raids are subject to these rules whether or not the raider has read them. Raids are subject to ALL SIM Laws. Raiders should note in particular all laws regarding safe zones, weapons, combat and challenges.
All raids must have an RP reason of happening. We will not adhere to random groups of people just landing on the sim and shooting , if there is no reason behind it. By the way , no, "proving to us that you are better" isn't a valid RP reason.
The following rules are in effect based off a mirror spectrum. Whitewater men will always follow the rules set forth in the below notecard, simply because you can't expect us to know every single sim's rules. If you want the below to apply to you, then perhaps it would be wise to change your rules around and make it more even on both sides. If your rules are one sided, then expect your raiding process here to be hell, but perhaps it'll open your eyes to changing your own rules.
a) Raid Ratio (Whichever is lowest) Ours is 2:1. If yours is 1:1, then it will be 1:1 here as well.
b) Tarns. We are a small town on the Vosk heveily wooded in the forest, Tarns would be not be able to land or the tree cover allow for seeing the ground, so with that being said. no tarns.
c) Grapples: Since Whitewater doesn't have walls there is nowhere you can use grapples.
d) Bindings (Whichever is most) Whitewater default is 3 lines bind, 2 lines unbind, 3 lines to self unbind unless hogtied, 2 lines to hogtie (the first 3 binding lines not included). If your sim is 5 lines to unbind/bind etc, same applies here. The only thing we do not mirror is the self unbind rule (because we cover it via Hogtie)
e) Slaves: If your sim doesn't allow slaves to come on raids to help bind/aid, then you can not bring slaves here.
1. Raid Frequency & Timing
a. Any invading force, regardless of number or origin may raid The Village of Whitewater only once per every three (3) days. We are about RP and not the pew pew attacks on a daily basis. If you are rescuing a comrade that was taken in a raid you preformed within the 3 day period, you CAN NOT take any more captives. Ex: You raid and take hostages, but on the way out you leave a man behind and he gets caught. You can come back after the hour to rescue him, but you can not take any more captives back with you. (once per 3 days? I would suggest once every 2 days...and if that starts getting excessive...then push it back to 3 days)
b. rescue attempts may take place as soon as 1 hour after capture/or Mirrors yours, whichever is LONGEST. However, people must know where you are at RPly (If we capture everyone that came, and no one escaped, how will you know we have them all? The village of Whitewater allows only 2 rescues per day. (so we aren't spending all day fighting)
c. If your village/city/tribe has a NO RAID policy in place, then you are NOT allowed to be in the invading force. (ex: Your sim is closed for raids, your sim isn't open yet, your sim is RP only). The reason for this is simple, do unto others as they undo to you. How is it fair that we can't raid you but you can raid us. This includes rescues (If even 1 person in the raid group is from a non raid sim/GE, that person will have to sit out)
d. No GE groups are allowed to raid/rescue with other groups. (Hybrid or not. If you are from a GE sim, you are not allowed here simply because we would never attack your sim).
e. A raid does not start until the first person of the raiding party goes out of the safezone/10 minutes spent in safezone. Until this point, the numbers can still change, meaning people can still TP into the village or TP point and enter the raid. This isnt considered cheating, its more so even since your still TPing men into the raid area. Once a person leaves the safezone, the raid officially starts and no one else can enter.
f. All raiders MUST TP to the raid docks. Any raiders attacking from the visitor docks will be marked invalid and ejected. They can, however, LEAVE from any dock.
2. Raid Logistics
i. Raid ratio is 2:1 Raiders to Whitewater Free Men and Allies. (or mirror yours, whichever is least/more strict)(Physicians do not count in this ratio since they don't carry weapons). There must be at least 2 ACTIVE warrior on sim in order to attack. Visitors are not to be included simply because they can go either way.
ii. No Female Outlaws except Panthers/talunas. As we all know Panthers and Talunas existed on gor while female outlaws didn't
iii. Villagers of Whitewater that log on during a raid can not participate they are to set AFK or leave the sim, people marked OOC/AFK can not attack once combat has started. In the same respect, you can not include them in the ratio.
