Friday, May 9, 2014

One Way a Blue Caste Was Organized

Functions of the Chairs
First Chair -- Approves caste membership. Oversees ideas and suggestions on running the Caste. Conducts the Blue Caste meetings bringing all matters to the caste for their review and approval and vote. Forms committees within the Caste as needed.
Second Chair -- Helps in running the Blue Caste, helping the First Chair with keeping the Caste informed on internal matters. Runs the Caste meetings in the absence of the First Chair and First Chair Alternate. Oversees the assignment and duties of scribes doing web links and record keeping.
Third Chair -- Stands on organized committees within the caste assigned by the First Chair, reporting to the First and Second Chairs.

Caste Chairs and Terms

The Caste chairs are elected from nominations from their Caste peers. To qualify for election as a chair, you must have served in the caste for a full mun year. The elections are held and overseen by the current three chairs, plus an additional chosen party for the purpose of counting the votes.

The term of office to be held for two (2) en'vars (6 mun months); if reelected, a person may hold that same Chair for one (1) more consecutive term. However, a person may be reelected to a different Chair and hold it for the same periods. No term will be longer than four (4) en'vars (12 mun months). After an absence of at least two (2) en'vars (6 mun months), a person previously elected may be nominated again.

Other Positions

Caste Judge

A Caste Judge serves on the High Council, though they have no vote. The judge acts as an advisor to the High Council and is available to adjudicate matters that the High Council may refer to them. Should a situation arise with a member of the caste (IC or OOC) that the High Council thinks needs to be referred to the judges, the current sitting judges will meet, consider evidence submitted and decide on appropriate action. A judge may also consider claims or complaints lodged against the High Council or High Council members for failure to discharge their duties, including extended absences that interfere with the ability to carry out the normal duties of a High Council member.

Caste Elder

A Caste Elder is a lifetime appointment. The Caste Elder may be asked by the High Council or the Caste Judges to advise the council or judges in matters, teach classes, mentor scribes or to lead a group or project for the scribes. They can participate in High Council meetings, though they have no vote unless they are currently holding office.

The Caste Scribe

Appointed by the First Chair.

Duties include but not limited to:

Caste Council correspondence within the caste.

Keep an accurate mailing string and roster

Caste meeting minutes and logs

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