I, (Free Man's Signature, Rank and Home Stone here) Do hereby
attest that my Free Companion named in this contract, (Free Woman's Name here),
shall have the following privileges, rights and powers that are due her status
as my Free Companion in times of Peace:
(List any and all additional privileges, rights and City Powers
not named above here)
Additionally, I, (Free Man's Signature, Rank and Home Stone) do
hereby attest that During times of War, my Free Companion (FW's name here)
Shall/Shall not (The Man must choose one) be granted the title of
"Ubara." If granted the title of "Ubara", she must abide by
my authority at all times. She may not act upon military matters without my
expressed permission; she will not serve as Regent or lead my Armies without
both my written permission and the granting of my Signet Ring into her personal
keeping unless I personally command otherwise. Unless otherwise stated, if I
fall in battle, I name (Man's Name to be listed here) to serve as temporary
Ubar until such time of Peace that an Administrator is Elected by the High
Council. (Scribes Note: This paragraph can be altered according to the Free
Man's wishes.)
Should my Free Companion, (Lady's Name here) act, or attempt to
act against the above Decrees it will be charged as an act of Treason against
her ruler and her Home Stone and therefore be subject to trial and sentencing
for Treason by the Caste of Warriors. Should my Free Companion at any time
attempt or plot to coup, to overthrow my rulership or attempt become a military
Ubara, she will be executed for Treason.
Should this companionship contract be Dissolved, Lady (FW's SN
here) can no longer claim the authorities, privileges and powers granted to her
by me as my Free Companion. Additionally, any children born of this
companionship will not be taken out of my City without my expressed permission.
(Free Man's Signature
Here) (Free Woman's Signature Here)
I, (Scribe's Signature here) , as Witness to the wishes of the
Ubar/Administrator of ________, attest that the Lady entering this Free
Companionship, (Lady's Name here) has been made fully aware of the stipulations
and decrees written above.
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