b. The main teleport hub lands you on the path. This area is a safe zone for 10 minutes only, after that you are fair game. This should give you enough time to get the laws, read them, accept them and to equip the proper combat meter. Once you step past the sign, or engage in RP you are considered to be in full RP. You are NOT allowed to be marked OOC in any fashion. If you remain OOC after the 10 minutes, you will be booted.
c. Leaving the safe zone for any reason voids any protections assumed. When fleeing into the safe zone from an active RP, you can be pursued. Striving for realism, the only escape is to make it to the landing point. You MUST enter and leave from this point for RP to be valid. You can NOT take a captive and teleport out from any point other than the TP in area. When escaping, EVERYONE MUST RP at least one line of 10 words to escape, and if you have a captive you must include them, BY NAME.
d. Anyone using the TP zones to leave combat and return with a reset meter will be penalized. You are NOT allowed to re-enter the battle. TPing back will result in a ban.
e. TPing out of direct combat, bindings or capture is grounds for banishment.
f. The river surrounding the village is infested with sea sleen, river tharlarion, and bint. Anyone jumping from the village walls to the river ~ will be eaten alive within ihn.
g. Use of Tarns
3. Combat
a. No resetting of your meter during combat.
b. No teleporting out of the sim during combat.
c. No argument with a Moderator during an invalidation dispute.
d. No usage of gadgets, sabotage, or any other method deemed as cheating.
e. No excessive jumping
f. No usage of enhancers; exception of speed enhancers for beasts with sim owner's permission.
g. No flying.
h. No climbing extremely steep hills/cliffs.
i. No interaction with the river waters due to hazardous high concentrations of aquatic predators.
j. Binds
i. Three post of minimum 10 words for a full bind
ia. One follow-on posts to Hogtie (Must be hogtied by the meter)
ii. Two post of minimum 10 words for a full unbind
iii. Three post of minimum 10 words for full self unbind (Only done 10 minutes after being bound, unless you are Hogtied or leashed. If you are Hogtied or leashed, you CAN NOT SELF UNBIND.)
iv. Gags and blindfolds require only a single post each both ways and are accessories, not binds.
v. Men can leash and drag 2 male captive at a time. Women and slaves can only leash and drag 1 male captive. You can not RUN with a leash on. If in battle, you must unleash first.
k. Aiding
i. Aiding is NOT allowed.
ii. RP Items are allowed. These require a two line post, 10 word minimum.
l. WEAPONS SEARCH --- NAME IT OR IT DOESN'T COME OFF. You want it gone, name it and remove it, (within reason ~ not including non-rped nor worn profile listed weapons.)
i. You MUST be wearing the weapon. If you do not have a sheath on, then you are not allowed to use it.
4. Females Combative ~ Slave, Free, Warriors, Mercenaries, Outlaws
a. NO female slaves may wield a bow/sword/ or dagger.
b. Female outlaws, mercenaries and pirates will not be acknowledged.
c. Panthers, Taluna, ferals, she-urts did not enter cities. Whitewater is a Village. Any show of aggression will be grounds for attack and collaring if capped. Remember, panthers are either runaway slaves, or free women who don't like the law. By getting captured, you realize that you are a free woman/slave wielding a bow against a free man and may never be released.
5. Defense
a. Whitewater is a Village. It is not a High City and is therefore more communal with a tightly knit family that stands by their right to defend their Village and Home Stone fiercely. Knowing this, the following is true:
i. It is a Free Woman's right to defend herself and her property.
ii. Absolute obedience is required of all slaves. It includes a slave being trained to:
1. Search & Bind a captive when downed, freeing up the Warriors to take down more aggressors.
2. Defend their owners property, including themselves and the Home Stone. Slave may use common items they would be able to find around the lands, (i.e., rocks, food, brooms, etc.), as well as sling shots. NO blow darts, no FW weapons such as hair pins, (slaves hair flows free or is tied up with fiber, not hair pins).
3. Whitewater village/private slaves WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO DEFEND ONCE THE VILLAGE HAS BEEN BREACHED, the exception is panther raids. Whitewater slaves can fight from the wall if a panther tribe is attacking.
4. Slaves from other cities are NOT ALLOWED to attack, however they are allowed to bind and aid.**Mirror
5. Allies are allowed to come in for re-enforcements, as long as the RP was done correctly. (The RP of them leaving the TP point, RP of the discussion at the ally city, and the RP of them coming back here).
