Friday, May 9, 2014

Blue Caste Application

Application Process

1) Secure a mentor that is in good standing with RBCSGor. If you do not already know one, let the chairs of the caste know and a suitable assignment will be made. Joleana SeVaris, Echo Jennings, Storm Ost xvx, and LadyCaraDeShea have agreed to mentor new scribes at this time. (You must be a role-player on AOL Gor to be a member of the RBCS caste.)

2) Mentor Responsibilities: The mentor will review all documents before submitting them to the caste on your behalf. The mentor will also participate in the logs that will be submitted as well. Finally, the mentor will recommend your acceptance in the caste.

3) Complete this application and submit it to the chairs of the caste. At that time, you are considered an“Applicant” to the RBCSGor and may so note that in your profile. Make sure that your mentor is listed on the application. This will be the only document that you submit directly to the caste chairs. Everything else you submit will go to your mentor and your mentor will submit it to the caste chairs on your behalf.

4) Send the required submissions to your mentor. Once items #1 & #2 have been submitted, you are considered an“Apprentice” to the RBCSGor and may so note that in your profile. Someone may remain an apprentice for an indefinite amount of time while all requirements are being met and they are actively working with their mentor for acceptance in the caste. Should the mentor decide that you are no longer attempting to submit appropriate documents or are taking too long in the process, they can notify the caste chairs and you will have to begin the process again when you have more time to devote to completing the process.

5) After all submissions to the caste are completed, the mentor will review the progress of the Apprentice and, when s/he feels the applicant is ready, the mentor will write a letter of recommendation to the caste chairs asking for acceptance of the Apprentice into the caste.

6) The chairs will make a final decision and notify the mentor and Apprentice of the acceptance or denial in a timely manner. In the case of a denial, specific suggestions will be made for the Apprentice to correct the items and under what circumstances they should re-apply for acceptance.

7) If you have any questions, comments or concerns during the application process, please contact your mentor and/or the caste chairs for assistance or clarification.

OOC Note: This application requires IC and OOC information. In an effort to improve the quality of roleplay for scribes on AOL Gor and to create a resourceful network for scribes to count on for questions and assistance that can enhance the roleplay, the requirements for admittance into the caste have become more stringent. It is our hope as well that this may foster more collaboration and involvement within the caste itself. Please know that we welcome anyone into the caste that is willing and able to enhance the roleplay. It is not our intent to keep anyone out and the chairs of the caste will gladly work with anyone who truly has an interest in fulfilling the requirements and joining the caste. Should you have difficulty finding a mentor, please contact the chairs of the caste and they will try to find an experienced scribe char to assist you. Thank you!

(Copy and paste the application below and put it in an email with your answers, then send it to the Caste Council and Caste Scribe.)

Character Information

Character Name:

Screen Name (lower case):

Home Stone:

House Affiliation:


Mentor from RBCSGor:

*Please copy and paste the informational portions of your role-play profile here*

General Gorean Knowledge

1) How can someone change from one caste to another?

2) What are the Priest Kings and what is their role in Gorean society?

3) What is Second Knowledge and who has it? Cite at least one piece of information considered Second Knowledge in your answer.

4) What are the five high castes, the colors most commonly associated with each of the five and their correct order?

5) What is the difference between the high and low castes in general?

6) What is a Home Stone and what is the significance of it to Gorean society?

Specific Knowledge of a Scribe

1) What is a Scribe (in regards to his/her role in Gorean society)?

2) What are some of the sub-castes of the Blue Caste?

3) What purpose do the faires serve for the scribe? What activities might they do at one?

4) People of Earth write each line left to right. How do Goreans write?

5) List at least three implements used by scribes in their work.

OOC Inquiries

1) The concept of Gor is an adult theme and all muns of scribe characters must be 18 years old or older to be considered for acceptance into the Caste. Do you confirm your mun is 18 years or older?

2) Have you read any of the Gor Books and if yes.. how many?

Submissions for the Caste

Note: All submissions for your application to the caste must be sent to your mentor first. Your mentor will then review the submission and may work with you for corrections or enhancements. Once your mentor is satisfied with the quality of the submission, S/he will submit it to the caste chairs.

1) Please submit an example of your written or graphic work. (Examples may include: websites, rosters, keeping of records, maps and writings)

2) Attach a contract or legal city document that you prepared.

3) Log at least one meeting with your mentor into the caste demonstrating a discussion about knowledge needed for a scribe – especially in your chosen sub-caste specialty.

4) Log at least one ceremony where you are presiding over the event. (Examples may include: joining ceremonies, treaty/alliance signings, Home Stone ceremonies, etc.)

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