Friday, May 9, 2014

Contract for Guardianship of a Free Woman



I, ________________, Free Woman ___________ of __________, avow that I am above the age of legal Gorean majority and that I have no other guardian or family that should rightfully hold this title. I hereby select _______________ of _________, to be guardian of my property and my person. I agree to seek his permission to travel outside the city and will abide by his counsel in the matter of the sale or purchase of any major properties that I now own or will own in future. He will have the authority to approve or deny any contract of companionship proposed for me and will be the one to accept or waive a companion price as he sees fit. He will have approval of the guards that protect me. I understand he will remain my guardian until a contract of companionship is signed, until he feels his services as guardian are not longer required, or until he and I both agree to dissolve this guardianship contract.

I, ________________, do solemnly affirm that I will well and truly perform the duties listed as a guardian of the free woman named above, and faithfully account to my ward for her estate. I will make decisions for her with her best interests in mind.

Signature of Free Woman


Signature of Guardian


Signature of Witness


Signature of Witness


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