6. Death/Theft/Kidnapping, et al:
a. We have a 24 hr (actual time, not online time) ghost period. Suicide is 7 days
b. Kidnapping will be honored until rescued/escaped. This does NOT include the 30 minute no RP time. If you dont RP with the captive after 30 minutes, they are free to leave. The Captive can choose to stay beyond the 30 minutes if they wish, but will not be forced.
c. The theft of property or breaking into doors requires a notecard of the act to be sent to the Owner and one of the Moderators of this SIM in order to be deemed Valid. There must be a clue left so we can continue the RP.
d. NO PRIMMING is allowed. If a door is phantom it is considered open. All other doors are scripted and either pickable OR breakable by script/tools. If a gate or door is locked, and you can not pick the lock (for those equipped) then you cannot get in. Not all locks are pickable. Lockpicks can be 3 lines of 10 words.
d. The RP surrounding any KILLS, KIDNAPPING, or THEFT of property must be NO LESS than three lines.
e. Killing:
i. There must be a valid reason for killing a person. Senseless killing will not be tolerated.
ii. There must be a minimum of 30 minutes of RP before killing a person.
***Assassins and killing of animals are excluded from this rule. Slaves are also excluded to an extent, as all slave deaths would need to be approved by a mod***
iii. No single line kills. A minimum of three lines is expected.
iv. The person doing the killing must be 30 SL days old, or older.
v. No Mass killings
7. Raid Cheating
a. A roleplay moderator should be consulted before players start yelling about cheaters. Do not stop action or declare anything invalid without a moderator. Have adequate LOGS with TIME STAMP to show the moderators. These should be made non-modifiable before handing over.
b. INVIS-PRIMS- Anyone caught using prims that could alter your health reduction, or using prims to get from one side of the sim to the other without proper RP will be banned. This includes placing prims over traps, or in front of you to prevent getting hit.
8. Belligerence during Roleplay
a. Belligerent behavior during a raid or invasion is acceptable within reason. However, any real-life animosity in IM or general chat will not be tolerated. Raid behavior may not bring OOC content into play, nor may any combatant or non-combatant attack others in an out of character sense..
**** By raiding our Village you hereby accept and agree to follow the above stated rules and laws and are subject to full responsibility of your actions. We will hold you accountable for any illiteracy or laziness in not reading these rules. You will be subject to them even if you claim to have read them or not. If you do not have common sense this is not our problem. You are subject to all of the laws and rules of engagement. If you do not agree with any of the above rules stated, do not participate.****
We are not a simple Catch and release sim. If you get caught, EXPECT to RP afterwards. Don't whine and complain about wanting release. If you raid here, just have the time to do the aftermath.
We love our Home. We love our Friends. We love our RP. Please Respect and Honor our Right to RP as we interpret the Books of John Norman. If you do not wish to play here, you are free to go. Please do not complain that you don't like what we do, just go quietly and find a place you do like.
Sim Owners
*NO NPC'S (Non-Person Characters such as bots)
Due to the ongoing problems with Alts, we will not accept SL avatars under 30 days old as a citizen or salve.
1) We ask that you be at least 18 years old, period. This is a mature sim, with adult themes. By coming here you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. As was in Gor, Rape is allowed.
2) We ask that you come in a realistic to Gor , character. Whether human, kur or larl, make your character believable or don't bother (remember, larls weren't pets they were fierce beasts). We follow the books of Gor, thus, the following beings were not found: No child avi's, furries, transformers, vampires, smurfs or any thing that does not look like your 1st life form. We thank you in advance for understanding our request. Please be dressed in Gorean style fashions; there was no armor worn in Gor besides leather.
2a) OUT OF CHARACTER (OOC) Drama is NOT welcome or tolerated
b) ONE warning will be granted, First offense, 24 hour ban from village. Second offense, banned permanently
3) All avatars must be at height 5'6" or taller. There are no child avatars allowed.
4) Whitewater is a full immersion RP sim hence we have NO OBSERVER TAGS nor permit use of the GM OOC setting (except during mod calls/special events). Everyone is expected to come in dressed properly and RP. All visitors are expected to immerse themselves in the culture and atmosphere that is The Village of Whitewater.
5) OOC in local chat is reserved for mod situations and sim maintenance ONLY. All other OOC conversation is to be kept to IM whenever possible. Voice is not enabled in Whitewater.
6) Gorean Meters must be worn at all times. There is a meter dispenser on our arrival ship. The only exception to this rule is during OOC events held in the lands.
In the event you are not wearing a meter or wearing the wrong one you will be warned once and then ejected from the sim.
7) Unreasonable non-Gorean personal limits will not be recognized, nor those going against our sim law, (i.e., " I will not accept slaves binding", " no RP with men" , "no force-collaring" , "only my master can punish me" , etc.)
8) We do not condone any type of OOC relationship of the sorts. DO not come here and try to force voice sex out of anyone, try to force an OOC submission, or any other type of sexual harassment. It will get you permanently banned if the other party feels uncomfortable with warranted proof.
9) Unless on the hunt (with applicable RP proof), all visitors will be asked to remove any hoods/masked before seeking admittance to the village. This is to keep RP proof of faces in the event of a casualty.
We permit Gorean weapons only. No oriental fashioned weapons. No speed enhancers (this includes swim ao's) - No push scripts ~ No fire arrows and no rope arrows.
1. Be aware that a group of panthers/outlaws can and will be shot and captured if it looks to be a raid party EVEN IF IT'S IN A SAFE ZONE. If you are outside the village , congregating and just standing there idle..... you will get shot at!
2. 1) Keep it real:
*No pulling weapons, ladders, stretchers, etc., out of bodily orifices. It must be visibly worn/carried before leaving the boat or entering the sim. DO NOT USE INVISIBLE PRIMS TO AVOID TRAPS.
3. If someone submits inside the city walls, they will go to the kennels. If someone submits directly to a person, then the slave belongs to the person she submitted to. ( According to Gorean Laws..etc ).
Free Men Laws Whitewater revised
1) All free men of the city must be registered with a Caste of the city. They will uphold their caste codes and offer what help they can to those of their caste who apply for caste assistance.
2) In times of war, all free men of Whitewater are expected to defend their city and Homestone. If needed, all men of the city, regardless of caste, will take up arms to defend their home.
3) The only exception of the above law regards the men of the Physician's caste who may contribute to the war effort by healing those in need, but may not take up arms as combatants. Doing so will result in expulsion from the caste of Physicians. Male Physician's will instead lead the women to safety.
4) Face-stripping of a Free Woman is illegal. A woman cannot be face-stripped for offenses without a trial first. All women who act in a slave like manner will be arrested.
5) If you end up leaving Whitewater on bad terms, going to a city we are at war with, then you are liable to get captured and killed as a traitor.
6) All men are expected to protect the citizens of Whitewater within our lands or outside of them, No Free of Whitewater will be able to claim a Free Woman of Whitewater if they save them, it is your duty as a Citizens to protect your own.
Free Women Laws Whitewater revised
*Free Women:
a) VILLAGE FW/VISITORS: FW may not carry/use weapons about the village or on the lands other than daggers, whips or pins. Free Women in the books used bows to hunt, they are also allowed the same respect here, and certainly no swords. During raids, village FW are not allowed on the wall ~ village women fight here in defense of themselves only with pins, daggers, or whips. FW are required to wear skirts inside the village, or run the risk of collaring. Exposed skin other than faces, necks, and hands will also run the FW a risk of any FM collaring them. Gorean FW were modest ~ dress appropriately!
b) FEMALE RAIDERS: Since Whitewater is a BTB sim, female outlaws, mercs, and pirates are NOT ALLOWED TO RAID/RP in Whitewater.
c) Women are not allowed swords. This includes scimitars. A dagger is realistic and Gorean for a woman. A long bow is not. A woman cannot draw a long bow, but a short bow or a crossbow for a panther/taluna is a different story.
*A female cannot run in high heels, especially over terrain such as ours, with swamps, quicksand, mountains and other rough ground.
*She cannot lift a 200-300 pound man up on a cross or drag with ease across the ground, by herself. Gorean women are supposed to be the equivalent of a 12 year old boy in strength.
1. A Free Woman is expected to behave according to the established laws of Gor. Free Women's dress will be modest and respectful; this means in a GOWN! no exposed shoulders, legs, belly, cleavage, etc. Please avoid see through are pushing the limits and could be questioned.
2. Free Women of Whitewater are to wear a veil if their fc so order. Whitewater is a village which means the obligation to wear a veil isn't that strict.
Rich, vain women of high caste may wear ostentatiously as many as nine or ten veils. . . . The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. In some cities, and among some groups and tribes, it might be mentioned, though this is not common, veils may be for most practical purposes unknown, even among free women. The cities of Gor are numerous and pluralistic. Each has its own history, customs and traditions. On the whole, however, Gorean culture prescribes the veil for free women. Slave Girl of Gor - Page 107
3. The Tavern A Free Woman may enter the Tavern with an Escort, however no action in the tavern will change with her presence there. If the Free Woman is offended She may leave.
4. Free Women are prohibited from engaging in public displays of lewd and lascivious behavior. Violation of this law is punishable by enslavement pending a fair hearing an trial. To flirt with a Free to flirt with a collar. You've been warned.
5. It is illegal to couch with anothers slave. If this law is violated the Free Woman will appear before a Magistrate and face a collar.
6. If a Free Woman kneels before (specifically TO) a Free Man or addresses him as Master, this is sufficient to make her a slave. Her actions are interpreted as a gesture of submission. (Note: Make no mistake, commonly men sit cross-legged and WOMEN KNEEL IN GOR. This is not a submission. A woman must kneel TO a man or kneel to him by command.)
7. A Free Woman who is enslaved while companioned to another, will have their contract null and void.
8. If the alarm is sounded, FW will gather inside the safe room or the tunnels. You will only remain in the open at your own risk. I understand people like to do capture RP. If it seems you are intensionally
trying to get caught, then we will simply not send a rescue raid for you.
Slave Rules of Whitewater
*Slave Rules
You have chosen to play a slave on the planet Gor. Slaves are not subs. They are not princesses to be worshiped. They serve their Master first and ALL Free after. For a sub/bdsm slave it is a gift to give yourself to your Master. On Gor it is your Master's gift of ownership. No one is holding a sword to your head saying you MUST play a slave.
In other words -
If you want to play an insolent slave, play one! There is no law saying you have to be a robot and always perfect - not at all! But if you choose to play your character as a bad slave, you will be held accountable for your actions in role play.
Playing a princess? Expect to be whipped.
Whining about chores? Expect to be chained.
Being disrespectful? Expect to lose the privilege of clothing or even food.
Be unpleasing to the Free long enough? Expect to be killed.
1) If a Free punishes you, take the punishment with grace. If you start out of character dramatics or refuse to take a punishment, you are subject to the same laws of the free - banishment for three days for refusing roleplay.
2) Serve all Gorean free men/free women as if your well being depends on it; after all, it does. BE RESPECTFUL!
3) All free persons have the right to discipline you. If they scar or kill you they will owe your Master compensation. Whether or not compensation should be awarded, and in what amount, will be decided by the Ubar or a city Magistrate if the parties can't agree amicably. You are property. You own nothing. If it pleases a free woman to kick you as she passes or smile at you warmly it is her right. She is free; you are not. If you can't deal with this, you are not a Gorean slave. Leave Gor. We do NOT abide by limits that prohibit anyone from punishing you. This is Gor. You are not a princess.
4) Damage done by a slave's weapon should not exceed 1/2 of the damage done by a free woman’s dagger.
5) If you attack a free person, expect to be KILLED. This includes if your are attacking our village with your Master and your group happens to get caught. All slaves should know the rules.
6) If you are unowned, and we find out about it, you WILL be collared to the village. Do not come to the village and expect to RP as an unowned slave. You will get collared and we won't allow you to TP out of it.
Whitewater Housing rules
Once you become a citizen of Whitewater we offer housing at 100 prims for 200l a week, Only citizens who have applied and been accepted to the Town will be able to rent a house, we ask anything scripted be shut down when not in use.
Issues with your house contact
Reno Beattie
Lady Sara
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